wmmmmm^m ^rut* THE LAKE SHORE v^WS. FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1«1_ ltis with which !• •"»"â- «*. LOCAL WWI tttt I SHORE rami - - M ^ate Uniomity BACH FRIDAY OP t^KIC IHOBE PUiLWHWO COMPANY 1122 Csntral Av*. WOâ€"tf. PL 1 communications "^L-iJ* -=# current issue. ' R«,aolutlons of condolence, cards of tlJ^U "bUnai-jr poctry._ notice, of Great Carnival Weak to Ex- Entered at the PO»«ome«#**SlS)SSl Illinois, as mall matter of thesecond class, under the act of March 3, I87». FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921 Spring Exercise Ex-Grads Here Interested An entire Week of celebration ^at which a Mardi Gras carmvaVbarbe- cue, pageant; snake dance, Stadium girl contest, parade and mass meet- in? will feature is being planned tor the campus stadium drive the last week of April at the University of Illinois. Definite dates for these events have not yet beeu set, but preparations are Being maae ior u«=ui • I illy • One day will be given over to a big parade at which every organized house or unit will be privileged to have afloat. These are to represent Stadium ideas and express stadium slogans. - â- To Award Prizes Silver loving cups will be presented to the house having the best float in the opinion of the committee of judges. The R. O. T. C. brigade will also take part in the parade as well as the University bands. The Mardi Gras will probably be - t« „^m linir this particular need to tW i* «i«re£ vSLS in St vicinity. Ilunois^S hA 22 3n £S» residing on the north sho£3 GAIRINa FINE ARTS suitable for framing prints we now n« (camed. Frames retinished._ ssssssss i' ^mrtrv will be enlisted in tnw maw-1-J2» j, |n {his vicinity. Illinois m ;BAlc Uwillbe given out doors, pos Sl1rf^ on Illinois Field, or n> the^or chards belonging *? *h« ^J^* °I Agriculture. It will include stunt ihoWof various kinds, pageants booths for selling stadium souvenirs anTheniSrbecue will be held on Illi- nois field and may »«*lude t^/'£*" man cap burning. â- Mass meetings will be held all during the week, at which speakers will explain all the points regarding the stadium. Plan Enlistment Day One day of the week will be enlist ment day. . .*. The Carnival' week and a subse- | qucnt Fund campaign is to be in the interest of the proposed erection of a huge athletic stadium at the state university. Alumni throughout the In Our "Basement Special Values are Offered Not even with the extension of golfing facilities through the commu- nity golf links is that pastime avail- able to everybody. It requires a cer- tain amount of leisure and * certain financial independence to be a golf enthusiast. But there is no reason on this account for any able-bodied citi- zen to fail in securing for himself the very bestâ€"of-exerciscâ€" There are opportunities for health- fnl exercise held in other instruments than golf clubs, and none is better Contrived to give the muscles just the right work than the ordinary garden rake. Nearly every household pos- sesses one of these implements and those who do not may easily procure one at a very moderate expense. Not everybody has a garden in which to wield the rake, b0 there is plenty of work for those who have no private plot in which to delve in those open places in the city where the debris of the winter has been al- loweU to collect and, unless exper- jence has something new in store for us, will be permitted to stay. A com- munity raking party would do more to beautify than any other civic act- ivity and no campaign; for funds would be necessary to start it going. The body needs exercise at this time of the year. The lawns and Majestic Underground Garba^ewcccivcr Suituj g«rb.ge <fap^-^ underground â€" U an uhu, Wuhan with the Majssne Underground Garbage Receiver. Doge cant upset it as they do the ordinary unsightly garbage can. Flies and vermin can not get to it. It Is sanitary and odor-proof. parkways and vacant lots need the spending of a good deal oi exercise upon them. The garden rake fur- nishes the necessary implement. The desire to use it is "the only lacking element in a movement to set the community in a properly tidy condij tibtii and to^nt~the citizens in that A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER b SaniUry Convenient Odor Proof Fly Proof Dog Proof , __ --------------------and Saves Money condition of health that will destroy the spring trade in tonics. LET US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Both fcght and dark percales, with neat de- signs, have been used to make these. There are a number of different styles. Some have V necks with rever collars; others have square necks, open on the side, and are piped with tape. And still others have round necks and slip ovef^th^ headâ€"but, irrespective of style, every one is a 1,75 value. IVAN HOE LATEST GOLF PROJECT, ORGANIZING One Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land Near Area. III., Leased for Moderate Means Golfers What is considered will he the most democratic golf dub in the vicinity of Chicago, a club within the reach of the person of moderate means, has been established "at Area. 111., under the name Ivanhoe Country club. The club is now in course of organiza- tion. -±_rr~rz: ". Plans for successfully financing this timely project were formulated only a few weel^s ago and at a more recent meeting the organizers com- pleted negotiations whereby the club "secured a long-term lease on proper- ty comprising several buildings, said to be large enough to adequately Jtiouse 300 membej-s^ and' 160 acres of natural golf, land with an optwn purchase.â€" . Ivanhoe is destined, according to the organizers", to become one of the greatest rfuhs of the present day. Membership fees and annual dues are said to he within the reach of al- most everyone, and the average golfer is offered the opportunity to per- petuate some oi ht* roost cherished idiosyncracies. Among Ivanhoes Other "tMwhUItle? are listed roque.'bathing and a bridle path. i |------~j" ..... .. -^^*â€" -., The fic&tâ€"call for reseryationsi^l â- Brassieres IUIIIUUUIIIIIIUUIUI1IIIIIUUUIUIIIIII Our basement offers real bargains in these bandeaus. There are flesh and white ones made ,of marquisette, treco, poplin and figured fabrics, in qualities which have sold for 85c and 1.00. Both stylesâ€"the front and back clos- ing modelsâ€"are here in all sizes. Silk Poplin Skirts imiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiinmiiiuiiiiiiiMii......iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2.50 special purchase enabled us to procure the National Convention of the Am- erican l.esrion in Kansas City. Ma, next faiK-rcrrrce^r^ngtn-Lcw^s-IV^tttt^ Post X".. .54. oT Anthony. Kan. :An«f the request is for preservation for everv member of the post. Anthony boasts a membership of ulnej^seven petL.cent of jhc eligible men in the cominumty. even reaching across the fine and drawing a number of Ok- tolwoians rmef ir^fotdL Lingerie Waists 98c. This is a group of slightly soiled blouses which represent values to; 2.50. To move them quickly we have reduced them to only a frac* tion of their worth. There is a variety of models-in all sizest=^==| these to sell at this low jirlce^-â€"Xhey^are^rna4e of a nice quality of poplin, are gathered to a yolceT^ancnHave fancy pockets. The colors are black, navy, plum, gray, taupe and copen. Waist measure 26 to 28. * ::'~~- ^~