THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRDAY, APRIL 1, lS8l Kenilworth Happenings HP HE marriage of Miss Margaret * Fitch, daughter of Mn and Mrs. William Brewster Fitch, to Mr. Wil- liam Wood McCarthy, soirOf Mr; and Mrs. John McCarthy of Evanston, will be solemnized tomorrow evening at eight-thirty o'clodr in the Con- gregational church at Winnetka. Mrs. Courtnay Aten of New York wili tie matron of honor. Miss Lucy _ McCarthy, a-s4*ter=of=the bridegroom, will be maid of honor. Mrs. Reed Landis. formerly Miss Marion Keehn, and Mrs. Samuel Loomis Hypes, who was Miss Charlotte Parmelee, and whose wedding was an event of Sat- urday, March 12. will be bridesmaids. Little George Woodland, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland Of Kenil- worth, will be ring bearer. Miss Mary Louise Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoyt of Winnetka, is to be flower girl. Mr. Walter Bus- well will serve as best man for the bridegroom. The ushers will be Mr. Guy Os- born, Mr. Lorenz Devitt, Mr. William -Valentine, Mr. Stanley Adams and Mr. Cornelius Recce. ___ A reception will follow the cere- mony at the Indian Hill Country club. *. ... ___Mr^-McCartby and his bride wilf live at 904 Elmwood avenue, Evan- ston, after June 1. Kenilworth club will again dellghTlne members with two short plays on April 9, at the Assembly hall. Kenil- worthâ€"isâ€"famousâ€"forâ€"itsâ€"amateur actors, and the plays have been so successfuLduring the past ten years, that the one big event ^>ir the social calendar is the evening given over to dramatics. The cast for the first play is composed of Mr. Percy B. Eckhart. Mrs. Mark Cresap and Miss Isabel Lovedale; for the second play, Mr. P. B. Eckhart, Mr. Robert Dyer, Mr. Ogden Cook, Mr. Roy C. Jarret, Mr. Clite J/ Taylor, Mrs. Claude Burn- ham and Miss Florence Pease. Miss Pease is a professional enter- tainer for the Redpath Lyceum Bureau, and the village is very for- tunate indeed, in obtaining her ser- vices as the lead in this playlet. A number of delightful pre-nuptial affairs have been given this week in honor of Miss Margaret Fitch. On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Carthy entertained with a buffet supper for members of the bridal party; on Thursday, Mrs. George Keehn and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee gave a noon breakfast at the Parmelee home; followed by a kitchen shower in the afternoon by Mrs. Ira Calef ADP Knilworth Notes Among those returning to school this week, after the Easter holidays, are the Misses Emijy Foresman, <F.Uzabeth Meyer, Cornelia Keith, Helen Cresap, Charlotte Eckhart, Hleanor Eckhart. and Messrs. Alan Bulley, John Keith and Eugene Eng- lar. Mrs. George Shipman left on, Tues- day for Liricdln.NebraskaTTbra visit of four or five weeks. Lincoln is Mrs. Shopman's birthplace, and since a period of fifteen years has elapsed since her last visit, no doubt she will be kept busy rencwing,.old acquaint- ances. irrTTmFMrsrWalter F. Shatt uck entertained for their daughter, Miss Miriam Shattttck with a dinner party, preceding the smoker given by the Kenilworth club last Saturday even- ing. Mrs* Leon T, Ellis who has been convalescing at the hpme of her par- ents, returned to her apartment in Evanston on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm are spending the Easter vacation in New York city with their daughter, Patty, who attends the Bradford academy. Cadet Victor Schulze has returned home from Shattuck Military school for the spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen left for California last week for a month's visit. Mr. and Mra Chattel Mflflf1i«_*gj> leaving Florida on April 6, to return home. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hart of Ab- The Dramatic committee . ofithe bottsford road,'have returned from a two months' sojourn in Florida. The Afternoon Bridge club met with. Mrs. W. Noble Gillet on Tues- day afternoon. The Sewing club met^ at the home of Mrs. TM WheeleT~in Evanston on Thursday. Mrs. George^VaiTDyke, formerly of Wilmette, wili return to her home in Indianapolis, Ind., this week-end, after spending the week with various of her friends in the village. : Mr. Frank Flanner and his small son, Edward Fatch Flanner, are re- turning to Blackwell. Wis., today, af- ter spending the week with-Mr,--and- Mrs. Edward P. Fatch, 611 Washing- ton avenue. Mrs, James D. Swan will be hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs next ,week at her home, 932 Lake avenue.â€"- Dr. Jessie G. Forrester of Ocean Park, Cal.. is the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Frederick F. Cain of 1229 Scott' avenue, Hubbard Woods. Miss Helen Kiting of Milwaukee has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Watkins; 1322 Greenwood avenue; Mrs. A. L. Rice, of 518 Central ave- nue, has as her guest, during „ the Easter vacation, her sister, Miss Jessie L. Cook of Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Pattillo of 620 Forest avenue, have returned from a two week's trip in New York and Washington, D. C. A special meeting of the Wilmette Woman's club has been called for Wednesday, April 6, at two-thirty o'clock, by the president, Mrs. John Clarj^jlaker.____ Mrs. Will C. Braun, 807 Central ave- nue, returned Tuesday evening from an extended visit with friends in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Manuka club was entertained at the home of Mrs. John Kieft, 1221 Forest avenue, on Thursday after- Social Rappcttings Darling, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Fitch will give the bridal dinner this evening at their home. There will brr charhy^ bridgr par^ tynon Tuesday, April 5, at Z o'clock, at the Winnetka Woman's club for the benefit of the Park Ridge School for Girls, Chicago Woman's club cottage. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Stanley Clague, 849 Willow street, Winnetka. ------Mr^antl-MrsrD. K. DickensohTwho HA Y N E S FIFTY 18 HERE JANS-LAMKE MOTOR CO. .1.0184017 Davla St. 'â- â- -.-, Phones: Evanston 4250â€"6020 (Bee Haynes Message on Page 2) (fimmitd GulBHANm) layer-piano Hear this Player Before You Buy Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St. Phone Evanston 654 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Ir^LTWOOLSEY Landscape gardener and florist. Trees and schrubs, per- cnials, grading and general jobbing. Garden workers by day, week or hour. PHONE WINNETKA 88S TTTss^Trginia Lilienfield, 816 Mich igan avenue, who has been attending Sargent, for the past two years and a half, hat returned home to finish her course this spring at the Chicago Normal School of Physical Education and Expression. Mr. and Mrs. William Olwin and son, Brandt, and Miss Marion Felt- man of Peoria, 111., and Mr. and Mra Lee Yuncker of Indianapolis, Ind., are among the house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Olwin, ©20 Lake avenue, this week-end. Mrs. Foster Branson entertained at luncheon yesterday at her home, 817 Central avenue, in honor of Miss Jessie-Gain,: whose marriage to Mr. Addison Burbank will take place the latter part of April. noon. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. O. C. East- man, 1014 Lake avenue. Mrs. William Maynard of 731 Cen- tral avenue is visiting with friends in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. John Stevens, 730 Central ave- nue/ is spending a fortnight with friends in Milwaukee, Wit. Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, will return tomorrow from an extended visit in Boston. â- " Miss Margaret Miller,, 1128 Green- leaf avenue, is spending a two weeks' Easter vacation in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McCallum of 1225 Hill street have adopted a seven weeks' old ton. i haveybeen spending Florida, came to Wilmette this last week, to close their home at 511 Washington avenue, permanently. They are returning soon to their winter home. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Hinckley of the Beach View hotel, Rogers Park, have invited the members of the "H. and W." club to meet with them on Tues- day evening of next week, Mr. and Mrs. Kerry^C. Meagher have reopened their home at 716 Cen- tral avenue, after spending a few weeks at the- Evanston hotels-follow- ing their return from a trip to Cuba. Mr. Charles aaj^ej^S^/Washinjg- ^tcm-^rveTme.^h^s^bliento Pasadena, Cal., to jojin Mrs. Clarke, who has been visiting there for several weeks. They expect to return home within a fortnight or so. Mrs. Samuel Cohen, and her Ismail daughter, Ruth, 1231 Forest avenue, will spend the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gordon in Whiting, Ind. - rs. C. H. Klemm entertained at a family dinner on Easter Sunday at her home, 420 Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Clute of 735 Ninth street, are spending sever- al months in Pasadena, Cal. Sanford Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, is ill at his home, 526 Washington avenue, with scarlet fever. Mrs. Lee^SIckle of Bloomington, IH., is the guest of Mrs. Jack-FrankeL 707 Linden avenue. Philip Taylor, 849 Michigan avenue, has returned from Grinnell College. la., to spend the Easter vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Geisse have recently moved in the Koll home at 1412 Elmwood avenue. SPRING DANCE GIVEN BY THE BULLA BULLA CLUB_ Thursday Night, April 7th JONES' HALL, WILMETTE Music by Kippy Orchestra IT IS HERE HAYNES 50 JANS-LAMKE MOTOR CO. 1013-1017 Davit St. Phones: Evanston 4250â€"6020 (See Haynes Message on Page 2) GAIRING FINE ARTS 25%_Discount on All Prints, Framed Pictures and Mirrors During the Month of April. Complete line of new mouldings in Roman Gold and Polychrome, suitable for framing prints we now have on sale. Pictures framed. Frames refimshed. â€" Alt work carefully executed in our own shop. 1613 Orrington Avenue Phone 770 EVANSTON, ILL. SCHAEFER wants you to call him for ENTURY MAGAZINE HRISTIAN HERALD OLLIER'S 'TOKTOV GENTLE WILMETTE 9S9-W CAMP MISHAWAKA 3JStgg A SUMMER CAMP FOR BOYS IN THETWIEDS OF MINNESOTA jeautitul surroundings. Trips by land and lakes. Two months of systematic physical training A trainer for, every six boys. Tutoring for those who need it. Catalogues or full information on request.â€"-â€" mz*z:m s- B« GROVES "SHBfcT Bread and Hyacinths TWO WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES MRS. BESS GEARHART MORRISON First:â€"To hear Mrs. Bess Gearhatt Morrison, well known Chautauqua reader and entertainer, who will ap- pear at the Wilmette Woman's Club Wednesday Evening, Apr. 6th at 8:00 o'clock. Secondâ€"Tp hear of the plans and de- tails of the Co-operative Society of Amer- ica. You will hear of its growth, its won- derful achievements in the past two years, hartt^wittrffiean to evefyTesident of Wiimette^ ^?e=So=©perativeSoeietyâ€"of America has 156 stores open and in opera- tion, 2 in Evanston, 1 in Glencoe, 1 in High- land Park, 1 in Lake Forest, 2 in Wauke- gan and 1 in Libertyville. 40 more stores are under lease and will be opened soon. kk The Society already has 100 members in Wilmette and more than 90,000 in Illi- nois. Its assets are over $8,000,000, and it has no indebtedness. Men of nott will tell you in a few words what the Society has done and what it plans to do in the next two years. You will learn how you can cut the H. C. h^by eliminating the profiteer and the middle man. You share in the profits. GOOD MUSIC FREE TO ALL ^PLENTY OF SEATS=^ Wilmette Woman's Club Wednesday Evening, Apr. 6th &t. 8:00Lo'cle£k*=-â€"__55â€"â€" F.P. WHLLLKR, District Manager Co-operative Society of America is not connected in any way with any other co-operative organization. miu,««Mtmmnsam