Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 1| 1921 Jbcial Happenind/* -J wilmette ^KemlvJortKl by Rufk Rijley *-, a |R. and Mrs. William Brewster Fitch of Kenihvorth have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Fitch, to Mr. William Wood McCarthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy, 526 Greenwood mlevard, Evanston, Saturday evening, April 2. The ceremony will take place in the Congregational church at Winnetka. Mrs. Courtenay Aten of New York will be matron of honor, [iss Lucy McCarthy, a sister of the bridegroom, will be maid of lonor. Mrs. Reed Landis, formerly Miss Marion Keehn, and Mrs. >amuel Loomis Hypes, who was Miss Charlotte Parmelee, and whose iredding was an event of Saturday, March 12, will be bridesmaids. ,ittle George Woodland, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland of [enilworth, will be ring bearer. Miss Mary Louise Hoyt, daughter >f Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoyt of Winnetka, is to be flower girl. T Walter Buswell will serve as 1>est man for the bridegroom. The ushers will be Mr. Guy Osborn, Mr. Lorenz Devitt. Mr. [William Valentine, Mr. Stanley Adams and Mr. Cornelius~Reece7~ A reception will follow-the ceremony at the Indian Hill Country [club. Mr. McCarthy and his bride will live at 904 Elmwood avenue, [Evanston, after June 1. -----------♦â€"--------- Invitations were issued early this week for the marriage of Miss Virginia Olwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brandt Olwin. to John Rutherford Nicholson of Chicago, to take place on Saturdav evening, April 2, at the Congregational church. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will read the service at eight-thirty o'clock. , . * Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm will attend Miss Olwin as maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Dafter of Evans- ton, Miss Margaret Coufferanil Miss Frances^utler of Wilmette and Miss Laura Wilson of EattrOrange, N. jTTtfr.Xoe Adams will attend the bridegroom as best man, and the ushers will include Mr. Charles Brown and Dr. Vincent O'Connor of Chicago, Mr. Roger Chapin of Springfield, 111., and Mr. Willis Perkins of Detroit, Mich. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olwin, 820 Lake avenue. Miss Jean Richardson will closefhâ„¢e first term of the dancing classes she has been conducting it the Woman's club on Saturday afternoons with at- tractive informal parties on Satur- day of this week. The first class, meeting at two o'clock in the after- noon, has been invited %p attend an apron and over-all party; members of the second class, which convenes at half past three o'clock, will come en masque. The affair for the third class, composed of seventh and eighth Numerous guests are beginning to arrive to attend various of the gay festivities preceding the wedding of Miss Lorraine McCue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 JWashingtpn avenue, and Mr__John lumner Crossley cf Homesdale. Pa. This week Mr* Frederick Arm- strong and her small daughter of Du- luth, Minn., and Miss Mary Cross- ley, of Homesdale. sister o*' the bride- groom-to-be, arrived to spend the coming ten days at the McCue home. Next week Tuesday a group of class mates of Miss McCue s at National Park seminary will come to attend the houseparty and reunion, among them Miss Lillian Simpson of Nor- folk, Va., Miss Felicia^ Urner of Bal- timore, Mr., Miss Margaret Elle Northland of Tin ion City, Ind., Miss Julia Kries of Northampton, Mass., and Miss Mary Frances Schcdell of Red Oaks, la. Two attractive parties were given last week in honor of Miss McCue, a kitchen shower by Mrs. Hoyt King at her home, 711 Forest avenue, and a matinee party given by Mrs. Harry Gardner. Today Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor is en tertaining at her home, 835 Central avenue, and next week a number of large affairs are to be given for Miss McCue and her house guests. On Wednesday Mrs. James G. Wray, 618 Washington avenue, will entertain at luncheon at the Uni- versity club, followed by a matinee party, given-by Mrs. Charles McCue. That same-evening Dr. and MrsrFrLr Hinckley will give a dancing party at the Beach View hotel, Rogers Park, in honor of their niece. On Friday a luncheon will be given at Field's by Mrs. Inez Hurst, and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. McCue will give the bridal dinner at the Edge- water Beach hotel.â€"-,-------- Saturday noon Mrs. Roger Bronson is entertaining at luncheon at her home in Rogers Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Crossley will en- tertain the bridal party and guests at dinner preceding the wedding, which will be solemnized ;Qt ;,eight-thirty o'clock, Other* out-of-town guests to arrive the latter part pi next week include -Mrs^JFrank Townsend of Springfield, III., Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sheldon of Muskegon, Mich., Mr. Clarence Cal- loway of Homesdale, Pa., Mrs. Mary" Comstock, an aunt of the groom, and Miss Eunice Sutherland of Peoria, 4ft------- Mrs. Carl R. Latham of Evanston gave a luncheon on Wednesday of this week fpr the officers and direc- tors of the Arden Shore association of which she is president. Plans were discussed for the coming spring drive for funds for the maintenance of the camp at Lake Bluff. Now that the Camp is open all the year around, for mothers and children in the summer, and for undernourished boys in the winter, the expenses are exceedingly heavy. It is hoped to raise a large sum this spring, so that many of these poor people from the congested districts of^Chicacro may be benefited by*The fresh air and wholesome life at Arden Shore, The following are the officers and directors of the association: Honorary president, Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor Adams. President, Mrs. Carl R. Latham. Vice president, Mrs. Robert B. Greg- ory. Vice president, Mrs. Grant Ridg- way. Recording secretary. Miss Gladys Spry. Corresponding secretary, Miss Elizabeth Thome. been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Paul Lobanoff, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, will leave on Tues day of next week for San Francisco, where she will tour that country with her company in vaudeville. Miss Schiller Opera company, but in recent years has written and staged own acts. Before her return to states, Miss McKenzie is planning visit Africa and return by way of [London. * Treasurer, Mrs. E. D. Parmelee. Town chairmen: Evanston, Mrs. John C. Slade; Wilmette, Mrs. Joseph J. Siddall; Kenilworth, Mrs. Mark Cresap; Winnetka, Mrs. John Mont- gomery; Glencoe. Mrs. John H. Bull- en; Ravinia, Mrs. Harry A. Sellery; Highland Park, Mrs. H. L. Glidden ; Lal« Forest, Mrs.^William E. Cassel- Irerryf-Lakeâ€"Bluff, Mrs. Otto Kreutz- berg. Directors, Mesdames William E. Clow, Bruce MacLeish, Philip S. Post, George B. Dryden, John W. Scott, Charles H. Thorne and Miss Edith Boynton. Members of the Wilmette com- mittee, of which Mrs. J. J. Siddall is chairman, include Mrs. F. L. Tolman, treasurer, and Mesdames C. A. Lunde-- berg, A. W. Boylston, PjSrcy H. Arden, M. W. West, H. J. Smith, L. S. Becker, C. S. Clarke, L. F. Gates, A. H. Howard, W. W. Kerr, E: L. Heinsheimer, D. J. Davis, J. N. Mac- alister, J. T. Ling. B. C. Harden- brook and Miss Edna Lewis. â€"#â€" It is evident that despite the early thunderstorms, the residents of Ev- anston and the north shore are ready to patronize the newly opened Well- esley Wayside Jnn, as several special luncheon parties reserve space daily for the popular plate luncheon. The cozy, cheery room is a great temp- tation-for- afternoon tea, to which grade pupils, has been postponed un til the evening of Mondayv March 28, at seven o'clock, and this is to be held at Brown's hall, instead of at the Woman's club, and will take the form of an informal dance. Miss Richardson is planning to open her new term Saturday, April 2. â-  - â€"♦â€" The committee on the garden party to be given by the Star club on Sat- urday evening, March 19, at Jones' hall, reports that the tickets are sell ing rapidly and from all indications there will be a large attendance. There will be cards, dancing and re- freshments and a good time for all is assured. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. William R. Crawford of Laurel avenue havcf returned from a six week's trip in the south. They :nt a month at Hot-Springs; Ark., and also visited at various places in Texas, including, the North Texas oil fields, Miss Dorothy Rose will^eiitertain twelve of her friends at a St. Patrick's luncheon tomorrow at her home, 753 Twelfth street. The table and home decorations were artistic ally carried out /in attractive symbols of St. Patrick's Day. - â€"♦â€" .1 Mrs. Warren Winn and small son, Bobbie, of Detroit, Mich., are guests _aLlhe_home of Mr. and Mrs. James S Winn in Evanston. Mrs. Winn was formerly Miss MartKaXusted, daughv ter of Mr. ami. Mrs. Warren Lusted. â€"•â€" Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscarâ€"W. Schmidt of 827 Elmwood avenue, was elected treasurer of the Young Wom- an's Christian association at the University of Illinois, last week. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer and daughter, Dorothy of Logansport, Ind., but formerly of Wilmette, have been visiting friends and relatives in Wilmette and Winnetka tfiis past week. W The Gift Shop at the Wellesley Wayside Inn is daily growing in pop- ularity. Not only is there a wide choice of articles on display, but or- ders for special work are taken and promptly filled. Mr. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, has returned *rom an extended 'southern trjip. Mrs. _Scheidenhelm went on to Boston, for a visit with her daughter, Joy, and will return^pn Saturday of next week. â€"*â€" The Travel club will meet with Mrs. Henriette Pamishka, 1041 Forest ave- nue, on Tuesday, March 22. Mrs. Panushka will read a paper on "The Land^^f The ;Shamjrock7'" McAllister Store â-  II111 â-  »l 11M.....1 It 111........111II t.....11 ttt iriMI 111111IIIIIIM11111II11 tl III11 lit 11: Jill M t tl 111IIIIII11(1111)1 II Itlltl Mill If II It llllllllll 11II11IIII1 rilllltlMlttltMlt Leatherette Shopping Bags Strong and^dttFable, madr4r< heavy waterproof .leatherette, in black, tan or gray, on sale at Fiber Silk Hose Good grade fiber silk hose, in black only, sizes ?, 9 1-2 and 10, specially priced at . . . . 3 Pair for $1.00 H 35c New Verlaine Voiles Handsome patterns in navy, copen, gray, etc. Per yanU&Qc __Wayn© Knit "Poney" Hose A full-fashioned medium weight lisle hose for boys or girls. Black, brown and white, formerly sold at 65c to y| g*^ 75c, now]"priced, while they last at .... . TPM.C The McAllister Store 1148 Central Avenue, WILMETTE, ILL. FACTS A3QUT THE FRANKLIN DO YOU KNOWâ€" That there are only three grease cups on a FRANKLIN Car? That it is almost impossible to make a FRANKLIN Car skid? ^ " v GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Avenue, Evanston Phone Evanston 5700 #»â- â- â-  ! VIOLINISTE Announces the Class in Wilmette Greenleaf Delicatessen Home-made Bread and Rolls Our Specialty.- * -â€"â€"râ€"â€" ' â- ' â- '•'(- Home-made Cakes and Salads. Some- thing different and good everyday. 1133 Greenleaf Avenue Telephone 2433 I Weekdays, 7:30 to 9. HOURS: ! Sunday, 7:30 to 11. 3 to 9. yyyyy/^^/-/////-.'/y'/'yy////////t/y//////y////////y//////////////y/////////,/////////////////////////j Here Are A Few Genuine Values In Placer Pianos. «â- * Chickering & Sons Auto-Deluxe fCnabe-Angelus Cable Inner-Player A dam Schaaf Player iese pianos have been taken in exchange on the AM PICO REPRODUCING PIANO in the CHICKERING. They are in perfect mechanical condition; the cases have been refinished and cannot be told from new pianos. PHONE WILMETTE 581 Miss Bcatricc-McKenzte, who -forcr Florence's famous crisp waffles ami the "Wellesley Special Sundae" add popularity*. -----»â€" ____ Horn of Rollizan," a play [ontgomcry Major Wilmette, will be presented by pupils of the New Trier high school this e'v ie^atJ&ne" time appeared withlning at the Wilmetter^Weg* ... â-  **. ____ â-  eriik • _____I__i iL._______I_____r ^L- r under the auspices of the Child Home department. An invitation is extended to all members of the club anad non-member«-^wili-b€ admitted upon payment of a small admission fee.

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