THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1921 )D TIMES AHEAD FOR 1921 BUSINESS Say. "Good Tim«w Ar del* by AtartUfaff Cfabt A Message from the Associated Ad- tising Clubs of the World. PROSPERITY is within oor retch in America. â€"___Jp:â€" .' . TT.r All we need to have and to hold it is a sane, sure grasp on its simple elements. . They are Industry, Integrity, and Faith. .. . . i These are the cardinal virtues of human relations. They are the un- derpinning of healthy, natural busi- ness life and the foundation of a wholesome social system. They are the fountain-head from which Progress springs. A well known business economist has called them the "Fundamentals of Prosper- ity " Your purchases are an expression of Faith. They are evidence of your Industry. Make them confidently from business institutions of Integ- rity. , __ Buying is the backbone of pros- perity. An active market means more employment, steadier earnings; bene- __fits are passed around. Wise spending gives stability to earning and for that reason is far- -sighted thrift and sound-economy. The calf of today is for cheerful thinking, willing and constructive ac- tion by youâ€"everybodyâ€"NOW. Tomorrow's change for the better will come about through the com- bined efforts of each and every one of us. . . .. By sheer force of numbers and co- operation, by the high power of heart and mind, we can put Business on a firm, stable basis. Public Library News and Reviews ^Y-THE LIBRARIAN^ More new books at your Public library: Parrishâ€"Mystery of the silver dagger. â- . Bogartâ€"Economic history of the V. S. -Brooksâ€"Pippins and cheese.' Haddockâ€"Power of will. Haggardâ€"She and Allen. Hamsunâ€"Growth of the soil. Jordanâ€"Next Corner. Langtonâ€"How to know oriental rugs. â€"------' â- . . ' • Kimerlyâ€"How to know period fur- niture. Lockeâ€"Mountebank. McFee â€" Captain Macedoifte's daughter. Porterâ€"Mary Marie. Singmasterâ€"Ellin Levis. Oppenheimâ€"Jacob's ladder. Ruckâ€"Sweet stranger. Whartonâ€"Age of innocence. Kiplingâ€"Complete verse. Ferberâ€"$1200 a year. Fieldâ€"Finger posts *to children's reading. Huntâ€"What shall we read to the children. Lorentzâ€"Einstein theory. Fosterâ€"Auction bridge made easy. Andersonâ€"Poor white. Social Bappe»i«g$ J\ye^ari-dQ-this-because^ag^of^tte == material factors making for. better\ Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Kang and fam business are right. Let us link our faith with industry, our vision with courage, and forge ahead. - Let's make an uncommon effort to- ward a common endâ€"Good Times. Miss Elizabeth Simmons of 1040 Ashland avenue, will arrive home this week for the Easter vacation, from Northampton. Mass1;, where she has been attending school this past year. ily of 711 Forest avenue, are leaving today for a ten days' sojourn at French Lick Springs. Ind. Mrs. John S. Stevens. 730 Central avenue, will return today from a_ week's stay in Milwaukee. Turnerâ€"Machine shop work. Burlevâ€"Lathes. A number of-the books which have proved so popular at the library that they were worn out have been re- bound and are again at the disposal of the readers. BROTHERS BECOME FATHERS AND UNCLES IN 48 HOURS â- â€"â€"â€" • â- Geortre and - Joseph Balmes are brothers who this week are kept busy accepting numerous ~corigra'tulations. On Sunday "last George became a father and Joseph an uncle. On KEN ILWORTH ITEMS Mrs. Edgar Stevens entertained at luncheon and bridge on Wednesday at the Drake.. Mrs. C. A. Kennedy entertained at luncheon on Wednesday for a group of friends from Rogers Park. The dancing., party scheduled for last evening at the Kenilworth club was postponed, owing to the sudden death of little Jack Carpenter. Buccaneers Ready Soon to Launch ^^^FloaHngHofne9 In the early summer months a replica of an old pirate caraval will drop her anchor in"^hT Wilmette Yacht basin and the Floating Home of the Buccaneers' club with the roar of cannon will break out her colors knH go into commission.â€" This unique organization was- form- ed last spring for'the purpose of pro- moting the sport of sailing, canoeing, etc. on the north shore which has languished for the lack of proper facilities. A fleet of small one de- sign sailing craft is being built and they will go into commission with the mother ship, fulfilling the wish of so many who have long hoped that a start would be made in encourag- ing the sport of sailing in this vicin- ity, for which the new cllub opens a great field. A seaworthy Lake Michigan schooner was purchased and a super- structure has been carefully planned and built on her hull, resulting in the "Port of Missing Men," which the boat ha« been christened. Tho interior decorations, and furn- ishings of the boat will be in keeping with the type it represents, but the culinary equipment will be of the lat- ^sT^deTignr The Buccaneers after a ^weli contested race will return to their ship and sit down to an ex- cellently served meal. TH^'RE STILL SELLING CARS The Winnetka Motor company "re- ports the following sales of new cars this week: W. F. Hanselman, 2915 Superior street, Chicago,_Over- knd^4i«mn^y-r^a4st€^-it-H,^nerer, Glencoe Village Manager, Willys- Knight touring;. Harry Bengstrom, Asbury avenue, Hubbard Woods, Wil- lys-Knight touring. SPLENDID BARGAINS ARE FOUND IN "FOR SALE" ADS â- Portable Garage sand GARAGES $145 up Why pay Gen | •gejeatl I Investigate? l Delivered and erected in few hours DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSE CO IAUOW S4»h Mu. r»*».____ SCHAEFER Wants You to Call Him for HARPER'S BAZAR GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MOTOR COSMOPOLITAN W1L. fsr-Â¥T North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOTFl BUILDING Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONr EVANSTON 6424 The Good Dealer Cuts Maintenance Cost Extent to which the dealer assumes (and is able to meet) responsibility for car performance, measures the upkeep cost that the owner must bear. Our service department exists for the benefit of our customers, not merely as a source of revenue to us. This kind of a dealer cooperation makes any car worth the price at any time. uiniumiiiiMiiMiianiiiiHiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMMinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiii Hudson Motor Co. of Illinois EVANSTON BRANCH 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, III. Phones Evanston 343 and 720 BASEBALL TEAM MEETING _, -., r£ â€"i- - prnr*Tr nnri ' Members of the Wilmette Athletic Mondav Josetm became a tatner ana ( . t . . .. *"" • - ' , ., , _£ ___,„ club baseball team are to meet at r>f a daughter on' Sunday. March 13. Mr; and Mr*. Joseph Balmes of Gross Point, announce the birth of a son on Monday. March 14. PALM SUNDAY SERVICES <AT IGLISH-tUTHERAN CHURCH+li NOW A SERGEANT Joseph E. Caps, son of Mrs .J.- E. Caps of 329 Fourth street, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant at the «Kemper Military school, - fe>v-â€":â€"â- â- ,-"^ , â- â€"- r> i c a ii i \*ia\ ENTERTAIN GUESTS Palm Sundav services will be held , tT -Shrmhrv bv the Wilmette English I The Misses Anna and Margaret Lutheran 'church at the Wilmette | " a?ner of Gros? Point were the Woman's club at 11 o'clock. The ser- guests Sunila> uf M " mon theme is announced "Christ's La-ke avenue. Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem." tti Ddl, 1/52' Rev. A. preach, 0/ Soholm, pastor, will TniiiUiiiiiitiumniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiitiHiiiimiiiiiip • j Encouraging results are reported I __^his_week__fro_nL._a__m_e.mbership can- * I •yass of Wilmette east side conducted I I by the pastor with the assistance of j | "Tfev: T. B. Hirsc'h. field missionary [ § of the church for Northern Illinois, j 1 NEW PAYING TELLER A. R. Frawley. Tr., l^^mxvnnd t avenlue, has accepted the position of j paying teller at the Wilmette State | Bank.- Mr. Frawley was formerly! connected with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and the Northern j •T^ust Company o"f Chicago. Thinly of Flow ers Mitchell's Hat Shop Having purchased M. McPherson's exclusive millinery, at \ 610 Davis street, wc now aiuiounce our Showing of Easter Hats is Exclusive Showing RESIGNS REALTY POSITION C. H. Blis>, salesman employed by M. E. Barker, and ConrplTny. realtor in this shop only, of pattern hats by has left the vi'iiaire and reentered the bond" selling business. ^RawakT j Hyland Bros. \*Warshatter One 5-passenger touring car for sale. Will make fine light truck. Price, * * $150 Apply at m^ fcewis1 Ford Station Or Call Wilmet J___thfiiamoiis New York style creators;â€" { These hats are an important part of our spring display. Our display features authentic styles for the new seasonâ€"-new shapes, new colors and new materialsâ€"indi- vidual creations such as you will luicf nowhere dse: an array of the smartest Js4ewi\rQrk ancLimported^n^dek^ Phone 829 Evanston