Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1921, p. 16

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16 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1921 Classified Advertisements FU ..TESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. Sc per line. Minimum3lines. Copymustbejnby Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. FOR SAliKâ€"HOUSES _â„¢ HOME BARGAINS KENILWORTH: splendid value: owner â€"moving and must seHâ€";- nnc locality-; beautiful grounds: 9 rooms. 3 baths, hot water heat: single garage: price $25,000. INDIAN HILL; non-res. owner has re- duced price on 7 room brick for May 1st poss. to $11,000; garage; good buy. WINNETKA: 3 excellent bargains; 6 room mod. stucco, h. w. heat, fire- place, si. pch.. half cash at $8,000. A 9 room stucco with 2 baths. 100 foot lot. fine section: quick sale price of $16,000. An 11 room shingle with large grounds, 2 baths, best hot water heat at $21,000. HUBBARD WOODS; a 7 r. mod. stucco, cor. lot. close in; 2 baths, garage, $13,500. HILL & STONE Wilmetteâ€"404 Linden Ave.. Phone Wil. 1644. â€"â€" Winnetka »ZT* Linden St..__Phone Win. 1544. LTGlO-ltc HELP WAXTEP-FEMALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG LADY AS CASH- IER: EXPERIENCED; PREFER- EDLY LIVING IN WINNETKA; GOOD SALARY; PERMANENT PO- SITION. NORTH SHORE GAS CO., FOR SALE - USED TYPEWRITERS Underwood $50. I* C. SmiUi ••*. Remington $«. Also other make*. We do repairing. Patterson Broa S2S Davis St. Evaturton. gEggg HAMMOCK. FOR SALEâ€"BABY FOR ?au of automobile, $4; original price $10 at Fields. Call at Elmwood avenue. L.TG19-UC FOR SALE-CHILD'S WHITE REED go-cart; two automobile tires *zx«, non-skid; young man's tuxedo Suit. Phone Wil. 1896,________ I/TOlS-ltc For saleâ€"-autos VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED. WE rSait"ah make, of vacuum cleaners anston._______ P*OR SALEâ€"10 CORDS, J *^<j"*™« Vj.^ wood " For price and delivery JeJTm? toth, NewV-t OfflceJjuHd^ ing. GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDA* ________lost amp rouxn "LOSTâ€"NEAR NEW I'lUKK BBUl school; Scotch collie, 3 months! all white, brown spot on ear; re«25 1236 Greenwood afSJJl Return to Wilmette A CLASSIFIED AD WILL RENT â€">^J -----------------VACAirr BAAS *â- â-  VACANT ROOM T?0R SAEE^OVERLAND ROADSTER; excellent mechanical condition; new batterv; new generator: motoV re- cently* overhauled. $350. Holllster, Wil. 1J»20. __________ LTG14-tfc. WINNETKA. LTG19-ltc HERE. ARE SOME BARGAINS Cosy and attractive bungalow In splen- did East location, nr. new. Newly decorated. H. W. heat. 2 glassed porches. Fine lot. Reduced to $13,- 500. ' V----------â- â- -.------- Owner gone East must sell. Fine-8 r. stucco, in finest location. In beauti- ful condition. Glass sun and sleep porches; double garage; beautiful ___wooded - lot.-$l 7,500. -^â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Nr. new stucco 1 block to lake. Ideally planned. H. W. heat; 2 tile baths; Jshower; garage attached. Splendid buy at $20,000. Owner leaving, offers 9 r. stucco home in finest location: splendid flnishj'J^_ htrâ€"A eleverr~attisHctlve home oh wooded lot 75x200; garage; $25,000. M. E. BARKER & CO. WANTEDâ€"CJIRLS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. NORTH SHORE LAUNDRY WINNETKA. LTG19-ltc WANTED-EXCELLENT LAUNDRESS for two" days* ironing. W. F. Bab- cock. 333 Washington avenue, Wil- mette. Lli__Uc_ WANTEDâ€"ELDERLY LADY TO CARE for babv afternoons. Phone Wil. 313. â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"-------Lti^ttc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTED â€" WINDOW WASHING, floor waxing and whitewashing. Phone Evanston 1778. Ll9-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE DESIGNING. CUTTING AND FITTING will be done right at your house. Ladies who wish to make their own clothes. Mrs. A. F. Bengston. 4454 Dover street. Phone Kdgewater 7163. LTG17-3tc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS End of "L" 405 Linden Tel. Wil 4S4 LTGlft-lte FOR SALEâ€"2 APT. HOUSE IN WIN- netka. 5 rms. bath each; Are-place, sleeping porch; h. w. heat; 1st class neighborhood; 1 block from Indian Hill Golf ground. Terms. Also .8 rm. house: all modern improvements; 2 blocks from C. N. W. station; 1 block from Milwaukee Electric. Terms. Poss. May 1. Corvinus, 752- Sunset Rd., Winnetka. Tel 638-R. LTG-18-tfc FOR SALEâ€"BY T)WNER; MODERN. extra well built 7 room stone base- ment, two story bungalow, sit. 777 Fox dale avenue, Winnetka. Poss. May 1st. Price $9,700. Edward Vail. ' "rner. 175 W. Jackson St. Phone v-abash 3620. LTG19-ltc FO SALEâ€"HUBBARD WOODS OOL- oniil home,, large, light sunshiny rooms; 4 bedrooms, porch, large liv- ine room; garage. Price 15.000. Call Winnetka 1300. LTGlS-2tc FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNETKA; DANDY nine room bungalow: two baths, three porches, beautiful high lot; im- mediate possession. For quick sale $10,000. Phone Win. 1689. LTG18-2tc FOR SALEâ€"IN HUBBARD WOODS: 6 room_frame house: garage attached: price $7.Z.riO: For further information phone Glencoe 220. LTG19-2tc MUST SELLâ€"633 PARK AVE.. WIL- mette 9-room house: 2 sleeping porches; double garage: $13,500. Terms. ___________LTG-18-3tp FOR SALEâ€"BRICK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, corner lot. Glencoe. Price $8,000. Phone Winnetka 1300. LTGlS-2tc WANTED TO KENTâ€"HOUSE .WANTED TO BENT APRIL 1, small furnished or unfurnished house east side. Wilmette to Highland Park; 3 in family; or will buy at not over $12,000 cash. Address Lake Shore News. A-24. LT19-2tp WANTED TO KENTâ€"4 OR 6 ROOM flat or cottage. Phone 436 Wilmette. ______________________________ L19-ltp FOH KENTâ€"ROOMS FOB RENT â€" THREE ROOMS ON Glenview roaA Call Wil. 715-W* â-  "w. â- -_________' L'19-ltc FOR RENTâ€"LAKGE PURN. FRONT room: east side;â€"Near C. & N. W rail Wil. 24S4. Ll9.-ltc FOR rent â€" WELL FURNISHED Steam heated room. Phone Wil. 1OS0. _______________ â-  Lll-tfc FOR REN Tâ€"i; A It A €i B FOR REXT-r.ARAGE. 1222 LAKE avenue; size 12xl«; lias eKetric ljj-ht. Call WO. '21s.________L19-tfc Ff'fC-'RENT -OARA<';E AT 2H! WOOD court. Plume Wil. 2332. L5-tfc FORSALEâ€"FLEMISH OAK PES- estal 52 inch extension dining room table and six leather seated chairs; in good condition:" price $50. __. Cathedral oak Mission type library table. 32x52 inches: price $25. 479 Adams avenue, Glencoe 583. Glencoe. Phone LTG19-ltC FOR SALEâ€"RUGS. STOVES. TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub.' sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy. sell and exchange. SOS Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTGlfefc FOR SALE â€" NATIONAL 4-PASS, chummy roadster; 1917 Highway 12: in good mechanical condition. $S00. Phone Win. 142. _______LTG19-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Croat Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"CASH REGISTER; state style. Write to R. Schwander, 501 Center street, Chicago, 111. ____________ LTG19-ltp WANTEDâ€"CLEAN RAGS; 8c POUND. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue. Wilmette. L29-tf MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE CEMETERY â€" ON I â€"Greenâ€"^Bayâ€"road and * Eighteenth street. North Chicago; a highly de- 1 veloped modern necropolis: perpetual 'care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For information call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M ' LTG13-tfc BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND clothing of all descriptions .-Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue. _____• LTG17-1fc PHONOGRAPHS REPAIREDâ€"WE RE- pair all makes of talking machines. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St.. Evans- ton. ___________ LTG-18-tfc FOR SALEâ€"WHITE TILE REFRIG- erator. beds, and other furniture; mason jars, Harley-Davidson motor- cycle, perfect condition. 1014 Elm- *wood avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1198. LTG19-ltc FOB___SALE=MAHOGANY - LIBRARY table; very reasonable. 1021 Central avenue. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 935-W. LTG19-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SALE STORE SAMPLES. SOME SLIfiHTLY shopworn and some iim«mI as display anil demonstrators: guarantee. Washersâ€"Apex, Federal. Eden, A. B. C, Laundr-dri-ette. Easy. 1 roiier.sâ€"< im- 46 inch Simplex; one 42 inch Horton. Vacuum Cleanersâ€"-One Royal cleaner and attachment, electric. One Sweep- er-Vac-.--____________________â€"__â€" ^,w^v^"~_Tre7T~cTcaners at .$7750 each/ Electric heaters, shopworn, cheap. Ironsâ€"New style six-pound, guaran- teed irons. $6.75. Used irons with new heating element at $2.00 each. F. A. Darby, Electric Shop, 1104-1106 Davis street. Evanston. __________â-  LTG19-ltc FOR SALEâ€"TWENTY CORDS 2 FOOT green hard wood. Price and deliv- ery, see Mr. Rath. New Post Office Building. L16-4tp for m:vrâ€"sToRi-: F< 'UK E NTâ€" ", < > F, A ST< * f. F-. IN V K t _ Y i location on ..east side. Winnetka, at a very reasonable figure. Address Lake shore News, P.-TT. LTGl!)-ltp The BETTER WET WASH 25 Pounds $1.25 Phone Kenilworth 222 CALLED FOR Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil forJL__vns, Grading Sand and Gravel Cind ezs^ Building Material General Teaming We Build Driveways Filling can be furnished at onceâ€"very reasonable 733 W. Railroad AveT Phone Wil. 53 AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX r-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B„ FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue Bell System Telephone Attachments Telephone attachments are being peddled in a miscellaneous manner throughout thecountry and are purchased by many subscribers and attached to their instruments. Generally these so-called "helps," disinfectants, etc^ are of little account and frequently injure the service more than they improve it. Many of these devices get the lines and instru- ments into trouble, whereupon the Company, to protect its servicers obliged to removethem. 1T< ± Rubber earpiece attachments do not increase the sounds received, and often make it impos- sible to hang the telephone properly upon the switchhook. As good results can be obtained by covering one ear with the palm of the hand. Telephone instruments, necessarily very sensi- tive and intricate, have been designed to produce the best results as they are. In the jnterest^oTgr^d^ennc^^ubs^ibers are^J^ quested to permit no attachments of any kind to their instruments.______________ ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY â€" us Convenient of f North Shore trains leaving Wilmette at frequent intervals take you direct to loop "L" stationsâ€"no changing to street car, bus, or taxi necessary. Leave Wilmette TRAINS FOR THE BUSINESS MAN 6:39 7:09 7:39 8:09 8:52 9:09 a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a* m. Arrive in Chicago 7:25 a. m. 7:55 a. m. _^_ 8:25 a. m. And every hall horn* thereafter until: FOR THE LUNCHEON, MATINEE, OR SHOPPING TRIP 11:09 11:39 12:09 12:39 1:09 1:39 2.09 2:39 P. P- P- P- P. P. m. m. m. 8:55 a. m. 9:38 p. m. 9:55 a. m. 11:55 a. 12:25 p. 12:55 p. 1:25 p. m. 1:55 p. m. 2:25 p. m. 2:55 p. m. 3:25 p. m. Every 30 minutes thereafter until: DOWNTOWN TO DINNER OR TO THE THEATRE 5:09 p. m. 5:39 p. m. 6:09 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 7:09 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 6:25 p. m. 6:55 p. m. ^:31 p. m. 7:55 p. m. Thereafter express trains continue to run every half hour until 12 09 s Ask for time-table at the ticket office. - -""'" ~~" »*•• *-»!»â-  »-oo n aiuo bunu f- then 12:45 _â-  m. and 1 «e^ . m Wilmette Ticket Wuniette

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