Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1921, p. 15

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-it. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1921 15 held at 4 o'clock in the audito- „.n. Parents and friends of the embers of the school are especially vited to attend this service. There 11 be the baptism of the little chil- „cn, examination of the covenant .ass and the awarding of the cove- nant cup, and special music by the horns, which has been practicing for past three or four Sundays under „„ direction of Mrs. Cotton, director r music at the New Trier High chool. It promises to be a lovely ervice and will be well worth attend the The Union Lenten services with the, Congregational church will be con- tinued on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of next week, ^ â- " A Baptismal service will be held at the First Baptist church, Evanston, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. P*& During the two weeks just preced- .g Easter services of devotion and raise are being held each night in ilgrim hall, the Baptist and Congre- gational churches uniting. The min- sters of the two churches have charge [of these meetings, and the subjects for the services Tuesday and Wednes^ day ^nights=are^ "The Program of the Family of God" and "The Field of Service." Thursday evening, Holy Thursday, there will be a union service held at the Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock, the Baptist, Congregational, Metho- dist and Presbyterian churches unit- ing in the service. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. Friday afternoon 4hereâ€"will be a Good Friday service, with the young people of the Baptist church uniting with the young people of this church. The program for this service will be announced later. There will be special Easter music at the morning service and the re- ception of new members. The subject for Mr. Lloyd's sermon will be "The Triumphant Life." NO K. of C. MEETING Ouilmette^ Council, Knights of. Columbus, will not hold their regular * meeting scheduled for Tuesday even- ing at Jones' Lodge hall, owing to the fact that next week is Holy Week. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening, April 12. Following the custom of former years the Flower committee is arrang- ing for the wholesale purchase of Easter plants for the various members of the church, the plants to be used at the Easter services and then dis- posed of by the purchasers. RECEPTION FOR NEWLYWEDS HOME FROM HONEYMOON A reception was given Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhrmann this week at the home of Mrs. Fuhrmann's sisters, the Misses Marie and Lena Hopp, 163U Lake avenoe, upon the arrival! home of the newly weds who return-" ed from the Bahamas recently where they spent their honeymoon. Miss Emma G. Hopp and Mr. Fuhrmann were married" in Jackson- ville, Fla., on February 7. Mr. Fuhr- mann is a~Chicago man. The couple will live at 1630_Lake avenue. Mrs. ;Fuhrmanlfi has been promin- ently identified with various ' civic and charitable organizations in Chi- cago. â-  * ' BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lcis of Ridge avenue. Gross, Point, announce the birth of a daughter, on Friday, March 11, at the St~ Francis hospital, Ev- anston. SPLENDID BARGAINS ARE FOUND IN "FOR SAJLE" ADS Wall Paper 1921 Patterns for BED ROOMS Wft ALL IN STOCK «Q» E. SEYFORT 1150 Central Ave., Wilmette I T CHURCH Dr. Frederick A. Agar, General Board of Promotion of the Northern Baptist Convention, New York, will be the guest and speaker at a dinner of the officers and their wives on Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The women of the Presbyterian church will serve the dinner in their dining room.. Dr. Agar is an expert in cHurch budget building and will go over in detail the requirements which the trustees must face in view of the early entrance into the new build- ing. The church considers itself very fortunate to have secured the ser- vices of Dr. Agar who is in demand from Maine to California. Have that Tire Retreaded In the Best Way THE DEPENDABLE ONE CURE: Retreading mold vulcanizes the complete tread in ONE HEAT Tread is uniformly cured in all places, owing to the constant pressure from air bag or inner tube in tire during vulcanization. Rib Tread is of our own design. It is of sufficient thickness to give five to eight thousand miles of service under ordinary usage. We can safelyjguarantee 5,000 miles, the mileage depending upon the condition of the carcass. Dependable Auto Supply Station Lake and Ridge7 A venues Gross Point Telephone Wilmette 2358 If you lack BODILY or MENTAL VIGOR; If you are WEAK; NERVOUS or IRRITABLE, TRY NITXATRD IRON TODAY. Nuxated Iron CONTAINS ORGANIC IRON LIKE THE IRON IN YOUR BLOOD and LIKE THE IRON IN SPINACH, LEN- TILS AND APPLES. NUXATED IRON also contains a remarkable product, brought to the attention of the French Academy of Medicine by the celebrated Dr. Robin, which represents the principal chemical constituent of ac- tive living nerve force FOR FEEDING THE NERVES, so that NUX- ATED IRON might be said to be both a BLOOD and a NERVE FOOD. THERE ARE 30,000,000,000,000 RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES in your blood and each one must have iron. Today about one person out of every three is said to suffer more or less from the great devitalizing .weak- ness brought on by malnutrition or lack of sufficient nourishment; which is caused NOT BY LACK OF FOOD but often by LACK OF SUFFI- CIENT ORGANIC IRON in the blood to enable us to GET THE STRENGTH OUT of our food. IRON IS THE MASTER PRINCIPLE OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD IS LIFE. -Our forefathers ate the husks of grains and the skins and peels of vegetables and fruits, rich in strength-giving organic iron, but mod- ern methods of cookery throw all these things away â€" hence the alarming increase, in recent years, in Anaemiaâ€"iron starvation of the blood with all its attendant ills. When, as a result of iron starvation, you get up feeling tired in the morning, when you find yourself nervous, irritable and easily upset; when you can no longer do your day's work without being all fagged out at night; when your digestion all goes wrong, or you have pains across the back, shortness of breath, heart palpitation or your face looks pale and drawn, do not waituntil you go all to pieces and collapse in a state of nervous prostration, or until in your weakened condition you con- tract some serious disease, but consult your family physician and have him take a speci- men of your blood and make a "blood- count" of your red blood corpuscles or test the iron-power of your blood yourself by adding plenty of spinach, carrots, or other iron-containing fruits and vegetables to your iocid and take organic iron^-Nuxated Ironâ€"with them for a while and see how much your condition improves. Thousands of people have surprisingly increased their strength, energy and endurance in two weeks time by this simple .experiment. But be sure the iron you take is organic Nux< ated Iron and not metallic iron which people usually take and which is made merely by the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron â€"an entirely different iron from Nuxated Iron. The fact that you may have taken me- tallic iron without receiving any benefit does not prove that Nuxated Iron will not help you. Nuxated Iron represents organic iron in such a highly concentrated form that one d^se is estimated to be approximately equi- valent (in organic iron content) to eating -^gfxr WHAT THE VATICAN SAYS ABOUT NUXATED IRON "I am happy to inform you that your gift of Nuxated Iron has been accepted with particular gratitude by the Holy Father, who, persuaded by its benefi- cial effects, and AFTER HAVING IX SPECIALLY ANALYZED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE PHARMACY OF THE^ VATICAN, formulates the jnost sincere wishe^thatyotir productmay become famous and be as appre- -ciated by the pubHoAS^TS VALUE^EfcTMNLY"MERITS." - (J. Tedeschini, Institute of the Secretary of State • Vatican) 4&+.%++9~t~4> -< <&â-  <~&- The composition of Nuxated Iron is such that the physiological and ther- apeutical effects cannot fail to be produced, as is usually the case in the prescription of pharmaceutical products of this kind." ^^ i, of the Pharmacy of the Vatican.) half a quart of spinach or one quart of green vegetables. It is like taking extract of beef in- stead cf cctmg pounds of meat* Nuxated Iron is used by over 4,000,000 people annually. Beware of substitutes. Look for the letters N.I. on every tablet. Your money will be refund- ed by the manufacturers if yod do n^t cbtain perfectly satisfactory results. At all druggists. WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT Notice of Election An'Ordinwice Calling an Election far Commissioner cf the Wilmette Park District, and Providing Polling Places and Judges for said Section: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Wilmette Park District:----------------------'â€":---------- SECTION I: That the annual election of the Wilmette Park District be and the same is hereby ordered to be held in said District on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A.D. 1921, between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the purpose of elect- ing one Commissioner of said District for the full term of five years* SECTION II: That for the purpose of said election, the said Wilmette Park District be and the same hereby is divided into eight Election Districts, as follows, to-wit: Election District No. 1 shall comprise alt that part of said Wil- mette Park District lying West of the center line of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company and South of the center line of Washington Avenue in the Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 2 shall comprise all that part of said Wil- mette Park District lying West of the center line of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company and North of the center line of Washington Avenue in the Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 3 shall comprise all that part of the Wil- - mette Park District lying Easterly of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and West of the center line of Twelfth Street and the center line of Twelfth Street produced to center line of Wilmette Avenue and Northwesterly to center line of Wilmette Avenue. Election District No. 4 shall comprise all that part of. the Wil- mette Park District commencing at the intersection of the North line of the Village of Wilmette and the center line of Tenth Street, thence South along the center line of Tenth Street to the cantor line of Greenleaf Avenue, thence West along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to Easterly line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Chicago and Northwest- ern Railroad to the center line of Wilmette Avenue, thence Easter- ly along the center line' of Wilmette Avenue to a point opposite the center line of Twelfth Street, thence North along the center line of Twelfth Street to the North line of the Village of Wilmette to point of beginning. ,^_^^â€".â€"-^â€"â€"---------.â€"--.....- â€"'-â€" Election District No. 5 shall comprise all that part of Wilmette Park District lying East and North of. the following described line: Commencing at the North line of the Village of Wilmette at the intersection of the center line of Tenth Street; thence South along the center line of Tenth Street to a point opposite the main entrance to the North Building on the School property (being the center line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 23 in Village of Wilmette Subdivision)? thence East on a line through the main entrance to the North Build- ing on the School property to the center line of Ninth Street; thence North along the center line of Ninth Street to the center line of Forest Avenue; thence East and Northeasterly on the center lino of Forest Avenue to the center line of Michigan Avenue; thence Southeasterly along the center line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Lake Avenue; thence Northeasterly along the center line of Lake Avenue to the Shore of Lake Michigan.----------â€"------ Election District No. 6 shall comprise all that part of Wilmette Park District bounded as follows: Commencing on the shore of Lake Michigan at the intersection of the center line of Lake Avenue; thence Southwesterly along the Center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of'Michigan Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the center line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Forest Avenue; thence Southwesterly and West along the center line of Forest Ave- nue to the center line of Ninth Street to a point opposite the center line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 23 in Village of Wilmette Subdivision; thence West en the center line of Lots. 9 and 10 in Block 23 in Wil- mette Subdivision through the main entrance to the North building on the School property to the center line of Tenth Street; thence South along the center line of Tenth Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue; thence East along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of Seventh Street; thence North along the center line of Seventh Street to the center line of Central Avenue; thence East along the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Sheridan Road; thence Southeasterly along the center line of Sheridan Road to the center of the North Shore Channel; thence Easterly along the center of. the North Shore Channel to the Shore of Lake Michigan; thence Northwesterly along the shore of Lake Michigan to point of beginning. ------Election District No. 7 shall comprise all that part of Wilmette Park District lying East and South of the following described line: Commencing at the South line of the Village of Wilmette at the in-. tersection of the center line of Broadway, thence North along the center line of Broadway to the center line of Crescent Place, thence Northeasterly along the center line of Crescent Place to the canter line of Seventh Street, thence North along the center lino of Seventh Street to the center line of Central Avenue, thence East along the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Sheridan Road, thence Southeasterly along the center line of Sheridan Road to the center of the North Shore Channel, thence Northeasterly along the center of the North Shore Channel to the shore of Lake Michigan. Election District No. 8 shall comprise all that part of Wilmette Park District lying East of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and South of the center line of Greenleaf Avenue and Wast of the center line of Seventh Street, the center line of Crescent Place, con- necting Seventh Street and Broadway, and the center line of Broad- way. ^______"L^^-_____ â- ; SECTION III: The polling places for the several Districts aforesaid, shall be as follows: Election District No. 1, Carnegie Library, in the Village of Wil- mette, Cook County, Illinois. â€"'â€"- Election District No. 2, Fire Station, on West Railroad Avenue, near Lake Avenue, in the Village of Wilmette* , Election District No. 3, Village Hall, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 4, Village Hall, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 5, East Side School House, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 0, East Side School House, in said Village of Wilmette. Election District No. 7, Barber Shop, No. SOS Fourth Street, in said Village of Wilnsettevâ€"----------'-.------------------------ Election District No. 6, Community Store, in said Village of Wil- mette. ___ SECTION IV: The Judges of said Election, hereby ap- pointed for the said Election Districts, shall be the persons lawfully appointed judges to conduct the election for Town- ship Officers, at the said polling; places, on the day aforesaid. SECTION V: That the Secretary of said Wilmette Park rtrict be and he is hereby directed to provide for the giving of notice of said election and conducting the same as provided py lOWi ' '" â€" ==.-=e=±=± SECTION VI: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. This is to certify that the above Ordinance was passed at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of WO* mette Park District held March 14, 1121. H. W. HOPP, Secretary.

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