Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1921, p. 12

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I THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 _..-.- CLASSIFIED ADS SITUATION WANTBDâ€"FEMALB_ WAITEDâ€"WASHING AND IKUmisu by the day by Swedish woman. Tel. Wllmptte 2486. LTQ-16-ltc LA©Y WISHING MENDING AND TAK.- tng care of children by' Phone Wlnnetka 591. LTG-15-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALK SITUATION WANTEDâ€"JOB WORK bv day or hour. Phone Evanston ^5S7-J. Bert Downs. L-14-3tp WANTKDâ€"PAINTINGâ€"AND PAFifiK- <â€"hanging. Call Wil. 796-J. L-*9-tfo FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTEDâ€"MAID. MUST BE GOOD plain cook. 747 Sheridan Rd., Wil- mette. Phone Wilmette 18B8. â- *â-  ' ' "________Ii-15-ltC WANTEDâ€"WHITE GTRL FOR GBN;l. housework. Phone Kenllworth 1104. LTG-15-ltc 1 FOR RENTâ€"-ROOMS FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED steam heated room. Phone Wil. 1080. ' t L*-ll-tiC for nam:â€"house FOR SALB^F^URTEEN ACRE FHK- tile tract with arood building* sit- uated on Wlnnetka.. Ave. (gravel road) 3 miles from Wlnnetka station. Seven room frame house with base- ment, large barn and garage, jchicken house, etc. Large first class apple, cherry, pear and plum orchard, cog- ens of grape vines and current bush- es. Lawn shrubs and shade trees. Suitable for either a summer or all Vear country home. Immediate pos- sesaloh. Price $8,000. Terms. #-acres open land in same vicinity, no buildthgwr~t4W~V*r acre. Other small tracts and large farms close In. L. C. Ayres, Glenvlew, 111. Phone Wilmette 801-Y-l. LTGlG-ltp FOR SALE-RUQS, STOVES. TABLES, chairs, mirrors, j>ony, bathtub, â- ink, oases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook â- toys. We huy,_eell and exohange. 808 Oak â- treet Wln- netka. Phone Win. 1812. LTQ-14-tfo FOR SALEâ€"MODERN EIGHT ROOM country home on eight acres. 2 miles from Wilmette Btatlon on Lake Ave. 4 bedrooms and bath* Hot water boat. All deliveries. Fully land- scaped. Good bearing orchard, per- ennial garden and small fruits. Double garage. Possession May 1st. Price $20,000. L. C. Ayres, Owner, Glenview, 111. Phone Wilmette 891-v-l. LTG-15-ltp WANTEDâ€"TO RENT ROOMS WANTED TO RENT TWO OR TMKKK unfurnished rooms with private familyâ€"young couple. Board op- tional. Address Lake Shore News -I A-ll. ; L-lB-ltc WANTEDâ€"M All RIED COUPLE would like rooms with private fam- ily; kitchen prlv-ilege. Address Lake Hhnrn News. A-fr----- -fcQtfr-itfr- WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"SEVEN ROOM house; east side. One or two year lease^wtth "privilege of buying by May 1st. Phone Wilmetto 2280. ______ â- .____ L-15-ltc WANTED â€" SEVEN ROOM HOUSE large living room and four bedrooms. Northeast section. Address Lake Shore News A-B. L-15-ltp FOR SALE â€" OLDSMOBILE COUPE "Six", 1920 model; like new; run on- ly_-25M_mlles; unusuaj^bargain; all FOR SALEâ€"IN HUBBARD WOODS; must be sold before March 1st. Com- plete well built brick house, hot Water heat, 8 bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch; lot large and. high; two blocks from depot. Lots of hardy flowers and shrubs. For quick sale $18,600. Can be shown only af- ter 2:8Q In the afternoon. Call Wln- netka _377. LTG-14-2tc FOR SALEâ€"VERY 'ATTRACTIVE 5- room stucco bungalow; large living room, t\ replace, bookcase, nearly new, $9,800; North -Bvanston. ' Phone Owner. Evanston 6669. L-14-ltfc FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNBTKA;â€"LBAV- ing for the farm; will sacrifice for â€"quick sale cozy stucco bungalow, 8 blocks from depot, $7,600.00. Phone Wlnnetka 1689. ________LTO-15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"6x10 PORTABLE CHICK; en-house; White Leghorns White Rocks; heavy egg and strain. Phone Wlnnetka 384. LTQ-16-lto PEDIGREE AIRDALE TERRIER DOG. Must sell on account of leaving town $25 (female). Phone Wilmette 1665. L-lB-ltp FOB SALEâ€"STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. One day old. Phone Wilmette 708-M. L-15-ltp \\ IN TED TO Hill'â€"MIMC'BliLANEOUS WANTEDâ€"A BABY STROLLER IN good condition;â€"-Phone'Wil.. 1524. L-40-lto MISCELLANEOUS FOH SALE HOUSEHOLD POOPS enTiipmcntTextra t-ireT $1 sO0T0Ur-Tel7 Wil. 1707, Sunday A. M.._____ LTG16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NATIONALâ€" 4 PASSBN- ger chummy roadster in good condi- tion. Call Win. 142. LTG15-ltp GOLDEN OAK BOOKCASE, 3rSEC- tlon 5 feet 3 in. long. 4 feet 8 In. high. $30.00. Golden oak china clos- et, mirror back, .5 feet high, $30,00. 4 -Golden oak, leather seat, dining room chairs, $4.00 each. 2 arm chairs to match . each. Solid mahog- any colonial sideboard, 5 feet, 6 in. otitf, S feet high. $Tf?70tr~~~'AR=:tfit5 txi r n 11. u re ls,_in_jj^oojl_cimdiALQiv^and will be sold as we are moving in- to --a smaller house. 1011 Forest Ave. L-15-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A CBEDIT BILL FOR $27fl.00, to apply on the purchase of a Vose and Sons piano ,which I will sell to the highest bidder for cash. Address Lake Shore News A-10. _________LTQ-15-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE JFOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 WOOD â€"eourt. Phone .Wil. 2332. â€" L5-tfc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Bv- anston 103. LTG39-tf c BARGAIN SALEâ€"MEN'S AND YOUNG Men's clothing. We are going to sell out our big Btock. We are overstocked and we need the room. To make more room in our store we are go- ing to cut the prices much below coat. --------- 50 young Men's suits, regular $25 value for $8.75. Sizes 30* to 38 only. 50 suits at $40 for $19. Sizes 35 to 40. Latest style and high grade quality. It will pay you to come and look over the bargains and we also have Indies and men's second hand cloth- ing slightly worn which will be sold very low. Ladles' Coats and Suits $5.00. Men's Suits and Overcoats $7.00. Men's Pants $2.50 and up sizes 32 to 40. CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE 1914 Maple Ave. Nr. Foster St. - Evanston, 111. .____- LTG-15-4te NORTH SHORE CEMETERYâ€"ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam Electric and Auto roads. For lnforma- â€"ttonâ€"call Owen Tenant Smith, 1167 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. «oa= officet WIL 640; residence, Wil. 777-M. _______ LTG18-tfo TREES REMOVEDâ€"WOOD CUT. LET me take out your surplus trees and cut them into firewood. I usel Jm. TrovedmaChlnery; quick job; Don't wait till spring; your lawns will be damaged. A. P. Graham, 216 Nanzig Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2196. _________,_________________LTG-14-4tp Silkolines Reduced to T9c Solid colors and a nice variety of pieUy figured patterns are included in this group. They are 36 inches wide and regular 4G- cent quality. Colored Curtain Scrim Specially Priced at 39C V^. DO YOUR TREES NEED ATTBN- tion? Have them treated by experts. Now is the time to have them prop- erly sprayed. Phones Wlnnetka 1294 and S18. LTG-14-4tc A T rip f ' . D e Luxe â-  - .. TO CHICAGO ^---:..... ' : .. ...... • Comfortable^ Nort trains, leaving Wilmette regularly at frequent intervals, :ake you right ta the heart of the loop-^nouchanging to street car, bus, or taxi necessary This ^irect^to-the^loc^) feature" of the xoad of service incite of the ^numerousTeasons why so many North Shore residents prefer this route td Chicago. r NORTH SHORE Wilmette Ticket Office __Wilmette Asemie i ^frrrstTs==ar^trirrose fdyric^W^ goodr^ualttyl and the colors are absolutely sun fast. They make most attygactiye drapes, particularly Tor the dining room. There is a soft tan witfhTa pink figure in it and an olive green with a blue figured The former price was 69c. Women's Dress Aprons Now Priced at $1.49 For morning wear these apron dresses are very handy to slip into. They are kimona style and have ruffle trimmed necks and sashes, some of which ^are solid colors, others the same as the rest of the garment. -Theatre made of light background percales. Thef r regular price is 2.95. V Men's Union Suits Specially Priced at $ | .49^ Garments cut on. good full lines and made well, are these; They are medium weight ^rtbted,: have long sleeves,-arid are cutanklcF length. Their regular price is 2.25. Men *s S oc ks^l&tr^ Lisle stockings^jnjblack only, with two- Sizes 10, 10^,^1 thread heel and toe. They are regular 29c quality. aiiis^^Tiines -hi our basement ~ day^special values here. Just a few are mentioned above, so if you find nothing ay.--yon 4oâ€"edme 4nr^ in and shopT Our basement is really another complete store, but a smaller basis. We would like to have* you visit itt >-)»»♦♦•«

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