THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921 <PWWmHIM»IMMHIHMMMM»ltHmi......'MMIMII...........alllllllli.......I......H..........•••)••••.......••••........m BOR the color and buoyancy, the sparkle of novel entertain- ment and the liveliness that characterizes the foregathering of old friends off for an outing, one must look to either California or Florida just now. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hos- kms of 627 Washington avenue, are planning to leave later on in the month for an extended trip to the Grand Canyon and points in southern California. Mrs. Paul R. Soule and family, 807 Forest avenue, left yesterday for a stay in Biloxi, Miss. Mrs. Foster Bran- son and family, 817 Central avenue, are leaving this weekâ€"for Birmingham, Ala., and various of the gulf coast resorts. Announcement was made at an Alpha Phi "cozy" on Friday afternoon of last week of the engagement of Miss Norma McMillen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. McMillen of 1010 Linden avenue, to Mr. John Shedd Prescott, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Prescott of 1019 Linden avenue. Miss McMillert-is a member of the senior class at Northwestern University, and Mr. Prescott is a senior at the University of Illinois, and a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. * ~Mr. and Mrs. FrankJ5. Miller of Haverford, Pa., announce the engagement ;of their daughter, Doris, to Wendell HarrisXlark,-soiv of Mr. ancT Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake avenue. ----------_♦_--------- ___Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, of Kenilworth, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Harriette, to Mr. Samuel Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Like, avenue.__=_______________ An attractive wedding was solemn- ized on Monday evening at St. Au- gustine's church, when Miss Doris. Palmer, "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Bryant Palmer was united in marriage to Dr. John L. Rock of Eveleth, Minn. Rev. Hubert Carle- ton read the service at 8 o'clock. The bride wore a lovely gown of white charmeuse and Chantilly lace. Her veil of tulle was fastened on the head in a sort of cap effect by a wreath of orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of white bridal roses and lillies of the valley. _Mrs. Lawrence Tower, who attended her sister as matron of honor, wore a frock of green and gold taffeta, and a large gold lace picture hat, and carried an arm bouquet of pink sweet peas. Dr. Rock was attended by Mr. Ray Sampson, of Eveleth, Minn., as best man. Following the ceremony there was a small receptionâ€"inâ€"the Palmer home, 1132 Forest avenue, for the intimate friends and relatives of the bridal couple, after which Dr. and Mrs. Rock left immediately on an extended honeymoon. They will be at home in Eveleth, Minn., af<;er March 1.. â€"#â€" The coming of Mrs. Edward Mac- Dowell, last Saturday evening, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Arrowood in Wilmette, was a most delightful affair, an occasion long to be remembered. A program of Mac- Powell music was followed by in-4 An incomplete report of the card party and vaudeville given on Mon- day evening by the ways and Means committee of the Woman's Catholic club of-Wilmette^ shows^that-someâ€" what over $200 was cleared, and will be turned over to the fund for the new school for St. Francis Xavier'sL church. The vaudeville program, which included dancing numbers by Miss Alice O'Connell and Miss Frances Plain, some recitations by Miss Eva Ballin, a violin solo, and some monologues, proved most en- tertaining. The Woman's Guild of the Congre- gational church will hold its regular monthly meeting this afternoon, fol- lowing the luncheon at 1 o'clock, in the church parlors. The program which is in charge of the Educational department, with Mrs. A. H. Howard as chairman, will include an address by Prof. Beeler of the Presbyterian training school on "The Religion of the Child." â€"*â€" _JMrs. Norman W. Harris of Win- netka was in charge of a concert given by Benno Moiseiwitsch Tues- day evening at Mandel hall. Univers- ity of Chicago, for the benefit of Bethlehem Day nursery. . The affair was under the auspices of the Esoteric, a university organization. Miss Madeline Nash of Winnetka assisted on the committee. The next meetingâ€"of~ttre State The program which was to be presented by the students of New Trier High school at the Woman s club this evening, under the auspices of the Home and Education depart- ment of the club, has been postponed until some time in March. â€"♦â€" â- • Miss Lucille Stoker who has been in attendance at Northwestern uni- versity is leaving this week-end for Madison, where she will attend the University of Wisconsin this semes- ter. ; â- â€"♦â€" Word has been received from Mrs. Fred A. White, and her mother, Mrs. Skinner, who left here a fortnight ago or so by automobile, stating that they have arrived safely in Clear- water, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- helm, of 704 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue, left on Saturday last to spend several weeks in Miami, Fla. â€"*â€" The Young Woman's auxiliary, of the Womans club will entertain with a Valentine's party on Monday even- ing at the clubhouse. â- .â€"♦â€" Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity will give a supper-dance this evening at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs. George Slocum was hostess _toJiet card club on^VYednesday after- noon at her home, 910 Forest avenue. West View Whole Wheat A More Wholesome Cereal Do you know that a farm near __Waukegan is producing' by the old homeHteud method a delicious Whole Wheat Cereal? Wheat, like Coffee, loses flavor rapidly after the kernel is broken and the only way to get it right is to get It fresh! Tou will enjoy this clean, sweet, full-flavored and â€"most nutritious Wheat Cei â€"contalns-aH-og the wheats none Is left out. Put a dollar with this announce- ment in an envelope and mail it to John H. Baird, West View Farm R. F. D. 1, Waukegan, III. and you will receive an eight- pound sack of West View Cereal by parcel post. The McAllister Store Turkish Towels SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 12 Extra heavy double thread - â- â- ' Zturkish towels, 18 x 38 in. Plain white, formerly sold at 65-7 5c. For one day only. SAT. FEB. 12th 3 For $1.00== A good quality Turkish Towel plain white, size 18x34 in. A great value for this day only The McAllister Store 1 148 Central Avenue, WILMETTE, ILLr ^.iiiiiiri~iiiiiiiitii(ii-ittitiiiiiitit«iiiit*iaitiiaiiiiiiiiiiiii>i;rt*'i;tiiiriit:iitiitttiiiiittiiiiimtiiini â- iiitTiiMiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiififiiiiiiiiJitiifitiititiitiiiniifiitiiiiiii^ J TYPEWRITERS AlHMakes Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired i Easy Payments f PATTERSON BROS. | 828 Davis St. Phone Ev. 654 Evanston, 111. g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiitiiiiiti......miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiin? formal talks and the North Shore | Board of the Illinois Federation of MacDowell society actually came into | Woman's clubs will be held on Wed- existence with nearly one hundred members. The nominating committee consists of Jen Jensen of Ravinia, Mrs. Arthur Dean of Winnetka, Mr. Henry P. Williams of Glencoe,,Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCullqch of Ev- anston, Mrs. Calvin Case of Kenil- worth, Mrs. F. Coleman Burroughs of Wilmette, and Mrs. Milton W. Ar- rowood as -temporary chairman. The social hours following organization extended^^nto the --"-morning,- with Mrs. RexfOrd BeHamy assisting Mrs. Arrowood in entertaining the guests. â€"*â€" The first of a series of five lectures on "The Structure of Our_Govern ment/ mnder the auspices of the Civics and Legislative department of the Wilmette Woman's club will be â€"given at the clubhouse on Monday- afternoon, February 14, at < 2:30 â€" o'clock, MrsrATmie-SargentBemisran Jâ€"authority on civic questions, will be the speaker, and at each meeting a distinctly new part of this great sub- ject will be discussed. Preceding these lectures, at 2 o'clock, Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber of Winnetka, state chairman of the Education department, will conduct a class in Parliamentary law. Both of these meetings are open to the public, upon payment of a small fee. . â€"•â€" Miss Ruth Woodward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. WrWbodward of KeliilwOrth is en route Irom_ Palm Beach with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scott andâ€"Mrr am!â€"Mrsr J. Kr^K&m^^t Philadelphia. The Karns shjppej their car to Jacksonville and all will motor from there down the east Florida coast and;up the west coask Mr. and Mrs. Llewelyn Lodwick, fc-jofjCenterville, la., arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes, 816 Forest avenue, on Saturday of last week. Mr. Lodwick left Monday on a fortriight*sHbusiness-trip and. Mrs. Lodwick is remaining here for a visit with her parents. nesday, February 23, at the Federa tion headquarters. 127 North Dear- born street, Chicago. On February 24, and 25, a Legislative Forum will be conducted at jthe_Congress hotel. Miss Grace Dixon is chairman of Legislation. Following an enjoyable hike, members of the Temskatawa chapter of Camp Fire girls enjoyed some warm refreshments-at -the home of Miss Vera Hoerberyesterday after- noon. In the absence of the guardian, Miss Helen Shurtleff, Miss -Norma Schuettge has-been appointed assistant guardian. "â€"•â€" Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, accompanied by his two daughters, the Misses Helen and Bernice -Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, left Monday evening for-St. Petersburg, Fla.-for a month's sojourn. Later in March they are planning to spend some time in Bil- oxi, Miss., and in New Orleans.-__ Mrs. Samuel Cohen, 1231 Forest avenue, and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes and her- daughterrâ€"Mrs. L. L. Lodwick, Jr., 816 Forest . avenue, were the luncheon guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Benjamin Gordon at her home in Whiting, Ind., Mrs. Gordon was formerly Miss Esther Cohen. â€"*â€" â€"The members of the First Division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist'church, will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold D. Hill. 1291 Asbury^^eriueT^Wmnetlca, on Mon- dayâ€"afternoon, February 14, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister will entertain with a Valentine's dancing party on Saturday evenmg~for their son, Dick, at their home, 918 Ash- land-avenue. - zzzz - ♦â- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rose and fam- ily, 1026 Linden "Avenue, left this week for Miami, Fla., where they will spent several weeks. ^XM~^^^^^^M^^W^^^^^^^& such ^weetL sentiments. For St. Valentine % Day we^e many new, novel and exquitit^ettectsi^ow^JLQr vase or corsage. Or, if you desire, we shall make your order 3^_to your particular specifications. Just Telephone Central 627 â€" Charges Reversed Chicago's Leading Floral Decorators s