THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921 > Activities North *5hore Chito by RutK Rirloy^*^ March 2. Dr. Shailer Matthews. "The American Spirit in Action." Anyjurther information regard-j ing these meetings may be obtained from Mrs. Mark W. Cresap. , At the meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club next Thursday after- " "iss Helen Loom is -ofâ€"the Bbwen High school, will speak on "The Basis-of Sex Hygiene Taught in â- â- * the High School Course/* M< dames Harve Badgerow, Charles Dallas, Alfred D. Edwards and Cark ton W. Washburne will be the host esses of the afternoon. Wm ROFESSOR WALTER DILL SCOW, president of North- IJ1 western university, will be the speaker at the next meet- ing of the Wilmette Woman's club on Wednesday, Feb- I ruary 9, his subject being, "Handling People in Industry". Tn an address before the Chicago Club oTNorthw«stern univer- sity men recently, Professor Scott said: "One interpretation of the University stands out clear and prominently, namely, that of Service in some phase or in some form. No doubt, many will be- lieve that this is a false inter- pretation and believe that the University is based on some other foundation. Some may insist that it is founded for the ad- vancement of truth, the dissem- ination of learning, the discip- lining of the youth, the education of professionally trained men, the preservation of Christian culture or a score of other perfectly other worthy and noble aims. I am convinced,, however, that no interpretation is adequate except that of Service, and service con- sidered in its broadest and nob- lest implication.. I believe that every alumnus and every friend §ii the university should come to realize that Northwestern Uni- versity has one, and only one, foundation, one and only o7 aim and this is Service." The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Harold B. Foster, W. S. Moore, John M. Ditzel and Earl Orner. Walter Dill Scott llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Action Pays During the past month, "49" prospective car purchasers acted upon our advice and obtained their Ford car while delivery was possible, and at present prices. To Those Who Delayed _we-wish to say that March and April delivery will be obtainable only through placing your order in February. If You Order Today March 1st to 5th is the best possible delivery and orders are accu- mulating. Would ydu profit by the experience of others? Order now and accept delivery at your option between March Sth and May 1st or cancel later if you change your plans. Just protect your .interests*. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer 810 Church St. 205 **"has Mrs. R. £. Patterson Kline of Wil- mette, is to take an active part in Herbert Hoover's effort to save the lives of Europe's starving children. Mrs. Kline has__accepted the chairmanship and is securing the co- operation of leading men and women in the formation of a committee that will raise funds here. / Similar committees are being or- ganized in each county in this and every other state. A. A. Carpenter, state chairman, with headquarters at N. Washington AvenuerChicago, laid' that'the friendly rivalry be- tween the several county committees as to which answers quickest -and most generously the pathetic appeal for food, clothing and medical atten- tion that reaches across the sea and into prosperous Illinois communi- ties. Mrs. B. F. Langwprthy, of Winnet- ka, who is associated with State Chairman Carpenter, has written Mrs. Kline as follows "The cause in which we are work- ing is one that seems to appeal to every kind of citizen, to every age and every belief. Pennies come in from 'school children,â€" from -farm children and from city children. Large and small..._ manufacturers, merchants, professional men, house- wivesâ€"all of them * hold in their hearts * dg*p pity and concern for | the 3,500,000 destitute little 4ones abroad. The contributions often ar- rive with a word from the donors, a word that tells of Illinois' great hu- manitarian heart more than any other thing could do. 'We have heard that the babies in Poland are dying because they have no food' says one contributor, 'and that they are suffering from undernourish- ment. We have babies of our own and are sending you the money that would have gone for our month's luxury allowanceV The Illinois quotaâ€"exclusiveâ€"of Chicago is $1,000,000. Mr. Hoover's appeal is for $53,000,000, the amount necessary to keep the 7,000 food kitchens in Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bo- hemia and other central and eastern countries open until the next harvest will lighten the terrible burden un- der which the present generation is staggering. Money is being sent to General Charles G. Dawes. Treasurer, European Relief Council, Central Trust Company, Chicago, 111. The Education department of the Neighbors of Kenilworth has ar- ranged, a course of lectures to be held at the Kenilworth Assembly hall, beginning Wednesday evening, February 16. The course wilt in- clude the following subjects and speakers: Feb. 17. R. E. Pattison Kline, "Who Owns Your Business?" Feb. 23. R. E. Pattison Kline. "America and the Orient." To the Ladies of JoM&dlfi WILMETTE WINNETKA GLENCOE NOW SHOWING THE NEWEST Tailored Creations For Spring & Summer SPECIAL 25% Discount Below My Reasonable Prices. Harry Etahorn Suite 130 Mentor BIdg. 39 S. State Street CHICAGO, ILL. â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- i â- l • l l I I I I I I • ' I 1 I I I I I ^<ms^ H.G AUTOMOBILE Designed and manufactured by HARRY C. STUTZ Sales and Service â€"â€" ALSO , ! Auburn, Scripps-Booth & Maxwells j C. H. BRIGGS 1549 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON &â- â- â- ORCHESTRA HALL M. P. LOUEN Phone* Evanston 4884 EVANSTON LATEST BRUNSWICK Records Come Open Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. Evenings 828 Davis St EVANSTON OYBUR I IIS Dtfls St.. EvwHtea MATINEES 2 mm! 4 Evening 7 and S Saturday _____.___ February 5 "The Hundredth Chance" From Edith M. Dell's Famous Norel Featuring DENNIS NEILSON TERRY son of the well known English Actress, Ellen Terry Pathe New In New Photo-Stories Course Aâ€"5 FRIDAY EVENINGS Course Bâ€"S Saturday Matinees Constantinople Feb* 18,19 Jerusalem - - Feb.25,26 Garden of Allah Men. 4,5 Spanish Cities Mch. 11,12 Men. 18,19 and Italian 140 SALE tickets Mod*, Feb. 7 $6, $4, $3: Mail Orders Now Ma* War Tas Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK "The Highest Law" with Ralph Ince as Abraham Lincoln and "Unseen Forces" with AU Star Cast COMING SOON CHARUECHAPUN in "The Kid" MujPickfordmTheLoreUjht' Through Want Ads Bell System Little Suggestions to â€" Telephone Users^ I 'When you signal the telephone oper- ator and ask for a number she repeats it. She is trained to follow this prac- tice in order to be sure she Has heard you co It is a good plan to answer "Yes/* "Right" or something similar if the operator s reply shows that she has rightly understood you. Then she is sure and can make the proper con* -Election without loss of time. W^n a ConveraarJftti U fimgharL it fee well for both parties to say "poodr bye." This often avoids an extra call made in the belief that the users have been "cut off*9 in the midst of ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY