THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921 â€" ACME OF SERVICE AT NORTH SHORE GARAGE Miller Brothers, New Proprietors of North Shore Garage, to Conduct High Grade Garage Business Raymond F. and Howard P. Miller, to be known more generally as Miller Brothers, are two enterprising young business men who on February 1, will open what promises to be Wilmette's most completely equipped and effi- ciently conducted garage and auto- mobile service station at the North Shore garage, at 611 West Railroad avenue- Today electricians, carpenters painters and machinery installers are on the job shaping things for the prospective opening on February 1. Miller Brothers recently purchased the site, building and business and are^prepared to conduct an extensive - and"thoroughly efficient repair and! accessory business. Howard P. Miller is an automobile J expert with many years' experience j to his credit. Raymond F. Miller is I a veteran of the World War and a business man of exceptional reputa- METZ AND HART SHIP V~ MOONS, STUDEBAKERS IN SEVERAL CARLOADS ^n-order to insure prompt spring delivery of Moon and Studebaker autbmobiles, Metz & Hart have been shipping in several carloads of these automobiles. This week they re- ceivedâ€"four carloads, a total of twelve cars, and in a few more weeks a similar shipment is due. CHURCH GUILD SPEAKER Professor Beeler, dean of the Presby- terian training school, will speak at the First Congregational church Fri- day afternoon, Feb. 11, at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Woman's guild of the church. All women of the village are invited to attend this meeting, the occasion of the regular February session of the guild. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avenuey is leaving Mon- day to spend several weeks in Holly- wood, Cal. tion in Chicago A corps of expert mechanics will be employed to take care of a large volume of work and provide prompt service. Courteous service is to be the motto of the new-business. Thereâ€"will be installed a complete supply of ac- cessories and automobile supplies. There- will be equipment for every kind of repair and rebuilding work with a machine shop equipped to do the most extensive repairing and re- building on all makes of cars. Wilmette and Kenilworth automo- bile owners will not be forced to go t»> Evanston or Chicago for repair work. The new isiorth Shore garage will be equipped to provide ant re- pair anything in the automobile line. Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor, was hostess to the Thursday club this week, at her home, 835 Central avenue. TWO CARS ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT ARRIVE FOR TANK COMPANY With the arrival of two carloads of ordnance equipment, Company "G" the north shore tank company of the national guardHhaufld itself in a po- sition to be equipped and clothed as -~=='~a~full-fledged unit in the reserve or- \_^_ ganization. These two carloads, which came from the Springfield arsenal, contain ^ uniforms, shoes, overcoats, side arms, ammunition, blankets, packs tents ancFalT the" other necessary clothing and equipment. __.. This equipment will be immediately ~ distributed to the"men and within a week's time the company will be in* a position To answer any emergency call and render effective service. The men-have been in constant training since their .acceptance into the ser- vice and are in good shape to meet any demand. GEORGE STUMP TENOR Teacher of Singing Assistant to Frantz Proschowsky 718 Fine Arts BIdg. CHICAGO Teleohone: Harrison 4031 B^ North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONE EVANSTON 6424 FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston v/s///////////////////////////////////////////////////"'"? Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilraette Ave. W//////////////////////////////S/////////////////"/'////'- Shall North Shore Real Be Dealt In On Sunday? Electric Labor Savers Work is lessoned,com- fort and convenience are increased when the equipment of the house includes The â€"7â€"' Washing Machine The Vacuum Cleaner The Iron They all work from any lamp socket and use small quantities of electricity* They all perform their tasks with a degree of efficiency unrivalled. We Sell Them Each a email amount down, balance divided into monthly payments Public Service Co of Northern Illinois An Appeal to Common Senseâ€" Has nothing to do with BLUE LA WSâ€" The North Shore Real Estate Board, comprising practically all of the real estate firms operating between Wilmette and Highland Park, both in- clusive, desire to know whether the property owners and residents in the above territory are in favor of showing the property they own or occupy seven days^ajweej^o^ wish to have one day a week (Sunday) to spend undisturbed witrFth^iTTalniliesT"" 7_ The Reai Estate Board members to not wish to operate on Sundays, they think they are entitled to one day of rest each week. Many would like to attend church. They signed an agreement last fall not to operate on Sun- days from November 1, 1920 to February 1, 1921 and have kept their agree- ment, ft very few dealers, who did not join the Board, continued to operate on Sunday. Now comes the question :â€" SHALL WE BE ABLE TO CONTINUE OBSERVING ONE DAY OF REST OR SHALL WE GO BACK TO THE ANTIQUATED WAY OF OPERATING AND ASKING HOUSE-HOLDERS TO SHOW PROPERTY ON SUN- DAY? The answer rests with the public. It is impossible to get an expression within the time limit from each individual resident of the villages and we are appealing to the public through the-press and the various organizations of representative citizens for their expressions as to whether the public will back up the members of the Real Estate Board by refusing to show or tllow to be shown-to prospective buyers or renters their property on Sunday. Evanston and Wilmette dealers have agreements not to operate on Sunday the year round and dealers of the North Shore Real Estate Board wish to enter into year-round agreements of the same nature. They know they can sell just as much property in six as in seven days a week; that once the buyers are given to understand the situation, the sale or rental of prop- erty will not be jeopardized or retarded; that it will be to the best interests i>£tne villages not to have the quietude and peace^drsturbed l)y the hawking- about of Real Estate for the curiosity of the large number of "Sunday sight- seekers" for experience has proved that buyers or renters who are in earnest will take the time to look at property during the six days ordinarily given over ^taOhe^ transaction of business. But, unfortunately, there, are three or four dealers in the territory north of Evanston, not member of the Rear Estate Board, who seem to think that in order to make a livingthey must operate and ask their employes to operate everyday in the week. Some of the Board members think that to refrain from operating on Sunday while others keep open will work a hard- ship to those who close. The time of agreement to remain closed has been extended to February 15thr meanwhile .-the Boardmembers-wish the public, individually or through the various organizations to advise us how you stand on the question. All communications should be addressed to MR F B THOMAS, 10 SO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL.. Chairman of Sunday Closing Committee. . â€" Is there more reason why owners and agents of real estate should con- tinue-to be imposed upon, merely because it has been the custorrrin the past than there is for the butcher, baker and candle-stick maker to operate seven days a week for the benefit of possible customers? SHALL WE STAND FOR IT? YOU CAN STOP IT! WILL YOU HELP? _____ Please, advise us promptly k>ur personal attitude in this matter. All ^answers received will be treated confidentially. The Real Estate Board must decide this question at on<j:e and upon response to this appeal win depend largely the nature of its decision. THIS IS AN APPEAL TO COMMON SENSEâ€"NOT FOR THE ENACTMENT OF ANY "BLUE LAWS*â€" FREDERICKJB^THOMAJ HOWARD H. BROWN CHAS. E. WHEELER Envelopes to Natch Use envelopes to match the color of your stationery. ^We can^«upply^ you^with^fine letterheads printed on Hammermill Bond and furnish envelopes to match in any of the twelve colors or white. Remember we are letterhead specialists. You will find the quality of our printing and iBe paper we give you very high and our prices very * Le Us Show You What We Can Do LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phones1920-1921 o Committe on Sunday Closing. HAROLD-Dr HILL MILTON E. BARKER A. R. EDDINGTON Publicity Committee. Of the North Shore Real Estate Board, the 3 of which follow WILLIAM AITKEN, Hubbard W'ds. M. E. BARKER & CO., Wilmette. P. W. BRADSTREET, Winnetka. H, H. BROWN. Representing Mur- ray & Terry, Wilmette. FRANCIS M. CASE, Glencoe. ~T~ MARGARET DIETTRICH, Winnet- â€"k D. JOHNSON & BRO., A. R. EDDINGTON, Wilmette. " J. FRANKLIN, Representing E. P. GILBERT Glencoe. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO., Wilmette and Winnetka. JONAS H. MADSEN, Winnetka. BERNARD MAYER, Glencoe. W. J. MOIR, Representing McGuire ^OrrHtfinnetka. Maynard & Co., Hubbard Woods. J. L. FLOYD, Highland Park. AD. HERRMANN, Representing Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, Winnetka. HILL & STONE, Wilmette and Win- i netka. â€":------ â€"â€";â€" HILL & WHEELER, WilmetteTnid Winnetka. M. L. MOODY & CO., Wilmette. ALLAN A. MURRAY, Representing Murray ft Terry, Glencoe. CLAYTON MITCHELL, Kenilworth. CLARK T. NORTHROP, Winnetka. FRANK A. REID, Hubbard Woods. J. A. SHANE, Wilmette. FREDERICK B. THOMAS & Co„ Winnetka. WILMETTE REALTY CO., Wil- mette. F. B. THOMAS, 10 S. La Salle St, Chicago. Q I am in favor of Real Estate firms closing an Sundays I D I do not favor Real Estate firms closing on Sundays Name "Address m