THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921 ^ Classified Advertisements R Lk ATESâ€"10c per,line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. .0 1 HELP WANTEDâ€"'FEMALE PLANTEDâ€"OIRL. OR WOMAN TO AS- slst with children and light house- I work; own room and bath; no ob- jection to school aged child. Phone Win. 1199. IZTOra-ltb pVAN TEDâ€"COMPETENT AND WHITE r maid; must be good cook; no wash- I ing; good wages. 730 Ashland ave- f nue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1506. I __________LTQ12-ltc (WANTEDâ€"CAPABLE YOUNG LADY for bookkeeper and cashier. Mc- Allister Stores Co., 1148 Central ave- nue, Wihnette. I/TG12-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE (WANTED BUTCHER; GOOD WAGES; steady position; one half day a week off. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central â€"avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 614. L.TG12-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE DURING TOUR ABSENCE A COMPE- tent lady takes good care of your children. Phone Wil. 1080. Mrs. Roggween.____________; I/TQ12-ltp WANTBD^-BT DRESSMAKER; FAM- ily engagements; references. Ad- dress Lake Shore News S-25. _______LT12-ltp WANTEDâ€"DRESSMAKING WORK AT the house. Phone Evanston 1995. • , . ___________________LT12-ltC SITUATION WANTED~MALE WANTEDâ€"PAINTING AND PAPER- hanglng. Call Wil. 796-J. L9-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSES WANTED RENTâ€"WILMETTE TO Glencoe; unfurnished 8 room house or larger; for 2 years; must be good location. Phone Win. 246. LTG12-UC WANTED TO RENTâ€"WILMETTE OR Glencoe, 7 to 9 room furnished house; good location; May 1st possession for Bummer rental. Phone Win. 246. LTG12-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"B OR 6 ROOM bungalow; furnished or unfurnished. Phone Wil. 2114. LTG12-ltp WANTED TO RENTâ€"UNFURNISHED or furnished four to five room house. Address Lake Shore News, A-4 • L12-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BUNGALOW FOR SALEâ€"WINNETKA; NEARLY new red brick and stucco bungalow; garage; deep lot; leaving town. For quick sale $8,500. Phone Win. 1689. LTG12-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"WELL FURNISHED steam heated room. Phone Wil. 1080. Lll-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTEDâ€"FIVE OR SIX ROOMS AT once by responsible party., Phone Win. 621. LTG9-tfc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our Gulbransen player piano. Lyon & Healy, $60. J. & C. Fisher,r$100. Baldwin. $95; Sterling, $150. Clinton, $175. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG12-2tc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 1631 WASH- ington avenue. Phone Wil. 936-R. ____â- _• L12-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 WOOD court. Phone Wil. 2332. L5-tfc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"USED WASHING MA- chines; overhauled; guaranteed; ThoE, $80; Thor, $110; Eden, $100; Bluebird, shopworn, $100; Maytag, $100: Federal 1 year old, $85. Pater- son Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. ----------- ________LTG12-,ltc FOR SALEâ€"RUGS, STOVES. TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine. - We buv, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfc WANTEDâ€"CLEAN RAGS; 8c POUND. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue, Wilmette. L29-tf WANTEDâ€"SECOND HAND THREE OR four drawer letter file cabinet; also baby stroller. Call Wil. 2079. L12-ltc i FOR SALEâ€"ELEGANT CIRCASSIAN walnut bedroom suite, like new, in- cluding boxsprlng and mattress, only $400; less than price of dresser alone. 1724 Highland avenue, Wllmette. Phone Wil. 2114.__________LTG12-ltp FOR SALEâ€"USED SEWING •• MA- chlnes taken In trade on the Singer electric; special discount on • all machines. Patterson Bros:, 828 Dav- is street, Evanston. LTG12-2tC foUSEHOLD GOODS AND^CEOTHING bought -and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone^Ev- anston 103. LTQ39-tfc FOR SALEâ€"LARGE FINE OAK ROLL top desk and office chairs; reasonable. Address Lake Shore News, A-2. „ . L12-U& H FORSALEâ€"FUMED OAK LIVING .room table, bookcase and desk chair. Phone Win. 944. LTG12-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A SOLID MAHOGANY hand made Cowan library table; $50. â€" Phone Wil. 2266. LTG12-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO BUYâ€"FOUR TO FIVE room house; west side or Gross Point. Address Lake Shore News, B*4 L12-ltc WANTED TO BUY- -SMALL TABLE. â- --------_______1,12____ FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"BLACK SATIN DRESS; never worn; 36-38 size. Phone Wil. 1776. L12-ltp FOR SALEâ€"CANARY BIRDS. PHONE Wllmette 1797. - LTGll-2tp MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE CEMETERYâ€"ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual _care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development. For informa- tion call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M. LTG9-tfc ________FPU SALEâ€"AUTOS________ FOR SALEâ€"STANLEY STEAM CARS. from $1,600 and up. William N. Schneider, Stanley Steam Car station, Hubbard Woods. LTQll-tfo FOR SALE AUTOMOBILESâ€"NEW, used, abused; all makes; all prices. Roy Vogel. Phone Lake Forest 617. LTG7-6tc lost and found jan7 LOSTâ€"SUNDAY, JAN. 23. GERMAN police dog; light tan, marked with black: answers to name "France." Reward. Phone Wil. 1148. LT12-ltc The first winter meeting of the Sewing club of High school girls was held on Monday afternoon. Among the members are t^e Misses Pattie Foresman, Connie Hannah. Jane Ridgway, and Caroline Jane Everett. The club met in the home of Mrs. Hannah, and will continue to meet once in every two weeks during the remainder ^of the season. â€"♦â€" There will be an, Auction Bridge party^a±_Jiie_honie- oi Mrs,- Benjamin F, Hawkes. on Wednesday, February 2. at 2 oclock, under the auspices of the Rectors-Aid society. Guests will be privileged to make up their own tables, and many Kenilworth women are taking advantage of this oppor- tunity to entertain a group of friends. Miss Margaret FitchTwfH give a4* surprise number (either a song or a dance, or perhaps both) on the pro- gram of the American Legion Cabaret Ball to be held at the Winnetka Womans' club Friday evening of this week. Among the hostesses will be Mes- dames Sidney Corning Eastman. Warren Pease, F. E. Cole, Henry Taylor; Jr^rRoyJaTretti-George^Shii^ man, tifeorgg riinman, an<l \Villia~rrj Englar. Miss Cnariotte Parmelee, wbo has been ill for several weeks is now able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H^p^^afe-giving a dinner-pa-r-ty-4-g- Miss Parmelee's honor this- week at their home in Evanston. â€"♦â€" _ |Mr. C. G. Burnham is away on a business trip. Wanted to Rent House, four or five bed rooms, hot water heat, on the North Shore for one year. Prospects of buy- ing. Phone Wilmette 2080 PLAN with us for materials, when you build or repair. EDWARD HINES tUMBEReO. Churcfc St. and Maple Ave. Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 l I l -I AUTOMOBILE Designed and manufactured by HARRY C. BTUTZ Sales and Service ALSO I Auburn, Strippi-Booth ft Mraelh-j I C. H. BRIGGS " 1549 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON ^â- â- â- â- •â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •â- â- •â- â- â- â- â- ,* After seeing the bewilderirrg^and glittering array of cars at the Chicago Automobile Show come to the Winnetka Motor Company and let us show you and your family the Willys-Knight sedan and touring car. The car which has made good in Europe and America. The motor which has no valves to grind, carbon troubles or noiseâ€"a motor which wears in instead jqLouUâ€" Home service by your home people. Mrs. John P. Oleson entestained at luncheon on Monday in honor of Mrs. Shirty of Pittsburgh, who is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ilenrv Riggs Rathbone. â€"*â€" Mrs. Arthur McDougall entertained at cards in honor for her sister-in- law, Mrs. Will Jack of Peoria, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Grant Ridgway entertained on Friday at a luncheon for Mrs. Karl B. Korrady's sister, Mrs. Taylor, who is here from New York. Tracy Tinsman returned home on Monday from the Evanston hospital, where he has been convalescing for the past month. -*â€" Mrs. William B. Kunkell is ill at the Evanston hospital. Miss Elizabeth Shipman will return home on Monday from a fortnight's visit in St. Louis. Mrs. Mark Cresap will entertain the Afternoon Bridge club next Wednes- day. â€"77â€" ~TT~ N. T. SWIMMERS BUSY New Trier swimmers will engage Morton High school at the Morton natatorium Friday evening in a Sub- urban league meet. On Saturday evening Milwaukee "Y" will be rep- resented at the New Trier tank by swimmers from the Cream City and the juniors of Evanston High school will splash against the north shore Jadi____ ,:; ... - -1â€" The area of the island of Cuba is 45.881 square miles, or about that of Pennsylvania. eginning Saturday, January 29th and Alt Next Week Vacuum Washer Nickel Zinc $139.00 The best Electrical Washer at the lowest price We also have on display other leading makes ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Phones Wilmette 600 Evanston 1024 Incorporated - . A. H. FOVNTAIN SQVJVRE. EVANSTON Your Exclusive Telephone It would be possible so to construct a telephone instrument that a person using it might sit across the room and have his voice transmitted over- the wires. The trouble with such a telephone would be that not only the speaker's voice, but all sorts of other sounds would be picked up at the same time ^^heclkl^^pewr*tersynoises^t«>fn- the street and conversation of others in the room. _ Your standard telephone is designed for exclusive, individual service. By talk- ing with your lips close to the mouth- piece of the transmitter, your voice alone is transmitted to the ear of the listener at the other end of*he wire^ ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY