THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921 Public Library News and Reviews___â- _ BY THE LIBRARIAN Do real people want real books? The answer is obvious. It is the aim of your Public Library to supply such books and those mentioned? kelow^ â€"are- representative of the books which are regularly being added to the Wilmette Free Public library. William Roscoe Thayer was a college mate and life long iriend of Theodore Roosevelt. He observed him, knew his motives, studied h}s character and as a result of this in- timate knowledge Mr. Thayer has written an instructive and vivid biography of the great "100 Per Cent American". Accepting the universe by John Burroughs, "Comments and quota- tions by one who has observed much from nature and who, as he says, has found it worth while to look at the gift of the universe and to convince himself that it is good." A. L. A. book list.- -vâ€"â€" ^ In the two volumes of Joyce Kil- mer's works one may find his essays which1 reek with humor, his poems which are said to be "as old as the hills and as fresh as the morning," and his letters which reveal his â€"spirituality, bit wisdom and always his joy of life^------ â€"=- ' The list of new fiction follows: Audouxâ€"Marie Claire'sâ- Workshop. Binlossâ€"Wilderness Mine. Blasco-Ibanezâ€"Enemies of Women Dawsonâ€"Borrowdale Mystery. . Delandâ€"Old Chester Secrets TT3ett^M-oon-Catf Farnolâ€"Black Bartlemy's Treasure. Grevâ€"Mysterious Rider. Hallâ€"Egan. Hallâ€"Steel Preferred. Hopeâ€"Lucinda. NEW TRIER HIGH PLANS GREAT PAGEANT IN JUNE In view of the fact that the ter- centenary celebrationofthe Landing of the Pilgrims is assuming extensive recognition throughout the United States this year, New Trier Town- ship High school has decided to give a pageant recalling this event, in place of the usual Spring exhibit the High school next June. ,;.- The High school is planning-to make this pageant quite elaborate. Its program is now being carefully worked out by various committees representing all departments of the â- schoaUJand. every -phase of school activities. Services of every instruc- tor and student in the school are en- listed in the preparation for this un- usual event. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS __M. E. Barker and company report the following real estate transfers this^ week: The G. W. Hess residence at 332 Forest avenue sold to M. E. Barker; sold lot on Forest avenue near Ninth street to J. R. Kehm, and the Charles L. Wachs home at 910 Elmwood ave- nue, to G. M. Culver. OUILMETTE K of C. BOWLERS TAKE 2 FROM EVANSTONIANS The Ouilmette Council, Knights of Columbus bowlers, went into a tie withrCohimhus"f or-=third-^laee-Mon^ day evening when they twice defeat- ed the Newmanites of Evangton, sub- mitting to one defeat in return. Uni- versity took a trio of tilts from Columbus. Kutt^n rolled high game of the evening for the locals when he scored 214 pins. Steiher made seven strikes in the third game but was kept from rolling a high game by two rail- roads" and a "break." Ouilmette vs. University and Columbus vs. New- man next Tue&day-evjBning.___ RIVERSIDE VS. NEW TRIER Riverside High basketball â- men versus New Trier Friday evening is looked upon as a hard tussle by the north shore coach, "Duke" Childs. Light_and heavyweight games will be played. NOTICB Will teach Lip Reading- to Deaf per- sons. Adults or children. Will accept pupils from Evanston and north to Olencoe. Phone Win. 1697. LTG12-2tc LHJWf DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass- age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look for the name Gold Medal oa every box and accept no imitation Ke 1 Iandâ€"Effi ciency Edgarr- Leacockâ€"Winsome- Winnie. Lyncleâ€"Gi.rl a Horse and a Dog. ' Millerâ€"Beauty and the Bolshevist. Oemlerâ€"Purple Heights. Pooleâ€"Blind. Postâ€"Sleuth of St. James' Square Sterrettâ€"Nancy Goes to Town. -STneT^lF^Pnor Mati's Rock, z^z What Ever You Do ASK William N. Schneider About the NEW STANLEY"STEAM CAR at the AUTOMOBILE SHOW. THE SIMPLEST CAR TO DRIVE AND UNDERSTAND CONSULT W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames. Sash. Doors and Interior Finish 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 zmz^ms^zzszsz&zzzzzzzzzzB^Ezzmz^z&zBmzszzzsm Phone 2491 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE (Earl E, 9t*nttr (En. Sntmnr BnoratovB and JFurma^rs UIIIIUMunnilllHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIirillMIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIinill StGGESTI0NSrDRAWINO>. ESTIMATES :: CHEERFULLY SUBMITTED :: IIUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllli: In our Store Are carry a full line of WALL PAPER and PAINTS for Home use/* Wattâ€"Noon-mark. Ask for these books at.the library and sJiould they not be in that day leave your name and telephone number and you will be notified when the books are in. ~~T. â€"~ Sue Osmotherly, Librarian, Many Indiana People ~^~ RELIEVED OF GOITRE . WITHOUT OPERATION By External Home Treatmentâ€"Go See or Write to Any of Them Note: It> illegal to publish these statements if they were not true These peOple have treated goitre successfully with Sorbol Quadruple. They have had their testimonials pub- lished in their home papers. Any of them are glad to tejr their experience personally or by letter. Mrs. F. W. Harlan, 34f> Christian St.. Indianapolis, Mrs. Alice Dawes, 430 Main St.-, Rich- mond, Mabel Burris, New Castle, Mrs. Flora Pavne. 1926 Sth Ave., Terre Haute. Mrs. E. A. Poe, 1<53S 12% St., Terre Haute, Mrs. Sam Holdaway, R. R. B.. West Terre Haute, C. F. John- son, R. R. C, Indianapolis, ,Mrs. Emma Davis, 418 E. St. Clair St.. Indianapolis^ Mrs. Wm. Jones, 226 Short St., Law rencebuiK.Mattie Kalley, Mecca, Mrs. Jos. Babos. 404 W. 3rd St., Conners- vllle. Sorbol Quadruple â€"------bottles â€"containing eases. It will not Does not interfere , -Leaves parts in healthful, normal con- dition. Requires 10 minutes dally. Get further information at Ren- neckar Drug Co., drug stores every- wrlte----Sorbol----eompanyr comes - In small enough for most stain or irritate, with daily work. where or Mechanicsburg, Ohio. (Advertisement) VM^AliK O.E_WLL3IETTE SPECIAL, ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. 137 -â€"fif-THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE FOR THE IMPROVE- MENT OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) OF DINGEE'S ADDI- TION TO WILMETTE VILLAGE, BY GRADING, PAVING WITH CONCRETE AND OTHERWISE IMPROVING THE SAME, DOCKET NO, 137 OF THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. NOTICE Is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village has here- tofore filed in said court. In said cause, a certificate shewing: the cost of Im- provement, the amount reserved for interest, and that no excess remains to be abated In reduction of said assess- ment, and also that said Improvement Tias4>eertcompleted in substantial con- formity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor; and has applied tu said' court to consider and determine whether or not the facts __st&ted_ln sjdd_jjertiflcate are true; and ttuvtsalcT court haiTfixed Monday, the 21st day of February, A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock A. M., or* as soon thereafter as the business of the c6tfrt will permit, a> the room of said County Court In the j Court House in the City of Chicago in said Cook County, as the time and place for the jearlng on said application. All persons desiring may file objections In said court before said day and may ap- pear on the hearing and make their defense. DATED January 24th, A. D. 1921. EDWARD ZIPF, ___3^ffiEFAJT H. ELLIS,----~ ~J%, JAMES F. BYRNES, ^^f Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc Kill That Cold With SlilSr FOR Colds, Coughs %g&£ QUININE AND La Grippe "rT Neglected XbTds are Dangerous "Tate* no chancesrjKegrthfar standard temedyhandy for the first sneeze Breaks up a cold in 24 hoursâ€"Relieves ^â€" Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Excellent for Headache -.. ^ Quinine in this form does not affect the headâ€"Cascara is best Tonic Laxativeâ€"No Opiate in Hill's. ALlTTJRUGGfSTS^SELL IT SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Nickel Zincâ€"Easy Washing Takeadvantage of of this sale and save money. The "Easy" has large capacity. Washes clothes clean. Terms if desired PADARBYT HOP 1104-1106 Davis Street Phone Evanrton-2230 -â€"EVANSTON