THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1$21 r m ii •......... • i â- • â- â€"â€"â€" •.......... |RS. Daniel Leavitt Mansfield of Chicago, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Rene Margaret Mansfield, to Mr. Benjamin F. Affleck, formerly of Wilmette. The wedding will take Tee at 9:30 o'clock this morning, in the presence of Miss Mans- field's mother and Mr. Affleck's daughter, Miss Mildred Affleck, at the rectory of St. James Episcopal church. Rev. Dr. James S. Stone will read the service. Miss Mansfield for six years has been editor of "Fashions of the Hour," a magazine issued by MarshaV ~'eld and company. Mr. Affleck is president of the Universal PortlSi QememVeompany^ After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Affleck will leave for New York, Palm Beach and Havana. They will reside at 222 E. Delaware place, Chicago, Mr. Affleck's present residence. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Trauger of Austin, announce the marriage of their daughter, Gertrude E. Trauger, to Edward J. McArdle, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McArdle of 111 Broadway avenue. The service was read on Wednesday morning, December 29, in St. Kathryn's church, Austin, at 10:30 o'clock. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Helen Mark, as matron of honor, and her small niece, Mary Jane Curtiss, who acted as flower girl. Mr. Robert McArdle served his brother as best man. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. McArdle have just returned from their wedding trip and for the present will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Trauger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Roberts, of 1033 Greenwood avenue, Mr. and Mrs. CollinsH. Slayton, of 607 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, of 927 Ashland avenue, have issued invita- tions for a dinner dance to be given on Thursday evening of next week at the Edgewater Beach hotel. ----- ♦---------- Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Bryang Palmer of 1132 Forest avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris, to Dr. John L. Rock of Ebeleth, Minn. The wedding date has been set for early in February. The Community Recreation club will hold another Play Institute on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 17, 18 and 19^ There will be afternoon and evening meetings, the afternoon classes to be held from 3.15 to 4:15 p. m. in the Byron Stolp school, and the evening meetings from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. at the Wil- mette Womans' club. The War Camp Community work- ers will be on hand again to help with the games and some dramatiza- tion, and it is hoped that every res- ident in the village will find time to come out to at least one or two of the meetings. The annual card party for the bene- fit of the Philanthropy department of the Wilmette Woman's club will be given next Wednesday afternoon, Jannary 19, at 2 o'clock, in the club- house. Tickets may be secured from any member of the following com- mittee: Mrs. Charles A. Wanner, chairman; Mrs. John Clark Baker, Mrs. Samuel H. Vowell, Mrs. Frank Tolman. Mrs. Wilbur T. Robertson, Mrs. Charles McCue, Mrs. . James Topp, Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey, Mrs. George Rose or Mrs. Mary Dolan. - A real treat is in store at the Ouil- mette Country club tomrorow even- ing for the members of the North- western University Glee club have promised to furnish a special musical program. Many of us had an op- portunity pi listening to a few melodies by a small unit of this or- ganization one evening down at the "Days of '49," and if one may be allowed the privilege of judging from this delightful bit of entertainment, let us say that it is an assured fact that there is a real pleasure await- ing members tomorrow evening. On Wednesday afternoon of last week the home of Mrs. Wm. C Rein- hold at 1005 Ashland avenue, was opened informally to the women of the Methodist church, as a farewell reception to Mrs. Louis J. Pierson, who is leaving the village next week, to take up her permanent residence in California. During the afternoon, Mrs. Pierson was presented with a handsome traveling bag and leather purse, as a token of esteem and ap- preciation of untiring service in the work of the church. Children's dancing classes will open on Saturday afternoon, January 15, at the Wilmette Woman's club, under T^wzdh*etjon^of MUrJe^n Richard-, ion. The first class, for youngsters of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, will commence at 2:30 o'clock, and the second class, which is open to pupils of the seventh and eighth grades and freshmen at high school, will begin at 4 o'clock. Further iff- D. Lawrence, Mrs. Daniel Brower, or Mrs. J. Nye Macalister. On Monday, January 17, from 3 to 5:30 o'clock, in Harris hall the Board of Directors of the Associate Al- umnae of Northwestern University will entertain at tea in honor of the Women Faculty members of North- Mr. and Mrs. William Schmedtgen of 710 Greenleaf avenue, have as their guest over the holidays Mr. H. C. Thurnae, brother of Mrs. Schmedt- gen, who is a professor at the Uni- versity of Kansas. M.£. Thurnae was here to attend the meetings of the Modern Language association, which was held in Chicago during the holi- day week. Mr. and Mrs. A W. Wiggles worth entertained twenty-five friends at a dinner party at the Edgewater Beach hotel on New Year's Eve, in celebra- tion of their silver wedding anni- versary. The Wigglesworth's are re- turning today to their winter home in Buena Vista, Fla., after spending the holidays in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Morgan and their son, Mr. Barrington Morgan of Toronto, Canada, who have been the guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Caniff, 723 Central avenue, left Wednesday evening for Cali- fornia, where they will spend the re- mainder of the winter. Mrs. O. A. Hinsdell, 501 Washing- ton avenue, left yesterday for Des Moines, la., to spend some time with her son, Mr. Roy Hinsdell, and to at- tend the commencement exercises at one of the high schools from which her granddaughter, Carolyn Hinsdell will graduate. Miss Elizabeth Singleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Singleton, 522 Maple avenue, and Miss Margaret Wheelock of 830 Central avenue, re- turned last week to resume their work at the University of Wisconsin, after spending the holidays with their families. The Neighborhood Circle will hold and all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Louis K. Gillson, of 706 Forest avenue, on Tuesday, January 18. Mrs. Steen Billow, Mrs. William E. Suits and Mrs. James Watson will assist. Mrs. D. W. Campbell of New York has returned from her trip in Wis- consin and will spend the remainder of the winter at the home of her brother, Mr. Fred A. Smith, 729 Eighth street. Harold Spinney, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spinney of 927 Ash- land avenue, has returned home from the Evanston hospital, where he underwent an operation for append- icitis. Children's Classes IN Ballroom Dancing Wilmette Woman's Club 3*tgigm?ng Jan* IS- _ â€" tilt Mi t â- 'â- hifc Ten. $4. Miss Jean Mtl Mrs. Lee Underbill who has been spending tht holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Voltiey Underbill, 701 Washington •. avenue, has gone to Princeton, III, to visit with relatives and friends. The Cory Corner Circle of the Con- gregational church, of which Mrs. L. E. Bush is chairman, will hold an afternoon meeting at the church on Thursday, January 20. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hall, who have been making their home in New York City for several months, have re- turned to Chicago, and for the pres- ent are residing at the Edgewater Beach hotel. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Theo- dore B. Potter entertained informally at her home, 607 Forest avenue. An enjoyable program of readings was given by Mrs. Frederick Dickinson of Hubbard Woods. 'Mrs. Fred Gardner White, accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. Skinner, of the Somerset hotel are leaving on Thursday, January 20, to spend the remainder of the winter atâ- ' Clear- water, Fla. There will be an all-day meeting of the second division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church on Tuesday of next week at the home of Mrs. George Emrich, 915 Ashland avenue. Chi Omega sororJSjy of Northwest- ern University held its annual formal dancing party on Saturday evening last at the Evanston golf club. Mr. Walter H. Zibble, chief of the Wilmette Fire department, is attend- ing the Fireman's convention being held in Jacksonville, 111., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. King, of 825 Greenleaf avenue, are attending the National Shoe convention held in Milwaukee this week. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car ever one would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1639 Omagtea Ave., Evuuton TheSnartast and Bast Dressad Woman in Chicaia bava Ibaif Sport and Week End Skirts THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "msdt milk your own truUeriaT' . Suite 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 Nartb Stat* CHICAGO If Narth Wabaah GAIRING Fine Arts 1613 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON. ILL. 20Per Cent Discount During January on Frames Pictures and Novelties WW ANNIVERSARY DANCE [ewman Council, No. 1077, K. of C. Expects to see you ~^ With your friends at Arcadia, January 18ih. Mark this date on your calendar, And help us put it over. ^ Newman needs you* : â€"â€"i....... i mmmmmmum William N. Schneider About the NEW STANLEY STEAM CAR at the AUTOMOBILE SHOW. THE SIMPLEST CAR TO DRIVE AND UNDERSTAND Phone 2491 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE (Earl £. fHttn*t(&o> Jnterfair imitatora anil Wwnftalitta â- â- IMIIMIIHIIIIIMHIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIllWllllMIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli SICGESTIONS. DRAWINGS. ESTIMATES :: LHEERFILLY SUBMI1TED :: In our Store we carry a full line of WALL PAPER) PAINTS for Home use.*" -/ wmm CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. M FQR * Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish J 910-912 Weed Street. CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 WMtf?MmM?MtmMMMMl/8& "DacldyViCict. will soon be a Grown-upM These sweet memories are best recorded in a Photograph " Bring'Them to the Childrens Studio EUGENE L, R A Y; Photographer Phone Evanston 2238 Hoyburn Building, EVANSTON We RepniV All Makes of Vacuum Cleaners ELECTRIC weperVac YMTIlMOTORDRfYEN BRUSH TRY IT IN YOUR HOME Easy Payments PATTERSON BROS. OPEN TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS ETtsitea