THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1921 THE OPEN FORUM ed to Our Readers as a Medium for the Expression of Opinion on Matters of Interest in Wilmette and Kenilworth 1921. Wilmette, 111., Jan. 10, ditor, Lake Shore News; A permit for the erection, of the roposed Bahai Temple in Wilmette lould be refused because the need .any such movement in this vicinity not evident and. the objective of 1 Bahai movement, even if they successful, is of questionable an article that was printed in New York Times Book Review Magazine, August 1, 1920, and itten by Sherwin Cody, we find the bowing: "The underlying idea of ; Bahai movement is to unite all e religions of the world in a com- mon religious spirit. There are as- pmed to be nine of the great re- ligions, and each of these has a^ep- Kte^entrance to this tempie tii rough be of its nine doors on its nine files, over which is inscribed a wel- Mne in the language of the race which that religion chiefly belongs. ^Ehe building is not intended for preaching, but rather a place of wor- ship and music and beauty. There is fpb other creed than that of the brotherhood of man, and no other or- â- taization than a body of temple trustees." ' On the face of it what could sound SwOre innocent than the child-like simplicity of this statement? But 'under the surface of it what could portend greater calamity to the com- munity than the carrying out of just pat this seemingly innocent state- mt proposes? What are these nine religions that ;e people propose to unite in a imon religious spirit? It is gen- jtly accepted that they are Budd- ists, Hindus, Mohammedans, Con- jians, Christians, Hebrews, Roman tholics Greek Catholics, and for jjnth we may take Shintoism of s of India, or Mor- M>f Utah. sus, the worlds' greatest teacher, "By their fruits ye shall know is, Christians, Hebrews, Roman What about the fruits of six JpBven of these religions? What ve they done for the "brotherhood nun? What has Mehammedanism me for India or Turkey The Jwthists and Hindus have had ieir chance in India; the Confucians jQhina; the Shintoists in Japan, "'wtat havo they done? Is there khing about any of them to com- ffend them to a Christian community a civilized country? How is this temple to be paid tor d supported? Granting that bar- was right and that one of a cer- class is born every minute, and ring for some progress since Bar- made the statement, and say that Jfi of this class are born every min- &M will that provide supporters suf- gpnt for this mysterious project? re its supporters to be drawn from iristian churches of Wilmette "~Itnot, where are they :ommg from? Will they Unite these religions and we them where they are, in India, irkey, China, Japan aiiT^riscwhcTcr~ ie description of the temple an- /ers this question in the negative. Hiy have nine doors for nine differ* lent religions if those doors are not to used. If those doors are to be _d then the support for the Temple coming along with the Mohamme- l from Turkey or India and with Buddhists and Hindus and Con- |3fc tans fuclans and^Sfimtolsts and others wherever they come from and they will find a welcome inscribed over the door through which they are to enter the Wilmette temple, in the language of the country from which they came, but what about Wil- mette? Has Wilmette a welcome for representatives of religions, and the representatives will have to be num- bered by the thousands, that in those countries to which they chiefly belong stand for harems, child wives, marriage to the Gods, Zenanas, traffic in women and girls and other condi- tions too horrible to mention? When the thousands of these repre- sentatives of these different relig- ions come to Wilmette to be made over into one religion will they bring their women with them? __Jjow_jnjirJL_Bril1 the teachings of any or all these other religions add to the teachings of Jesus, the founder of the only religion that brings forth fruit that has no bitterness in it? The Wilmette Village Board would have to feel well satisfied that this project is as innocent and simple as it has been represented before they could feel justified in taking any such chance as is involved by the granting of a building permit for this mysteri- ous temple, and how can they ac- count for the coming of the funds necessary to build and support such a project, when for its aim and ob- ject there is only the uniting of re- ligions, no creed but the brotherhood of man, no organization, no preach- ing, only a body of temple trustees. Does that sound like a project that would interest the necessary sup- We do not believe it. Respectfully, E. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road. port? A PIONEER TALKS January 10, 1921. Editor, Lake Shore News: Dear Sir: I see that the Village Board is considering the issuance of a building permit for a temple on Sheridan road in Wilmette. I think this permit should be de- nied. I know nothing of the merits of this cult. However, it surely isn't claimed that they have many, if any, adhe- rents in Wilmette. Therefore there is no local demand for such a temple. If a temple is to be built it should be at a central location among its adhe- rents. As it is not probable they have many members, even near Wilmette, it follows that their congregation will tome to their-services in motor cars, and if the attendance at their ser- vices is sufficient to justify the large temple planned, then the number of cars gathered around the temple dur- ing the services must be vary large, and if these cars are not parked on their own groundsâ€"off the public highwaysâ€"they will become a public nuisance and a menace to the life and comfort of a large part of the public using Sheridan. road as the principal artery between Chicago and the territory to the north. That corner is dangerous enough now without being congested by a large number of cars being parked there. Wilmette is primarily a residence district, laid out and maintained for the quiet and comfort of its resi- dents, and nothing should be allowed to intrude itself into our midst that will take away from us that quiet and comfort. The most of us "pio- neered it'r in order to get away from the very conditions which the pro- posed temple would tend to force upon us Without any disparagement of the cult, I say let them go where they are wanted, rather than force them- selves into a settled community where they are not wanted/ If they can't find a welcome in any of the older districts they should do as John Alexander Dowie didâ€"buy up a farming community; establish their temple and take up a residence around it, and worship in oeace. if their particular form of religion is capable of bring them peace. Yours truly, W. S. Moore, 531 Washington avenue, Wilmette. INVESTIGATE Editor, Lake Shore News. The application for a building per- mit for a Bahai temple, proposed to be erected at the corner of Sheridan road and Linden avenue, is now be- fore our Village Board. In view of the fact that the appli- cants wish permission to erect a tre- mendous and most unique building at the gateway of our beautiful vil- lage, on one of the most famous drives in the world, where the struct- ure would be viewed and brought to the attention of all who drive on Sheridan road, we think that more definite information as to building plans and financial arrangements should be furnished by the applicants. As we understand it, the present application is for permission to put No "Blue" Sundays Here Pending the arrival of the "Blue Laws'* this Establishment will remain open on Sunday. mMMMMmaaaBnm Wm. P. Parks c°»f«"™« Ridge and Lake Aves. WILMETTE TELEPHONE WlLMt lift 1450 The January Clearance Sale Is Still On at The Wilmette Shoe Store We are aiming to please everybody by putting <>n sale the very best quality o? men's, women's, girls' and boys' footwear. One visit to our store will convince you that this sale is a real one for economy and satisfaction. Your foot comfoit is an important factoi in your daily life. It is a great pleasure for- us to fit you in the style shoe you desire. We have placed on sale a large variety of shoes, and you only have to visit us during this sale to satisfy yourself of an excel- lent chance to purchase your particular style of footwear. Service and Satisfaction will be found in our store* ^ TTiis Off, But Come NOW! Don't • me 1156 Certral Atcmk WILMETTE, ILL Phooc Wihwitc 1771 ^ in a foundation and about six feet of wall. wall. We- are confronted with the practical consideration of whether or not the Village of \Vilmette would be justified in "granting a permit for a project of this tremendous size be- fore it has been demonstrated that the entire structure, or at least the entire superstructure or finished Five and three-fourths Per Cent Interest with Safety If you have funds to invest for a definite period We can recommend investment in 5% per cent U. S. Treasury Certificates maturing October 15,1921. (nine months). Your money thus invested is absolutely safe and will give the benefit of larger returns. You can purchase them at any time, through this bank. Our desire is to serve our customers' interests and our service is yours to command. STATE BANK Your Home Bank, â- rm A. S. SELLER OF GOOD FOOD 5°/o CASH Wilmette--Centra!Ave.andl2thSt. DISCOUNT c~c«irJ^*j«™**m,jm^***M Meat Telephone 514 Cash and Cmsrj * - » - 5* Discount Cash and Delivered .... 2% Discern! On orders of $K00 er more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department Profit Goods. Credit and Defiraed, one order defirered free Special Sale, January 17th to January 22nd Granulated Sugar. 10 pounds 89c With an order of $2.00, charged or cash, of normal profit goods, 10 pounds of finest white granulated sugar, 10 pounds for S9c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 176 size. Doz. ..-..............45c ISO size. Doz.................'55c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€" 80 size, Doz. $1.15. Each......10c 64 size. Doz. $1.40. Each ....12#c CALIFORNIA LEMONSâ€"Fancy. 360 size. Doz................. 20c APPLESâ€"Cooking. Very tine. Good sized. For baking or cook- ing. 10 lbs...................60c JELL-Oâ€"All flavors. 2 pkgs........................25c ARGO CORN STARCHâ€" 1 lb. pkg.....................lie NAVY BEANSâ€" Fancy white hand picked. Lb..............M RICEâ€"Fancy, whole bean. Head. Lb..........................UHc KRISPY CRACKERSâ€" Loose-Wiles Co .'s finest salt wafer. Krispy crackers in bulk cost you about J/2 the price that they do in package. 1 lb. full weight .............23c CRISCO â€" Lb.................30c LARDâ€"Pure. Lb*..............21e RED WING CATSUPâ€" 18 oz. bottle 27*/2c; 9 oz.___15c GENESEE APPLE BUTTERâ€" 19 oz. jar....................20c RYZON BAKING POWDERâ€" 1 lb. full weight .............30c RICHELIEU CELERY SOUPâ€" 3 cans for..........•..........25c KNEIPP'S MALT COFFEEâ€" 1 ID* pKg. •.• •'•••«•••••••*....sac A coffee substitute. DEL MONTE LOGANBERRY JAMâ€"The finest quality of jam. Sugar and fruit only. A very limited quantity left. Large No .2 can Doz.......$420 Can .„„„„n.TTT,T,..»*....,iiJ5e No cash discount DEL MONTE PURE PRE- SERVES â€" Strawberry, Rasp- berry, Gooseberry, Blackberry, 15 oz. jar, 48c; dozen......$5.70 No cash discount NEW YORK CHEESEâ€" The finest quality of snappy, whole milk cheese. Lb.....38c BAKER'S COCOAâ€" 541b. can....................28c BUCKWHEAT FLOURâ€"Pure. DE LUXE APRICOTSâ€". Delicious fruit, heavy syrup. Large No. 2?4 ran, No discount Doz. $4.50 Can.......... 40c REINA OLIVE OILâ€" Imported, pure, sweet olive oil. This olive oil is recommended by Sprague, Warner & Co. as one of the best on the market. â€"= Quart can ................'. .$135 Pint can....................70c TIP TOP CREAMERY BUTTERâ€" Extra quality, fresh. Lb.....57c Sweet creamery butter. NUCOA NUT MARGERINEâ€" The splendid substitute for butter. Lb........ ..........31c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. % bbl. ...........$1.38 No discount CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€" Burt Bros. Large fancy olives. Large quart can. This is a quart not a pint can. Doz. $420. Can 35c COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos makes a mild, sweet, delicious drink. Lb...........................27c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Our finest quality of bulk coffee. Lb................ ..........38c CAMPBELL'S BAKED BEANSâ€" With Tomatoe sauce. Nov 2 can. Doz. $1.50. 2 cans..........28c PEACE EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Remarkable fine at a very low price. Doz. $1.50. 2 cans for . .25c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard. Fine flavor. No. 2 can. Doz. $1.35. Can........12c PRIDE OF WHITEWATER CORNâ€"Splendid Wisconsin corn Doz. $175. Can..............15c MONSOON STRINGLESS BEANS Cut Refugee. Doz. $1.90 Can. .16c IDOL BLOOD BEETSâ€"Large No. 3can. Doz. f 175. Can....... .15c MONSOON EXTRA ASPARAGUS POINTâ€"Fancy, -white. ~No7 square can. Doz. $5.40; Can 45c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€"Sprague, Warner ft Co.'s finest. Doz. $2JO. Can...21c RICHELIEU SWEET WRINK- LED PEASâ€"Very sweet, very tender. Doz. $2.75. Can ....23c VERIBEST TOMATOESâ€" Armour's finest quality. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $2.35. Can ..20c RICHELIEU; STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"First'quality. For sal- ad or vegetable. Doz. $335. Can ............. 28c DEL MONTE BARTLETT PEAM No 2 cbjl Heavy syrup. No th- count. Uoz> $4.50. Can ...V..48*