Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1920, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 MRS. SARAH A. M1LNER DIED, FRIDAY, NOV. 26 Sarah A. Milner, grandmother of Louise, Jane and James Lope of 1032 Ashland avenue, died November 26 at the home of her son S. i-ay Milner. Funeral services were held from the residence at 7436 Kenwood avenue Chicago, Sunday evening November 28, at 7 o'clock. Burial was at Waukegan. The grandchildren, all of whom are away from home teaching or attend- ing school, came to Chicago for fhe funeral. Miss Louise Logie is teach- ing at Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio, Miss Jane Logie is attending the University of Illinois and James Logie is a student at the University of Wisconsin. PERSONAL MENTION A wedding, attractive for its simplicity, was that of Miss Eleanor Hall Nicholes to Mr. Llewelyn Lod- wick, Jr., of Ottumwa, la., which took place last Friday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Daniel Hall Nicholes, 816 For- est avenue. The ceremony was per- formed at 8:30 o'clock by Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the Congrega- tional church. . The bride's gown was of ivory duchess satin, trimmed in irridescents and pearls. The tulle veil did not cover the head, but fell from a band of pearls to the edge of the full court train. The bridal bouquet was a shower of sweet peas and orchids. Mrs. Benjamin Gordon of Whiting, Ind., as matron of honor, wore a gown of silver lace over blue satin, and she carried an arm bouquet of sweetheart roses. The other at- tendant*, Miss Mary Lodwick, of Mystic, la., sister of the groom, Miss Pearl Brink of Boston, Miss Kather- ine Kitchin, of Chisago, and Miss Winifred Reinboth of Wilmette, wore attractove frocks of yellow georgette apple green, cerise and apricot shades of taffeta, and carried arm bouquets of roses. Richard Nicholes, small brother of the bride .served as ring bearer, and little Valerie Haight of Evanston, a cousin, was flower girl. Mr. Byron Lodwick attended his cousin as best man, and the ushers included Messrs. Garwood of Ev- anston, and Leroy Hammond of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Lodwick left im- "mediately on an extended western trip and will be at home after Dec- ember 31 in Centreville, la. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sturgeon, have re- turned from a trip through the east, and are spending a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Meagher, 716 Central avenue, be<" returning to their home in Portland. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gordon returned to their home in Whiting. Ind., after spending the past week with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Cohen. 1231 Forest avenue. On Wednesday evening. November 24, Miss Lulu Wright, English in- structor at New Trier High school, accompanied forty of her students to see Fritz Leiber in "Macbeth at the Shubert theater. Miss Alice Burchard. 1424 Forest avenue .had as Thanksgiving dinner guests, MissLaura Fulton, Miss Eliza- beth Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard and their daughter Mar- jorie. ^ Mr. Keith Drake of Wilmette and Mr. Jevne Haugan of Evanston, who are students at Dartmouth, spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Stanford, Conn., at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Jevne Haugan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cutler, who have been living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, have moved into an apart- ment on Kenilworth avenue in Bircti- wood. VILLAGE OP WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE -Wilmette Special Aaaessaae»t *•»,**• WSTthb matter of the special. ASSESSMENT of the VILLAGE5 OF â- WILMETTE FOR THE IMPROVH.- MENT OF the alley In Block Fifteen (15) of Gage's Addition to the Village of Wilmette. by grading, paving with concrete and otherwise improving the same, Docket Number 136 of-he Coun- ty Court of Cook County, "»»«>»â- â€¢. NOTICE is hereby given to all per- sons Interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village has here- tofore filed in said court in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, the amount reserved for nterest. and that no excess remains to be abated in reduction of said assess- ment and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial con- formity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the racts stateTin said certificate are true; and that said court has fixed Monday, the 20th day of December, A. D- "^'v®, ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will per- mit at the room of said County Court in the Court House in the City of Chi- cago in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said ap- Dlication. All persons desiring may fle objections in said court before said dav and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. DATED November 24th, A. D. I'fO. Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. EDWARD ZIPF.TT_ WILLIAM H^.ELiJS» JAMES F. BYRNES. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hess and family of 625 Park avenue, are mov- ing into the B. J. Calloway home at 930 Linden avenue-this week. The Calloway family are spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng will entertain sixty guests at a dinner dance in their home, 401 Lake ave- nue, on Saturday, December 4. The music will be furnished by Harvey's orchestra. The Pot Luck Supper club was en- tertained on Saturday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Webber, Jr., 916 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. George Loveless of Austin formerly Miss Erde Bateman, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. George C. Kroll, 1023 Greenwood avenue. R. B. Swigart and family of 515 Linden avenue, moved on Friday of last week to 1037 Ashland avenue. The Hemb family are now residing in the Swigart's former home. The Saturday Evening Bridge club will meet this week at the home of Miss Grace Crockett, 821 Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Leach of 630 Washington avenue, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Milwaukee. Miss Alice Walker of New Trier High school spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Fox Lake, Wisconsin. Miss Jessie Sentney. instructor at New Trier High school, returned to her home, Bloomington, Ind., for the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Florence Branson, 817 Cen- tral avenue, who has recently had her tonsils removed, is now able to attend school. Mrs. John B. Bowman entertained at a dancing party in honor of her niece, Miss Mary Helen LefEngwell of Evanston, on Thanksgiving night at her home in Kenilworth. Dr. Ralph Roger Bruch of the Uni- versity of Michigan spent the Thanksgiving week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruch, of 1201 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bateman of 735 Michigan avenue, have returned from an extended trip through Cali- fornia and the west. The Town club held their regular monthly dancing party at the Wil- mette Woman's club last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jennings of 426 Tenth street, have moved to Arbor Inn, Evanston, for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gaper of 731 Park avenue, are leaving this week to spend the winter at Fort Lauder- dale. Fla. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor SPECIALTY Ladies' Sanitary Goods ALSO Silk and Serge Dresses FALL & WINTER COATS 1126 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2403 PETER J. SCHAEFER 1501 Washington Avenue Tel. 969 W. ALL KINDS OF CARPENTRY G AIRING Fine Arts Picture Framing Framed Pictures Christmas Cards Birthday Cards Birth Announcements Novelties and Gifts We do the Picture Framing and Repairirr, Restoring of Canvasses, Etc., Right Here. 1613 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON I Telephone Evanston 770 L_ V//S///////S/S//////////S/////f/S"""""""""'"""i "A dozen portraits will solve a dozen of your 'What to give at Christmas?' problems. Sittings made now relieve you of shopping worries later on, and we will have time to give the work special at- tention." H. G. BORGFELDT Photographer 1159 Wilmette Are. WILMETTE Tel. Wilm. 1764 >/////////S//////f/fS///S/////fSf/////'/S/'S/S"""""" PLAN with us for materials, when you build or repair. EDWARD H1NES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 IF ALL TEETH ARE LOST WEAR A Sanitary Metal Plate EXPERT MECHANICAL DENTISTS We ere thoroughly esperienced in supplying teeth on metal plates. Gold, Silver, Aluminum, "Watts" Metal Cast Cold Plates, Cold Lined Plates Our X-Rt? will laeata yam hidden teeth treabUs Metal Plate. A GOOD CONDUCTOR OF HEAT AND COLD. Rubber Plate. A NON-CONDUCTOR Sat of Teethâ€"Sara Half........$Sto$2$ $10 Gold Crown.................$4 to* ? Bridgework, per Tooth.........$€ to $10 Carfare allowed to parties tiring within 40 miles of city. Boston Dental Parlors 135 S. Stale SL, Chicago STANLEY MOTOR Carriages It is pretty generally accepted that the most efficient Way to fight cold is with heal. The Stanley's Pilot Light provides this heat. It obviates the necessity of anti- freezing solutions, causes the en- gine to start readily and pull smoothly. Zero weather does not effect Stanley Performance. The sissplestcsr to dm* and understand. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS T«l. Winn. »SC Send for this beautiful Miller Library Lamp $1 £ Only Y "OU'LL not find the equal of this handsome Library Lamp at this low price. We "lumped" our order for this Lamp with several othtr big Central Stations throughout the country. That is the reason we can offer a beautiful lamp of this high quality at this money- saving price. Biggest Value of the Year You'll agree with us when you see the Lamp. It is pleasing and artistic in design. Stands 22 inches high. Has two lights. Is finished in Antique Gold with shade of glowing amber glass. Write or Call E Commonwealth Edison Q LECTRIC SHOPO Chicago, I1L, The Thursday club was entertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. John Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. Knight Blanchard of Indian Hill will be hostess to the Bridge club next week, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Morris of 1505 Wil- mette avenue, has gone to Miami, Fla., to spend the winter.,___________ Ths Smartest and Bssl Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sport and Week End Skirts THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "made ttith your own material" Suit* 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 1? Nscta Stata CHICAGO IS North Wabash MOTORCYCLES 1921 MODELS HARLEY- DAVIDSON. Call and see them or send for catalog on new or used ma- chines. LANG, 1704 Michigan***. CHICAGO. ILL. This Christmas Trade at THE HOUSE OF KIRCHBER/1 diamonds! i FOUNDED 1867 ^*»* Watches, Jewelry, Silverw re 104 N. State Street, Chicago I Door North of Washington St.. Opp Field* 53 years honest merchandising is rear gsisrantee furehatat Can be Mad* by Mai Catalog on Reqtftt C. H. JORDAN & CO., Funeral Directors Chapel at Each Establishment Complete Line of Funeral Furnishings 612 Davis St, EvansUm Phone Evanston 449 1«4 W. MICHIGAN BLVD., CHICAGO Pl> oar Randolph 1S4C1347 Phone 2491 1215 WILMETTE AVENUE (Harl IE. £t*rn*r (Ha. Snterior SernratnrB and jfarniafym IIIIIIIIIHIIINIIIIIHiUIIHIIIIHIIIIIItllllllllllllllUlllinilHUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHnillllllli SLCCEST10NS, DRAWINGS, ESTIMATES :: CHEERFILLY SUBMI1TED :: IMItlllllllMltllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllUIIIIIIIUIIttllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In our Store we carry a full line of WALL PAPER and PAINTS for Home use. " â-  WKmMXMUUmUUMKMmiM*^^ CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 910-912 Weed Street. CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 //y/y/^/y,^///y///y/-//-//'/////////y/////////////J/////////y///J/-/-////////////"//. OLD SHOES MADE NEW at the DEPENDABLE Shoe Repairing Factory F. W. NORTON, Prop. Lake and Ridge Aves. Phone Wilmette 2358 TWENTY-FOUR-HOUR SERVICE v/////;ssA/s//s//r/s///////////s*An's/<'"'""s"'S"s'S'"""""- 1 Refreshments Include Coffee Pies and Sandwiches mm BUWTE CHOCOLATES LINE of â- //â- ///////////////;//'//'///'//, YV7 D D___1.. Ridge and Lake Aves. Wm. r. rarks Vilmette TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1450 |__________________________________________________________________________| Kill That Cold With CASCARA t> QUININE FOR 4jX£jy AND Cold., Coaghs ^OMv U GriDP« Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first anesse. Breaks up a cold in 24 hoars â€" Relieves Grippe in 3 daysâ€"Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the headâ€"Caacara is best Tonic Laxativeâ€"No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT

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