THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 :M Mx$4* R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 5 lines.. Copy must be in by â- Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore - News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe Mews. 30c per line : for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Call (or mmni C-14, H-23, G-3«, G-10. Ulce Shore Pabl. Co.. Wilmette. HELP WANTEOâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"PRACTICAL WOMAN TO assist with housework. Mrs, H. J. Burt, 1027 Elmwood avenue. Phone •/:•fWil. 1118. ____________LTG2-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID, WHITE, GEN'L., $18 to $20; first floor; no laundry; no cleaning. 666 Spruce street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 447. LTG2-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID housework; go Park avenue. FOR GENERAL, home nights. 844 Phone Wll. 2273. LTG2-ltc WANTEDâ€"WHITE WOMAN FOR housework, mornings. Phone Wil. 2070. LTG2-ltc MALE HELP WASTED WANTEDâ€"MEAT CUTTER; MIDDLE aged man; must be first class or need not apply. L. A. Vollman, 796 Elm â- & street, Winnetka. _________LTG2-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"FROM PRIVATE PAR- , ^ ties washings, laundered or rough â- •dried; reasonable prices if delivered and called for. Call Wil. 1403, ask for Mrs. Speredes._________LTG52-3tp A GRADUATE NURSE WILL. TAKE elderly people requiring more or less ^.â- â- in her own home; refined sur- rounding; references. A-l. Phone Glencoe 650. LT49-tfc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"By A RELIABLE COL- ored chauffeur; best of references; 3 years with one family in Wilmette. Phone 1842. _______LTG2-ltp SITUATION WANTED â€" HOUSEMAN or caretaker, by capable married white man; references. Address Winnetka Talk, G-60._______LTG2-ltc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS MUST SELL; BARGAIN; MT BEAUTI- ful vlctrola and records; also modern parlor suite; dining room suite; bed- room suite; rugs, floor lamp, library table; nearly new. 1421 Carmen ave- nue, near Clark street, Chicago. Tel. Sunnyslde 7818.____________LTG51-4tc FOR SALEâ€"RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, â- '•'•> chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, alnk, , . cases, beds, sewing machine. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG-2tfc FOR SALEâ€"USED WASHING MA- chines; Thor $50; Eden, $95; also eight new sample machines on which we give 20 per cent discount; easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG2-ltc FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOS: LYON & Healy's, $65; Best, $90; Adams-Schaff, $90; Fischer. $95; 88-note player piano in good order, $225. ThlB month new $775 Conso solo player piano, $645. Patterstfn Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG2-ltc FOR SALEâ€"USED SEWING MA- chines; all makes; Singer, White, Wilcox and G-lbbs, $8 up. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG2-ltc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 r Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 10$. LTG39-tfc FOR SALEâ€"REVONOC VACUUM sweeper, $4; gentleman's practically new fur-lined overcoat, $85. Address 210 Fifth street. L2-ltc FOR SALEâ€"ONE OAK CHINA CAB- inet and buffet, one child's bed and ! mattress. Phone Wll. 868. LTG2-ltp FOR SALE:â€"KITCHEN GAS RANGE; been in use several years; cheap. ' Tel. Wll. 396. LT2-ltc FOR SALEâ€"COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD goods and furnishings.- 823 Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette. LTG2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FLAT FOR RENTâ€"THREE-ROOM FLAT; heated, modern. 716 Ridge avenue, Wilmette._____________________LTG2-ltp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"IN WINNETKA, A COM- fortable home-like modern Dutch Colonial home, overlooking golt grounds; only $15,500; Inquire 877 Elm street or phone Win. 1689. LTGl-2tc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"TWO COMFORTABLY furnished rooms; centrally located; convenient to transportation and cafeteria; East Side. 1015 Wilmette avenue. Tel. Wil. 1005. L2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room with south window; east side location; break- fast is desired. Phone Wil. 1940. L2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FRONT ROOM, NEATLY furnished, $6 a week. AddresB Lake Shore News. H 6.____________LTG2-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOM WITH privileges. 826 Greenleaf avenue. Phone Wil. 2183. L2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Phone Wil. 1080. L41-tfc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"HIGH GRADE FURN. residence; adjoining Skokle club house; overlooking valley and Golf links; large beautiful grounds. Five master, two servant chambers; four baths; living room 26x30; two fire places, study, etc.; large porches; garage; winter coal In. December to June. Party going to Florida. Tel. Glenoe 52. LTGH-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE OR flat; Ave rooms; Wilmette, Winnetka or Glencoe. Addresa Winnetka Talk, B-6.____________________LTG2-ltc FOR RE1VTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 WOOD Court. Phone Wll. 2332. Ll-2tc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE BY DECEM- ber 1. 1123 Linden avenue. Phone 1189. LTG2-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"THIRTY WHITE LEG- horn cockerels; May hatched, from Barron, 300 egg strain; strong vigorous and healthy; bargain If taken this week. Phone Wll. 1940. LTG2-ltc FOR SALE â€" FRESH DRESSED chickens, delivered; call Mrs. Fland- ers, 1332 Forest avenue. Phone Wll. 930-M. L2-6tp WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€"CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 8c a pound. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue. L29-tf WANTEDâ€"SINGER SEWING MACH- Ine. Phone Win. 850. LTG61-tfc r........................, J Portable Caragetand SunmerHones J â- **.,â- â- ;*, ,,,i ^ GARAGES • $145 up J ^^^ Why pay Gar • â- â- Pliiiiaunnnm age rent? J I sKliii^BBBMBBH' Investigate? •• mawaemuamuua, - | Delivered sad erected in few hour*. * DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSECO. • i i • ------------------- i | 4307-1* W. Xtth Mece CHICAGO • I , Phone Lawadala 1S7T â- ffPQRdl^hop^ Special-1 mtt rpt.QBouon.vl Velvet r rocks V $65.00 and UP Specialist in High Grade Attire for Gentlewomen An Unusual Showing of Frocks, Suits and Coats of exceptional charm awaits your inspection. r«â€"•' *J-*«-â€" y.SffSe,. IS Etrt WaahinitottSt, Chicago â- •;> v1' ;::).;~-&$"^^ We have a few '?'*\p'$:^-- â- *â- â- â- . ; permanent POSITIONS to offer young women WITH an attractive salary to start and A pleasant^erivironment in] which to work. The FUTURE promises rapid advancement FOR all ambitious YOUNG women, since this is a profession where WOMEN play a big part. tall and talk with our Chief Operator WILMETTE, WINNETKA OR GLENCOE CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY MlSCBLLANBOUa NOTICEâ€"PRICE GUARANTEE ANT factory reduction In prices up to March 1st, 1921, we will remit back to our customers on the purchase of a piano, talking machine, washing: maehlne, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner etc. Buy now. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG48-tfc Don't Live in Guesswork Land Own Real Estate and Plan Securely * for the Future The man who owns property feels sure of himself. He is not watching themarkettosee whether his pet stock is going to slump and leave him in the lurch near the poor house. He iscon- templating the future with judicial calm when he owns real estate. Our advice is valuable, o NOTICEâ€"WE TAKE LIBERTY BONpS as first payment on pianos, talking machines, sewing machines, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. ;; .Come in before you buy. Patterson *#1Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTGl-4tc i Blowouts delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp. ITS Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. Silt. LTCMI-tTo LOST AND FOUND WHITE CROSS GINGER ALB, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry LOSTâ€"WHITE LAMB; REWARD IF returned to 2726 Isabelle street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 8122-M. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS RENTING S PflOHES OFFICE WHMfTTE £,<j: MOM* 1417 ,7 WILMETTE AVE A Business Man's Reason .-.â- \ for using : SToKE In the heart of the loop. T7XPERT valet service for le» thsn fl.OO • week. IMAGINE, 1TI You busy business men. You *-• spend that much now weekly to have your clothes prcised. Here, you call keep your eatrasuite and they will always be HAND PRESSED and in the belt of shape, to that you won t have to ruth home for that change of clothe* when that unexpected dinner or theatre engagement pops up. Besides that, you can have at many shoe shines as you want, and have free access to the (bower baths and swell planned GYMNASIUM where you ctg keep physically fit under the careful tupervition of a competent physical director. Expert barbers and skilled manicurittt are always at your service. There is positively no tipping or gratitudes of any kind. V A place to meet your friends and customers, and receive your mail. You can have your hotel. railroad and theatre reservations made- Writing and consultation rooms. Fire and dust-proof wardrobe lor individual private lockers and your laundry, etc. We are moving into new and larger quarters, and will increase our charter membership tolSQQ- References required. : ' Don't delayâ€"be a charter member. ','•:' !â- ; THE NATIONAL CLUB Louie Douseang, President ft Gen. Manager P. H. K*vwr*a>h, Secretary ft Treasurer^. O. T. Stanus, Director of Gymnasium ADVERTISING BUILDING ,^2,,,. 123 W. Maduoa Street CHICA'GO, ILL.____________rW. {S3 qU FILL OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCEI The National Clubâ€"123 W. MadUen St., Chicago, IB. Cs ^IKdLVIIwVI/"*""* Please tend me, ttithout any obligation, full particulars regarding your Business Man a Strict CM. Name.............................; i..........................- • â- Address........................................................'• • .........................................Statt..:................. Time Table Necessary on Road of Service Trains Leave Wilmette daily ai follows: •$? .#*â- 'â- ': i*Sfy#28' '•%:f j FOR THE BUSINESS I MAM mjM'H w:* 7:39 a. m.:^ 8:09 8:52 tun. 9:09 a. m. Arrive In Chicago 7:25 a.m. 'â- __ _ 7:55 a jh. 8:25 a. m. 8:55 a. m. 9:38 turn. 9:55 a. m. if FOR 1 SHOPPING OR MATINEE FOR THE DINNER OR THEATRE PARTY Every half hour thereafter until: 10:39 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 11:09 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 11:39 a.m. §. 12:25 p. m. 12:09p.m. m 12tSSp.m. 12:39 p. m. 1:25 p.m. 1:09 p.m. 1:55 p. m. 1:39 p. m. 2:25 p.m. 2:09 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Then every half hour until: 5:09 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 5:39 p. m. 's&S pan. 6:09 p. m. u^5 p. m. 6:45 p.m. T&* P» »• 7:09 p.m. ?$55p.m. 8^9 p. m. . Ss55 p. m. Then every half hour until 11:09 p. u, then 12:15 12:45 a. nu. and 1:45 a. m. NORTH SHORE ». .'V CHICAGO NORTH SHORE&iLWAUKEE RAOROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue mMmsM*