THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 SUFFRAGE LEADERS IN FINAL SESSION Evanston Political Equality League to Hold "Reminiscence" Meeting this Afternoon at 3 o'clock When for the first time in the his- tory of our Republic the privilege of the ballot has been given to every citizen, it is well to think of those who helped to make this possible. Today at the Evanston Woman's club, the Evanston Political Equality league will honor those of its mem- bers who have been leaders in the suffrage cause in the final meeting of the league. It will be a gala day, with remin- iscences, music and tea. The Evanston Political Equality league was organized 17 years ago by Mrs, Catherine Waugh McCull- och and lias concentrated its efforts on one definite object, the political enfranchisement of women. Suffrage Leaders Year after year some of its mem- bers have journeyed to Springfield, to Washington, D. C, and even to Europe in the interest of the one great purpose. Probably no other organization in the state of Illinois can point with such pride to its membership as can the Evanston Political Equality league. One of its members, Miss Helen Hood, framed the first suffrage bill passed at Springfield in 1891. The Presidential Suffrage bill passed in 1913 was framed by Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch. Another mem- ber, Mrs. Ella S. Stewart, has tour- ed the entire United States in the interest of suffrage, having spoken in every state in the Union. Local Women Active The Evanston Political Equality league extends its membership in Wilmette and Kenilworth. Mrs. A. W. Hostetter of Wilmette is a vice president of the league as is also Mrs. F. L. Snydacker of Kenilworth. Mrs. Hope Thompson of Wilmette is secretary. The president, Mrs. R. D. Cunningham, will preside at the brief business meeting which will precede the reception this afternoon at 3 o'clock. All women who would like to meet some of the early suffrage leaders of our state and express their appre- ciation to them, are asked to attend. ENLARGED ORCHESTRA FOR TUESDAY COMMUNITY DANCES Next Dance Scheduled For Tuesday, November 9; Special Arrange- ment* for Lesson* The popular Tuesday evening Community dancing is to be resumed at the Byron C. Stolp school, Tenth street and Central avenue, on the evening of November 9. The dance scheduled for Tuesday evening of this week was omitted ,to permit the re- ceipt of election returns under the direction of the Wilmette Post of the American Legion. Those who have had the pleasure of participating in these dances are singing the praises of the committee in charge of the Community venture. The attendance has been so satis- factory that it has been found ad- visable to enlarge the orchestra. George Arns will be at the piano in the forthcoming dances. Saxaphone and drums are to be added to the pieces. For those desiring to take up lessons in dancing, the committee has decided that no additional charge is to be made and in the future the school house will open at 7:45 o'clock, and Miss Jean Richard- son, the well known dancing in- structor, will be in charge and will give special instructions for forty- five minutes before the regular even- ing dancing begins at 8:30 o'clock. Ritter Feed and Fertilizer 100 lb* Sincerity Egg Mash . . $3.85 Rep Scratch Feed . . • 3.50 Shell or Crack Corn. . 2.55 Pulverized Manure . . 2.25 30 other kinds of Feed at lowest Market price, Your money refunded, if you are not satisfied. Give Street and Number for Free Delivery. RITTER'S FEED STORE LAKE FOREST, ILL. Phone Lake Forest 171 <j////////f/,////i'/////>'/;////s////////////s//////////////'///////////////, Vhe HOOVER It Beats.... As It Sweeps As It Cleans SPECIAL , Showing and Demonstration Nov. 4th to 13th, inclusive SALE of Boudoir Lamps and Elec- tric Heaters Save and get one of these Heaters tomorrow. Electrical Department otdd^. INCORfOKATtD 1UUR£l1ft> HOVNTAIN WARE, EVAN5T0N Christmas Tree Outfits and Bulbs on display. Buy them now Phone Wilmette 60O Y///ss/ys/ss/YS/Y/////y/ys////s////ss///x/vvy//y^^^ _______; Bradley Pruden entertained a number of friends at a Hallowe'en party last Friday evening at his home, 631 Central avenue. Mrs. E. A. Pettibone and daughter, Pauline, returned on Sunday from a several months' stay in California. Don't Guess IT is easy to be wrong when you guess at tele- phone numbers and the result is annoying to the person called in error. The operator, too, is blamed, whereas she has simply called the num- ber asked for. Always make sure of the number by consulting the telephone directory before calling. Following this custom will improve the entire service. Travel to Chicago VIA The Electric Road Trains leave at frequent intervals. Service is dependable. Schedule is convenient. Trains take you right to the heart of the loopâ€"no street car, bus or taxi needed. Clean, comfortable carsâ€"no dust, dirt or cinders. NORTH SHORE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office * Wilmette Avenue