THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 Activitters- orth*flvoreChibtf by RutR Uirley^K BHE Tenth District Federation of Woman's clubs will hold its first meeting of the season on Wednesday, November 10, at the Kenilworth Assembly Hall, and will be the guests of the Neighbors at this time. Reservations for the luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock must reach Mrs. Harry V. Crooks, 615 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, not later than Saturday of this week. Following is the program for the day: Board meetingâ€"9:30 a. m. Regular meetingâ€"10:30 a. m. Address of Welcomeâ€"Mrs. Calvin Case, of Kenilworth. Report of the Illinois Federation Conventionâ€"Hrs. L. W. Crush, of Wilmette. Report of Biennial Convention held at Des Momesâ€"Mrs. John Clark Baker, of Wilmette. Three Minute Reports. Speaker's Bureauâ€"Mrs. Maurice H.^Lieber, Winnetka. Musicâ€"Mrs. William Terrell. Industrial and Social Conditionsâ€"Mrs. W. N. Buchanan, of Evanston. MWk*t Our Club is Doing Now" ii North Shore Woman's clubâ€"Mrs. i Oscar Hebel. Noyes Street Mother's clubâ€"Mrs. G. S. Ingraham. Ossili clubâ€"Mrs. C. C. Hopkins. Ravenswood Woman's clubâ€"Mrs. George S. Koester. Twenty-sixth Ward Civic leagueâ€" Mrs. William H. Cade. Waukegan Woman's clubâ€"Mrs. A. \ K. Bowes. Silver Jubilee fundâ€"Mrs. Charles F. Ross, president of the Second 'District, Illinois Federation. Address by Past president of the i Federationâ€"Mrs. George Watkins. "What Is the Fruit of Federation"â€" Mrs. T. B. Stanwood, Evanston. 'The New Citizenshipâ€"Mrs. F. J. "MacNish, chairman of Civics, Illinois "Federation. Luncheonâ€"12:30 p. m. Songsâ€"Mrs. J. A. Smale, Kenil- worth. "Boys Clubs as an Investment for Good Citizenship"â€"Mr. Robert D. r Klees, Director Union League Foun- dation for Boy's clubs. North shore clubs holding member- ships in the federation includes Wil- raette Woman's club, Woman's Cath- olic club of Wilmette, Winnetka ^Woman's club, The Neighbors, Wom- an's Library club of Glencoe and the North Shore Catholic Woman's league.. mette Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Shannon divided a Woman's Home into three rooms, the first, the memorizing of something beautiful each day; second, looking at or enjoying something beautiful each day; third, to do something each day for someone else. The musical part of the program was rendered by Miss Ruth Agar, soprano. Hostesses for the day were Mesdames'N. P. Colwell, G. F. Wright, I. J. Lanning and A. M. Rbss- man. Mrs4 Charles C. Henderson of 1405 Forest avenue, is organizing a French club to be held at the Wil- The New Trier Dramatic club will make their formal debut to the pub- lic this afternoon at New Trier High school, with the presentation of "The Horn of Rollizan". Unusual pains have been taken to make the pjay, which was written by . Montgomery Major, a student, as ; artistic and beautiful as possible. ; Earl Fox's designs for costumes are very original and graceful. There is ' » large cast, the mjost important Mrti betaf taken by Ralph Bellamy, Dean Stevenson, Louise Durham, Melvin Wamboldt and George Ship- .asan. No admission will be charged, and , a cordial invitation is extended to the public. The performance begins at 3:30 o'clock. "The Home of An Educated Wom- an", was the subject of a most in- spiring address given by Dr. Fred- erick F. Shannon, before the Wil- This Christmas K Trade at thi house or IRCHBER DIAMONDS FOUNDED 1M7 G Watches, Jewelry, Sihrerw re 1*4 N. Stat* Strwrt, ChiMto Dow North of Washington St.. Op*. FioM'o f wrcA«M« Cmn bm Mmdm ky Mmt Cmlmlmg on Jr•«••«•* H. G. BORGFEIDT Photographer . Removed to 1159 Wilmette Avenue, Brown Building. Opposite Village Theatre C. H. BRIGGS AUBURN SCRIPPS-BOOTH MAXWELL LOOK THEM OVER EfMtfMl* ISO ffllQTHl Awfc, Ef»â€"tâ€" ALWAYS SOME GOOD USED CABS Personal Jewelry and Fur Floater Insurance Your JEWELRY and FURS can be insured •f aintt any and all risks (excluding wear and tear) in all locations. A Jewelry Floater policy covers your jewelry against *ny hazard, whether THEFT, HOLDUP, FIRE, DISAPPEARANCE, BREAKAGE; in fact, against any and all risks (excluding wear and tear) wherever you may be. The Company is liable for your loss if you leave a ring on a train or a fur in the theatre. This is the broadest policy ever written and costs very little. We shall be glad to give further information without obligation on your part. •* Phone WABASH 340; or write Critchett, Miller, Whitney & Barbour | « 1S35 Insurance Exchanfe CHICAGO, ILL. mette Woman's club, for the benefit of the club, the meetings to com- mence at an early date. The Knowles- Favard system will be used. The charge will be 75 cents a lesson, in classes of ten. GOOD SAMARITANS Students of New Trier High school have expressed sympathy to suffer- ing Armenians by donating $367.40 to the Armenian Relief fund. WHEH VOUCfT VALUE FOR EVtftY WHENcoDSulting our menus you will at once recognize that we still believe in the value of every penny in a dollar. Af- ter you have ordered and enjoyed our food you will be convinced of this. Every penny spent here brings value received. Dine today the Cafeteria tfiay, Welch's Cafeteria 1101.Ct«tr»l A?ehie Wihuette, III. -% ,«^R JUNIOR PARTY Sixty members of the junior class at New Trier High school attended the Junior Hallowe'en party Friday evening in the assembly hall. Danc- ing and games were enjoyed. Re- freshments consisted of pop-corn balls, doughnuts and sweet cider, Dr. Miller, Osteopath, special 1st In stomach and nervous disorders, North Shore Hotel. Phone Evanston €414. urcMo-tfc VJIIIIIItlllllllQ Gllllllllllllt Scatter Sunshine HOW EASY IT IS TO SCATTER SUNSHINE: CHRISTMAS CARDS MEAN SO J^UCH THA T YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO FORGET ANY- ONE. EACH ONE IS A RAY OF SUNSHINE--A CHEERY, HAPPY GREETING. OUR CARDS ARE CAREFULLY SELECTED, MANY OF THEM BE- INC DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR US. THEY REPRESENT THE BEST IN CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. THE CELLINI SHOP Q28 -DAVIS STREET EVANSTON, ILLJ-NOIS .TllllilllllillHD Cllllllllllllir WimmmwmW Town Boosting Week IS*!*!***! S. ROSENBAUM CO. (3120 Lincoln Ave. Fountain Square, Evanston Chicago Store* | 522g j, c,arfc St Telepeone, Evan, 5023 Open Thursday and Satnrday Evenings * Buy Doll Carriages Now for Christmas, while our stock is com- plete and you have the opportunity to select at leisure. We will put your selection away until the day before Christmas and then deliver it. A small deposit will hold one for you. Here you will find doll carriages and cabs of all styles and varieties, and at all prices, from $1.50 to $35.00. Our long experience has taught us just what the young miss of today wants for her doll. You will find it here. Exact duplicates of baby carnages are in our early Christmas showing, with elaborate appointments to suit the most exacting â€" rubber tires, re- versible bodies, brakes, corduroy upholstery, and genuine reed bodies. They are now arranged for your con- venient selection. BRRBUiBBBRRRRi