THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 P^ Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"AT ONCE, YOUNG LADY bookkeeper and stenographer, also a dry g-oods clerk; state experience and give references, if any; per- manent and pleasant employment and hig/hest wages paid for efficient sedvices. Address Lake Shore News. Z-20. LT50-2tc WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR CAFETERIA work. Phone Wil. 2420. Wilmette Cafeteria, 1101 Central avenue, Wil- mette. I/TOBl-ltc WANTEDâ€"A LAUNDRESS FOR TWO days a week; good wagres. Phone Kenilworth 884. LTG51-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG MAN BETWEEN SO AND 30 YEARS OF AGE TO TAKE CARE OF GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT AND TO DO OTHER MISCELLANEOUS WORK) MUST BE MAN OF GOOD PERSONAL AP- PEARANCE! INTERESTED IN ATHLETIC SPORTS; OF GOOD HABITS. AND KNOW HOW TO HANDLE BOYS; EMPLOYMENT DURING SCHOOL YEAH) IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SUMMER WORK CAN BE PROVIDED. FOR PAR- TICULARS ADDRESS NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL, KENIL- WORTH, ILL. ______LTG51-ltc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE A GRADUATE NURSE WILL TAKE elderly people requiring more or less care in her own home; refined sur- roundings; references A-l. Phone Glencoe 650. LT49-tfo SITUATION WANTED. COOK, HQUSE- keeper or caretaker; boy six; rear school; ref, write M. Sayer, 4736 Wentworth avenue, Chicago, L51-ltp EXP. GIRL WANTS POSITION; GEN- eral housework; no washing. C. H. Edwards, 910 Forest avenue, Wil- mette. LT51-ltp HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. FOR appointment phone Wilmette 2332. LTG38-tfo TUTORING NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY graduate wishes to tutor high school or grammar school pupils. Phone Evanston 6077 between 6:30 and 9:30 P. M LTCr51-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"ROOM IN PRIVATE home; near "L" and Northwestern station. Phone Wil. 2098. ___________________________LTG51-ltc FOR RENTâ€"NICELY FURNISHED rooms. Phone Wilmette 1080. L41-tIo FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS FOR SALEâ€"FORD SEDAN, 1919; good condition; $675.00 Roy Vogel. Lake Forest. Phone Lake Forest 148. LTG51-ltc FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"HALF SPACE IN A double car garage. 1631 Washington avenue. Phone Wil. 936-R. L51-ltp WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO BUYâ€"IN WILMETTE, Kenilworth or Winnetka, 5 to 8 room house, east of tracks; will pay all cash; please state lowest price and give location. Address Lake Shore News G-36. LT50-3tc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"FUR AUTOMO- blle robe and woman's fur coat; also small boy's bicycle. Phone Win. 220. LTG51-ltc WANTEDâ€"CLEAN WHITE RAGS; 8c a pound. Lake Shore Publ. Co., 1222 Central avenue. L29-tf WANTEDâ€"SINGER SEWING MACH- ine. Phone Win. 850. LTG51-tfc MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€"PRICE GUARANTEE ANY factory reduction in prices up to March 1st, 1921, -we will remit back to our customers on the purchase of a piano, talking machine, washing machine, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner etc. Buy now. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG48-tfc WHITE CROSS GINGER ALE, ROOT Beer, Orange and Lemon; Cherry Blossoms delivered to your home in cases. Fred J. Lapp, 178 Prairie avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 24 63. LTG42-tfc HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNKâ€" Buys paper, rags, magazines, Iron, and all kindB of junk. Max Welm- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. LT35-tfc WILL EXCHANGE 50 FEET GOOD vacant for any make light automo- bile in good mechanical condition. Phone Wil. 1304. LTG51-ltc WANTEDâ€"GOOD HOME AND CARE for 6 year old boy. Phone Win. 129. LTG51-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"THURSDAY AFTERNOON A gentleman's diamond ring, 1 K. Tel. Wil. 105. Liberal reward. L51-ltc ELIZABETH B. SIEGROSSER, LOCAL CHURCH WORKER, DIES FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS MUST SELL; BARGAIN; MY BEAUTI- ful victrola and records; also modern parlor suite; dining room suite; bed- room suite; rugs, floor lamp, library table; nearly new. 1421 Carmen ave- nue, near Clark street, Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 7812.___________LTG51-4tc FOR SALEâ€"88-NOTE STEINWAY player piano; in fine order. $225.00; also almost new Stoddard 88-note player, $395.00, with rolls. Payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston, 111. LTG51-ltc FOR SALEâ€"A BLUE VELOUR FIRE- side rocker and stool; practically new; very reasonable. Phone Wil. 2266. LTG51 -ltc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG3S-tfc FOR SALEâ€"DINING ROOM STOVE; hot blast; A-l condition; $15. 1708 Washington avenue._________L51-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE OR flat; five to six rooms; between Wil- mette and Glencoe. Address Mrs. E. Crawn, 1009 Davis street, Evanston, HI. LTG51-3tp FOR RENTâ€"FLAT FOR RENTâ€"7-ROOM FLAT; FURN. or unfurnished, in Winnetka. Pbone Win. 1065. LTG51-ltc FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"HIGH GRADE FURN. residence; adjoining Skokie club house; overlooking valley and lakes; large beautiful grounds. Five mas- ter, two servant chambers; four baths; living room 26x30; two Are places, study, etc.; large porches; garage; winter coal In. December to June. Party going to Florida. Tel. Glencoe 52. LTG51-ltc FOR RENTâ€"6 MONTHS OR LONGER; comfortably furnished modern 7- room, steam heated residence; all newly decorated; consisting of large Stelnway grand piano; to careful re- fined people only; $100 per month. Phone Wil. 2114. LTG51-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTEDâ€"TWO STEAM HEATED rooms with or without kitchen; near transportation. Address 557 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Miss Spurlock. L51-ltp WANTEDâ€"THREE OF FOUR FURN. rooms for light housekeeping; east side. Phone Wil. 1869. L51-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"THIRTY WHITE LEG- - horn cockerels; May hatched, from Barron, 300 egg strain; strong vigor- ous and healthy: bargain if taken this week. Phone Wil. 1940. L51-ltc FOR SALEâ€"12-FOOT CHENOIS RUN- ner. white enamel spring, mattress, single bed, brown velour living room furniture. Phone Wil. 1346. L51-ltp MARK0WITZ Central 4556 412-105 W. Monroe St. SO^o more for your clothing:. Call me first. Will call anywhere. Will pay you more for clothing and shoes if brought to the office. Central 8574. A host of friends and acquaintanc- es of Elizabeth Barbara Siegrosser. 1030 Central avenue, paid tribute to her memory at funeral services held Monday afternoon at the Wilmette Presbyterian church. Dr. George P. Magill conducted the services. Burial was at Rosehill. Miss Siegrosser passed away Fri- day following a brief illness. She was a resident of Wilmette for 20 yeirs and was particularly active in church circles. Miss Siegrosser is survived by a sister and four brothers. WEDNESDAY IS GYM NIGHT Wednesday evening has been desig- nated by the school board as the evening when the young men of the village may use the Byron Stolp school gymnasium for basketball and other athletics. At present the gym- nasium is used by members of the Wilmette Athletic club. Advertising Is Economy WILMETTE GIRL BECOMES BRIDE OF ROGERS PARKER Wedding bells chimed Saturday morning at St. Jerome's church in Rogers Park when Miss Elsie Ludo- vici of Ridge avenue became the bride of Ferdinand Phill of Rogers Park. Miss Ludovici, who has been a res- ident of Wilmette for many.years, was attended by her sister, Mar- garet, as maid of honor and Miss Katherine Barnig as bridesmaid. The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Nicholas, as best man, and Anthony Keil as usher, Mr. and Mrs. Phill left Saturday evening by motor for a honeymoon trip to Wisconsin where they will visit relatives. They will make their home in Rogers Park on their re- turn. CHURCH BAZAAR took place Wednesday evening. The The opening of the church bazaar pastor, Rev. Joseph Lauermann, has of St. Joseph's church of Waukegan many relatives living in the village. r........................1 Chicago Bar Association Endorses! i i i â- â- i FRANCIS X. BUSCH For County Judge Br • Vote of 1287 to 342 for Hi. Opponent â- Following- out a long estahlished custom, the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, composed of more than two- thirds of the active practicing mem- bers of the Cook County Bar, held a primary of its members on the Ju- dicial offices to be filled at the coming elec- tion. Interest cen- tered princip- ally upon the office of Judge of the County Court, because of the out- standing Im- .portance of that office, con- trolling, as it does, the Elec- tion machinery of Chicago and Cicero, and in- cluding in its Jurisdiction the supervision of the Psychopathic hospital and the exclusive hearing |pof taxation and special assessment cases. Francis X. Busch, the Democratic candidate received 1287 votes, as against 342 Votes cast for his Thompson-Lundin opponent. When it is considered that the membership of the Chicago Bar Association is overwhelmingly Re- publican on national questions, the empathic endorsement of Mr. Busch is an unanswerable argument in favor of his election to the County bench. Junk Dealer Notice All Kinds of Junk Bought Phone Wilmette 1351 We have a few permanent POSITIONS to offer young women WITH an attractive salary to start and A pleasant environment in which to work. The FUTURE promises rapid advancement FOR all ambitious YOUNG women, since this is a profession where WOMEN play a big part. Call and talk u>ith our Chief Operator WILMETTE, WINNETKA OR GLENCOE CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY eidd~ F0VNTA1N SQ. EVANSTON Special Values in Our Bargain Basement FOR MEN Heavy Fleeced Union Suits" $2.25 In gray, sizes 36 to 46, each.................. Lightweight Ribbed Unions In two stylesâ€"long sleeve, ankle length, and short sleeve, three-quarter d»1 ^^% length; sizes 36 to 46, each......<pi«fc*v Black Cashmere Socks Gray heel and toe; sizes 9Vz to \V/3t pair......... 49c Women's Fleeced Union Suits In white, long sleeve, ankle length style; d»1 1 A sizes 38 to 44, at a garment................«p 1 • 1V Women's Knitted Petticoats Gray with pink, blue or dark gray borders; medium size............................... Extra size Women's Fine Lisle Hose 85c 98c In black or white; sizes 8yi to 10; 75c value special at 3 pair for.................. $1.39 Women's Black Sateen Bloomers In a very good qualityâ€"will compare favorably with those sold elsewhere at $1.75 pair; in the d» "t ACk basement they are, pair.................."P *â- *^**. ^\Q ||lt^|p for women are offered in our basement at remarkably low prices; Jr fact you can get one at just one-half its regular price. Every ff j/^511 Si model is new and there are any number of them. PRICES S nm » *42 .95 » WOMEN'S WOOL DRESSES can be bought in our basement at such low prices the cost of one you might make yourself would undoubtedly be moreâ€"and then too home made frocks seldom have that chic tailored appearance which is particularly characteristic of this particular group. * Prices *l?£ » $42^ For Children Knitted Princess Slips In white or gray with colored $2.25 borders; sizes 4 to 16 years; 75c to Pink Cotton Jersey Bloomers 49c Jn sizes from 6 to 16 y«ars at............ Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings $1.00 In black or white; sizes 5 to 9% 49c values; 3 pair for..........,