4 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 Social fiapptni«a$ Mrs. J. J. Moran and son, LeRoy, of 924 Greenleaf avenue, returned Sunday from Little Rock, Ark., where they have been spending several weeks. â€"*â€" [ Howard Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, who returned last week from a busi- ness trip in Minneapolis, Minn., left on Monday for an extended trip through Kentucky. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Smith of 729 Eighth street, have as their guest for the greater part of the winter, Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs^ D. W. Campr bell of Franklinville, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Eastman, will entertain the members of the "H. and W." club at dinner next Tuesday evening at tfcei* uQSte, 1014 Lak avenue. â€"•â€" The fifth division of the Ladies' Aid socnety will hold an all-day work and social meeting today at the home of Mrs. Wilson R. More, 911 Linden avenue. ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Renneckar, 518 Park avenue, have as their guests this week Mr. Joseph Renneckar and Mrs. Doris Morey of Holgate, O. â€"•â€" The Thursday Luncheon . and Bridge club was entertained yester- day at the home of Mrs. Arthur B. Seibold, 523 Washington avenue. â€"-♦â€"- Mrs. Fred Cain will be hostess to the Thursday club at her home in Hubbard Woods next week. The Central Avenue Circle, Mrs. A. J. Taylor, chairman, will hold a meeting Tuesday of next week, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Shellman, 727 Elmwood avenue. The Senior Young People's society will hold a Harvest Home social on Friday evening,. November 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Beach, 1227 Ashland avenue. The Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs. L. E. Bush, chairman, will hold an all-day meeting at the church next Thurs- day. Luncheon will be served and the work on the quilts will proceed. Mrs. Oral Morey returns to her home in Metamora, Ohio, today after being the guest this week of Mrs. Thomas L. D. Hall, 1008 Greenleaf avenue. â€"♦â€" The Misses Alice and Louise Bar- nell of Washington, D. C, are the guests of their sister. Mrs, Clarke. I*. Hayes, 911 Lake avenue. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Crossley, 600 Washington avenue, have as their guest, their sister, Mrs. Thomas Crossley of Honesdale, Pa. â€"4â€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hastings, entertained the Neighborhood Din- ner club on Wednesday evening at their home, 503 Central avenue. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Simmons have returned from a tour of Wis- consin, and are making their home temporarily with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue. â€"*â€" Mrs. Walter Butz and daughter, Helen, of 802 Lake avenue, are spending several weeks in New York. <<y//y?/////yA</y/j7/jy/wyM^ <J i $ For Hallowe'en FAVORS A fine variety small lanterns. Hats and streamers for decoration. WILLIAM P. PARKS Ridge and Lake Avenues Telephone Wil. 1450 """"///""/"""'////"//'/"'/"â- ;â- '//////'/////////////////////////////////;/////,â- ////////////////////, J % White Teeth, Healthy Gums, a Clean Mouth THAT is what yea should seek in a dentifrice. And it is easily found, if you will care for your teeth regularly with Klenzo Dental Creme. And the delightful after-taste of Klenzoâ€"that Cod, Clean, Klenzo Feelingâ€"is satis- fying evidence of the good it does. Step in and get a tube today. 25° RENNECKAR DRUG CO. *J* Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Van Deusen, Jr., of Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia Van Deusen on Tuesday, September 28. Mrs. Van Deusen was formerly Miss Mary Aborn of Wilmette. â€"♦â€" Miss Madeline Hopkins of Ticon- deroga, N. Y., is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer, 1501 Washington avenue. Mrs. H. O. Fox of Mount Vernon, N. Y., and Mrs. C. H. Knapp of Rock- ford, 111., are the guests of Mrs. C. F. Reinboth, 1015 Ashland avenue. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Mary Renneckar of Napoleon, Ohio, is sepnding a few days with her son, Carl C. Renneckar, 518 Park avenue. ^B^BM iHlllllllllB you have not seen our display of SUITS and OVERCOATS you have missed seeing some ex- ceptionally good values. Real Wool Coats and Suits at real prices. Win. Kaplan Tailor 627 W.R.R. Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 667 Ys//ss///s/ys/ss///////////////s//////s/sss/////s////////// Miss Winifred Reinboth, 1015 Ash- land avenue, has returned after spending three weeks visiting in Rockford, 111., and. Lake Mills, Wis. Miss Florence Wray %ill entertain with a Hallowe'en party tomorrow- evening at her home, 618 Washing- ton avenue. "A Fellow ^ Working Aside of You 9* When a young man, the writer was lectured one day by an old miser on the subject of sav- ing money. This lecture was never forgotten. With much force and logic the rich miser pointed out that when you acquire a savings account in a bank, drawing interest, you have, in fact, "a fellow working aside of you day and night." JDO YOU AGREE WITH HIM ? HAVE YOU SUCH A FELLOW ? C* FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE Member of Federal Reserve Bank w/y/y/y/y/vvy//wyy/Mys//////yw Try our Rough-Dry Work Positively the cheapest way of Laundering Telephone KENILJVORTH 222 KENILWORTH HAND LAUNDRY West Railroad Ave., just West of Railroad Station rsjsssssss/s/f/sss/s/////////////S///sss/S//"S///" ,//////////////////////;///////â- ////////////'//////////////////////////'/' 35* Off on Kelly-Springfield Tires CORD or FABRIC 30x3 > Non-Skid Fabric Tires 1 I Regular Price, $29.95 Sale Price, 33x4 Non-Skid Fabric Tires eoo AA ^'"^•^Sale Price, ?33.08 Same Reductions on all other sizes of Kelly-Springfields. All Bruniwick-Tires 30% off- MUler- Tires25%off. Fisk-Tires 20% off. Buy Now, While They Last Immediate Deliveries! N0R1H SHORE GARAGE 611 W. Railroad Avenue WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 628 i