THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 ST. FRANCIS BAZAAR PROMISES GOOD TINE Knights of Columbua and Other Organizations in Charge of En- tertainment Features Advance information from com- mittee chairmen in charge of the ar- rangements for the 3-day bazaar on November 4, 5 and 6 at the Central Theater building on Qentral avenue for the benefit of the new St. Francis Xavier parish school points to a very successful event. The captains in the various districts together with their able assistants are doing splendid service in _ soliciting donations in great variety for the affair and to date have been very successful in their venture. An announcement that will delight the younger people is the word that there will be dancing each night. Ex- cellent music has been engaged for the dancing. K of C Evening Thursday evening will be the initial evening of enjoyment and has been placed under the auspices of the Ouilmette Council of the Knights of Columbus. The local council of K. C.'s has also been placed in charge of the Ham and Bacon booth for the trio of evenings. Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock a card party will be held under the auspices of the Women's Catholic club. A cake sale will be held in conjunction with the card social. Of interest to everyone is the in- formation that Mrs. Edward Kirch- berg is the general chairman of the bazaar while Mrs. Frank J. Seng has been appointed treasurer. Variety of Booths Besides the Ham and Bacon booth there will be: The General booth in charge of Mrs. Edward Kirchberg; Grocery booth under the guidance of Mrs. John A. Cook; Doll booth, directed by Mrs. William J. Spillane; Candy booth, in charge of Mrs. Charles Bunte; Linen booth, supervised by Mrs. A. Boylston; the Children's booth will be guided by Mrs. A. Keck. Outside solicitations are being superintended by Mrs. F. W, Harvey and to date have been received in abundance. Saturday afternoon, November 6, has been designated as Children's afternoon and fish ponds, dolls and a variety of wholesome novelties will be turned over for the kiddies' benefit. "HUMORESQUE" SHOWS AT HOYBURN ALL NEXT WEEK Playgoers of the north shore are looking forward to a rare opportun- ity next week in the showing at the Hoyburn theater, Evlanston, of the famous production "Humoresque". The film will be shown at the Hoy- burn throughout the week of Novem- ber 1. "Humoresque" is adapted from the story by Fannie Hurst. It is uni- versally regarded as one of the greatest of cinema productions. There is something of interest to every theatergoer in this unusual picture. It possesses in abundance the pathos, comedy and romance so essential to the success of a truly great drama. NEW CLEANING BUSINESS A. Mestjian, veteran in the art of cleaning, has opened a Cleaning and Pressing Shop at 1006 Ridge avenue, Wilmette, known as the New Trier Cleaners. The business will special- ize in the cleaning of oriental and domestic rugs. CARD OP THANKS The members of the Siegrosser fam- ily wish to thank the members of the Eastern Star, the worthy matron and patron, officers and members of the Wilmette Chapter and club, Rev. Geo. P. Magill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Rice, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Fischer and all the kind friends and neighbors who so tenderly rendered their services to the bereaved family, and also for the flowers and sympathy shown them. â€"Adv. L.51-ltc uiiiiimiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiihiiMiiimiimiiiimmiiiiiiiu The HAT SHOP I We are pleased to announc ethat our | establishment, formerly located at | | , 332 Linden Ave., Wilmette , | | will be moved toabigger andbetter | | location, MONDAY, Nov. 2, at | I 346 Linden Avenue | | Wilmette i i rHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiimimmiiiiiiimmiimmiiiniimiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM ililllllllllllllH l!s RECEIVES $1,000 GIFT Mrs. Frank Felke, widow of the county motorcycle policeman recent- ly killed in a collision while on duty on Dempster street west of Evans- ton, received a purse of $1,000, the gift of Cook county and Wilmette motorcycle police. "500" CLUB MEETS The "500" club met last evening at the home of Miss Lucy Sesterhenn,. 1302 Wilmette avenue. BREAD! It's the only food for break- fast. When you get up with "that hungry feeling" eat several slices of bread plain or toasted with your morning cup of coffee. Try it with jam or jelly in pref- erence to other foods that cost more and do not contain half the amount of nourishment. Bread is your Best Foodâ€"Eat more of it. Eat Wilson's Good Bread "The Bread that Builds" The Wilson Bakery Phone 414 Wilmette Next to Postoffice for the Family Come here and take ad- vantage of our reduced prices on Shoes for Fail and Winter wear. You will find that we carry Krei- der Shoes for young Girls; the Endicott-Johnson Shoes for Boys; Drew Shoes for Women, and Emerson Shoes for Men. Each manufacturer is a specialist in his respective line. -SINKING" WELL Because of the difficulty of obtain- ing a sufficient amount of water for the needs of the school a large well is being dug on the property of the St. Joseph's parish at Lake and Ridge avenues, which is expected to supply the needs of the school. BUY NOW at our Reduced Prices WILMETTE SHOE STORE â- 1150 Central Ave. WILMETTE â- Phone Wilmette 1779 illlllllllillllSlllllillllWIIIIIWIIIIU II lilt? Bon-Fire Season Burning leaves often extend to houses Protect your Insurance Policies, Bonds, Jewelry, Valuable Papers, etc., in a Fire and Burglar proof Deposit Box at the WILMETTE STATE BANK Convenient for examination of contents at a moderate cost. ihs\ifrstirri\iftg*ii?^r78ti^frgtitritii^^ A. S. VAN DEUSEN SELLER OF GOOD FOOD '% CASH ^DISCOUNT 5% CASH Wilmette-CentralAve.and 12thSt. DISCOUNT Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Cash and Carry -" - - - 5% Discount Casli and Delivered .... 2* Discount On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department. Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free Special Sale November 1st to November 6th DOWN The Price of Food is HAWM Going Down Every Day mJ\J If 11 SUGARâ€"Cane Granulated. No discount. Lb...............13c CREAMERY BUTTERâ€" Golden Cream Brand. The high- est quality of butter. 1 lb. carton ................64c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury and Ceresota. No discount. % bbl.......$1,69 DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERâ€"12 oz. can ......20c COFFEEâ€"San Salvador. Very 6ne. Very cheap. Lb. 28c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. Equal to any coffee put up in cans that sells for 55c a lb; Lb.......43c OOLONG TEAâ€" 3 A No. 26-27. Lb...........................45c LIPTON'S TEAâ€"Yellow Label. V* lb. pkg....................45c CIDERâ€"New, pure, sweet. No. 10 can ..................65c No. ZYi can .................25c POP CORNâ€"Snowball. 1 lb. pkg.....................14c RAISINSâ€"Solito. Imported Table Raisins. Lb.................55c RAISINSâ€"Sun Maid. Seeded and cleaned. 15 oz. pkg.........32c PEANUTSâ€"In the shell. Fresh roasted. Lb.................18c SALTED PEANUTSâ€"Jumbo. Lb...........................28c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€"Shelled. Fancy. New Lot. Lb.........60c CHEESEâ€"White Cloud. Sprague Warner & Co.'s finest whole milk, New York Cheese. Lb. 42c MONSOON PEANUT BUTTERâ€" 6 oz. jar 16c. 12 oz. jar ..___28c DEL MONTE LOGANBERRY JAMâ€"Fancy. Pure. Fruit and sugar only. Large No. 2 can. Dozen $4.95. Can ............42c DEL MONTE PRESERVESâ€" Pure. Strawberry, .Raspberry, Gooseberry, Blackberry. 15 oz. jar. Doz. $5.70. Jar ..........48c STALEY'S SYRUPSâ€" Golden, No. V/3 can ........15c Crystal White, No. \y2 can 17c Maple Flavor, No. 1}4 can 25c APPLESâ€"Baldwin Cooking. Bushel $1.85. 10 lbs.........50c APPLESâ€"Wagner. Eating. 10 lbs.......................65c APPLESâ€"Wenatchee Jonathans. Every apple as perfect as if it had been made by machine. Box, 40 lbs. net ............$435 10 lbs..................___$L20 GRAPE FRUITâ€"Fancy Florida. 80 size, doz. $1.05. Each ......9c 64 size, doz. $1.50. Each . ...12%c SWEET POTATOESâ€"Jersey. 3 lbs.........................25c PLYMOUTH ROCK CORNâ€" Extra standard. Dozen $1.90 Can ..........................16c RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€"The best produced. Doz. $2.50. Can ..............21c WISCO EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Dozen $1.75. Can ............15c DEARBORN CLUB SWEET SIFTED PEASâ€"First quality, tender, sweet. Doz. $2.60. Can 22c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES Extra standard, No. 2 can. Dozen $1.50. Can..........12c HOOPSTOWN BEAUTY TOMA- TOESâ€" Extra standard. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $225. Can ..19c CURTICE BROS. STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"Cut Refugee. Doz. $2.65 Can .........................23c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANSâ€" With tomato sauce. No. 2 can. Doz. $1.75. Can ..............15c RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINE- APPLEâ€"This is supreme quail- ity; heavy syrup; perfect slices. No. 2 can. Doz. $4.75. Can ..40c No. 2y2 can. Doz. $5.50. Can .47c RICHELIEU LOBSTERâ€"New. No. 1 can $120. No. J4 can â- . ,60c VAN CAMP'S TUNA FISHâ€" No. 1 can 50c. No. y2 can ..27c KIPPERED HERRINGâ€" Large oval can ............25c YELLOW AND WHITE CORN MEAI___Lb...................5c NAVY BEANSâ€"Hand picked. Lb.............................9c BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCO- LATEâ€" Lb..................52c DomAml\A«> St. Francis Xavier's School Fund Bazaar lYememPer Central Ave. Theatre Nov. 4, 5, and 6