Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1920, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920 JUNIORS WIN TWICE; BOYS ARE SLUGGERS Trim New Trier High Nine and then Take on Fast Bunch from High- wood on Sunday The Wilmette Juniors are in the midsts of a winning streak having captured their third and fourth con- secutive victories the last week end £ by defeating a conglomeration of New Trier High school seniors and juniors Saturday at New Trier field in a five inning tussle 9-4. On Sun- day they encountered the Highwood Juniors at Third street and Linden avenue, and defeated them 10-5. The Highwood team consisted partly of three players from Deerfield-Shields High school and several from Lake Forest college. Thilman hurled the Saturday matinee and was effective in the pinches. He fanned eight batters. He contributed to his own win by slamming out a triple in the second inning with a runner on second. He rode home on Jordan's three-sacker and the latter in turn jogged home on Clarence Geib's double to center. Richards pitched for the losers and was hit hard in spots although if he had been given good support the score would have been closer. Stage But-feat On Sunday afternoon Clarence Geib took the mound for the locals and although the opponents present- ed a formidable line-up he was their master from the start. During the nine spasms he fanned twelve and allowed only one walk and eight hits. The locals started off to an early lead when they scored a quartet of markers in the initial inning on a double, a walk and three Texas leaguers. The latter hits upset the Highwood hurler to such an extent that after being touched for two more counters in the second round he vacated in favor of "Red" Baldwin, Deerfield's star athlete. Boldwin pitched good ball for the remainder of the game although hit hard in spots. Besides the hurling of C. Geib the main feature of the game were the slugging abilities of_ the Juniors and the receiving exhibition of A. Geib. He left only one Highwood runner steal on him and five times.cut off daring runners who took too much . liberty with his throwing arm. The fielding, of Lenguardoro and Jordan and the latter's batting were also im- pressive sidelights. Boesiger shined at first base with eight putouts and two hits to his credit and Hopp scintilatted at the keystone sack. The locals will play the Lakeview Dodgers at the Wilmette diamond next Sunday. Game called at 3 o'clock. DOUGHNUTS AND COFFEE The Wilmette Post of the American Legion met at Community House last Friday evening and enjoyed an enter- tainment and refreshments (dough- nuts and coffee) served by Miss Church and her asistants. Sell A House For 30c *+++*«+*+* *+****+++*******+*+++*++** ***+****+*•*• We are now in position to make IMMEDI- ATE delivery on 1900 Cataract Washing Machines. Before buying a machine allow us to place one in your home on Free Trial. There is no machine made that can com- pete with the Cataract for washing clean, quick and without injury to clothing. No cylinder to lift, no frail parts to break or wear out. ": Try one in your laundry at our expense -YOU BE THE JUDGE SIMPLEX IRONERS-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lake Shore Electric Co. VANCE F. FOSTER, Proprietor Electrical Contracting, Fixtures, Supplies and Appliances 1135 Creenleaf Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2494 James J. Hill once said, "Do you want to know if you are going to be a success or failure? The test is simple. Are you able to save money? If not, you will fail, as sure as you live. You may not think so, but you will." There are two ways to save mon- ey. First: Spend less than you earn. Second: Bank your money regular- . ly. Comirence today by opening a Checking or Savings Account. Come in and talk it over. We will be glad to serve you. WILMETTE STATE BANK Resources Over $1,500,000 UNDER STATE CONTROL AND SUPERVISION MJWWM»»»>»»»»>»»»»»77777?7*r?. * * * When You Want a Taxiâ€"Call Wilmette 9 or 21 HERBON BROTHERS 730 12th STREET. WILMETTE EXPRESSING â- ///////////////////////////;//////, BOARDING '"""""""'/";/////////;//////////////////////;}< 5 % CASH DISCOUNT A. S. VAN DEUSEN SELLER OF GOOD FOOD POOR FOOD IS NEVER CHEAP WILMETTE Central Avenue and 12th St. Grocery Tels. 510, 511, 512 &513 Meat Telephone 514 Cash and Carry----- .............5% discount On orders of $1.00 or more of nominal Profit goods Cash and Delivered........... 2% discount These do not apply to Meat Department. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free SPECIAL SALE JUNE 14th TO JUNE 19th STRAWBERRIESâ€"Michigan strawberries will commence to come plentifully after June 14th and will last about 2 weeks. All kinds of preserves will be high next Fall. Make your own at easily one-half the price. You can get all the sugar you want. Put in your order for straw- berries now. We will deliver to you any day you want them, but don't put it off. They last 2 weeks only. ASPARAGUSâ€"Now is the right time to can asparagus. It is very cheap. Don't put it off. No. 1 cans of Asparagus next Fall will sell for 45c. LARDâ€"Pure. Lb.......................28c Think of it. Pure lard at 12c a lb. less than any substitute. RAISINSâ€"Richelieu. Seeded and cleaned. Pkg.............28c RAISINSâ€"Del Monte. Seedless. Pkg...32c FIGSâ€"Smyrna. Imported. Fancy 5 crown. Lb....................................30c DATESâ€"Dromedary. Pkg..............>23c PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara. Extra fancy quality. 50-60 size, lb.........................27c 40-50 size, lb.........................30c 20-30 size, lb.........................40c APRICOTSâ€"Fancy Blenheim. Lb.....45c PEACHESâ€"California. Peeled. Lb.....32c ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€"New. Shelled. Lb....................................70c PEANUTSâ€"In shell. Fresh roasted. Lb. 22c PEANUTSâ€"jumbo. Salted. Lb.........35c WANETA COCOAâ€"1 lb. in glass jar ..47c SKINNER'S MACARONI AND SPAG- HETTIâ€"7-oz. pkg....................10c MONARCH CATSUPâ€"14K2-oz. bottle ..18c FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Cere- sota. The wholesale price t-o-day is $2.05 for y» bbl. J^bbl...............$2.10 LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"Procter & Gamble's. 120 7-oz. bars in box................$5.50 10 bars ...............................47c NO CASH DISCOUNT SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAPâ€" 100 8-oz. bar in box ................$5.50 10 bars ..............................55c NO CASH DISCOUNT KITCHEN KLENZERâ€"Large can ....6#c OLD DUTCH CLEANSERâ€"Can ......10c GOLD DUSTâ€"Large No. 4 pkg.........32c RICHELIEU BORAXâ€"1 lb. pkg.......14c SPEE DEEâ€"Splendid for wood work and automobile grease. Large qt. can ___22c R1NSOâ€"For the family laundry. No rub- bing. No boiling. Pkg...............7^c RUB NO MORE SOAP CHIPSâ€" 11-oz. pkg.............................6c SCOURENEâ€"Try it in place of Sapolio. 10 cakes ___..........................50c FAIRY SOAP FLAKESâ€"Pkg...........10c RICEâ€"Fancy Head. Not Blue Rose. Head rice is quite scarse. This, is fine quality. Pound ................................21c DINNER BELL NUT MARGARINEâ€" Geo. W. Linn & Son's splendid substitute for butter. Lb.........................33c MINUTE GELATINEâ€"Pkg.........12J£c ARMOUR'S CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€" Pint bottle ............................35c GOLDEN EAGLE WHITE CHERRIESâ€" Very large fruit. Heavy syrup. No. 2l/2 can. Dozen $6.20. Can ................52c REEER HOMINYâ€"Large No. 3 can. Dozen $1.50. Can....................I2^c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. This coffee has no superior. Lb.......................47c COFFEEâ€"Roast Santos. Excellent value. Lb.....................................40c COFFEEâ€"Chase & Sanborn. Seal Brand. Lb....................................S7c TEAâ€"Oolong. No. 53. 75c quality. Lb. ..55c English Breakfast, L. F., 60c quality. Pound................................50c Lipton's Yellow Label. Cyloti' and' India. 1 lb. can 90c; ]/2 lb..... ..............45c DEL MONTE PRESERVESâ€"Pure Fruit and sugar only. The price of sugar is going to make preserves very high for next Fall. Buy them now. Dozen jars, assorted___$5.75 DEL MONTE LOGANBERRY JAM- No. 2 tin. Dozen ....................$5.50 This jam is pure, very fine, and contains 1 lb. 9-oz. net. GORDON * DILWORTH'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADEâ€" 16-oz. jar 45c ANTON IN I PURE ITALIAN OLIVE OILâ€" The finest produced. Quart can ___$1.85 POMPEIAN PURE OLIVE CILâ€" Quart can ..........................jj^o MAZOLA CORN SALAD OILâ€" A perfect substitute for olive oil. Quart can ........................... 75,. GINGER ALEâ€"Root Beer, Birch Beer and Sarsaparilla. Chippewa. One of the finest makes of domestic drinks. l<'5s. Dozen $2.25: bottle ..................19C Pints, dozen $1.25; bottle .... lie PHEZ LOGANBERRY JUICEâ€" 12-oz. bottle .............. 42c CURTICE BROS. STRINGLESS BEANSâ€" Refugee cut. Dozen $2.75: can .•. 23c ARACADIA STRING BEANSâ€" Cut. Dozen $1.00; 3 cans...... 25c MONSOON BLOOD BEETSâ€"Fancy. Whole. No. 3 can. Doz. S3.00. Can___25c PARIS SUGAR CORNâ€"Burnham & Mor- rill's renowned Maine, sweet sugar corn. Dozen $2.25. Can ......................19c WISCO EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Fine quality, at a very low price. Dozen $1.75. Can ......................15c HERFORT EXTRA SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEASâ€"Very small, very fine. Dozen $2.75. Can ......................2Jc PRIDE OF WHITEWATER SWEET CORNâ€"Doz. $1.90. Can ..............16c PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOESâ€" Extra standard. Large No. b can. Dozen $225. Can ......................ltc VER1BEST TOMATOESâ€"Armour's. Solid pack. Red ripe tomatoes. Large No. 3 can. Dozen $2.65. Can ....................23c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANSâ€" With tomatoe sauce. Large No. 2 can. Dozen $1.75. Can ....................i5e MONSOON STRINGLESS BEANSâ€" Refugee. Cut. Doz. $1.90. Can ........16c IDOL CUT BEETSâ€"Sweet, tender cut beets. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $1.80. Can 15c MONSOON APRICOTSâ€"No. 1 can. These are wonderfully fine. Doz. $3.35. Can 28c DEL MONTE HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" Sliced. No. 2 can. Doz. $4.50. Can ___38c MONSOON HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" Sliced. Fancy. Heavy syrup. No. 2l/2 can.' Dozen $6.00. Can ....................soc MONSOON HAWAIIAN GRATED PINE- APPLEâ€"No. 2 can. Doz. $4.20. Can...35c MENLO YELLOW CLING PEACHESâ€" Fancy. Large No. 2x/2 can. Heavy syrup. Dozen $5.00; can ......... 42c SUNICAL YELLOW CLING PEACHESâ€" No. 2 can. Fancy. Doz. $4.00. Can___35c GOLDEN EAGLE PEACHESâ€"Wonder- fully fine quality. Heavy syrup. Large halves. No. 2l/2 can. Doz. $5.25. Can ..45c

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