THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 19,1920 I Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines* Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. FOR SALEâ€"200 NEW AND USED sewing machines $5.00 up. New Singer electric $67; new Singer elec- tric $48; shop worn Singer electric $38; used Singer electric $25; West- ern electric $38; Wilcox & Gibbs electric $65; new Singer, style 66, $64;Eldredge two-spool$45. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. ^LTGlS-tfc FOR SALEâ€"GAS RANGE "RELIABLE" porcelain back side and doors, oven 14x18x21, slightly used, $50; refrig- erator, 100 lbs. capacity, enamel food chamber, three shelves, $35; two porch rockers, two large crex rugs, garden tools, lawn mower, 75-foot hose. 829 Ash street. Phone Win. 1307. LT19-Itp FOR SALEâ€"PIANOS AND PLAYERS overhauled, guaranteed, Steinway, 88-note player $200; Cable, 88-note player $275; Howard, 88-note player $375; Cheney piano $85; Emerson piano $140; Bauers piano $295; Beck- er piano $75; other bargains; easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG18-tfc FOR SALEâ€"SECOND HAND DARK oak dining room set; table, 6 chairs, china closet, sewing table. Price $100 for "set. Tel. Kenilworth 1763. L19-ltc Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- .tnette or Winnetka. FOR SALEâ€"NEW WALNUT VELOUR two-piece overstuffed living room set, chairs and davenport. Phone Wil. 1847. LTG19-ltp FOR SALEâ€"TWO OAK COUNTERS; six-burner gas range; large ice box; all in good condition. Phone Win. 1047. LT19-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISSION BOOK CASE; leaded glass doors; reasonable. 1320 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. LTG19-ltc LT17-4tc "WANTEDâ€"C OLORED MAID FOR general housework; only two in familv; nice rooms above garage; no washing; $12 a week. Phone High- land Park 416. 509 Roger Williams avenue, Ravinla.___________LTG19-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE - work; no washing; small family; must be good cook; high wages. Mrs. F. P. McLoney. 714 Elmwood avenue. Phone Wil. 1866. LTG19-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- work or second work; good home; good wages. 818 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2135. ________________________ LTG19-ltc WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; no laundry; small house; near transportation; $14; Phone Win. 1122.____ LTG19-ltc "WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework; 4 in family; good wages. .Phone Wil. 1997. Worthington, 1011 forest avenue, Wilmette. LTG19-ltc WANTEDâ€"MARCEL WAVER; SAL- ary $30 a week. Apply Wilmette Beauty Shop, 1200 Central avenue, Wilmette.__________________, LTG19-ltp sitiiation" waxted-female - an experienced maid for general housework is very difficult to* secure; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner solves the girl wanted question; liousework reduced 75 per eent; sold on easy terms. Patterson Bros., 828. Davis street, Evanston. Phone Evans- ton 654. LTGlb-tfc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE YOUNG MEN, 17 UPWARD, DESIRING Railway Mail clerkship, $110 month, write for free particulars examina- tions. J. Leonard (former Govern- ment Examiner) 20S Equitable Bldg. Washington, D. C. LTG19-ltp NEW CARS ADOPTING REFORM OF CHASSIS FOR LIGHT WEIGHT "The Automotive edition of Col- lier's had as its leading article, 'Today and Tomorrow,' in which George W. Sutton, Jr., gave a critical analysis of the trend of our motor car design," said Benjamin E. Gage, Franklin dealer. "As might be expected, our old friend 'reduced weight' bobs up again. Mr. Sutton said, 'Broadly speaking, the year has seen much re- duction in the weight of the average chassis. You will find a few pounds off here and there where it can be spared, and the sum total is a size- able item. Some of it is in the bodies; much of it can be ascribed to the use of better materials; better de-. sign plays, its part.' "In 1020, as in every other year past, the Franklin is far ahead of the field whereever light weight is dis- cussed in connection with fine motor cars. "It is interesting to not the change of front on the part of other car manufacturers during the many years that Franklin has been preaching the doctrine of lightweight. The idea was long scouted at by engineers who should have known better, and who stoutly maintained that in order for a car to be serviceable, practicable, and easy riding it must have weight. "Then after a time, the engineers said in effect, 'Well, Fraklin was right after all.,â€"light weight became the popular thing, and most of the car manufacturers were claiming it whether they had it or not. A goodly percentage of car manufacturers to- day still continue to talk of light weight, but as we have said a good many times before, they do not put their cars upon the sales. When it comes to light weight and economical operation, the Franklin occupies a field all its own, and best of all, Franklin does not need to rely upon generalities to prove it." TREATY VIOLATORS CONVICTED Approximately 315 convictions have been obtained in cases involving violations of the Mifratory-Bird Treaty Act, a law administered by the Biological Survey, United States De- partment of Agriculture. This law went into effect in July, 1918. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 00 n [OEZOl § BOND BROS. &C0. ELECTRIC 0E30 O CONTRACTORS 624 Davis St. Tel. Ev. 944 2 EVANSTON, ILL. 0 Also agents for the Judd Washing Machine and Simplex Ironing Machine S =30O o oao locaoi Wy-//y/y////?///////////y/ys////////^^^^ 1 LIST YOUR HOUSE with us for quick sale. We have a demand for desirable homes BEFORE BUYING see us for WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, and WINNETKA property. We can satisfy you. _ M. E. Barker & Co. End of "L" Phone Wil. 484 405 LINDEN AVENUE WILMETTE, ILL. FOB SALEâ€"VACANT FOR SALEâ€"LOT; SECOND PROM corner on Elmwood avenue near For- est avenue. Ptione Wil. 1665. LTG19-ltp FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"B UFF ORPINGTON eggs, for hatchingâ€"from the first prize hen at the Coliseum show, Chi- cago 1920. A few settings to spare at $10; other pens at $2 per setting; satisfaction guaranteed. John Aitken, Hubbard Woods. 111. Fhone 76. LTG18-4tc FOR SALEâ€"SHETLAND PONT; 4- wheeled 2-seated, rubber tired cart; 10 or 15 8 to 10 foot spruce trees for garden decoration; also house- hold articles. Ptione Win. 490. LTG19-2tc STAMPSâ€"100 STAMPS FOR 35 CTS. Wilmette Stamp Co., 706 Elmwood avenue. L18-4tc FOR SALEâ€"STRICTLY FRESH EGGS 818 16th street. Phone Wil. 1393. L19-2tp FOR SALEâ€"WHITE ROCK COCKER- els; standard bred. Phone Win. 68. ' LTG19-ltc WANTED TO EXCHANGE AUTO WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR Indiana farm or will sell cheap. 1522 Sherman avenue. Phone Evanston 720. LTG19-ltc WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€"WASHING AND IRONING by the day by Swedish woman. Tel. Wilmette 2486. LTG19-ltc SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Tel. Evanston 5020. LTG16-tfc WANTED TO RENT WANTEDâ€"TWO OR THREE ROOMS, with or near board for couple with ten year old daughter for summer or longer. Man alone at present; will occupy at once. J. H. Darrah, 1130 Insurance Exchange, Chicago, 111. LTQ19-3tc "WANTED T^ »U!NTâ€"SMAIX FLAT OH two or three rooms; unfurnished; with kitchen privileges; only 3 in family. Address P-14, Lake Shore News._________________________LI 8 -2tp WANTEDâ€"SMALL HOUSE OR 4~OR 5 unfurnished rooms and bath. April 15 to September 1; for 2 adults. Tel. Wil. 416. Tyrol «-i ♦« HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- hold goods of all kinds; we also take old clothes. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue. Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. Night phone Evanston 5512. LTG17-8tc MISCELLANEOUS IT WILL SOON BE TIME TO SPRAY your trees and shrubs; why not have your work done by men who know when to spray,and what to use? We also do pruning and tree surgery, 10 years experience. Phone Win. 1294. LTG17-4tc HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture and household articles Morris Crost, 1004 Emerson street, Evanston. Phone Evanston 189. LTG18-12tc Scales Motor Company K£S3 Nash, Stearns-Knight and Dodge Brothers passenger and business cars 510 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON PHONE EVANSTON 6636 LOUIS NETTLEMAN, LANDSCAPE gardener; get your shrubs and trees trimmed now; lawn manure for sale. Phone Wil. 914-J. L18-5tc LOST AND POIND LOSTâ€"A SMALL BROWN POCKET- book; between Maple and Dupee Place and Terminal. E, Wilke, 222 Dupee Place. L19-ltp YOUNG COUPLE DESIRES SMALL '" modern 2 or 8 housekeeping rooms unfurnished near North Shore line; ferences. Tel. Win. 1020. LT19-ltp «»Jp TTED TO RENTâ€"3 OR 4 UNFURN. "^* m« near Northwestern. Phone LTG19-ltp CLAYTON BRINGING BACK FLEET OF NEW MOTOR CARS Bill Spring brings flowers Flowers need artistic pergolas and trellises Pergolas and Trellises should have suitable Lumber Let us assist you in choosing _^ ma near FOR SALEâ€"HOUSES ^oR-mi. . co hftttfc KardWQKH .water kt _?18;6W>. I FOR SALl* MEDIATE POSSESSION Eâ€"6 ROOM MODERN STUC- e; sun and sleeping porch; * floors; newly papered; hot •Kt; 5 blocks from depot. hone Win. 944. LTG19-tfc all imprwvct furnace *hre%t, station. "ptit _ street, Wrmwiti â- '#*>** RALEâ€"TWO h®m*;'sillTm»i*n neighborhood; t«. road, Winnettca. i iuii tEVEN ROOM HOUSE; lents, sleeping porch, convenient to railroad <s $7,500. 684 Center a-___________LTQ19-Up APT. WINNETKA t improvements; fine rms. 762 Sunset ^hone Win. 838-R. LTCU«-tfe gQR Rem &J" "â- "•; •Phone*' \\iim,.tt,.' ;$$ •_x_. ROOMS Ufit> ROOMS; •* apartments. Allan B. Clayton, president of the Clayton Motor company, is personally conducting a driveaway of Cleveland and Chandler automobiles from the factories in Cleveland, Ohio. The string of cars with Mr. Clayton in charge left Cleveland Thursday, and are being driven slowly as all new cars should be driven for the first 500 or 1,000 miles. It is expected that the driveaway will teach the local dealer's headquarters on Davis street, Evanston sometime next Sun- day, and be put on display in their show rooms Monday morning. Miss Dorothy Hafdenbrook, will re- turn to Wells college, Aurora, N. Y., on Sunday, after spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Burt C, Hardenbrook, 1104 .Forest/avenue,. .•â- „„â- ,-. Ill Winnetka Coal-Lumber phone 734 Company ««. 735 EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager ^^iuuuuiii;ni!uuiiiiiUJiimiuuisnniUiuiiiu»iiiiimuiiu»iinniiiiiuiiiiiiuMuuiiiiniiisi!iMiiiinii[!itiniiii!niiiiiiMiiiiiiiM......niiimi?iiinnifiM!i.....iii!nuf!Hiiiiiiif;iifiiifMinitr^ SSM lpfy^$i/^^^^( ^!iy^$i '>< "X;««.;»«;.;.^