THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920 p* Activities °, North JKore Chibj by Rutk Tlisley^K ORTH shore club women are interested in the annual meet- ing of clubs of the Tenth District, to be held at the Wauke- gan Woman's club on Thursday, March 18. The officers . include Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenihvorth, president; Mrs. Donald M. Gallic*, vice-president at large ; Mrs. Albert N. Hobart, recording secretary; Mrs. James Hogan, corresponding secretary; treasurer, Mrs. Edmund Graf. Luncheon reservations must be sent to Mrs. John Whyte, 713 Genesee street, Waukegan, not later than Monday, March 15. Rep- resentatives from the North .Shore Catholic Woman's league, the Neighbors of Kenihvorth, the Winnetka Woman's club, the Wom- an's Catholic clubof Wiluiette, the Woman's Library club of Glen- coe, and the Wilmette Woman's club will be in attendance. The following program has been arranged for the day: Morning Session Board Meeting, V:M) o'clock. Regular meeting, 10:30 o'clock. Address of welcome, Mrs. A. E. Brown, president of Hostess club. Throe minute reports. Report of treasurer. Nominationsâ€"for corresponding secretary; for treasurer. Revision of by-laws. Address, Mrs. William Hart, president, Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs. Luncheon from 1 to 1:30 o'clock. Polls open from 1 to 1:30 o'clock. Afternoon Session Musicâ€"Choralâ€"Waukegan Woman's club. Address, Mrs. T. Arnold Hill, Executive Secretary Chicago Urban League. Address, "Treasure and Treasure Houses," Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor First Congregational church, Wilmette. spring luncheon at the College club, Chicago, Saturday of this week. Mrs. E. N. Parmlee and Mrs. Carl R. La- tham of Evanston are in charge of the program, consisting of addresser, by Mr. William Dyche and Prof. Franklin Bliss Snyder. Mrs. John Clark Baker of Wilmette, social chair man. will be assisted by Mrs. James Tuft Hatfield, Mrs. Grant Schaefer, Mrs. Fryc, Mrs. A. W. Moseley. Mrs. Ed son Fowler, Mrs. It. E. Wilson, Mrs. Louis Nafls, Mrs. A. V. OolTman, Miss Mary Rose Potter, Miss Sarah Harris. Dr. Mary McEwen and Miss AJta Miller of Evanston, and Mrs. Ernst Davies, Mrs. Fred Clark and Miss Grace Hickox of Chicago, as table hostesses. Representatives from various of the woman's clubs of the North Shore will meet with Mrs. James I«\ Porter in Hubbard Woods on Friday morning of this week to discuss a proposition for opening a school for civic instruction on the North Shore. Mrs. John Clark Baker and Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut will represent the Wilmette Woman's club. Miss Anna Morgan gave a reading of the poetic drama, "The Tidings Brought to Mary," yesterday morn- ing, at the residence of Mrs. V. K. Spicer in Kenihvorth, before the art and literature department of the Neighbors. Mrs. J. M. bander, chair- man of the department, was in charge of the program. The program for the meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club, scheduled for Thursday afternoon of next week, will be given under the direction of the Music committee. Miss Priscilla Carver, pianist, and Mrs. Morris M. Townley. soprano, will give a program of Modem Music. The hostesses will t>e Mcsdam^s Robert Boak, Alfred V. Horsman, Austin D. Jenkins, air! William D. Truesdale. "When the Kettle Sings," a play, is to be presented by members of tin Woman's Library club of Glencoe at the school auditorium on the evening of Thursday, April 8, at 8 o'clock. A group of dances and some excellent musical numbers will juld to the pleasure of the evening's entertain- ment. The proceeds of the affair will go to the Library eliib building fund. The Associated Alumnae of North- western University will hold their ^>iititit ttitiiiiicttiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaMiiiiiiriiiriiitiiiriitiinirtMiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirMiiiiiititiiaiiiiifiiiiiifititiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiJtitiiiiiiitJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Just Out | COLUMBIA LATEST RECORDS | | By Al Jolson, Bert Williams and Paul Biese | 1 AL JOLSON SINGS A HOME-COMING SONG OF THE I | SOUTH | Chloe Al Jolson | Was there ever a pal like you Henry Burr A2S61 | Elder Eatmore's Sermon on Throwing Stones 10-inch 85c | Bert Williams, Comedian A6141 | Elder Eatmore's Sermon on Generosity 12-inch | Bert Williams, Comedian $1.25 | You're a Million Miles from Nowhere when You're | one Little Mile from Home, | Once Upon a Time from "The Magic Melody A2862 ( Fred Hughes, Tenor 10-inch 85c j § Fred Hughes, Tenor § Wond'ringâ€"Fox-trot Ted Lewis Jazz Band I You Can't Get Lovin' Where There Ain't any ( Loveâ€"Medley Fox-trot. A2857 | Louisiana Five Jazz Orchestra 10-inch 85c | Intro: Tip-Tip Tippy Canoe | Incidental Chorus by Billy Murray | Just Like the Roseâ€"Fox-trot Paul Biese Trio x | Introducing: In Siam | Saxophone, Banjo and Piano Trio A2864 | When You're Aloneâ€"Fox-trot Paul Biese Trio 10-inch 85c | Introducing: The Great American | Saxophone, Banjo, and Piano Trio | Headquarters for the Be*t Talking Machinesâ€"Columbia, Brunswick, 1 Sonora and other makesâ€"Open Tuesn Thurs. and Sat. Evenings § IMIIItlllniinillinlinnlinHIIIMIIUnilHIMIIMMnillHIIIIMinilinilMIIIIIIIIIMMMMIIIMMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIHMIIIHIIIIIIIIIHUIIUIIItlUIIMIIIIMIIMIIIillllllllllll | PATTERS6K BROS. Piano House I Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings | Phone Evanston 654 828 Davis St., Evanston 1 you Can See Us From the "I" KILL 30,500 RABBITS Tn 18 rabbit drives conchicted in three successive weeks by the Bing- ham County, M.ilio, Farm Bureau, •\]i n/ the Biologi- cal Survey. United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, 30,500 rabbits were killed. The first week there were 4 drives in .3 communities, and the number of rabbits destroyed was 8.000. The second week 8 drives were held in 6 communities, attended by 1,900 people, and resulting in the kill-' ing of 12.000 rabbits, The third week 6 drives in 4 communities were at- tended by 1,600 people and resulted in the killing of 10,500 rabbits. Try an Electric cabinet or Rain-Bo Path fot M«»n and Women. North Shore Hotel, by appt. Phone Evanston 6424. â€"Adv. LTG16-tfc A Wonderful Purchase Gives You $75,$80,e $90, $95 Vi SUITS For Only Made to Order [Extra Pants Free All this season's very newest styles. Come. HARRY MITCHELL 16 and 18 C Jackson Blvd. tttami State and Watoaah CHICAGO ,^/,/MM^^^^^^ I RICKLEFS & SCHUETT COff Incl EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 1557 SHERMAN AVE. Evanston PHONE 5995 WW/MMM/M Yj7s//////////////ysssssss?ss/w/y^^^ % Czi'l or Send tor Instructive Catalog I . Til© W* Wa Barnard Company â- â- :? Thirty-Third Season SfKSy 231-233-235 W. Madison St., Chicago " m * TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 633 Revolution and Evolution I!MIIIIIHII:HIUII!UIIM>IMIHIMIIIMIIIIIHIHIIIMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII>IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I!IIIII1II1IIIIIIIIIIIIII)IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1III!UIIIIIIIII There is an appar- ent shortage of "Ex- ide" Batteries. Our stock at this time is complete. Your good judgment should dictate a re- servation for one to- day. Every few days some "silver tong- ued" orator drops in to offer us a storage battery merchandising proposition, that is, so he states, "Going to Revolution the Busi- ness." Our observations, dating back over a period of years, has been that those who were revolution- izing storage batteries met death in the revolutionâ€"at least the only mark left by which to iden- tify them is a tombstone. As we expect to remain right here and prosper we much prefer Evo-. lution to Revolution--we are thank- ful for the privilege of merchan- dising a storage battery that has behind it thirty years of Honorable Evolution. ' i .. "Exide" Batteries are built and eold to motor car owners on their honor. We're glad to place be- hind them our own honor as a local institution, dealing with local folks whose success or failure di- rectly reflects upon our business. Fred W. Otto, President EVANSTON "EXIDE" BATTERY SERVICE INC. 1007 Davis Street, Evanston Phone Evanston 1049^^ 3 Prouty Court, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1387 IATTIHY r~ some SERVICE fiiiiiuiitinittiiiiHinuiniiniiiuiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiniiiitiiiiiiHitijiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiitifiH.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiuiiiiiuituiiiuimiiiuiiiiitnuiiiiiitui.^. IF YOU WANT TO RIDE THIS SUMMER PLACE YOURgORDER NOW FOR A Chandler* Cleveland, Stephens, Overland or Willys-Knight WE SELL THEM ALL AND SERVICE THEM TOO Winnetka Motor Company 562 LINCOLN AVE., WINNETKA Wm. T. Wehrstedt Proprietor PHONE WINNETKA 165