THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which is combined THB W1XMETTE LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 MSVBD FRIDAY OF* BACH WHEK by The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave., Wllmette, 111. JOHN BORRE, PIONEER IN GROSS POINT, IS BURIED Telephone ..............Wllmette 1920 â- UnSCRIPTIOJV ...... $2.00 A YEAH Strictly In advance MEcaxs i i i â- icaKeacâ€" All communications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Wednesday afternoon to insure appearance in mvrrent issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary peotry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a eolteotlon taken, will be charged for at regular advertising- rates. John Borre, one of Gross Point's oldest settlers, was buried yester- day at St. Joseph's cemetery follow- ing funeral services at St. Mary's church, Evanston. Father H. P. Smythe of St. Mary's church offi- ciated. Mr. Borre, who was 60 years old, had lived for a number of years at the home of his late son, William Borre, 2147 Ridge avenue. Up to a year ago Mr. Borre had been enjoy- ing the best of health and then he became a victim of an ailment from which he has suffered ever since. Be- sides his widow, Mr. Borre is sur- vived by three daughters and one son. They are Mrs. Anna Bickler, Mrs. Carrie Wallace, Miss Helen Bor- re and Peter Borre. He was also the father of the late Catherine and Wil- liam Borre. Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Mllnois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of Man* 3. 1879. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920 New Experience For The Taxpayer The government of Illinois is re- fusing to accept the Iiold-up prices that have been submitted by con- tractors for the building of the new roadways throughout the state. It is a new tiling in the experience of the taxpayer to see some show of in- terest in public officials as to how the money collected from him and his fellow sufferers should be spent. Illinois needs the new roads which it is proposed to build. It is much to be hoped that there will be a dis- position on the part of the govern- ment to hold out against the pay- ment of the high rate demanded by those who have submitted bids until contractors are convinced that there has come an end to extracting easy money from the public treasury and be encouraged to look for errors in their figures that will admit of a new bid. That Way Danger Lies Acting Secretary of State-Folk an- nounced that he is going "to stick around and help the President all he can." Jle was laying out for him- self a dangerous program, for that was just exactly what Secretary Lansing did, and it cost him his of- ficial head. President Wilson's long suit is not accepting help in the job of run- ning the country. Wilmette Cafeteria 1101 Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. iimimiimmi/iiiiiiiimimmrmimiiiiiimiiiiiifiiiiiiimimiimiiimii REAL HOME COOKING PRICES MODERATE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIII We Serve Breakfast Week Days: 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday: 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. i Quality Goes GearThrough On talking to Dort owners you will find that they not only speak enthusiastically, regarding the economy of the Dort in gaso- line, oil, and tires, and the ease with which it rides, but they refer repeatedly to the advantages that accrue to them as a result of the remarkable simplicity and accessi- bility of Dort construction. PRICES: Touring Car, $1035; Roadster, $1035; Fourseason Sedan, $1665; Four season Coupe, $1665. F. O. B. Factory. Wire wheels and spare tires extra. c. m. Mcdonald SALESâ€"519 Davis St. Phone Evanston 307 SERVICE--914 Davis St. Phone Evanston 224 CAM) PORT MOTQR CAR COMPANY FlinfMidu E. F. SEITZ TO HEAD N. Y. BRANCH OF NAUMBURG * CO. Edward F. Seitz, junior partner of the E. Naumburg & Company, one of the largest commercial and banking houses in the country, left Wilmette today to take charge of the New York house of the firm. He was accom- panied by his wife and 12-year-old boy, Edward, Jr. The family will •ntf ProtMt yourâ€"It fey Wearing Legging Boots ake up their residence temporarily at a hotel until they have been able to locate a suitable home. Their home at 802 Ashland avenue has been sold to John E. Cawkwell, 1010 Elmwood avenue. The Cawkwell family hope to occupy their new place by March 27. . â- A-^..r.'--!--;,^ â- d 'CinA^^y I fift "Wear with Your Shoes On." Ideal for work in ypur garden and that walk through the mud to your train. W.H.Salisbury SCO: The real measure of damage due to poor telephone service is in loss of time or in the personal inconvenience caused. Speed is a relative term that depends upon what one is used to rather than upon what one actually requires or that one may have been led to expect. In telephone practice high speed is taken for granted; if telephone calls had never been answered bj' the operator in less than thirty or forty seconds, it would still be not only the quickest service in the world but it would seem the quickest. Moreover, the time consumed would be less than that re- quired to complete any other operation in the business or domestic routine. The remarkably fast service the telephone companies have created and maintained so steadily has made fifteen and twenty seconds seem a long time â€" but only as regards telephone service. 301 W. Madison Strcat, CHICAGO llflU Pranalin an* Market Str«*U â- tM»* Franklin 8744 THE RUBBER STORE Chicago TelepKorve Company You use neither Bus, Taxi or Street Car when you travel via The Road of Service SAVE MONEY BETWEEN Wilmette and Chicago 25 RIDE BOOKS NOW ON SALE AT $6.40 10 RIDE BOOKS NOW ON SALE AT $2.94 North Shore trains provide the most convenient service between Wilmette and the business district of Chicagoâ€" without change of cars. By means of the Elevated Roads you are also able to reach any point in Chicago. SERVICE Trains leave Wilmette every half hour from 6:58 a. m., to 1:58 a. m. Excellent dining car service is provided on trains leaving Wilmette at 9:58 a. m., 1:58 p. m., and 6:58 p. m. Theatre train, carrying diner, leaves Wilmette at 6:58 p. m. Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. NORTH SHORE Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue !