10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MMCH 5, 1920 2||A LECTURE,.;,: ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Kntltled: Christian Science; The '.'.cy fo Self-Government. By John â- Jp*:'.*:'nt*y Krr:!thwalte, M. A., C. S. D. (Continued from Papre Three). willing to concede these things than it formerly was and to give to her her nVhtftil place, and so I will pro- ceed to cl^l with some aspects of her discovery. Back To The Bible Perhaps the, most important thing that Christian' Science does for the real truthseeker is that it gives him back his Bible. So many people have let their Bibles go in exchange for the more speculative and uninspired writings of would-be leaders of thought. They have wandered far into theories about health, government, human nature, death and the here- after, in many cases only to return by the same door they went in saying as old Omar said: "There was the door to which I found no key: ' There was the veil through which I might not see." And just as we may hear nowadays the call of "back to the land," remind- ing men cf the essentials of exist- ence, lost sight of in the anxieties^ of the war or the rush and speculation of the city, so in Christian Science the. cry is "back to the Bible." There you will find the door you seek to open, and here in Christian Science is the key to it. The very first of the tenets of Christian Science is "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal life." It may be asked how one is to know which parts of the Bible are "inspired Word" and which are not. What about the talking serpent, Noah and his ark, the whale that swallowed Jonah, and a hundred other things cither unintelligible or unbelievable? Well, these things do not have to be regarded as actual â- '"â- '•'"â- nil occurrences, but rather as • :-t ures or ilbisrations to '.'•..-'â- .â- â- â- •1i"' takes place in the human consciousness when the truth begins to enlighten it. Suppose that some- one were to take voti into a large room- filled with furniture, books, pictures and other curios, but so dimly lighted that you could barclv distinguish the various objects and certainly could make nothing of them, and then he should begin to tell vou of their treat interest and priceless value. You micdit «:nv to him "all that you say about these things may be perfeetlv true, but it hnrdh' in- terests me because T can't see them in this dim licrht." But if the light were turned no it would all lie otiite different. You could see the things then, studv them and form your own estimate of them. That is what Christian Science does for the Bible. It turns up the light, so th;U all can see for themselves. Text-Book Comm^nfary The commentary which the Christ- ian Science text-hook supplies to the Bible brings a power of discernment hitherto unsuspected, so that one is released from the old foss«'iscd theor- ies that have neither Science nor common sense to support them and learns to think clearly, connectedly and authoritatively, first on the Scrip- tures themselves, and then on everv phase of human experience. In this way one finds self-government, and self-government brings authority with itâ€"the nuMioritv which ro"^* from risrht thinking. Tt was of this kind of authority, as illustrated in the life of the "Master. thr>t it wis written on one occasion that the spectators were "amared." and nnes- tioned nmoung themselves, saying. "What thine-- is th;s? What new doc- trine is this? For with authority commandeth he cvpn the unclean spirits and the do obey him." Christian Science explains that in the life of Tosus the . Mind which crealrd the Universe wns become art- iculate in human experience, so tlmt all false belief and materialism know- ing its hour was come, literally quail- ed before it. The divine Principle, which holds all things in its orderly- grasp, was expressing itself in the thoughts and actions of a man. Christian Science reveals to us that this same Mind, or Principle, is to-day omnipresent and is God. Many people nowadnvs pre using vague terms such as Providence, fate. luck, destiny, and so on. to denote their sense of God. but these terms have not been found to satisfy in times of stress, any more than the go(h of mythology satisfied the ancients. The gods of nivtliolocy represented a per- fectly serious eflort on the part of mankind to personalise their sense of deity, and to make each imaginary personality the highest and most per- fect expression of a given human attribute, which they then proceeded to worship. This is called polythe- ism. The Israelites repudiated the notion of many personalities and con-j centrated their worship on the one invisible personality. This is called monotheism, but it must be remem- bered that to some extent God still appeared to them to be the glorified expression of human attributes, and even to-day Christendom awaits re- lease from this limited and corporeal sense of God. God In Christian Science it becomes ap- parent that not human attributes, even the best of them, constitute God, but that, on the contrary, the divine Mind is self-existent, and the human mind knows nothing truly about life until it begins to discard its own mat- erial limitations and to acquaint itself intelligently with this divine Mind or Spirt. "God is Spirit," said the great Way- shower, "and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Now, Spirit is one of the seven synonymous terms used to denote God, and Christian Science shows that there is scriptural auth- ority for these seven terms. In each one we find the pure thought gem. not requiring any set- ting in which to be exhibited, but revealing itself more and more as a complete idea, satisfying while yet unfathomable, simple, yet profound. "Mind, Spirit. Soul, Principle. Life, Truth, Love." If we take each one of these terms and study it thought- fully, we find ourselves being lifted into a nearer and truer sense of God. The effort to gain this clearer vision, looking away from the human fo the divine, is the prayer of faith in Chris- tian Science, and this prayer is answered in the harniony.health, and peace that it brings. We can see then that we do not need another human being, whether in the guiseof priest or doctor, to take care of our spiritual or physical welfare for us. Indeed they cannot do so. We must work out our own salvation. Vision Opening Tt .may be asked "In what way is tliis statement about God going to help me when I am struggling with disease or temptation?" Well, it helps in the same way that the traveller is helped if when wind -ind storm combine to make the way 'Mfficult. and progress along the mountain side becomes very slow and arduous, he can realize that these conditions are only temporary and superficial, not insuperable obstacles but tests of endurance, and that a little way above all this seeming turmoil the sun is shining serenely. Suppose that we have reached such on altitude of clear vision that to us God, Spirit. Mind, is all sufficient, and that we can see that we live, move, and have our being, as ideas in this one universal Mind. Suppose that while we are seeing this, one should come to us and say "are not your home, your posses- sions, your family, your very body, •til material ,and are they not all liable to be swept away by change or disaster?" Standing outside the point of view of the senses and see- ing so clearly that all is Mind, we should reply instantly "No. they are not." It would be so clear to us that a spiritual idea can no more be affected by material conditions than a sum in arithmetic is affected by the breaking of the slate on which it is written, that we should not hesitate for one instant. We would not say 'if it is Gods will it may be so, and I will bear it with resignation," but we would say simplv "It is not so, and because I = ee that substance is spiritual and that there can'be hut one power, good. I deny that evil has either existence or Principle in the universe of Spirit." Now this position,would be entirely logical and scientific, and moreover it carries the full endorsement of him who stood before men as the car- penter's son, and said "Call no man vour father upon the earth, for one is vour bather which is in heaven." His" scientific perception that man is God's perfect child enabled him to repudiate human theories relating to man and his origin. With his under- standing that intelligence and life are spiritual, never material, he heal- ed sin and, disease, and raised the dead. ^ Source of Human Falsities - <S Now touching these human theories about man and his origin, all of which are permeated with a great deal of hopelessness and despair, be- cause of their insistence on material- ism as the basis of life, and evil as an inescapable law, Mrs .Eddy writes in "Science and Health" (p. 489), "The corporeal senses are the only source of evil or error." This is a very pro- found statement, and like all really profound statements it simplifies things enormously. It is a hopeless thing to think of evil as some kind of diabolical intelligence with which we can never expect to copeâ€" but if its source is traceable to the cor- poreal senses, we know we can cope with them if we care to take the trouble. "I keep under my body," said Paul, "and bring it into sub- jection,' 'and what an example of freedom and self-government we have in him. Christian Science explains that it is because men believe themselves dependent on material conditions that evil seems so real to them, and. conversely ,the proof in Christian Science that they are not dependent on material conditions releases them from the fear of evil, and reveals true self-government. This was proved to be the case over and over again by the soldiers in the trenches,who,con- fronted with horrible conditions of damp, danger and discomfort, seemed to rise to a higher freedom and cheer- fulness than anybody had supposed to be possible. To many of them Christian Science came as a very natural explanation of this phenomenon, and it seemed easy to realize that true optimism means the rejection of the evidence of the senses, because when tlrtw did reject this evidence, a sense of im- munity from evil was found to result. I was much impressed by a charac- teristic statement of one of these jlads. Supported by his understanding of Christian Science, he had come un- scathed through very heavy machine gun fire concentrated on him at close range, and he said,-"This experience* proved to me that man is spiritual." We cannot have his proof, we'mnst find our own, but when Ave do so through the denial of the corporeal senses, wc shall understand much more what is meant by the allness of Mind and the unreality of matter, a proposition which may he argued intellectually, but which, to be un- derstood, must also be demonstrated. Need for Spirituality We may study the writings of Plato, Plotinus, Thomas Aquinas. Bishop Berkeley and olhers, and we may gain a sense that matter is not be, and we shall find that modern, the self-existent thing it appears to scientific research upholds this po- sition. But we shall not in this way have advanced far along the road which leads to Jesus' statement, "The flesh profiteth nothing,' 'or Mrs. 'Ed- dy's definition of matter to be mor- tal mind, illusion, the opposite of Truth. It is comparatively easy to sec that the sq-called properties of matter are qualities of thought, but it is quite another thing to gain the spiritual perception that matter- thoughts are illusion or nothingness. Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopahtic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 W;hi?!te Ave Residence Phone 716-J tt^sasi^/iK'ttswwy^///'//'/:^^^ COLDS breed and Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD ONCE WITH BILL' CASCARA I remedy for 20 years formâ€"safe, sure, no rcaks up a cold in 2* our-â€"relieves grio in 3 days. ?.Io-ncy bach if it fails. The tne box has a Red with Mr. Kill's icture. /- S /_ i: Drvz Stano MAN'S BEST A man is as old as .:ir. Tganc; h can be as vigorous u..~. ..-inlihy ?.: 70 as at 35 if he aids nus prgun.: • performing their functions. Kee^ your vital organs healthy witr The world's standard remedy for kidney hv«r, bladder and uric acid trouLl.-: ainco 1690; corrects disorders; stirr."it s vital organs. All druggists, three LooL for the nemo Gold! Aleda! or- All sin and disease are traceable to this illusion regarding matter, and Christian Science teaches that dis- ease is not a law of God, neither is it a law of matter, but that it is mor- tal mind that causes disease, and mortal mind that needs to be cor- rected. It was Jesus 'understanding of this fact that gave his mission on earth such startling significance. With his clear spiritual vision he taught men the simplicity of the truth and healed all kinds of diseases, treating them as the results of false belief. Finally he faced the darkest phase that human experience can of- ferâ€"-a cruel death with every man's hand against himâ€"and triumphed completely over it in the experience known as the resurrection, thereby annulling deathâ€"matter's strongest claim. This was his atonementâ€"the proof of man's scientific unity with. Godâ€"his at-one-ment with divine Mind. Jesus No Ascetic What then does bringing the body "into subjection" really mean? Does it mean treating it with asceticism and contempt, and like St. Francis referring to it as "my brother, the ass?" Such a position may, no doubt, be achieved by an effort of will, but is it the scientific way along which Jesus of Nazarath was the first to tread? There is nothing to show that Jesus was an ascetic. On the con- trary, -he seems to have been a very normal person in all matters to do with eating, drinking, clothing and resting, though no one will deny that lie was the most uriselfcd man that ever lived. What to the ascetic appeared to he temptations to sin. to Jesus were symbols of the divine providenceâ€" the temporary food and clothing which are needed by mortals in the transition stage from ihe purely ma- terial sense of supply to that condi- tion of spiritual understanding which can say in the Master's words, "I have meat to eat that yc know not of." He knew that the real health, the real food, and the real clothing of the real man came from Mind alone, and that the understanding of this fact brings now an abundance o% blessings. £ But while Jesus was tolerant and* friendly towards a normal sense of good, so distinct from the abnormal and self-righteous sense of it enter- tained by the Pharisees, which he again and again rebuked, he was not tolerant towards what mortals are accustomed to consider a normal sense of evil, such as sin, disease, or death are. These things he saw to be the out- come of a misguided thought, lost in the darkness of materialism, led on by a will-o'-the-whispâ€"a false sense of good. When appealed to by a sufferer, he recognized this turning to him to be an awakening out of the mesmerism of sensuality, and in clear terms he encourraged the wrestler with "Ac- cording to your faith be it unto you." CLEAN UP! Now is the time to have your painting and dec- orating done. Estimates cheerfully given. No obligations to be as- sumed. TOM WOSSER Painter and Decorator 1215 WilmeUe Ave. Phone Wil. 1879 Willys Knight Touring $1975 F. O. B. TOLEDO Owners Do Not Wait While Valves Are Ground It is no wonder the Willys Knight owner becomes more enthusiastic over his car the longer he drives it. The Sleeve-valve motor improves with use, and performs consistently every day. Free from valve grinding and repairs, it is always ready for immediate service. The rigid dependable chassis and beautiful, durable coach work complete the full measure of owner satisfaction. Order now, if you want early spring delivery. Deuchler & Fridman Phone Evanston 710 1514 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Immediate Deliveries On All Modelâ€"4 Overland Cars Order Your Easter Suit Now! I am showing some very select advance Spring styles and materials now. Come in and see them. THE PRICES ARE REASONABLE Wm. Kaplan Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's Tailor 627 W. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 667