paiSg^ W'^0^S^SW^§009^^& WWr& THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 Classified Advertisements R ,ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and GJencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal starting salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette or Winnetka. LT13-3tr WANTED-MAID FOR GENL. HOUSE- work; no laundry. 622 Laurel ave- nue. Phone Wil. 1291. L,TG16-ltc WANTED â€" MAID; COOKING AND first floor work; no laundry; $14.00. Phone Winnetka 303. T/TOt6-ltc WANTEDâ€"SECOND MAIDâ€"FOUR IN familv. Phone Winn. 608. 213 lAn- rlfn St., Winnetka._________T-TGlB-ltc WANTEDâ€"WOMAN TO DO PASTRY work; short hours; sood pay. Wil- mette Cafeteria, 1101 Central Ave. L.TG16-ltc WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENL,. HOUSE- work; small family; good wages. Phone Evanston 6545. Vickers, 136 Main street, Evanston. J/TU16-ltc WANTED AT ONCEâ€"EXP. DRESS- maker; also apprentice, steady posi- tions. 859 Elm St., Winnetka, Tel. Winn. 1325. _________L,TG15-3tc H K LP W A N TE 1)â€"MAI. K WANTEDâ€"A GENERAL AGENT FOR Wilmette and vicinity for theMonthly Premium Accident and Health De- partment of the largest company in the world writing all forms of ac- cident, health and life insur- ance. Requires a man capable of writing policies and adjusting claims. Commission contract only. Address C. H. Boyer Manager Casualty De- partment, National Life Insurance Company of the U. S. of A., 29 S. La Salle street, Chicago. 111. L16-lte FOR SALEâ€"LEATHER COUCH, RAT- tan couch, porch furniture, medicine cabinet, brass bed, iron bed springs, mattress and pillows, oak chiffonier, rockers, ice box, instantaneous gas water heater, ash cans, garden and chicken implements, grass cutter. Phone Wilmette 1062. L16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTOS WONDERFUL BARGAIN â€" ON Ac- count of changing to car with larger seating capacity, will sell my 1918 Mitchell C. 42, 4-pass. coupe. Care- fully driven 8,500 miles. Looks like new and is as good as it looks. Extra tire. Bumper front and rear. Seat j covers and motor meter. Price $1,600. Will show or demonstrate car on con- dition that you have the money to buy if found as represented. Phone Winnetka 1350 or Harrison 9533. ______ LTG16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOMES SOUTH EAST GLENCOE TWO ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM bungalows, four blocks from Hub- bard Woods station, three blocks from Lake, possession May 1, lot 50x200. Price $8,000 and $8,500; terms. HILL & WHEELER 401 Linden Avenue. End of "L" Telephone Wilmette 93, Wilmette 111. LTG16-ltc FOR SALE â€" 2 - APT. WINNETKA home; all modern improvements; fine neighborhood; terms. 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 638-11. LTG16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"8-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE and double garage; two baths; hot water heat; East Side, Wilmette; $20,000. Telephone Wilmette 1345. __________________________ LTG16-ltp FOR SALEâ€"POULTRY FOR SALEâ€"BARRED COCKEREL, $5; orders taken for hatching eggs. Phone Wilmette 707-W. LTG16-ltc FOR SALEâ€"USED CARS FOR .SALEâ€"TWO FORD DELIVERY trucks, excellent condition, will sell cheap. E. J. Galitz, 1206 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 595.______________^^^ LTG15-2tp JKOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"ADJUSTABLE CANVAS baby hummock for tonneau of auto- mobile. Original price $10 at Field's; used once; sale priee $5. Call 1316 Blmwood Ave., Wilmette. L16-ltc •tjjt SALE CHEAPâ€"ONE LADIEB' coat, long (seal brown); one ladies' jersey dress (tan); one ladies' blue serge dress; one gents' overcoat, size 38; one gent's suit, blue stripe, si:ie 37. Phone 150 Winnetka. LTG16-ltc vuli SALICâ€"AIUEDALR DOG; ONE year old; male. 623 Prairie Ave. _______________• L16-ltp FOR SALE â€" PEUKJREED BOSTON bulldog. Phone Wilmette 1510. LlG-ltc FOR RE XTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT â€"FURNISHED ROOMS; also light housekeeping apartments. Phone Wilmette 1868. L8-tfc WANTED TO KENTâ€"HOMES RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS UN- furnished house May 1. $85 to $100; 3 adults. Address Lake Shore News, M 701._________________L16-2tp WANTED â€" TO RENT â€" HOME ON North Shore from May 1. H. H. Hop- kins, 810 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Telephone Edgewater 7999. LTG16-ltp WAxN'iED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE FROM May or June to October. ITione Wilmette 1291. LTG16-ltc VANSTON BANK OFFERS SPLEND- id opportunity to young man 17 to 20 years of age. Previous experience | WANTEDâ€"TO RENT â€" EAST SIDE not essential. Address S-17, Lake Shore News, Wilmette. LTG16-ltc HELP WASTEDâ€"MALE AND FE- MALE WANTELâ€"GIRLS AND BOYS TO work in cafeteria; short hours; good pay; also women to work at noon and evenings. Wilmette Cafeteria, Bouleward BIclg., Wilmette. LTG16-lto SITUATION WANTED SITUATION' WANTED BY EXPER1- enced sick nurse and also by laun- dress. Tel Evanston 5020. LTGKitfc A3J EXPERIENCED \1AID FOR general housework is very difficult to secure; Hoover Vacuum Cleaner solves the girl wanted question; housework reduced 75 per cent; sold on easv terms. Patterson Bros., 82S Davis St., Evanston. Phone Evans- ton «:>4. LTGlG-tfc FOR SALE ______________-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"ROUND DINING ROOM table, mission: four oak chairs; Per- fection oil cooking stove; enamel go- cart and other things. 1217 Asbury avenue , Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 249. _______LTGIfi-ltr }'UK SALE â€" HANDSOME UEVEL glass, dark oak china cabinet; perfect deer head; two chairs; other house- hold furnishings; boy's new, heavy blue sweater; girl's winter coat, ago 14-16; good condition. I-Tione Wil- mette 702-M. L16-1tc HOME WITH DOUBLE GARAGE; MUST HAVE 5 BEDROOMS; FOR MAY 1; WILL PAY $100 OR MORE; BEST REFERENC ES. PHONE _________ "s WILMETTE 2080. L15-tfc UAATED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS WANTED TO RENT P.Y MOTHER and adult daughter; one or two un- furnished rooms; bath; by May 1; references. Phone Ravenswood 4604. ________________________________LT/iU'-4tc WANTED TO BITâ€"FARM WANTED TO HEAR FRO.M OWNER of farm or good land for sale. Send' price and description. Address me, Leslie Jones, Box 6, Olnev. 111. LTG16-ltp WANTED TO I11Yâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€"FOX. TERRIER; STATE price, age and color. Call Wil. 1422. L16-ltc LOST AND For Nil FOR SALEâ€"TWO WHITE ENAMEI dressers; oak dresser; brass bed; porch beds;canvasporch swing:porch chairs; mission arm chair;kitchen chairs and tables; teakwood table; oak stand; white iron bed; kitchen utensils; washing machine; go-cart; refrigerator; domestic and Oriental rugs; mahogany dining room set; sideboard, chairs and 60-inch table. 54 Crescent Place. Wilmette. Phone Wilrm-tte 134.'.. LTGlH-ltp FOR SALEâ€"LIVING,'HALL AND BED- rooni'furniture; large, new American Hag; also set of fox_ furs. 231'r ran k- iin road,'(iuni:Je. ' i Iij.'k- '(jii-ncue 627. ' • L'KHi-lic <SJâ€" WILL PARTY WHO, 2 MONTHS ago. found* a black male cocker span- iel puppy (child's l>«t). 4 months old, ra'l Wilmettf 16!<0': L16-ltc MIS( EI.LA N EOI'S NO'JiCKâ€"BEST ELECTRIC HOUSE- hold appliancesâ€"Eden washing ma- chine; Simplex ironing machine. Hoo- ve,' vacuum cleaner. Singer electric sewing mahine; buy the best. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LT<;i6-tfc I am howing some very select advance Spring styles and materials now. Come^in and see them. THE PRICES ARE REASONABLE Wm. Kaplan Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's Tailor 627 W. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 667 «iLU'^-rliKK OF CHARGE. WE will clean your 9x12 rug with our latest style Hoover special electric vacuum cleaner; it sweeps, beats and sucks; try it. Tel • 654. Patterson J...O.S., i.2,/Davis street, Evanston. LTG16-tfc Parents Attention! Start Your Boy Now on the Road to Success and Independence If you will lay aside only $5.00 per month for your son, no matter how young he may be, investing it in our 6% Preferred Stock, fyy the time your boy has , reached middle age he will be well off financi- ally with an accumulation of stock of the par value of $18,146.00. At 6% this will pay him an annual income of $ 1,080.00. Under our systematic, saving plan of pur- chasing this stock, you will make the monthly payments of $5.00 each until your boy is workr ing and earning his own money. By that time, under your guidance, he wil! have learned the value of saving and investing at 6% and will be glad to take over and continue the pay- ments. Study This Table It shows you how your money grows when placed in the 6% Cumulative Preferred Stock of this Company with the divi- dends re-invested in the stock. 20 Month* Perloda Starting Dec. J, 1011) Aug. 1, 1921 Apr. 1, 1923 Dec. 1, 1924 Aug. 1, 1926 Apr. 1, 1928 Dec. 1, 1929 Aug. 1, 1931 Apr. 1, 1933 Dec. 1, 1934 Aug. 1, 1936 Apr. 1, 1938 Dec. 1, 1939 Aug. 1, 1941 Apr. 1, 1943 Dec. 1, 1944 Total Pay- ment* Made By You $100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Cumu- lative Saving* $105 220 345 480 635 800 993 1,196 1,422 1,670 1,943 2,245 2,579 2,948 3,355 Total Par- Cumu- 20 Month* mentM Made ladve Ending lly You Savlnga Aug. 1, 1946 $1600 $3,803 Apr. 1, 1948 1700 4,300 Dec. 1, 1949 1800 4,849 Aug. 1, 1951 1900 5,453 Apr. 1, 1953 2000 6,122 Dec. 1, 1954 2100 6,862 Aug. 1, 1956 2200 7,679 Apr. 1, 1958 2300 8,579 Dec. 1, 1959 2400 9,574 Aug. 1, 1961 2500 10,674 Apr. 1, 1963 2600 11,887 Dec. 1, 1964 2700 13,227 Aug. 1, 1966 2800 14,705 Apr. 1, 1968 2900 16,341 Dec. 1, 1969 3000 18,146 \(>TE: Th«- iiliovr table i* hawed on the nxMUiiiptluii that the h'/i Preferred Stock or Home other equally good neeurity of the Company will be available throughout the entire fiO-yenr period. Parentsâ€"talk this matter over now. Remember what it will mean to your boy to have this sound financial foundation as he meets and solves life's many problems later on. Remember, too, that the Public Service Company is a big, constantly growing Company furnishing nearly 200 Illinois cities and towns with gas and electric service that can nat be dispensed withâ€"a fact which assures the safety of this investment. Stop in at our local office today. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois