ii;^;:^.3.^P^. iiSpSS LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY; KAY 1, 1919 ^EWTRIERSENieRS* OFFER ANNOATPEAY mx.:p The Admirable Crichton;" Is Chosen At Vehicle for Annual Event of ^ig.-wgS.chool Spring Session 3&s^.5. ' ^NJmiAMBITIOUS EFFORT ^JEn iertainment Is - Again Presen'ted gjrUnJer Direction of the High. ^ii-aiiv't v School Dramatic Club €>n Saturday chool luii }S in th ::3 Drarinrcic evening at .8 o'clock. ; assem 1 > 1 y. ha 11, the "of ,New Trier High VICTORY LOAN SONG Words by Harlan E. Babcock, music by Kvelyn French? ^~ "7 : — -privileges^ ST**^*?4!?^^^^ of Mr. atid,Mrs: vel^pmetvt ef-^boys d^aTpiel^l L. £. Urike of 933 Lake avenueriraT and returned home last Sunday o/n a He Will soon re- in the window of a cottage hangs a simple service flag, With a star that says, a boy is "over — there/' ,--------L-^.~ ' , —'—^—s; ■■ ■. And beside it hangs another7; show- ___ing jus't a letter "V.". .'•■'/.■'_\_~" - That's a plea for everyone to d oHus share. -." ■'. - ."'-, It's a sign that says we've triumphed^ I nit we haven't pawl the bills; It's a call frdfh every doughboy. ev,ery:_gab: Christian Science reading"'"room, and Raeder, and Child's book srort/ wrli- be taken over by the V; M.-Gv-Ar-The hdys^Tcteparfment 'has been quartered for a year in the store* south of the Christian Science reading room. This move is a step in advance of the old -pla-n of having the men~awi-boys-to- getheT in Jhe main Y.*M, C. .•A^^P COL, H. N. PRESTON ®m|1 *s SUCCEEDS SEVERSON * ,,m...AT NORTHWESTERN Tojjack' the Victory- loan tHat's^go^ ^=: school wilt^PTeireiU the annual Set ^ __. i.or play. . The play chos'en this year v^/ is'rather an ambitious one both from- S,^:^th^ standpoint ofstage .management 5B|2- and from that of dra-matic—^ability. Sir-i_^uT4ie:-Admirable Crieh-£011^-7-'by Sir ^/^••Jatiies'. M. Harrie. is a clever and ^v~U aTTuisTifg play, rich in .'u'rms'tt.alT'sitrraj " t ioiiiran<l startlingcontrasts. Tvb :U_Lord l.oani. whose (iemocrattii-ideas art-the despair of his friends and farrily. insist-* once ■•-'a moiith. on—a- scrvstatls te.-i , at which- his servants .*T.£. tre:ited—asIris eautt^s^ His lmt> k^^Cr'u^ium. a perfect- servant. Jinct.., the .Victory boat— vtbis tea a great trial as his delight is ir "a lvaA4^htyr,larisXQj^^c_^Eiiglish Come on. let's nnisTi thejj;Oh!" Sli're. '••with ry-en-e>=i-fv-e-pt- -inAii =frf?nily -f-Vktce.' ^j'When Lord loam's yacht is wreck- . ed and he. his daughters aiuLltheir guests are at loss to know-Thow they c;:n .subsist on a desert island. Cricli- 1 irrt-conve^+nto his^ own. and quickly proves himself resourceful and mas- terful. Th rh a t- castaways live for two island, and during all Crichton mainta-ins Tire i hg-. t o I) m ng: th e v i ^ t or shorn e > rz^- And^to help our'Uncle Sam complete C*S ."-'tlie J P.bv tS!'.' ■:/■;■-.-.• fcWfi-lW":^^.^-■--■£: Hag is there Doodle- ■" -j.:, :_';: Chorus*:'•■.;. The 'Y" yoti see in the - ^^or^'-VTCtorj', \Vhich itiearry- that "•' Vankee :yvo'n the -fight.-- .'-■'.'•'".:'^^-:;-"S--. It also staTills-ToT^TiVei'"7^iiT?-l 'a in peace would thrive. And lead the world and keep .Hiberty.^ . ^.' ;.. ' + )::' )■■■'; -We've got to'-dig^-do.wl pockets with a smile.-T--- Bn: t^Tre^eT^a^vrhtiTip e r qF:a s olT:-r -■€ o 1 otre4—Heiii e r - N^-Pf es t ot^a gratl ed to XoVt .Vest Point, lias been a^sip-n- T een :lvwestern university by—the war departnieht as professor of inili two. weeks' leave. lM>rt for active sea servicei Scott Jordan, Wilmot Cady M. Jordan, Whitaker C^?H. JORDAN & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS CMtabllHhed 1854 Phone 440 (til! DaviH Street Bvannton 1«4 X. MICHIGAN AVENUE 1528' E. 53rd STREET, HYDE PARK DECORATING It is now time to have yojur House Cleaning done. If you are going to have W. PAINTING XALXIMINT INGi OR PAPERING done now- or later* we -will 1>« pleased .to give you an estimate. Wilmette Decorating Co. Phone Wilmette 374 1412 Elm wood jn. ~.i'r J;*!~^ tary science tactics, to succeed Colonel, Charles F^Se-rcrson. whos.e request to return to St^ John's Mili- tarj- academy has been -granted, -^ TPreslon confes Hire'c^F to Camp l;ee, Peters- n t q— our '""Colonel F.van'stpn from. 4: Irtire. Vi'rgJ'nia, where he was the iii^ instructor for (.tbe .in.faiit-ry . officers' -! ScllOOk . :•;'/ ..'. .'^; -, . -' ... , liwring* the war he =?wa"s^=-attached to; the* 8th division, bin due to- liis ability, to1 impart the knowledge he gained at the. Point and through So each-one buy a note, aird climb tit year-s=of experience toiSitt: we'll finish the job! 1{yery ."\ '.'./» .*'Heayeir,5 ,mc^.sa-ge -to[ each sweetheart, mother, wife. That her loved one, if alive; will come again. ■— -A-nd------tha-t——>>nk.»«* preparations time Cricmon inamtarins suvieriofity he achieved at the time of the wreck. .•-.■'-,'. ■■.'" . -'--,•"'■■"--.■•.- '■ ; -\\.Vf. ,-itt■ "1a^t; the party is rescued , •;■. brought the conflict to a close. Saved the live .of h a 1 f a mi I lion o our, rueix^_'"'■' '.-_____^_ f 'in-].<'?K:1tiipiy'< -rrrighty army scared kept—m—the—United States as aniii- structor. His orders to sail reaclied_ him at Camp Mills, L: L^the-jday.t-he'. armistice was sjgnetk -^—r -^~ —iZolonel Preston was, yv.ith' General f"Pershing ^_in Mexio . for ^eleven months,, being attached to tlie. "24tli infantry- He was a cla-iinate at West Point of Colonel Seversoli, w'hoin, he succeeds-here. - M^ijor Charles m S^It takes a lifetime to grow a fine shade tree. A colony of leaf-eating insects can destroy it in one season'" Tree Tanglefoot will effectually pro infect shade and fruit trees from most of Sjf iS~ our destructive' insect pests, i. e.: ^::;| - -Tussock Moths^'-:;--M Climbing cut worms ' Canker worms Irown*i&&MthS—i:^^z 1 Woollyt aphis'- tZ^sy^mpths Ants ■ 'rS.One application stays^sticky three ^=£2^ Treet on left were satwd&y months and longer, outlasting ten to Jgf^ Tree Tanglefoot. S3p .ard; return's.to Fiiglatid. Crichton re- initinces his position of authority^ ■aWd slips back into tliat of the per- fect servant- • the Ge^Firvan <s-i^n#o=fit s.^ And they quit the war a tea fed ffltilv--^ , sore, cle- Sa-vings~billk)Hs to our-^nati+wfekrij+g- ing peace and jubilation. ,; ■-*:■■ ^o turn in and help to titvish up the ■ job. ;%~7^~ '- • ."- ' .=p^--:--.?_■. :':,--^f; ' ~7^~~":"T^""'■'•-':.-':v>TtClTo"rus •:S?^-";=r-v:';.:-';" .■';'. '-1-'." ■I-Mr. -.■-.Voung- people will 'be Vmvtrg;'peo-^ ple.^-aii^-a^^taui-^anjouiit of love n-.iking has"been going. o'u' pri the; Island, which iu^Knglanid would ha\y been" -iinpo-ssible. The Ionian tic ad- ventures of the castaways wotiUl sjartle ^rretr^F.nglish friends, -so a ^mutual—agre-'oinent to ma 1 nta 111 strict secrecy "is ^l^ered npon.Tlve pos^itjili- fy.,of disclosures kept the whole •grouii.' in disagrea1)le suspense' unt.i filially the conspiracy of silence has "c"; 1 rric(t^i; thrr^;n:TnTspirat-«)r^f—r*aie 1 y •J_Er!ougJ.i their last Ordeal. /s^lSgi:TT " The cas^ is as follows :~" - >- - "l.aTlv Mary kaseiibv ....ConuHa Coy BOYS' QUARTERS AT ^ Y. M. C. A. TO BE — ~^mm-- made Very modern ~Plans tor eTTlafging "tf\c'i\uarters <vf the boy-:/ de_p^trtnit'ii;.. of the, I•*.vaivs.- C;' A„ where-, manv north l:ad.y'Catherine .'l.as-enby Mary Jar vis -lvady ' Agertha-lr^s-enby' >°.Helen Davis Lady lirockelhursf, T,-,. .Alices Jackson TwiMM-m»-'V.,.. ... . . . .n l-'rancis Kilburn ^rhe il^TTTOruble lCruestWooltn--MleJi v^Mili>. ........' shore boy^s are-tnenibcrs. \yere passed upon by the board of directors at a . nveeting la-st .week Friink ^Piirker 'Itayi's, chairman 6^ the boys': work jronmiittee. in speaking of the. Boyy' den-'-rtmv'nt- sai< W. L'tjchran, \vho has been at jsortnwestenr eraT months in charge of tit gineering iJuTfT-^ Lieute.nant 'Reed nrrrrauu; -.up Colonel and Mrs. PrestoTi-\vTtl sTife temporarily a! tl;^—^Jorth Shore hotel. 7 "' ■ . "■ -■•'•..- "'-." -" twenty times any"other-s\ibstance. Easily =r applied with a wooden paddle. On€V ^Tpatihd makes afcbat 7teti~ lineal" feet—,of- J^^andr It will not soften, run or melt. ! yet is always elastk, expanding with # growth of tree Effective rain or shine. H Needs norniirrirg, usethexactly as bought. Endorsed By promiaent Park andCem- For Tree Surgery ""'Sueartor-to-^mirtfcla^-on-^ha- market. It Is the beat applica- tion after pruning or trim-r— ~ mingr. It will waterpi-oo*--" crotch, cavity or wound when ' u nothing else will. """Priced i~ lbTTeaiHfc-We: **tb. j> cans. $1.45: 10 lb. cans. I4.M: ' ^<Mbv-eana^M^S^25 lb. wooden. palls. $10.50. 7 etery Superintendents For Sale By Druggist and Seedman THE O. & W. THUM COMPANY, 185 Straight Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Manufacturers of Tanglefoot Fly Pmper and Tree Tanglefoot Write for free illustrated booklet, on leaf-eating insects iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiimmiimniiiiimiiiimiiiniiiniiimiiinnin«< The Revereiid JoliTi TreheriLV Be n t Ivy... -r^r-^.,--:- ;;■,;,, ■ ' ■"' ' l..>rd Loam ....;:. ;^. Albert K IvM-d Br^dd-.lhurst " ■ . AU-a-nt T JV.hn "The present^uarters frfr the .boys' department are a disgrace to. I-.vans- ton. 1 am,ashamed -to^h/uw anyone •the. room 'flja't 'we use for the boys of the \'[ M..C A. We have-a4-|)resent ! over Y)()0 v-huMi'ibers in tlie boys* <le-i partineht'.f'\vh'it-h" is the' largest niem- '_'■. l)Vr.iship^."iin"'^Ifofior.fioVi"fv)7.i-lre <\7.c~~:<7t. "^fhert.*11y in-^fTe=?cftt!,'rt r\;7f \\ t" i 1 a viL-tlxeJ^ po«.rest acconiinodatimr^-^jtfotn th-e Crichton.. the 'butler"- l.fey ker ,\V. H. Ware rer:v.an'.t: sailors', naval otticers '*^t. ;"•- '£He -tirst aiulvfirnrth acts take place 7^?T:tr. the' ('lr-awing room Of the l.oam •37?:'7'Hfi.u>?■' in..-.-l.ondo-tiv ■ Tlie second act :^SS '-'s-jvows the castaways on ^the•'•desert 7H=pi»:and srroiv-'after ■'the .ship wreck. Tlie :-77;i; "tliirtl . act >iiows tlie comfortable 7 -lu/me injwhich the shipwrecke4-tKtr —~x^y was housed at the ■S*1:". c-iie,-"-r-7:-7^ -■-'_:...:-""' • DEMPSTER ROAt) 5#g t ?HTO BE PAVED TO NEW GOLF CLUB ' t e"p :t"f"a f 1 o 1 h^-a^—now 11in e r jV.'-jriie construction of the Dempster ^ireet road which connects Kvanston and Uie new Kvanston Golt-cltjK The part of' the road nearest" tlie , club "vritl iiFF~«rq rnTfTerrcerl ^rVr;s t arrd .the c I^tIt -road-will be completed in twf^ weekU.' time, after which the roatf i?. to" be closed for "aT-short tinie to allow the C'ucrete to set properly. The .golf course will be open Wt p'ay- on May 3. The, wor^kc on tlie ptinm 4iottde—ha-s-1 >eew^dela.y'e.d' btit a?&| Minn" a> the- water is'turned on JiHi-cheoH will J>e served in the grill room,-- limners will not—be-ser-v-ed-at 'e -club until all the dining room furniture and special serving equip M/'.«At nas arrived. \_j____1____ Starting^ ^la^^ a motor bus will be iiSTisieryice from 8 a. m. to 9 p. in. __jy. Until the new paveme-nt—i-n- Dejuustex-S_treet is compjet^d^hj^us will lieave frdm"~lhe Ts'orthwe"sjiyai, Davis street station: The contract ^orirus %nditaxi service is^£n4th=^cU. ward R* Wittr-who4va^-inade special ate^ for taxi seryice'^^fhere will be eight round trips daKby—from • the Davis street station to the club. When the new road is cbmplete'd the bus" will start ~ frorrrTHDetupster |i -streerand will make ten round trips daily.___SpeHal trips wiU be arrang- ed for the evening activities. ±±1 T%g professional. R, GvJilcBoiiahL f^ wHFbe at the-glafa^ofr an4^^after-J>£ay ~ T, "to talcer^care ~of~the~ clubs, give instruction in pi -s«pp*y equipment Iffft^