W*m> ff^Pffgii 8 HUM ' •"■r-T"',r>"" ;:;i ?HivLXltOM3£irii^ 14, 1918 ||p™ WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS NOW 'II HAVE 1,793 UNITS IN ILLINOIS ""There are now 1,783 units organiz- ed by the Woman's committee in Illinois. Although the Council of National Defense has but recently Suggested the organization of county Committees, the following counties lire reported to have perfected their executive boards: McHenry, Steph- enson, Coles, Cass, Christian, Morg, an, Washington, Cumberland, Grun- dy, Hancock, Lake, La Sail*, McDon- Ough, Williamson, Pike, Richland, Rock Island, Saline, Vermilion, War- ren. RED CROSS TO ERECT NEW CANTEEN BUILDING Canteen headquarters will be erected on the lake front by the Chicago chapter of the Red Cross early in the spring. Mrs. George A. McKinlock of Lake Forest will be in charge. Quarters are now main- tained in the Hearst Building at Market and Madison streets, Chic- ago. MORTON GROVE HEADS ..^v:.i, FREED OF INDICTMENTS Conspiracy charges against Mor- ton Grove officials were dismissed on the motion of Assistant State's At- torney Case yesterday. August F. Poehlmann, president, and Louis Reimer, John Haas and Henry Lutch, were accused of failing to enforce the Sunday closing law. Since the indictments were voted they have revoked the licenses of the Sunday violators. $_$_$_$_$_$_$-$_$ $$$MONEY IN OUR WANT ADS$$$ Hours 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. WrincsdUy Except Saturday AiternMn 2 t RALPH M. EVANS, D.S.C. Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Suit 1, Co. Bide WILMETTE, ILL* Telephone 22S9 Wilmette VULCANISING NO MATTER WHERE IT'S PUNCTURED or in how many places, our vul- canizing will restore it to service again. Next time you meet with puncture trouble come here and try the modern and scientific method of tire repairing. One test will prove its efficiency and undoubted economy. WILMETTE VULCANIZING SHOP CASING AND TUBE WORK GUARANTEED TELEPHONE WILMETTE Z167 C. NELSON 633 West Railroad Ave,, WILMETTE Evanston Packing 1565 Sherman rAmnomr Near Davis St. Avenue \/UIIipallj# Ev«uton Phones: Evanston 1822-1823-1824 Wilmettel 137 United States Food Administration License Number 06719. PORK LOINS ........................................27Vzc BEST NATIVE BONELESS CORNED BEEF............25c FOREQUARTER VEAL..............................19c LEAF LARD, 5 pounds to a customer....................26% Fancy Dry-Pick Turkeys..................................39c Leg of Veal..............................................25c Chickens ............................................35c-38c Forequarter Veal.........................................19c Boston Cut Sirloin Steak.................................22c Pot Roast Beef........................................15Vac Smoked Butts..........................................28»/2c Hamburger Steak......................................I8V2C MONARCH COFFEE, 3-lb. can 85c TRY OUR 20c COFFEE Swifts Premium Butterine ...............................31c Gem Nut, made from cocoanut oil.........................30c We wholesale butterine in the state of Illinois, any amount that is put up in Packages. Best Native Sirloin Steak. .32c Fresh Eggs ..............39c Cottage Cheese, lb........10c Shoulder Lamb Chops ... .25c Boneless Sirloin Roast... .25c Lard Compound..........27c Armour's Star Bacon......47c Beef Tenderloin...........25c Troco..................30V2 Dixie Bacon .............35c Lutfisk ................13V2c Veribest Cheese, half or whole, lb.............29V2c King Bird Peas, 2 for......25c Snider** Tomato Soup, can. 10c Blue Ridge Tomatoes, 2 for ....................25c Canned Pumpkin........10c & 15c Mazol* Oil, pta. 35c; qts.......Wc One-half gal. $1J3; gal.....$2.52 Armour's Plymouth Bacon.....33c Lakeside Sifted Peas, do*...................$1.95 Lakeside Tiny String Beans, doz............ 2.25 Helmet Corn, 2 for.......25c Chitterlings ............13V2c Swedish Potato Sausage... 20c Fresh Neck Bones.........10c Pure Olive Oil, qta...........$1.35 Elgin Creamery Butter . 46c Brookfield Butter ........50c Native Rib Roast of Beef............18c-22c-25c Round Steak.............25c Native Rolled Roast of Beef ...............25c-28c Peas, per can...........121/gc Tall Can Salmon..........20c Corn ..............12i/2c-15c Lakeside Peas and Pork, ready to serve, 3 cans. .25c Goodluck, 2 lbs. 65c Calves' Sweet- breads ........65c T-Bone Steak, lb............25c Boneless Sirloin Steak ........25c Brains..........15c Best Native Rump Corn Beef.....25c Large Lobsters. .65c Bologna........22c ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE 12 qts... $3.75 Armour's Dev- onshire Sausage Links .....35c Meat .....35c Jones' Sausage MEAT ....37c LINKS 40c Yacht Club Salad Dressing, large bottle ........25c Kream Krist, new sub- stitute for Lard, 12 lbs............25c Pork Tenderloin.39c LARD, 2 lbs. ...61c Beef Sweet- breads ........45c Pigs' Snouts___18c Frankfurt*.....22c Liver Sausage.. .20c Headcheese ... .20c Country Roll. ...29c Order Early Only 1 Delivery Saturday Tel. 1822-23-24 We Take Telephone Orders Friday for Saturday Sale Classified Ads FOR SALE USED SEWING MACHINES TAKEN in trade on our new Singer, we have no agents, our prices are always lower. Singer, $6.00; Domestic, $5.00, new style White Rotary, $15.00; new Style Standard, $12.00; Eldredge automatic, latest style, $12.00. Bar- gins in sahop-worn Singers. Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1422 Sherman avenue, EvanBton. 'K-123-2 WE BUY OLD VIOLINS OR TAKE them In trade on a better one. We give you the best proposition; we also do repairing on all musical in- struments. See our Violinmaker. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman ave- nue, Evanston. 18-123-2-t-c FOR SALE—LARGE ASSORTMENT used Sewing Machines, over-hauled, guaranteed $5 up. Sale on shop- worn Singer, big bargains. Latest styles New White, $15,00 to $25.00; new style standards. We have no agents; our prices are always the lowest. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- man avenue, Evanston. 18-123-4-t-c FOR SALE—USED PIANOS, SCHON- inger, $60.00; Kimball, $90.00; Meis- ner, $95.00; Wheelock Player, 88 note, as good as new, $350.00; Pat- terson Bros., 1522 Sherman avenue, Evanston.___________________18-23-2-t-c HEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR ■ale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. 31-12-62tc FOR SALE—LATE MODEL PAIGE, six cylinder, seven passenger, with glass sides; in perfect running con- dition. Will demonstrate. Call Wil- mette 118. 14-123-tfc FOR SALE—TWO STORY FRAMED garage 21x25; in excellent condition; would make ideal cottage. Call Wil- mette 118. ______________________14-tfc FOR SALE—ELECTRIC CHARGING plant, in perfect condition. R. P. Williams, 919 Central venue. Tele- phone 935 J. 18-12-2-t-p FOR SALE—SETTING EGSS. R. I. Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotes, Anconas, also three cocks. Telephone Wilmette 195. 18-123-9-t-c FOR SALE—FURNITURE MAHO- gany parlor cbinet, rocking chair, pedestal, jardiniere, dressform, chan- delier, staircarpet, etc. 128 Elmwood avenue. Phone 1971. 18-1-t-c FOR SALE—40 S. C. WHITE LEG- horri Pullets, best layers, only paying chicken for backyard. H. C. Schwegler, Locust street and Lake avenue. Box 165, Gross Point. 18-2-t-p REAL ESTATE M mmm.. J®; m FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE— 40 acre farm, good buildings, farm tools, stock and all kinds of fruit trees. Located near Ludlngton, Mich., for 8 or 10 ac. with buildings- near Wilmette, 111. Address Box A, Lake Shore News, Wilmette, 111. 17-2tO: SITUATIONS WANTED MISS EDWYL REDDING, TEACHER of piano, Knupfer Studios, Boulevard. Building, Thursdays. 16-tte YOUNG MAN— FIREMAN, WAITINGS to be called to Great Lakes station wants work by the day. Phone 1678 Wilmette. 18-1-t-o HELP WANTED FOR SALE—MOVING, WILL SELL sas rang, maid's bureau, commode, barrels, crates and packing cases. 433 Eight street, Wilmette. Phone 585. 18-1-t-c REAL. ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO SELL OR BUY HOUSE- hold goods, also Junk. Call or write 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Evanston 103. 17-124tc WANTED—HIGH GRADE RESI- dence, 7 rooms for modern 2 flat in Rogers lark. Sun Parlor, Sleeping porches. Exchange Equity for clear house. Address Lake Shore News C-20. 18-2-t-c LOST AND FOUND LOST—IN LOCAL STORE SILVER handled umbrella with letter R en- graved on top. Finder please tele- phone 536 or return to 1015 Ashland avenue. 18-1-t-p ' WANTED—A LAUNDRESS. CALL, either Wilmette 1980 or at, 1035. Greenwood avenue. 18-1-t-p* MISCELLANEOUS RAZOR BLADES—ALL KINDS OW razor blades sharpened while yeu wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandlers, 630 Davis-st., Evanston. . ■ 6-123-tf» WANTED—PATRIOTIC MEN TO JOIN Military Band; no enlistment re- quired; any age 16 to 60; practice- one evening each week; send in your name and instrument to Harry B^ Boardman, Longwood and Hazel ave- nue, Glencoe, 111. Telephone 339-M.. ____________________________16-123-3tc WILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN* white rags for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office. 1231 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1820._______________if-tfdh WANTED—A REGULATION SIZE; pool table, 4^x9; must be in good condition. Lester Barker, 1521 For- est avenue, v.;. '.:x "'"w^-y-'S^'lS-l-t-p. A. S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tela. 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417 THE GROCER UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION LICENSE NO. G. 04326: WILMETTE Central At*, and 12th St. Gracsry Tela. 510, 511,512, SIS Me.tTet.S14 SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE MARCH 18th TO 23rd WINTER 1918-19—Next winter is a long way ahead, but the Coal Administrator has told us to buy coal as soon as we can get it. From our experience this win- ter we know he is right. The same condition exists in canned goods, both fruits and vegetables. Unless two things happen, which are not probable, it will be just as much to your advantage to buy canned goods NOW. This fore- sight will save you over 25% over next winter's prices. , APPLES—Cooking and eating. Fancy red, good size. 10 lbs.::f:W:W.WWW^WWMc FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT—Could not be finer. Need very little sugar now. - 64 size, doz., $1.10; ea., 10c 80 size, doz., 90c; ea., 8c 96 size, doz., 60c; ea., 5c COFFEE—R. M. C. This is a success and will please you. 35c quality. PH^i^ 3 lb. can.....,..................79c 1 lb. can............ ..... ~* _27c RICHELIEU CORN—Fancy sweet sugar corn. Doz., $1.75; can............15c OCEAN TOMATOES—Fancy solid pack. Large No. 3 can. Doz., $2.00; can, 17c BURT OLNEY STRINGLESS BEANS—Refugee. Cut. No. 2 can. Doz..........................$2.25 Can................... ...... / 20c OLIVE OIL—Pure. Very limited quantity of these brands left. Dumouron. Gal can...........$4.00 Red Lion. ¥2 sal. can......................$2.00 Marden. l/2 jral. can........................$1.85 Couteaux. Pint.....70c Rae. y2 pint........35c CREAMERY BUTTER—No. 1 grade. Fancy, fresh. Bulk. Lb....................................SQc NUT MARGARINE—The wonderful substitute for butter. Saves you 17c a lb. over butter. Lb...33c DR. PRICE'S BAKING POWDER hereafter will be put up in 12 oz. cans and sell for nearly the orice of 1 lb. 1 lb. can....................47J^c RICHELIEU GELATINE—Equal to any. Doz..............$1.40 Pic*...............12^c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR—Pica 14c VIRGINIA SWEET PANCAKE FLOUR—Pke. 14c BOHART'S BUCKWHEAT AND PANCAKE FLOUR—20 oz. pkif....................... 1254c BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Bulk. Lb...........10c MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR—Lb............8c A eavine of nearly half over Pkg. pastry flour. TFCO PANCAKE FLOUR—Pkir........... 12c FARM HOUSE RICE FLOUR—1 lb. pkg......14c PINTO BAKING BEANS—Lb..............12Uc LIMA BEANS—Dried. Lb....................19C NAVY BEANS— Hand picked. Lb............19c JIFFY-TELL— Anv flavor. Pkg.............„.12c TRAVERSE CITY RUSSET CIDER—Delicious. No. 10 can....... .. 45c No. 2^ can.........17c PREMIUM CHOCOLATE—Walter Baker's. T.b...........................................37c RICHELIEU CATSUP—Pint bottle............22c MONARCH PEANUT BUTTER—Fancy. 1 lb. iar .....................................32c BERHALTER'S PEANUT BUTTER— Larsre iar ..........35c Small jar .. .......'. .22c FERNDALL MILK—Family size can..........13c FARM HOUSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES— 70 oz. iar ....................................25c WAR CRACKERS—Eureka. Oatmeal, Barley and Corn Meal. Lb..............................22c T?ve Biscuit. T.b.....22c Corn Wafers. Lb...22c RED WING GRAPE JUICE—Concord. Quart bottle........35c Pint................22c RICHELIEU JELLY—Pure Quince. Crabapple. Plum, Crane. Red Currant. 10 oz. tumbler... .23c DRIED FRUIT—Aoricots. California. Lb.....25c Peaches. California. Peeled. Lb............21c Primes. Fancv Santa Clara. 4D-50 size. Lb......17c 20-30 size. Lb.....21c RAISINS—Folev. Seeded and cleaned. Pkg___12c RICE—Fancv head. Lb. >......................12c AMBER SOAP--Proctor & Gamble's. This is one of the finest laundry soaps made, and very cheap, considering the wholesale price today. 80 10v:- oz. b:ir.« . . .$* 90 10 Tnrs .............65c CLASSIC WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP—Swift's. 100 bars in box___$4.50 10 bars ............ 45c CREME OLIVE OIL TOILET SOAP— Dozen .............$1.00 Cake ...............9c KITCHEN KLENZER—3 large cans..........14c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER—3 cans............25c GOLD DUST—No. 4 pkg....27c No. 1 pkg....6c 20 MULE TEAM BORAX— No. 2'/, nkg.........23c No. 1 pkg........12^c LUX PURE SOAP CHIPS— Pkg A f.........I2^c RICHELIEU SCOURING SOAP—Doz........45c RICHELIEU ASPARAGUS POINTS—The finest white tips. No. 1 square can. Doz., $3.10; can. 26c RICHELIEU SIFTED, SWEET, WRINKLED PEAS—As good as fresh peas. Doz., $2.15; can, 18c HELMET SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS—Ten- der, sweet. Doz...$1.65 Can ................14c ROYAL RED, CASTLEHAVEN AND DERBY TOMATOES. No. 2 can. Doz.. $1.80; can. 15c MONSOON PUREE OF TOMATO—Solid strained tomato. No. 2 can. Doz., $1.90; can 16c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANS—With tomato sauce. No. 2 can. Doz., $2.00; can...........17c BATAVIA LIMA BEANS—Fancy, small, green. Doz...............$2.10 Can ......:".........18c MONSOON SPINACH—Clean, ready to use. No. 3 can. Doz.........$1.90 Can ................16c PLYMOUTH ROCK RED KIDNEY BEANS— No. 2 can. Doz-----$1.40 Can ............. 12c FERNDALL FRITTER CORN—Fancy quality. "Doz...............$2.25 Can ................20c HART'S SUCCOTASH—Extra fine Michigan. Doz..............$1.75 Can ................15c MONSOON PUMPKIN—Makes finer, smoother pies than fresh pumpkin. No. 3 can. Doz...............$1.50 Can ........... .. A2Uc MONSOON BLOOD BEETS— No. 3 can. Doz...$1.75 Can ............ 15C COLTON EXTRA PEACHES—California yellow cling. No. iy2 can. Large halves. Heavy syrup. Doz..............$2.75 Can ..............:.23c FARM HOUSE PEARS—Perfect for salad or des- sert. No. iy2 can. Doz.. $3.50; can.........30c HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE—Delicious. Monsoon Large No. 2\A can. Sliced. Doz., $2.60; can..23c Rosedale. No. 1 can. Sliced. Doz.. $1.40: can 12Uc MONSOON WHITE CHERRIES—Fancy No. 1 can. Doz.........$2.25 Can................20c Telephone 514 MEAT DEPARTMENT Telephone 514 Native Pot Roast, lb.......... ..........25c Lamb Stew, lb................. 25c ^PieU"!!11*'* S<|Uare DCal B'C°n' ^ Shoulder Roast Veal, lb................^28c Fancy Leg Lamb, lb. '.'.'.'.'.WW'.'.'.'.'. '.'. 32c Bonlesa Briskett Cora Beef, lb..........22c L%1.