Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Feb 1918, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 With which ia combined THE WIIiSfETTK LOCAL NEWS ___________Established 1898__________ ISSUED THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK by The Lake Shore I'ubllMhlhg- Company 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. HuMlneHM Telephone................1021 Editorial Telephone................1020 Wtnnetfcu OlMce Telephone........ 388 SUBSCRIPTION.........«2.00 A YE Alt __________Strictly In advance_________ Address all canimunic:itions~to~ The Lake Shore News, Wilmette, Illinois. Anonymous communications will be passed to the waste bask* t. The same applies to rejected manu.ier'ipt unless return postage Is enclosed. Articles for publication should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue.________________ Resolutions of condolence, card of thanks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at regular advertising1 rates.__________ Entered in the postoffice at Wilmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 3. 1879. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 Are you only willing to follow or- ders as long as it suits your con- venience, your pocketbook, and your individual views, or are you man enough and American enough to say: "That which is best for my country is best for me. 1 will follow the call of my trade; serve as it is de- manded* of me; do what is required; stand fast for the good of the whole, regardless of my own apparent in- terests. My country and its needs first, my business and its advantage last. Come what may, I will not falter or fail mi this hour of trial." On your answer to such questions as these will depend your status in this' country, now, in the time of action, when each man's help is needed, later; in the time of judg- ment, when each man's record is reviewed. In God's name, stand up and don't be a skulker.—Northwestc/n Miller. The Andrew Courtney Campbell, Jr., Memorial. •Nothing could be more in keeping with the character of the man it is designed to honor than the emerg- ency hospital just behind the lines in France, plans for which are now under way as a memorial to the gal- lant young aviator, Andrew Courtney Campbell, Jr., of Kenilworth. Sergeant Campbell was a member of the Lafayette Escadrille, a daring flyer and an enthusiastic patriot and defender of the rights of the world threatened by the German emperor and his army. He met death in an unequal fight with three enemy Pay Your Taxes Wilmette. Jll., Feb. 14, 1918. To the Taxpayers of New Trier Township : The undersigned taxing bodies and beneficiaries of taxes now due in New Trier Township, both personal and real estate, appeal to you individually for immediate payment of such taxes to Mr. Hoyt King. Township Col- lector, in his office, First National Bank of Wilmette. Conditions due to the war call for availability of funds and present an unusual opportunity for the practical demonstration of civic patriotism. Moreover, by early performance of this public duty, you save a possible township levy because the interest on the money and a percentage of re- ceipts apply to township ' expenses. Again, you prevent the necessity on the part of your Village, your schools and your local bodies of borrowing money and paying interest thereon. Yours respectfully, Louis K. Gillson. president of the Wilmette Park Board. planes, died fighting gallantly as he t would have wished to die and leaving! F- VV. Penfield, president of the Vil in the minds of his comrades as well j 'age of ,?le"coe,: Sherman M. Booth, president of Glen- asi of his friends and family at home, coe park District. the memory of a fine young man-' William D. McKenzie, president of hood cut off in the prime of life, a sacrifice to the cause of democracy and freedom for the peoples of the earth whose possessions and growth were matters of envy to the ambitious German emperor. The people who knew Sergeant Campbell best are those who are mak- ing the campaign for funds to build the Village of Winnetka W. W. Wheelock. president of the Village of Kenilworth. Edward Zi'pf, president of the Vil- lage of Wilmette. Ruth W. Porter, president of the Board of Education of New Trier Township high school. W. F. Zimmerman, president of the Kenilworth Board of Education. E. S. Fechheimer. president of the Winnetka Board of Education, W AR HO SAVINGS AVES STAMPS ERVES and equip the emergency hospital in I F"Pk E' Compton president of the Glencoe Board of Education, his name, a hospital to help the people j. Q. Wray. president of the Wilmette whom he died to serve. The people Board of Education who knew him only a little are sub- scribing to the fund. Those who had no personal acquaintance with the dead aviator, yet admire him for what he has done and what he has given in the cause which is theirs as well as his, should join in the contribution to add to the relief agencies already in service at the front, another which •will increase just so much the safety and the comfort of some others of our men and those of our allies who are taking the same chances that young Campbell took, daring the Same danger, tempting the same fate. ', There should be no more suitable memorial to a soldier who has paid the price than the erection of a hos- pital which will save others, wounded and sick, from the payment of the last tribute to their country. * * * * * Are You? Are you co-operating with the food administration because you have to or because you want to? Do you call yourself a loyal Ameri- can citizen, anxious for the speedy triumph of the American cause, the success of its brave soldiers abroad and the welfare of its fine people at J home, and yet dare to hold back and i whine and quibble and say you can't, r or you don't want to, or you must first know the reason why. When you 1 are called upon to conform to re-! <iuirements? ! tUCTMC Wfcmi IRON A new Electrical Appliance deservedly popular. You can make crisp, delicious waffles right at the table. Uses very little Electricity and you can serve your waffles at their beat — piping hot. Save fuel by using the following Electric Cooking Appliances: Waffle Iron Electric Chafing Dish Electric Coffee Perco- lator Electric Egg Cooker Electric Toaster Booklet aenl upon request EucTiuc Shop 7i win abans man RENCH BUY MILLION FOOTBALLS FOR ARMY A million footballs have been ord- ered by the French government for the army, according to a Paris dis- patch. They are to be delivered by October. j month, with allowance for rations i and quarters. Successful applicanfs j must speak both French and English i with ease. ! .__________________________ ■___________________ • I ■ ■.: I LEGAL NOTICE. day, March 4th, at 8:00 o'clock p. rn, WALTER S. CROZIER, Township Clerk, 601 Greenwood Avenue, Glencoe Illinois. Operators. , For the unit of women telephone operators to be sent to France a dis- tinctive uniform is being provided. Salaries range from $60 to $125 a The Highway Commissioner of New Trier Township will receive sealed bids for work on the various roads in the Frst. Second and Third Districts of the Township as follows: Grading, hauling and spreading stone, during 1918. The bids must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before Mon- MoJgnkin AdvMtMna Company. Chicago 9KT OUR FLORSHEIM SHOES ARE A PICTURE of smartness and style. They are more than that however. They have a snappy exclusiveness that proclaims their high class at once. As for v.earing quality we will match these shoes with any made. They are built ! for long hard service. And our prices mean the best shoe values in town or anywhere else. 6C9 W. A. KASPAR Railroad Ave. Phone 590 Wilmette. in Evanston 57 ST "■ Singer Rotary *Mt\™yZ ELECTRIC SINGER $32.50 to $50.00 USED MACHINES $5.00 UP Repairing on all machines Our prices are lower than agents WE DO HEMSTITCHING PATTERSON BROS. Phone Evanston 654. 1522 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON WE HAVE NO AGENTS A. S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tela. 2414. '2415. 2416. 2417 THE GROCER WILMETTE Central Ave. and 12th St. GroVerv Tela. 510, 511, 512. 513 Meat Tel. 514 =GOVERNMENT LICENSE NO. G. 04326: SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE FEBRUARY 18th TO 23rd PLYMOUTH ROCK SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS—Splendid quality. Sweet, tender. A bargain. Doz......$1.40 2 cans............................25c RICHELIEU CORN—Fancy, sweet, sugar corn. Doz., $1.75; can...........15c RICHELIEU TOMATOES—Red, ripe tomatoes. Solid pack. Large No. 3 cans. Doz..........................$2.10 Can......................:.......18c WHITE FLAKE SOAP—Jas. S. Kirk & Co.'s. 66 bars in box, $3.10. 10 bars.. 47c MONARCH COFFEE—A blend that pleases. 40c value. 3-lb..can..................... 89c Mb. can ................,.......,.,.. .30c RICHELIEU MILK—Family size. First quality. Can............. ......13c FLORIDA ORANGES—Heavy, sweet balls of juice. 126 size. Doz.........................58c 150 size. Doz. .....53c 176 size. Doz......48c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT—This is the time when they are iust right. 64 size. Doz., $1.10; e^ch, 10c 89 size. Doz........90c Each................8c APPLES—Fine, sound stock, for cooking or bak- ing. 10 lbs................i..................60c NUT MARGARINE—Don't forget it. Most peo- ple caimot tell it from butter. Saves you from 19e to 25c a pound over butter. Made from cocoa- nut oil. Lb...................................33c OHIO CHIEF APPLE BUTTER— Quart iar.,.........32c Pint jar............18c APRICOTS—Csili for ilia. Lb....................25c PFACHES—California, peeled. Lb.............20c PRUNES—Santa Clara—50-60 size. Lb........13c 20-30 size (these are the largest and finest grown). Lb...........................................21c RAISINS—Seeded and cleaned. Foley brand. Package....................................12c TABLE RAISINS—Spanish clusters. Lb......28c VIKING HEALTH BREAD—Substitute for Ry- Krisp. Package .............................12c BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE—Lb.....37c SWEET CHOCOLATE—Hershey's Almond Bar. Box of 24 cakes... $1.10 Cake.................5c Wan-eta. Box 24 cakes..$1.10 Cake..........5c MONARCH PEANUT BUTTER—16 oz. jar...32c TRAVERSE CITY RUSSET CIDER—Delicious flavor. No. 10 can .................•.........45c RICHELIEU CATSUP- -Pint..................22c MILLAR'S CHILI SAUCE—1 lb jar...........35c O. V. B. LOGANBERRY JUICE— Larue. 16 oz. bottle...........................25c WALTER BAKER'S COCOA—y2 lb...........22c HUYLER'S COCOA— y, lb.....................22c RUMFORD PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER 1 II). can..............25c y3 lb. can...........14c KARO SYRUP—Blue No. 2 can...............17c DUFF'S MOLASSES—No. 2^ can.............27c Fancy, liprht, open kettle. HONEY—White, comb: Each ................26c RICHELIEU JAM—Pure Strawberry. Raspberry, Cherrv, Fie, Loganberry, Peach. 1 lb. jar___27c SILVER LEAF PRESERVES—Strawberry and Raspberry. 18 oz. jar .......................25c FERDINAND SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES—Full quart jar ....................................32c MONSOON CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES— Large olives. Quart can.....................42c OAKCLIFF CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES— Large olives. Pint can ......................22c RICHELIEU WASHED, PULLED FIGS— 1-H). box ....................................35c SKINNER'S MACARONI, Spaghetti, Vermicelli. F.lhow Macaroni and Noodles. Pksr..........lie NAVY BEANS- Hand picked. Lb.............18c LIMA BEANS—Babv. Lb.....................17c B. & M. CLAM CHOWDER—Scarboro Beach. Quart cans........................ 25c PIONEER MINCED CLAMS—M lb can..'.... 19c lifcfl; ^12c .23c RICE—Fancy Head. Lb........:"..'.. FARM HOUSE COFFEE—Lb...... A Reid, Murdoch & Co. success.- • ■ " REINA OLIVE OIL—Pure, sweet, extra fancy Italian. Gallon can...,.....................$4.00 MARDEN OLIVE OIL—The finest quality of pure Spanish. y2 gallon can ....................$1.85 LIGHTHOUSE LAUNDRY SOAP—Armour's. Old. hard stock. 66 bars in box, $3.59; 10 bars. 55c MONSOON STARCH—3 lb. pkg...............21c Look up the price you are paying. This is 7c a lb. FAIRBANKS FAIRY SOAP—10 bars ........68c -10 bars........... ir, 100 bars in box ..68c . y* $1.00 . 65c ..85c FELS NAPTHA SOAP- IVORY SOAP—10 oz. IVORY SOAP— 10 oz. bar. 100 bars in box. $10.00; 10 bars. 6 oz. bar. 100 bars in box. $ 6.50; 10 bars. SAPOLIO—Dozen ......................... MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTS—Fancy, green points. No. 1 sq. can. doz., $2.75; can.........'23c MONTIE CORN—Fancy, sweet, Minnesota. Dozen............$1.50 2 cans ..............25c RICHFLIEU §IFTED, SWEET, WRINKLED PEAS—The finest. Equal to fresli peas in their prime. Dozen___$2.15 Can ...........18c MARYLAND CHIEF TOMATOES—Extra stand- ard No. 1 can. Doz..$1.20 Can.............10c MONSOON PUREE OF TOMATOES—For soup or dressings. No. 2 can of solid, strained toma- toes. Doz.........$1.80 Can ................15c RICHELIEU BAKED BEANS-With tomato sauce. No. 2 can. Doz.. $1.90; can.......16c MONSOON BLOOD BEETS—Large No 3 can Dozen ............$1.75 Can ...;............15c MONSOON RED KIDNEY BEANS— No. 2 can. Doz.. .$1.50 2 cans...............25c BATAVIA SMALL GREEN LIMA BEANS— No. 2 can. First quality. Doz., $2.00: can .18c MONSOON HAWAIIAN PlNEAPPLE^siiced »m™«-,nis,'1avor- N'°- 2^ can. doz $2.60; can..23c IMPERIAL PRESERVED WHOLE FIGS—Car- peiiter's !• ancy. 11 oz. can............ 22c FARM HOUSE CHERRIES—No 2^ can " Dr>*.......$3.20 Can ................28c .23c White Black. Doz.......$2.75 Can GOLDEN EAGLE PEACHES-No. 'VA Van..' h'ea'vy syrup. Doz.......$2.75 Can Tkc GREAT NORTHERN SALMON- ' Alaska. No. 1 tall can...... nr GOLDEN EAGLE SALMON—............... Alaska. No. '/, can......... 1Qr MONSOON SHRIMPS-Drv pack No 'vi can 23c DON CARLOS SARDINES^ImpoVted boneless halves. Can ....... «. FARM HOUSE TUNA FISH—....... '" EL °REYaBOMTTA- • r2C «N'°" K> can.........22c U-L KEY BONITA—Finer flavor than Tuna Fish, can No. 20c MONARCH LOBSTERlik'xtra quality: " "' MARSHES- klPP^ES^R^NG--" '*** Lar"c can ...................................28c Telephone 514 MEAT DEPARTMENT Telephone 514 Fancy Leg Lamb, lb.....................33c Fresh Pork Tenderloin, lb................40c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb.....................22c Boneless Brisket Corn Beef, lb...........22c Native Rib Roast Beef, 7th Rib, lb..... ..24c Lamb Stew, lb.............. 25c

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