Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1918, p. 4

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KW£}W^mF^&;:'^:<f^'y'~ ';V:;V' ■ -'-;■■: •'■■ '■ ■'■' ' - f" i&dV. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1918 I Competitive Drills mxMm-P - . in""" for Local Reserves IV. C. ReinhoU Members of Company D Will Take Part in Military Program On ?■"■■'" ■ 'J-;:;vjv-Monday Evening. # By William C. Rcinhold. As Nelson sig- nalled to his fleet during the batfle of Trafalgar — "England expects every man to do his duty" ~ the wives and sweet- hearts, mothers and sisters of the men in Company D of the First Regiment are sig- nalling across the I table "I expect you to be a winner at the competitive drills next Monday evening." Since Captain A. H. Howard an- nounced the coming contest, it i.> said, that the Drill Regulations and the Manual of Arms are more pop- ular in the homes than the "six best sellers." Even the women arc read- ing these volumes, and some of them are learning how to "give orders" around the home with efficiency and more effectiveness. They are teach- ing husband and son that it is their place to obey orders now, and that they had better learn to do it with alertness. The committee iii charge of the drill for Monday evening expects to handle a record crowd. It was reported today that the en- tire First Regiment will soon be mobilized in Chicago for service. The occasion being Washington's birth- day, Friday, February 22. The peo- ple will have an opportunity at that time to realize that the state "is not without its defending forces. The companies from Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park consti- tute the first battalion of the First Regiment. The other battalions are made up with companies in Oak Park and Chicago. The parade will be reviewed by Governor Frank O. Lowden and the regimental officers. While the line of inarch has not been announced, it will probably include Michigan avenue. Two patriotic citizens of Wilmette have loaned Springfield rifles to Com- pany D for drilling purposes. Per- haps this will lead to the donation of rifles by many others to be used by the local company during the war. The state provides for arming only 65 men in Company D. There are more than 80 men of the Illinois Vol- unteer Training Corps, who drill with the members of Company D in the first battalion on Monday evenings. These men need guns to make them more valuable as soldiers. If you have a gun at home, or know a friend who has one, you will be doing the proper thing by securing it for the compan}'. The guns will be well cared for and returned in good con- dition when the present crisis has passed. The members of Company D de- cided at their last drill to buy- their own overcoats, just as they purchased their own suits. It is hoped that the overcoats will be furnished in time for the parade in Chicago on Wash- ington's birthday. Captain A. H. Howard delivered an address on the "Tactical Side of Riot Duty" at the battalion officers' school in the Community House of Win- netka last Friday evening. Captain Cassels of Glencoe discussed "The Legal Aspects of Riot Duty." Men joining Company D at the present time can go into the Illinois Volunteer Training Corps, which does not require active service in the Re- serves. It gives Illinois an oppor- tunity to drill every man who is strong enough to work. FOR S.*I,E FOR SAIjC— USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Sinper; White $5.00, Domestic $6.00, Singer $14.00; White Rotary, latest style $17.00; Wilcox and Gibbs, $15.00. Other bargains. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman avenue. Evans- ton._____________________12-123-tfc FOR SALE—USED PIANOS; EMER- son. $130.00; Hinzer, $90.00; Whee- lock, $120.00; Strumts, $85.00. Other bargains. Sale on new pianos this month. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- man avenue, Evanston. 12-123-tfc FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD' FURNI- ture, practically new, including Web- ber player-piano and rolls. Call or phone Allen Higgins, 890 Willow street, Winnetka 571, Saturday, after 2 p. m„ and Sunday.______12-123-ltc MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1118, 403 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Etnefcm*. ^Rv*a«taVi. 3l-12-52tc Hoyt King, collector for New Trier Township, urg s taxpayers , to pay their taxes promptly. SITUATIONS WANTED LAUNDRY WORK WANTED. AT home; will call and deliver. Mrs. Frank Ortegal, Bloom street, Gross Point. 12-ltp LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT—HOT WATER HEATED rooms. Phone Winn. 1104. ll-23tfc LOST—A HALF GROWN COLLIE PUP; wore harness. Return to 1227 Ash- land avenue; reward. 12-ltc MISCELLANEOUS iVILL PA? 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rags for wiping; machinery- Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wilmette 1920. jf-tfdbx THE NEW TRIER township collector Hoyt King, has opened his office in the First National Bank building of Wilmette, for the collection of] personal taxes and the general tax on real estate due for the year of 1917. Mr. King urges prompt payment of taxes in behalf of the schools, villages, parks and highways in the township. > "The money collected will be turned over to these bodies on April 1, and this will, save them from borrowing money to meet current expenses," Mr. King said. "As the interest on the money and two per cent of th» amount collected over the collector's commission goes to the township, a tax for township purposes can be saved." The tax schedules for the various districts in the township read as follows: Dist. 39 Dist. 38 Dist. 36 Dist. 35 Dist. 40 Wilmette Kenilw'th Win'tka Glencoe Gr'. Pt. State....................$ .90 $ .90 $ .90 $ .90 $ .90 County ..................62 .62 .62 .62 .62 Township ................... Village.................. 1.85 Park .....................80 School ...,.............. 3.00 High School............. 2.36 Road and Bridge.........31 Sanitary District.........35 Forest Reserve...........02 1.66 .56 2.96 2.36 .31 .35 .02 1.95 .71 3.00 2.36 .31 .35 .02 3.50 1.07 3.00 2.36 .31 .35 .02 .97 .98 2.36 .31 .35 .02 Rate per $100. 1917......$10.21 $9.74 $10.22 $12.13 $6.51 Rate per $100, 1916...... 10.03 9.28 9.91 10.23 6.13 NOTE—$1.89 goes to governments outside the township. The balance of tax goes to support our schools, local parks,- villages and highways. © ___________FOR KENT____________ FTJUNTSHED ROOM" FOR RENT; $2.50 per week. Phone Wilmette 1302. ll~2tc FOR RENT- STEAM HKATTCD FT.AT: 4 rooms and T>ath. water frop. at 520 Lirdcn street. P. W. Brarlstrpot. owner. T44-ltc ______WANTED TO RR1VT__ WANTBD—ROOM IN""" HIGH CLASS private home, by young man; man- ager of Chicag-o engineering- firm; best references furnished; board optional. Address Lake Shore News, A-75. ____ 12-ltc HEI,P WASTED TIOUGH DRY WASHING "DONE AT . 2c a piece. Phone Wil. 746. 9tfc Are You a Good Trader? To make money you must be what is known as "a good trader." And when a chance to turn an honest dollar comes your way you must have the cash or credit to grasp it. That is why good traders are also good savers. Save and succeed. DELrvrcrty boy wanted; is years; at the All Pacage Grocery Store, 1164 Wilriietto. Phone 2217. ll-3tc MAID—FOR GENERAL HOUSKWORK. S. II. Moore, 707 Laurel avenue. Phone WUniette 1405. 12-ltc MAID—FOR CKNRRAL HOUSRWORK. Cikll 724 Forest avenue. Tel. Wil- m.-tte [»r,l-W. 12-ltp $1-00 WILL 1313 GIVEN TO EACH OF ! several schoolboys who will deliver! copies of the Curtis publications to customers. Only schoolboys—clean, gentlemanly anil ambitious—need, ap- ply. The $1.00 is in addition to liberal cash profits and many other advant- ages. Apply to Wilmette News Agency, 6 Electric place. 12-3tc I i WILMETTE STATE BANK ?^/^//^^/W^ $$ How to Make $25 $$ We will give $25 to any church, any denomination, or any society, or towards new organ or new church, or skating grounds, park board, Boy Scouts or Home Guard or Red Cross, any public benefit, who will bring or send their friends to us to buy a home and help close the deal, and $15 if we sell them a lot. This is good in Evanston, Gross Point, Wilmette, Kenihvorth or Winnetka, and good from now until March 1, 1918. The owner of property will not have to pay any more commission, that's wl\y. Send or bring your friends at once. For further particulars see PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 414 LINDEN AVE., WILMETTE P. O. Bldg. Kenilworth Tel. Kenilworth 159 Tel. Res. Wil. 180 Office 698 3 ________ o CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 WILMETTE, ILL. C H. J. Horan, deputy collector of the Internal Revenue Department, will make his headquarters at this Bank every Monday. r IOJCZOC 30E30S5! ssaocaocs aoi Aspegren & Company TEL. WILMETTE 420 EVANSTON 466 MONDAYS—^Present Government requests are that food stores close on Mondays at 12 o'clock. We heartily acquiesce in this arrangement, and will chance to other methods if the Government finds the needs arise. Ad- vance planning of orders will relieve congestion and increase satisfaction. THURSDAYS—At present writing the intention is to give full service all day Thursday. We shall be governed by the "Greatest good to the greatest number" as far as we can. DELIVERY SERVICE—Customers have shown very prac- tical co-operation during these trying conditions of delivery. "Necessity is the mother of invention/' and these days are helping in many ways to show altruistic spirit fundamentally at work in humanity. Delivery people have received consideration, and in turn mer- chants try to do the best thing for customers. Cus- tomers truly deserve our sincere appreciation. Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables of Quality * aresj^cvfcSjKSKscuawis ».*»-*Mt*., I O :osac ocaoc S30E30C 30E30C aoiBOi Evanston Packing I565ASvbeman Company. Phones: Evanston 1822-1823-1824 Near Davis St. Evanston Wilmette 1137 Pork Loins........................... . 25%c Best Native Boneless Corned Beef.........25c Forequarter Lamb.....................19X/2C Leaf Lard 5 pounds to a customer............26^2^ Fancy .Dry-Pick Turkeys.................................36c Spring Chickens....................................28y2c-30c Fancy Dry-Picked Ducks.................................32c Fancy Dry-Picked Geese..................................28c Boston Cut Sirloin Steak.................................22c Pot Roast Beef........................................1514c Smoked Butts..........................................28V2c Hamburger Steak......................................I8V2C MONARCH COFFEE, 3-lb. can 85c TRY OUR 20c COFFEE Best Native Sirloin Steak. .32c Our Best Eggs...........59c Cold Storage Eggs........53c Shoulder Lamb Chops.....22c Boneless Sirloin Roast. .. .25c Lard Compound..........27c Armour's Star Bacon......47c Beef Tenderloin...........25c Troco.....:.'.'..:........33c Dixie Bacon..............38c Pig Heads..............UV2c Lutfisk ................13V2c Veribest Cheese, half or whole, lb.............29*4c King Bird Peas, 2 for......25c Snider's Tomato Soup, can. 10c Blue Ridge Tomatoes, 2 for ....................25c Lakeside Sifted Peas, doz.......___;■.......$1.95 Lakeside Tiny String Beans, doz............2.25 Little Chick Com, 2 for 25c Chitterlings............ 13*/2c Swedish Potato Sausage... 20c Fresh Neck Bones.........10c AI-Co-Nut ...............33c Elgin Creamery Butter 52c; Brick..............55c Native Rib Roast of Beef............18c-22c-25c Native Rolled Roast of Beef ...............25c-28c Peas, per can...........12%c Tall Can Salmon..........20c Corn.................15c-20c Lakeside Peas and Pork, ready to serve, 3 cans. .25c Goodluck, 2 lbs. 65c Calves' Sweet- breads ........05c T»Bone Steak, lb.............25c Boneless Sirloin Steak ........25c Brains..........15c Best Native Rump Corn Beef.....25c Large Lobsters. .65c ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE 12 qts..53.75 Armour's Dev- onshire Sausage Links .....35c Meat .....35c Jones' Sausasre MEAT ... 37c LINKS 40c Yacht Club Salad Dressing, large bottle ........25c Brick Cheese, whole........25c Pork Tenderloin.39c LARD, 2 lbs. ...59c Beef Sweet- breads ........45c Pigs' Snouts.... 18c Frankfurts .....22c Bologna........22c Liver Sausage.. 20c Headcheese ___20c Country Roll...29c Order Early Only 1 Delivery Saturday Tel. 1822-23-24 We Take Telephone Orders Friday for Saturday Sale mmm—mm

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