Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1918, p. 8

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8 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1918 DRILL CONTESTS TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Captain Howard Announces Drill Exhibitions For the Members of Company D. OPEN OFFICERS' SCHOOL James Simpson Given Place on Bank Board Glencoe Man is Appointed to Chicago District Fedsra! Reserve Board Fcr Thr=e Years. Licenses Required. Retail dealers of insecticides are exempt from the licensing regula- tions covering trade in white arsenic and arsenic insecticides. The only companies required to obtain licenses are wholesalers and jobbers, First Class Will Be Held at the Winnetka Community House. By W. C. Reinhold. Every mother and wife in Wil- mette, who has a son or husband in Company D of the First Regiment of the Illinois Re- serves, is holding on to the idea that she "owns and con- trolls" the best drilled man in the company. Captain A. H. Howard is not saying any- w r o j juw thing about the in~ W. L. KeinhoU dividual merits of his men. He has announced, how- ever, that an opportunity will soon be given to decide just who are the best drilled men. This wilt be afforded at a com- petitive drill which will be restricted to the men of Company D, to be held on Monday evening, February 4. Every member of the company will be put through the manual of arms, and each will have an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the manual and to execute the com- mands. For this reason—the broomsticks in the homes are now being put to severe and extended use. The hus- bands and sons will have no time to carry out ashes for the next two wees. They will use all their spare time in home drills—and the women will back them up.. There is not a woman interested in the company, who will dare to claim a broom as her own after 5 o'clock in the even- ings. Every man has resolved to make top score for efficiency, alert- ness and flexibility on the night of , February 4. All the wives, sisters and mothers are interested and will attend this drill, and they will all be there, or at least they will try to be there. They may not all be able to get in—that's why they will all try to "get there" first. Another important event in com- pany affairs will be the meeting of the battalion officers' school of the First Regiment, to be held in the Community House, Winnetka, on Fri- day evening, February 1. This school is for commissioned and non-commis- sioned officers. There will be two addresses. Captain Howard of Com- pany D will discuss "Tactical Side of Riot Duty," and Captain Cassels of Company B of Glencoe will talk on "The Legal Aspects of Riot Duty." He will indicate where the civic laws and military practice conflict. A written examination for non- commissioned officers of Company D will be held at the Central school, Tenth street and Central avenue, on February 16. It is announced that the ammuni- tion belts for Company D will soon be distributed to the men. They may be ready for next Monday evening's drill. Measles Prevail. Late reports on health conditions at Army camps and cantonments show the epidemic of measles to be greatly decreasing. In several camps where measles has extensively pre- vailed the number of cases of pneu- monia has decreased. Stock Below Average. The winter of 1916-17 was the most disastrous the range stockmen of the West have ever known. The lamb crop for the entire West was 15 to 20 per cent below the average, and the calf crop was considerably below normal. James Simpson. J AMES Simpson, Sheridan road, Glencoe. vice-president of Marshall Field & Company, has been appointed director of the Chicago District Fed- eral Reserve Bank for three years and he also has been appointed the deputy chairman of the board of di- rectors. Recent dispatches from Washing- ton state that the administration is considering the appointment of Mr. Simpson as an assistant to Colonel Goethals in his war work for the government. HKl.P WAVTRO DELIVERY BOY WANTED; 16 YEARS; at the All Pacage Grocery Store, 1164 Wilmette. Phone 2217.________11-3tc ROUGH DRY WASHING DONE AT 2c a piece. Phone Wil. 746. ____9t«c WANTED—BOOKKEEPER (FEMALE) with prood concern in Evanston; good opportunity for advancement; state age and experience. Lake Shore News 500. 11-ltc MINT ASU PUUNII LOST—SMALL BLUE BEADED KNIT- ting baif containing socks. Call ' Kenllworth 1742. 11-ltc t',1.1, * *••:«»• * •TILL PAY 5c A POUND FOR CLEAN white rag-s for wiping machinery. Bring to Lake Shore News Office, 1222 Central-av., Wilmette, or phone Wllmette 1920. 47-tfdh TYPEWRITERS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Books Stationery Typewriter Supplies Commercial Supplies Sporting Goods Kodaks We buy, sell, rent, repair and rebuild all makes of type- writers. All work guaranteed. This is the time of the year for Loose-Leaf Systems. We carry a full line. IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIlllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll H. E. CHANDLER 4 CO. - - EVANSTON Tel. Ev. 123 630-632 Davis St. nm »AL.B FOR SALE—USED SEWING MA- chines taken in trade on our new Singer. We guarantee every used machine. See our new electric Singer, $35.00. Open Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings. Patter- son Bros.. 1522 Sherman-av., Evans- ton. We do repairing on all m»- chines.__________________S-123tfc FOR SALE—USED TALKING MA- chines. Different makes taken in trade on our new machines. We carry the new Sonora. Victrola and Graphonola. Try them all before buying. See which you like best. We give free service. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. ___________________________8-123tfc FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Call 1445 for particulars. 11-ltc USED PIANO OVERHAULED, GUAR- anteed. $70.00: Lyon & Healy. $50.0rt; Yeoman & Son, $60.00: Wellington. $95.00; Kimball make, $95.00. Other bargains. Patterson Bros.. • 1^22 Sherman-av.. Evanston.______S-123tfc URN'S READ IT-MADE SUITS FOR sale. We also buy and sell second- hand clothes. Tel. 1128. 603 Demp- ster; 4274, 1321 Emerson, Evanston. ^__J__________________si-u-satc FOR RENT YOU have heard of the remarkable beauty of the tone of this superb phonograph. Make certain that you hear the Sim iamutf on or auaurr mm beforeyou 'jyy.Yuuwillhedelighted. ItwontheMgbest score for tone quality at Panama Pacific Exposition. $50 $55 $60 |85 #10S 1X10 |140 f160 »180 $200 $175 $375 $509 $1000 PATTERSON BROS. Piano House 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Open Tues , Thurs., and Sat. Evenings Wc Do Repairing on AH fairing Machines FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; $2.50 per week. Phone Wilmette 1302. ll-2tc WANTSD TO RJCWT BOARD 'RESIDENCE REQUIRED BY gentleman in private family. Address Box 35, Wilmette. 11-ltc y/M//s//Ar/s/s////yy///Y//Y,//'/////s//f//////s//ss/y/y//s/vs/'/w $$ How to Make $25 $$ Barges In Service. Government barges have been placed in service on the upper Mis- sissippi, and through government as- sistance a new fleet is to be built for this service. Sugar is being moved by barge from Louisiana plantations to New Orleans. SAVE AND SERVE. D o IOjssiai !=30E3O * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * + •J * * o ♦ H Will It Help Me? Our president or cashier wants to talk to any boy or girl who wishes to learn something about the ad- vantages oi a savings account with this bank. The question you are asking is: "In what particular way will a savings account help me?" Drop in and let us talk with you about it. You will never regret it. * * + * + + * * * © + * * * * ♦ ♦ * * * ♦ * * 8! WILMETTE STATE BANK! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.06 WILMETTE, ILL. C E. J. Horan, deputy collector of the Internal Revenue Department, will make his headquarters at this Bank every Monday. * ■ + •J-************************************************ oboe— lOEaocssssssaopocsr-——top Evanston Packing 1565 Sherman Pr.iTir.fin'17 Near Davis St. Avenue VAJIll |Jall J • Evanston Phones: Evanston 1822-1823-1824 Wilmette 1137 Pork Loins.......___ ......V.'.'*.'. 25Vic Best Native Boneless Corned Beef.... ... 25c Forequarter Lamb..................... lSVic Leaf Lard........................... 26*/2c Fancy Dry-Pick Turkeys..............................30c-36c Spring Chickens.. ........................... .....28V2c-30c Fancy Dry-Picked Ducks.................................30c Fancy Dry-Picked Geese..................................28c Boston Cut Sirloin Steak................ ................22c Pot Roast Beef........................................lSVac Smoked Butts..........................................28V*c Hamburger Steak......................................W/fcc MONARCH COFFEE, 3-lb. can 85c TRY OUR 20c COFFEE Best Native Sirloin Steak. .32c Our Best Eggs...........59c Cold Storage Eggs........52c Plate Com Beef..........15c Shoulder Lamb Chops.....22c Boneless Sirloin Roast-----25c Lard Compound,.........27c Armour's Star'Bacon......47c Beef Tenderloin...........25c Troco...........,........33c Dixie Bacon..............38c Pig Heads..............14V2c Lutfi.k ................13V«c Rabbits ..................28c Veribest Cheese, half or whole, lb.............29%c King Bird Peas, 2 for......25c Snider** Tomato Soup, can. 10c Blue Ridge Tomatoes, 2 for ....................25c Lakeside Sifted Peas, doz........ .........$1.95 Lakeside Tiny String Beans, doz............2.25 Little Chick Corn, 2 for___25c Chitterlings ............13%c Swedish Potato Sausage.. .20c Fresh Neck Bones.........10c We will give $25 tc any church, any denomination, or any society, or towards new organ or new church, or skating grounds, park board, Boy Scouts or Home Guard or Red Cross, any public benefit, who will bring or send their friends to us to buy a home and help close the deal, and $15 if we sell them a lot. This is good in Evanston, Gross Point, Wilmette. Kenilworlh or Winnetka, and good from now until March 1, 1918. The owner of properly will not have to pay any more commission, that's why. ' Send or bring your friends at once. For further particulars see . - PAUL SCHROEDER & CQ. 414 LINDEN AVE., WILMETTE Tel. Res. Wil. 180 Office 898 P O Bids. Kenilworth Tel. Kenilworth 159 ^^HHMMMHUWJI^^ Al-Co-Nut ...............33c Elffin Creamery Butter 52c; Brick..............55c Native Rib Roast of Beef............18c-22c-25c Native Rolled Roast of Beef..........:___25c-28c Peas, per can...........12V->c Tall Can Salmon..........20c Corn.......".*.........15c-20c Lakeside Peas and Pork, ready to serve, 3 cans. .25c Goodluck, 2 lbs. 65c Calves' Sweet- breads ........65c T-Bone Steak, lb............25c Boneless Sirloin Steak ........25c Prams..........15c Best Native Rump Corn Beef.....25c Large Lobsters. .65c ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE 12 qts. ..$3.75 Armour's Dev- onshire Sausage Links .....35c Meat ___35c Jones' Saus~?e MEAT ... 37c LINKS 40c Yacht Club Salad Dressing, large bottle........25c Brick Cheese, whole........25c Pork Tenderloin.39c LARD. 2 lbs... 59c Beef Sweet- breads ........45c Pigs' Snouts... 18c Frankfurts .... 22c Bologna........22c Liver Sausage.. .20c Headcheese ___20c Country Roll___29c Order Early Only 1 Delivery Saturday Tel. 1822-23-24 We Take Telephone Orders Friday for Saturday Sale

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