Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1918, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1918 ocisJ H&ppei\ir\(fo Nortkokore by Rutk Ridley • A LETTER has just been received by one of the members of the committee in charge of the dancing party given at Christmas time for the boys of Battery E and all other boys in the army service at that time, from Captain Richard A. Bull. It reads as follows: "I am acknowledging on behalf of the Battery the check for $42.65 handed me by one of the boys for the Battery fund. Will you express to the committee, donors, an dto those responsible for the dance and entertainment on December 22, the thanks of Battery E. Very truly yours, Richard A. Bull, Captain Three Hundred and Thirty-third Heavy Field Artillery." Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cook of Mariette, Wis., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcella, to Lieutenant H. Kenyon Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pope of 910 Lake avenue. Lieutenant Pope is stationed with the Three Hundred and Thirty- eighth Infantry at Camp Custer, Mich. -------------•------------- Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Charlotte Lewis Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Phelps of Kenilworth, to Lieutenant Parker Patton Dodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Waldo Dodge of Washington. Lieutenant and Mrs. Dodge will make their home in Washington, where Lieutenant Dodge is stationed with the Ordnance Department. -------------♦------------- Ouilmette Country Club has issued the following program for the month of January : Saturday evening, January 12—Open house. Saturday evening, January 19—Formal party. Monday afternoon, January 21—Bridge, 2:30 p. m. Saturday evening, January 26—Dinner and cards. Military euchre. Formal. Saturday evening, February 2—Formal party. s Harold E. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore, 531 Washington avenue, who spent the holidays at home, returned to Columbus, O,, Sat- urday to resume his trainhtg in the aviation corps. • _♦— Private lessons in French. Tel. Wilmette 1937. Address 1210 Lake avenue, Wilmette. 9-12-ltx HjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiL' I NEWCOMB-MACKLIN I 1 COMPANY 1 § Fa tory and Salesroom | 1 N. State and Kinzie St. 1 I CHICAGO | | SALESROOM f 1 233 Fifth Ave., NEW YORK I MR. HERBERT J. WRIGHTSON Plaatet aad Org-amla* Member of Faculties of Music and Expression, and University Extension Conservatory. Reason a, Mualcalea. Recital* 03 Auditorium Bids., Chlcaaro Phoae Wabaaa Wilt Kes.—1CKMI Lladrn Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2083 ODcaoi D oess o D 3D O I0E30I I0E301 sosaoi lor^oc 30EXOC aoi • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webster enter- tained at dinner New Year's Eve, prior to the dance at the Country Club. Among the guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Charles N. Reese, T. B. Potter, M. Frank Barrett, Percy Andrews, George Bird, C. Percy Skil- lui, Percy Cutler, Robert Tansill, E. B. Rathbone, Charles Clarke, John T. Ling, Charles Mack, E. Jackson Casse, Stattin, Smith, Miss Mary Barrett, Mrs. David Anderson, Frank Baker, Oordon Bird and Frank Springer. —+— ' The Woman's Committee of the Wilmette Guard are anxious to make another shipment of jelly and jam to trie hospital at Camp Grant. All those who have promised or wish to donate to this cause are requested to leave the provisions at the com- mittee room, 1105 Central avenue, There is also a call for more flour sacks for the boys at Camp Grant. These they use as dishclothes or t" clean windows. —♦— Owing to the difficulty in x.arfic, caused by the storm the first of the week, the meeting of the Parent- Teachers' Association of the Logan school, was postponed until next Monday. January 14. The program will be the same as was pre-arranged, with an address entitled "Better American Speech," to be given by Mrs. Howard Willett. All nre cor- dially invited. —*— Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hawkins of Milwaukee, spent New Year's Day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ix>rd, 515 Central avenue. Their mar- riage was a "social event of note in Milwaukee on New Year's Eve. They were en route to their future home in California. —4>— Miss Lynne Smith, entertained a number of the older members of. the JPi Beta _Pl!i_s?Ic>rtty a^her„])?™i F231 Greenwood avenue last Friday afternoon. The affair took the form of a shower for one of the mem- bers, Miss Alice Kaiser, whose mar- riage.was on the following evening. —*— The Fortnightly Bridge Club was ; entertained on Tuesday at luncheon at the Ouilmette Country Club, by Mrs. H. J. Richter, 1211 Hill street. The next meeting will be held at the home'of Mrs. W. D. Collyer. -- *— • Mrs. John W. Edminson and daugh- ter, Frances, of Oakland, Cal., while parsing through Chicago to visit her v soli Lieutenant...Ross-.Wv Edminspn. |sta'tiotied at Camp Dix. N. J., spent K<5\\ Year's Day with her sister, Mrs. P. A. Fagg. 925 Greenwood avenue. —*— '■' ' • . Mrs. Geo. Pattisou, £23 Ashland avenue, visited her brother at Chi- cago Heights. Thursday and Friday Mrs. Charles Broeker of Owens- boro, Kentucky, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. S. Moore, 531 Washington avenue, for the holidays, returned to her home Friday accompanied by Mr. Paul Moore, who is spending the' in Kentucky. —*— James Paterson of Chestnut ave- nue, who was lately in the American '■ ambulance service in France, is now in Scotland, preparatory to joining the celebrated Black Watch. _♦_ The North Shore Division of the Chicago Christian Endeavor Union, consisting of societies in Wilmette, Evanston and the north side of Chi- cago, will hold a "Mid-winter Con- ference and Banquet" on Saturday afternoon and evening of next week, January 19, at the Buena Memorial Presbyterian Church, corner of Broadway and Sheridan road, Chi- cago. At the afternoon session, beginning at 3:30 o'clock, the speakers will be E. P. Gates, field secretary of the Union, Mrs. E. P. Gates, social super- intendent of the Chicago Union, C. E. McBurney, missionary superintend- ent and Fred J. King, a former presi- dent of the Union. At 6:15 dinner will be served followed by several more interesting speakers. —*— Miss Esther Cohen. 1231 Forest avenue, returned Monday evening to the University of Wisconsin. —*— Miss Gertrude Cornell of Downer's Grove spent the. week-end with Mrs. C. C. Clampitt, 1121 Central avenue. = One of Our Stock Mirror* | I MAKERS OK I = KIVK IMItVM.VUS. NIHRORH I I AND PHOTO KM AMES. HOOK = I BLOCKS, SCONCKS, COH NICKS, 5 § LAMPS AND CDHTAI.V HOLDERS 1 § KIHiUILDIN <■ XTOI'K PAT- § I TKKWM, FKKIOD WOHK, RE- I § si'iintwr; si»k( i w, dkmhjns. | .lllMIIIMIIIIII 1111111111111 lllllllllllllll!ll!IIIIIIHIIIHINMII!IIIIIIIHIlllllli:illllllllll~ Keep Him Dry With Rubber Rain- Cbsf I IHIIIIIHIE* tSt.I©53 308 W. Madison Street W Batwaan Fraaalia «aa kftarkat Su. ff IHHHHMHII // you can't call, mail or phont your order -Make-year--boy happy witlt on« of these guaranteed water- proof outfits—keep him dry on the way to school. Coat, $3.50; Boots, $2.85; Slicker Hat, 75c. To Acquaint you with eur retail rubber g> ^bm* ££{•tor*, t h a « ^"** «OUF whale V outfit will ha ......... For Little Girla—rubber cap*, hood and boat*, 9S.M. If jrou can't call, mail or phono your order, giving child'* shoe length and cheat aite. Phone Franklia 1744. We have everything in the Rubber Una, freah, live and now. •Some Men Cannot Save but the family prospers because the wife keeps a saving account ami deposits every dollar she can spare from her allowance with now and then a larger sized bill. It is our pleasure to extend our lady de- positors every courtesy and consideration. 3% paid on savings accounts. WILMETTE STATE BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.06 Securities Investments WILMETTE, ILL. o 0 o o 0 8 D o i o D ■ocaoi P ao of Last week. -4=-i The Young Ladies' Auxiliary held a meeting at the club .house on Mon- day evening. '*' -*:-..,.■" Jir. and Mrs. M. W. Barnhart of Kenilworth are spending the winter arttollywood. Cal. Notice to the Public Mr. E. J. Horan, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, has arranged to he at this bank during the entire day on each Saturday until and including February 23rd, for the purpose of giving aid and advice without charge, to all persons re- quired to file a return for income taxes, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE ocaoi i CITY MARKET COMPANY 635 Railroad Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1870 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ■ ■ ■ « Fresh and Salted Meats, Poultry, etc. Another Big January Sale! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m ■!■■■•■■ ummmmmmmmmmmmmm—mmtmmmi mmmmmmm^mmm—m of Good. Tender, Juicy Meats at very reasonable prices. Did you read our "ad" in this paper last week, and if so, did you make your purchase from it. If not, look over a few of the following items this week, make your selection and give us your order. We guarantee to please you in quality and the prices here indi- cate we will save you considerable money. Roast Leg or Hind quarter, genuine spring Lamb, choice quality, special sale price, 28V2C Standing Rib Roast Beef choice Quality - 20-25c We suggest you try one of our Standing Rib Rotsts. Quality guaranteed. Native Steet Juicy Rolled Rib Roast Beef at 23V2c (No bone, no waste) Native Steer Pot Roast..............................15-20c Beef Tenderloin, Fancy Quality........................22*/2C Short Ribs of Native Beef............................15V2c STEAKS & CHOPS Extra Quality Porterhouse Steak, only.............. . .23-27c Juicy Sirloin Steak, Native Beef......................22-25c Club Steaks. Have you tried them?..................MVfec Fauad Steak, choice...................................22c Spring Lamb Chops (Rib or Ldin) .;.'...................29c SPECIALS m m m I ■ ■ • m CORNED BEEF RUMP (our own special cure).......17c Georgia Squares Bacon...............................34V2c Pure Lard (Oscar Mayer make).......................29V2c Armour's Star Hams (whole piece)...... ............32V2C Armour's Star Bacon (whole piece) , t,../.............44V2c Also a full line of Sausages and Specialties at the same low pr ce. GIVE US YOUR ORDER NOW.

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