Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1917, p. 2

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■;;$K- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1917 WILMETTE WOMAN IS GIVEN STATE HONOR Mist Mary E. Quayle Divides First Prize in Illinois Patriotic Poetry Contest. STUDENT AT UNIVERSITY Wins Honor as a Member of the Junior Class at the U. of C. Red Cross News By Mr*. B, F. Broun The honors in ihe patriotic poetry- contest of the Chicago Woman's club were shared by two north shore wo- men last week. Miss Mary E. Quayle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Quayle, 38 Crescent place, Wilmette, and Mrs. Florence Kiper Frank, 1168 Hamptondale road, Win- netka, received the first prize of fifty dollars. "The club offered a first prize of fifty dollars," said Mrs. V. K. Spicer, chairman of the contest committee, "but it happened that there was really no choice between Miss Quayle's and Mrs. Frank's contributions. Both are excellent, so we were obliged to di- vide the prize and give each the sum of twenty-five dollars." Miss Quayle's poem is called "America at War." Miss Quayle is a junior at the University of Chi- cago. ; Mrs. Frank's proem is called "America Beloved." Mrs. Frank is a graduate of the University of Chi- cago. The contest was limited to the State of Illinois, and many towns were represented in the contest list. The second prizes were awarded to Mrs. Helen Coale "Crew of Kvans- ton and John S. Hobson of Chicago. The following poems divided the first prize: The knitting committee is present at.the surgical dressing shop on Cen- tral avenue every Tuesday evening from 7:30 ot 9:30 o'clock, to teach knitting and to give out yarn. They are present in the interest of the knitters all day, every Saturday. No yarn is given out at the Red Cross shop except on Tuesday evenings and on Saturdays. Yarn may be pur- chased there on any day, when there is yarn in stock. Those who wish to make surgical dressings and cannot give time to it during the day have the opportunity of working at the shop every Tues- day evening from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock, when teachers are always present, Last week there were 695 dressings' made. Good--but not enough for a town like Wilmette. The attendance of workers has increased most grati- fyingly, but there is always room for more. The work at the sewing room goes steadily on, with a somewhat recon- structed schedule, because of the re- i turn o fthe club season. There is plenty of material and a great deal of work. Workers are always wel- come and needed. RECEIVER ASKED FOR ALL-PACKAGE GROCERY Receivership proceedings against the All-Package Grocery company were filed in the United States cir- cuit Court Monday. The corpora- tion operates 149 store?, bakeries and warehouses between Chicago and New York and is said to have assets aggregating $400,000. The liabilities are listed as $200,000. soldiers, eight offered to teach French at army cantonments and eight said they would act as chauffeurs for the government. :y HOSTESS HOUSE FOR GREAT LAKES JACKIES HIGHLAND PARK HOMES OFFERED AS HOSPITALS AMERICA BELOVED. Special Attraction. Dr. H. T. Nlitghtingale of Evanston will speak beiore the Parents' club of the Wilmette Logan school on November 15, at 8 o'clock. His sub- ject wil Ibe "Studying Public Prob- lems." New Trier Wins. New Trier's soccer team went into second place in the race for the Suburban league honors by defeat- ing University High school, 3 to 1, Saturday afternoon, By Florence Kiper Frank. Village by village they are gathered, Farmhouse by farmhouse! The summons touches out in the night and reaches them, Reaches them in high cities--^ America is inarching! And endlessly over my heart they are marching And the thunder of it is in my ears Forever Marching, Marching, The young men of America. They are going--where? What dim event moves them, The hope of what ending? The eart his riven, Riven and shaken. The marching sun moves in the sky to some large endeavor, In the heavens the windy moon strives, The prairies are shaken. Marching, relentlessly, forever-- Whither? What word? Gather up your meaning! Passionate, far-flung land, gather up your meaning! Vivid, beloved, flame with your mean- ing! The oceans wait. Thunders of a people are about us. Youth over the fra-flung land is reaching. What is the song of their coming? What is the song of their coming? Call as with trumpets, Call as with the blare of many trumpets, Speak from the mountain tops, Shout out of the thunders, America! AMERICA AT WAR. By Mary E. Quayle. America, the time at last is here-- The testing. Rank on rank the surges rise As the wind drives pale clouds across the skies. Still changing and increasing yelsr by year. The ancient forms of right and wrong appear, The pagan justice and long sacrifice Grown cold upon the altar, o'er there dies The wrong repented. Myriads draw near The magic glow of promise. Power above Who gave our land the name of lib- erty. We would put factions down and by thy love Show perfect in the testing. We would see Rise phoenixlike from ashes of the past, White Freedom, that shall wear the crown at last. HOT WATER The daily business of the house can't be conducted without it. You can cook water to the requisite heat over a fire, of course --if time an conven- ience are of no ac- count. You can also have enough for a bath in a few minutes if, in your kitchen, there's a TANK WATER HEATER Its fuel is gas. Its high efficiency is at- tested by the thou- sands in use. Sold" on Monthly Payments Delivered and Conneated Free PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Two hundred and fifty Highland Park women registered for war work Monday. Six volunteered to turn over their homes to convalescent Friends of Great Lakes jackies are soon to visit the sailors in a new "hostess house," the gift of the Na- tional War Work Council, a woman's organization. Mrs. H. W. McCook of New York will have charge. She ar- rived in Chicago Monday. PARIS ASKED TO NAME STREET FOR WILSON A proposal will be made. in the Paris Municipal Council to name a street after President Wilson. The Seine federation of the radical So- cialists made the suggestion . Rich on Furlough. William Rich, who is enlisted in the aviation corps, is home on fur- lough this week, before leaving for encampment in Texas. Calumet 424-425-426 DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF INDIVIDUAL AUTOMOBILE BODIES CHICAGO COACfcl & CARRIAGE CO. Established 1886 Genera! Repairing and Painting Of Exceptional Quality 1223 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS C'S/s/yss/s/ys///y/y///w'//y/y/^^^^ In Union There Is Strength This Bank represents a union of the United States Government and the local hank. Do you know what the Fecferal Reserve Law really is? How it increases your opportunity to borrow money under absolutely safe conditions? How it watches your interests at every turn of the road? Come in and let us explain it to you. First National Bank of Wilmette The Home of Savings Depositors Open Saturdays from 8:00 a, m. until 9 p. m. W//y//ew/y/y*f/y/vy/y/>rsP/W'//s////^^^ A. S. Van Deusen EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Tela. 2414, 2415, 2416. 2417 THE GROCER Central Ave. and 12th St. Grscary Tel*. $10, 511, S12 SI3 Meat Tel. S14 :FIRST QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIR PRICES: SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE NOV. 12th TO NOV. 17th 30VERISMENT CONTROLLED FOOD. I am MOW selling all of the items in the Fooc^ Administration List at the List Prices, without any delivery exj^ense to you. jit will be a great help if you will co-operate by making as little expense as poss;i>le in delivering goods, by condensing your orders. RICHELIEU FLOUR, Equal to any made, iri every way. I* bbl...........MM MONTIE SWEET CORN. Fancy Minnesota Sweet Corn. Doz., $1.75. Can.. .15c BUSH PARK TOMATOES. Extra Standard. No. 3 large cans (limit of V2 doz?n to a customer), can.......................................................15c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. Fancy, bright, heavy 64 size. Doz., $1.20, Each. ..10c 80 size, Doz., S5c. Each..................................................8c FARM HOUSE COFFEE. A mild, sweet blend that will please you. 1 lb. pkg. 23l LIGHTHOUSE LAUNDRY SOAP--Armour's old hard vtock that will not waste. J56 Imrs in box.. . • .$3.60 10 bars..............55c CHINA WHITE FLOATING BATH SOAP--A pertea and much cheaper white floating bath soap than the one you are using. 100 5-ounce bars in a box..............$5.00 10 bars.--...........50c KITCHEN KLENZER--3 large cans..........14c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER- 3 cans........... 25c GOLD DUST--No. 4 pkg.. 27c. No. 1 pkg....6^c SAPOLIO--Dozen............................85c RICHELIEU SCOURING SOAP--Use for the same purposes vou use Scourene. Doz........45c COOKING APPLES--Perfect, sound fruit. 10 11.s.......................................55c LATE VALENCIA ORANGES--"Sunkist" Cali- fornia. 126 size... .55c 150 size.............48c 176 size .....................................43c GENESEE APPLE BUTTER--Cheaper than ap- ples. J5-oz. jar .............................23c BURNETT'S VANILLA EXTRACT-- 4-oz. Little .........55c 2-oz. bottle..........28c SAFE HOME NON-POISONOUS MATCHES-- package .....................................28c GOLD MEDAL SAFETY MATCHES--pkg.. .10c MACARONI--Spaghetti, Vermicelli. Elbow Maca- roni and Noodles. Skinner's large pktr........Tic BLUE LABEL CATSUP--We will get only one- half of our purchases of catsup this year. Medium bottle.......22c Small bottle........13c BROOMS--The last chance to buy this quality of broom> at these prices. Imperial............80c Cottage .............75c ULIKA SOFT CREPE TOILET PAPER-- Dozen .............85c 3 rolls ..............25c MONARCH COFFEE--This pleases a vast majori- ty. 1 have proved it. 40c value. 3-lb. can............95c 1-lb. can.............33c FIGS--New. washed, pulled. Box..............32c RED KIDNEY BEANS--Pound...............i8c LIMA BFANS--Pound ...................... 19c NAVY BEANS--Hand picked. 11)...............20c FERDINAND QUEEN OLIVES--Large, Spanish. Quart iar ....................................32c RICHELIEU GELATINE--As good as the best. I'kg.........................................12c CONDENSED MILK--Carnation, tall can.....15c Pet. tail can.........15c Eagle, tall can.......21c RYZON BAKING POWDER--Will do exactly the same work as high priced baking powder, and saves vou 15c a lb. Ryzon Recipe Book, value $1.00. free with each lb, 1 lb.................35c RFINA ITALIA2* OLIVE OIL--First quality, pure, sweet. 1 gal. can..$3.50 '4-gal- can..........95c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTS--Fancy green tips. No, 1 square cans. Dozen ............$2.75 Can ................23c PLYMOUTH ROCK SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS--Tender, sweet. This is a war price. Look it up. Doz........$1.50 2 cans ..............25c LAKE SHORE SELECTED EARLY JUNE PEAS Extra fancy, doz.. .$1.90 Can ................16c MARYLAND CHIEF TOMATOES-- No. 1 can, doz___$1.20 Can .................10c MONSOON PUREE OF TOMATO--No. 2 can of solid strained tomatoes. Dozen ............$1.90 Can................16c PURITY CROSS GOODS-- Welsh Rarebit, No. 2 can....................33c Lobster a la Newburg, can...................60c Chicken a la King, can.......................45c Graced Spaghetti. No. 2 can, 25c; No. 1 can..20c NAMCO JAPANESE CRAB MEAT--y2\h. can, 27c JONES' FINNAN HADDIE--12-oz. jar........32c FARM HOUSE TUNA FISH-- 1-lb. can............32c J^-lb. can...........22c McMENEMIN'S DEVILED CRABS--Can.....30c MARSHALL'S KIPPERED HERRING-- Large can ...................................25c "THE HEART'S IN IT"--Southern water ground corn meal in 2 and 5-lb. bags. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR--New. medium, dark. Pound .......................................10c RALSTON ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR-- 5-lb. bag.....................................39c ENRIGHT'S "ALL OF THE WHEAT" FLOUR-- 10-lb. bag....................................90c RICHELIEU GRAHAM FLOUR--5-lb. bag..,35c RYE FLOUR--5-lb. bag .................. ..f28c WHITE AND YELLOW CORN MEAL--Lb..634c RICHELIEU CHILI SAUCE--10-oz. bottle... .20c O. V. B. LOGANBERRY JUICE--Makes a deli- cious drink, diluted with two-thirds water, one- third juice. Large. 16-oz. bottle..............35c MONARCH MINCE MEAT--22-oz. jar........30c Telephone 514 MEAT DEPARTMENT Telephone 514 Shoulder Lamb Chop, lb..................30c Lamb Stew, lb...........................25c Rib Lamb Chop, lb....,..................35c Natiye Rib Roast Beef, 7th Rib, lb.........25c Native Beef Pot Roast, lb................25c Fancy Roasting Chickens, lb..............29c Fresh Pork Roast, lb.....................31c Short Rib Beef, lb........................20c

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