Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1916, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1916. The Village theater has arranged a special feature series of pictures for "eomtagtjweek's program. The big Selig drama on Monday eve- ning is as good as a sermon for young and old alike. Bruce Wilton has amassed a fortune and it is his, great pleasure to treat .his. wife to all the luxuries--his wealth provides. But Father Kelly scents a menace in the household long before the principals themselves "have suspected it. Yet be- fore tho priest can ascertain the source, ■iUlL^wjeeps^Yet, 3yil8on_financially _y; and his home is Wrecked,. Conditions 'i^f are such as to lead him to suspect his ■ * wife. But the priest's keen intellect r*.r^ in the end lets in the white light of yjsgg: truth, ^unmasks the evil one, and re- ii---:■•■ stores the happiness of a reunited \'gj- heme. -'■'.'■'." " ' WsMk 'pt^ •..:.■ . & "y Cartoon Comedy. 'feP:*^ •; Tu jaa 's matinee ana evening_per-. will be offiered in the Bray comedy, introducing the the day, "For the Defense," 'annie Ward. This extreme- actress appears as a little Henley, her brother. The latter opens his church but the habitues of the saloon kept by Silk Miller break up the services. They «c$ driven off by Blaze Tracey (Hart) when one of them attempts to maltreat Faith. Later, some; oflthe townsnien succeed in getting the minister drunk and they then set fire to the church which is wrecked. The minister' is killed. Blaze returns to find Faith mourning, over her dead brother. Enraged he "cleans" up the Miller Saloon and fires it. In the high wind which is blowing the entire town, a den of evil, is wiped .put-and Blaze and the girl leave for a hew home with the | tliem brightest prospects of future--hanpi ness. _; ' . . .. -- •-■ ;'Daphne. The Pirate." WILM ETTBrST»AST AS SEEN BY EARLY ^VILLAGE^ETTLER With Thamas M. Brooks made sec- retary, November 28, 1892, the execu- tive committee met at the^esidence procee of Mr. t\ Li. jov anc up--a--cbnstitu-ttm--and- vance work. With a holiday this week on Good Friday, and another May 30, Decoration day, the weary draw I grind of-reeitations-ijr lightened con- (Continued from Page 5)=^ the outer wall of the front powh. The guests were mot at the front door by; "mine host," the_jQnly___uex.son un- masked, to whom cardo were pre-1 sented. --■. - ' j He escorted them in, announcing^ by their hon de plume. At ! ; these ^parties all guests were arrayed ; | in. ghostly; attire made of sheets and | ..... „, , , „, , i pillow cases. The rival news-1 Lillian Glsh plays m the new Tr :,paperS( the Pum, and ibe Lantern, angle production "Daphne the Pirate ! fvirnished . much amusement. Mr. J. j on Saturday evening-following the c Gr,ffi and Mr c R; staufferDe. i Burton Holmes . travelogue pictures to the house of- so/me neighbor where a phantom party was to be held. The late arrival, could predict about how many couples had preceded them by the number of lanterns rauKed along j n'al ~fee'"~0f~ "twenty-'flve "ientsT'and thajtjhe husband or wife of a member tion was mad. and carried that this committee recommend" all adult citi- zens of Wilmette, who became resi- dents thereof prior to January, 1884, "shall be eligible to membership of the society and mayV>ecome members upon ' the recommendation of the executive committee and a majority vote of the membership, with the an by-laws^--Mo- -siderablyr^--As usualr-howeveiv-these- whose residence has been for a short period in Wilmette shall, also be eli- gible to membership." Motion was made and carried that the regular officers of this society consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, who shall he elected Wednesday, dance. ^ Friday, May 12-- Senior play. -W-'J __ Friday, June" 2--Annual schoolex- annually on the first Tuesday afterfhibit and reception to parents. the first -Thriday in January p,f each year; wb _; hail hold their respective offices u lii Their sficcesors are ap- pointed anil air- qualified, and shall con- th ,,t „,. ' #. l n ' stitute"""air" executi' e committee to which appear as the opening feature' ^ to^k gmat pride ^"their lawis itransac1 such b«8inp« 3 Tthe society Of the day's program. In these the ' „!f ™lf ^ P^L^.„!°±, ^ I shall dc signate.>^ .. ... , - ■' ._ famous "Fire Fighting Forest Rang- ers of Arizona" appear. Duels and rand gardens. But semi-occasionally_the householders were awakened early in I whose arrival in this coun- j romantic climaxes mark the progress the "Motion made-aTTr^carried that Mrs. Drury, Mrs. Stnip, Mrs. Bunker and es her into. a tragedy. Of of this picture, Phillip ia_ the of the rich Due de Mornay. He is J morning by the tinkle of cow ROn.bellB and the, soft thud of hoofs of|Mrs- Mjx>re_shall constitute a sub- 1 Gross Point cows who were turned \ committee to appoint a date for a wearied of the morions life of Paris Iloose ln Wilmette in. time'to see the j regular meotingijn *miary and pro- weaned of the luxurious life.of Pa"8 I sunrise and who took tneir mornlng J vide ,* place tor the ,Cme. Adjourned. women^fall" too easilv to his phaTSsTcimstttTrtionat -meandertngT-ovei-- the j Charl s Cariiart^isecrfetary pro-tem." r^ ., ■ f t0° easily to nis cnarms dr-wini the cudLAn-e*t«K,t ciLa letter written to John while it he duels his opponent also newiymaae lawns, cnewing rne cua „. ;■_ „» .Dne 't^ «~~ of contentment or the best damask [G&ge, February 27, 1906. when Mr. this she is the sole witness and about ff;her circles the dramatic setting of the ^ defense i: court, where a young man, j and by his continuous successes,. .The xVaccusedjof the murder, is fighting for =phi$ Hfe. He and the witness are un- '% known to each other; but the romance Linvariably falls. To escape the .adiila-, . ■ . Cam* T'which springs from,the heart-gripping tion of his friends he seeks the seclu- j tablecloth left/ out to bleach by the ^a«e court scene, in-jwhich^the French maid sioh of a shooting-lodge maintained | mater families." Jnaily secures his exoneration, is dne j by his family in, the mountains, j A large real estate.sign, on the sta last days are full of events of all' kindsr-some-of which are as follows: Thursday, April 20--Tryouts at the high school for Lake Forest contests in reading aloud, letter writing, and extemporaneous speaking, ; Friday afternoon and evening, May 5--Preliminary and final contests at Lake Forest. _- iTueaday, May 2--Annual dinner given by the domestic eennomy de- partment tb members of the school board.- ;.,;..:,\'\^-"'^t;™'-^---■-•.-.■ .-■-■ "v. ■■■:/;■ May 3--Elizabetiian Old Town was (ires. Folks, follows: "The prigini) purpose aril~object oT which will--live^lcng^ln: the:~meiSdry | There he runs across.I.he;. particularly] tion grounds, also, entirely surrounded i th&ij^anizialiin J8bouJ(d_be borne Jn of any audience. ^r winsome Daphne, daughter of Fran-|hy water, advertised the beauty of~: ihihd arid adhered to, namely, the ] cois LaTour, gamekeeper of the estate, j Wilmette property and the^esirability association of those* who had to do €>ne-of- the-eom.--w^ith--and--are--mOfU^interestedi In, train, his feet either personally or through their par- ocent - of the ways'-of-r4he--Pari« j*ncased--in--soaking--slio^leatljer--sug--ents, the early history of our com- boulevards.--She offers serious- cSm-, gested-ro~^Ms-^feHow--sufferers that-4t-^munity, peculiar J.o that period. plications in the young man's plans. | wouid be wise to annex an addendum 4 Signed) T. M. Broiks, secretary." Mary Winter on Wednesday. Mary Miles Minter is the Istar of She^has^hel'n^reared and^educated by+of^acquiring-same "Wednesday's entertainment, appearing the Urseline sisters and is entirely muters, boarding the "as the heroine of "Lovely MaTyr'^inr -■----'-• .... * ■ ...■_.-. ^other of the Metro creations. Of that appealing type of production which made "Dimples," in which Miss Minter last appeared before. Wilmette movie fans, __ __ hit. "Lovely Mary" as a film it'4; is as romantic and gripping in its pic- j^«^- ^turesqaeness as it is thrilling and sat- - ^7^; Isfying. The plot has to do with the '■::=M.-:' fortunes of an old southern family,' ■^fcc-^._ 7 of whqas land two forces seek owner Chicago Film company. The captain has spent many of the best years of -ship.r itiss Miifer,T as^ Mary~EaneTTs"t"his lifeHn- Mexico and is thoroughly the co-beir of the property with a dis- sipated old cousin, Clay bourne Lane. ^The latter with Dempster, a land spec- ulator,-gfeeka-to-despoii the girl of her_ treacherous footing. Pictures shown . share and tcysell the estate for ^*»mere pittance of its real^value^ jto-- ^., land Manning, an agent of a New York ■X[ syndicate, falls in love with" the in- imL-seeks to deaL-ifairly_ ^^with her> ..He explains to her the value of the farms when the stat< ../has'drained the land and in the end _5Lthwarts the schemes of her adver- S-sarles. But not without jeopard Preliminary, to the screening of this ^picture will be shown-a Mr. and Mrs. "Sydney Drew comedy,,"At the Count i of Ten." 1 Paramount Feature Thursday. I A magazine in motion pictures, something very original and ehtertain- r^ Lecture at Central. ;At the Central theater on T-aes- day- Gai>tain~GhaT4«s-4i^Boardman of Douglas, ArizTp will give a highly in- teresting film lecture on "Barbarous Mexico,' uiiaer the auspices of the familiar with the traditions and cus- toms of.the people with whom I'ncle Sam finds himself toftay on a most will trace the present situation from the inauguration of Maidero--whtclrwas^ the first step in the^ present policy of "watchful waiting" as established by T&h. -- -^___-:---, ■ •■•---- -■/■ ■- '. ■■■■ - I^^Next at~Victoria^ Mr. Harry L; Minturn and a supero _castjwjll be seen in a "special engage-; ah"-tho plav-with the --pnncli^" wnthr^-rccord run ^do'wntowh earlier--in--the^season, ^-ill be the at^ traction at the Victoria theater for .to this sign stating "the price of real estate by the gallon." ;z^r March, 1892, invitations were issued by Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard B.; Harris and sent to eighty of their friends Since that time th«re have been sev- eral, amendments td^tbe constitution and by-laws and twice the date of residence has been extended to allow later arrivals th. WImette to become in Wilmette, slxt>'uf whom responded, eligible to memberiJilp; inciting them to meet at their resi-j. The flrst annual meeting was held dence as Old Town Folks to celebrate >in im ^ the res;ience of Mr. Joy. the birthday <-. Mrs Harris. The evening having been spent en- joyably and the meeting of old friends recalling so 'mai.v.' momorios. it .wa.« moved by Mrsr'l^M Munri To org:t^ " On_ Wednesday. April 19, Miss Packer gave a talk on "Athens" to her classes and members of the school. ■£<■': Senior Play Taking Shape. The senior ^play is moving forward in, the^-successful way characteristic or the activities of-the Dramatic club. This play,r"Fannys and1 the ^Servaat Problem," is the lightest dramatic conception ever attempted at New Trier, ■though, it 4s the ,workf of > Jte- rome K. Jerome. The farce appears in--four acts, all staged in the bou- doir of Fanny, an actress who has mafried~\'efTfon, Lord BaystocK^al- though Fanny doesn't know it. She discovers that Vernon's butler is her uncle, and his family of twentyrthree air her relations. Complications nai- Tiratly-^hsue^ ^PhH^cast-is-as-follows: Fanny, Helen Osgood: Vernon, Horatio Chandler; Miss Wetherell, "Virginia Arnold and Harriet Cham- berlain; Bennet, Miner Coburn; Su- sannah Bennet, Elizabeth Greeley; Jane, Clara Snydacker: Honoria, Ger- trude Taber; George Lewte^--John King:. Dv Freeman & Co., William Mann, and Ernest Guilford Windes. - ;-; . v Experienced Cast. In this cast one notices with delight EAST OF THE RAILROAD BETWEEN^ ARAVINIA PEPOTIAND RAVINIA PARK #IB e aii t i f u My iWoodid hots 1001200^ PERFOOT and Upward ss-;^ Mr, B; M. Muiv.ji:>.^|r; president, in •(he chair. The \".yenlolTtheexecu- tive commilLee ii<D assistants ar- .rjLyed .early _ui_JlLti.inoriiing,, wearing nize- a society tu be Known as Town Folks of Wrrlmette' Old Mrs. Har- baskets of- food. limi'ilu ts;; bringing, dishes ilver, and r|s was chosen president; B. M. Munn, viee-president: Thomas M-. Brooks, s^OTetaryT^^Sd^Dr^Brcrr jirer,__J£xecuttva-eommittce: Mrs. Ed- tablelinen. jvin Drury, chairmannvirsr Dr. StolpT" Mrs.-H. E. Moore, Mrs.^F. L. Joy, Mr. Mr. H..Kj.nney, and Mr.C-Car- ^ighj.g&=M£j=and==^jgs'rTTarri s~m en cQmea£=ttS$- .MeiikJEzi^JottiGgsZ Munn, hart^- .lune^ 16_ tht',date set for Me»i--TrieE= com- iigh= seeing leads the program for Thursday ^----«vening when Constance Collier will li^^appear'in "The Code of-Marcia Gray:" ;7 Tffe latter is"~an~01Xve'r-MqroBcaipTxoT;fe Isplay and illustrates-the varied code of ^ honor which every woman establishes K. to suit the emergency. The wonder- ■_i_ ful personality of Miss Collier, lends ^.jare realism to the character of Mar- ^_ cia Gray. In this portrayal every '-- wpmajl finds a marvelously exact "rev- elation) of what she would have to do^ and--experience--should--she^liave--to- Easter week beginning its engagement with'a matinee Sunday, April 23. This remarkable play abounds with ^-ingenuity, surprise and novelty. As its title suggests,' it is a court room play, of -emphatic delineation in wUiich the testiiliony of a inurd'ftr is so tense, so exciting, so dramatic as to leave its audience in a state of neryous exhaus- tion: '---'■ ■ ■ ■ : ■ - ■ ": ■ . •■■' oneet the same problem as that which confronts the heroine of this drama. i-____:J_ "Hell's .-Hinges'-*- Next. --:- W'iiliam S. Hart returns for the Tlellght of local" admirers Fri ing in "Hell's Hinges," one of the Tri- angle plays. "Bright Lights" is the curtain-raiser comedy on "this program by Fatty and Mabel. But Hart is the former film again assumes the guise of the- cowpunchefr To a^foTTglTtown of the far West comes Faith Henley (Clara Williams) and the ftev. Robert --it is_a new idea in dramatic work in that in thp developmpnt of tr the story works backwards instead of forwards". The court room'is the focus of attention and during the testimony the_aiidience is transported in the quickness of an eye, by means of won- derful stage mecftanism, to the actual visualization of the testimony. All in all itr~ls the best plit>; in twenty^ftve years. This will be. the only.presenta- tion of the play aF popular prices. Art-1-eafftJe--Meet*. -.;-_ • Meiuber,s~tJf-the"Art league will hold their annual meeting next Thursday afternoon at the Central school, the program of--the afternoon to be fur- liislied by the teachers-. All members xif ^he organization--aEe^nr»ed; to be present. The meeting will be called to order at 3:15 o'clock. ^^'■^.'•^^^'kS"^' ■ |4mU$ioB, AiulU 15c, Children 10c ; ■". ,'•■ ;-:;,r^M:& ilj' W Wilmette AveV * Phone Wilmette 1441 ^----------------^ . ■."■•. ■ ' ■ -> ' fyfofldtiV___ Evening ?;Q0, 8:20, 9:30 KATHLW WltLIAMS in'«lTHE ROSARY"'&FS8&& '%-■> Alto MUT'I' AND JEFF CARTOON COMEDY ^^Bud-Fi»hSr - Tuesday- Matinee 3:30 p. m. Evening 7:0 PA RAM OU NT S-.20,: 9:30 FANNffi WARD in "FOR THE DEFENSF^^TJ^^ Alio Bray Gartoon- and Romance •BOBBY BUMPS GETS A SUBSTITUTE METRO Evening 7:00, 8:20, 9:30 Friday--^ Wednesday-- X MARY MILES MINTER in ^LOVELY MARY^ ^i^ter ::~ ;- "v^fefc. ,,... ALSO MR. AND MRS. SYDNEY DREW COMEDY ThnrrdaV---* ■■-■ ■■: - Evening_7:00, • 8:20, 9:30 m ««'««X ■. : . -=p AR A MOUNT O^NSTANCE COLUEft in "The Code of Marcia Gray" J!^^ ±n. ai«oPa: ■ ma«atinc in moviei TRIANGLE Evening' 7:00, 8:20, many happy returns^ of^the day, the company departed just before Sunday, in fact ' some--trespassed- a few mo- ments on'that day. "school. . ""■ .C': As the lasi reserved for Ttix:t: really only v,v ,- qf school will be [ilti\ions, there are weeks of ad- the actors Trier audiences delighted New in other years, and who have purposely been kept off the siuge most of this year to give, place uvimiK'rrtape m.cftibers. 'ffo giw prac- tice to all in embers of tlie^ Dramatic cJub^has_b6jyiJ>njrof_lh^3bj§c^_.o/^the club, f'lnrn Snyilackpr HHen -Qsgnnri Miuer coburn, John King, William *Maiwrr=at»dWast===but=not=leastr4*oFati0= Ghandle'r, are perhaps best Yemeni bered as juniors in "She Stoops to Conquer." given last,_fall. Harriet Chambcriain is remembered *b>*^-ail as^ the-"-successful--M" Percy Mackaye's play given this year. Oh Friday. April ft, school was dis- misspil at. half past twelve that the teachers might attend the conference of secondary schools co-operafrhg with the University of Chicago that after- noon and evening. SIDEWALKS, WATER ANtV^SEWlRi Building Line and Building Restrictions ■•'• -,-. -^--. '^ '.*';,.■;.•' '"'",' ^■.'■^^W:'^:;:-*>:'" '■£ ^ We an just opening up the most attractive parcel of vrapded pro#e«y ever pffered)fe R«virH«;^|j^ ef^thw- railrbad and wlpiin three l»V>cks of the depot. "Tlie lots are all 100 or more in width and some qlt tb|m over ?00 feet deep. A few ravine lots still unsold; WILLIAM S. HART itv "Hel^^Hingc^^^^ I Alto » Kmytone "BRIGHT U1GHT8" wttfc r<tty *ad+Ubcl w taiurday-r: Mmtinem 3:30 p. m. Evening 7:00, 8:20, LILLIAN 6ISH in "Daphne and the Pirate" "^S^ji,.^^ .•J.fa»"FItE FIGHTING FOREST RANGERS Of ARIZONA - _ Few of us have the need or desire ior ^-a racing car. v , ^We are quite content to let the * 'other T-^-feHow^Hake-his chances at 7f trr an hour--while we spin along thproughbred-^^ery This car is inch of it. It is^jusfras~handsome as an automo- »i!e=isroid;=p6ssH?Iy be,--and easHy . capable of "gbing~60 miles per hour ; ■; comfortably and safely with thef.. if you desire so much speed. But ' ■j-'i^'r speedometer needle registej-iftg 25"^ --fifsTanfrlast--- it is.made for work ".'*::.;■•■ or 30. W<-£^^--:S^f ' '^0i:' ■"' ---consistent work--day in and Jay :;i± But every man wants Power in his oatttorfc. _______ .-••:- '...-■■• automobile^-and particularly the >; ."Fairfield" owners don't have to make "Tr^"'"": who-tours. r^: apologies or "offer excuses". Their .y: It is good tositbeJMnd^mdtor.whiChr" cars are-out of commission atone ^••^:- responds eagerly -- bouyantly -- to time only-^when they are locked ^ the slightest totich ofthe throttle. - up m'the garage at night. good-to Vnr.wthatyniiTnv>annly! And--best of all--you can readily "step on" the accelerator--^and the :■'; steepest hilts"wifl flatten out like^ smooth boulevards.r: .-------- Trisgood to realize that you command avast store of reserve power which ^~ wiU-easily take you through the*^ heaviest sand roads "on high." ^ It is good to know that your automo*: bile is a staunch,'sturdy, dependable! Z~trelp-male^-not a treacherous Btablish these facts for-ypurselL weaklingThat-will lay down when! the real work begins. _. __ __|_ In a word, it is good to own just suctf •~ask for their honest opinions, ^ -^~ a car as the Paige ^seven passengey^Bo==ftis---jwliilethe^Dealercan sy'll ^tz MSix-46". -^iisi^il^^^ deliveries;---------- "'""" "" " .....'"'...... -I-' Petsre-Dt.£roit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mi Th* FlMfcwood "SU-3V! % $1050 a WILMETTE MOTOR SALES C<^ nm i .-. ----rJ 721* WEST RAILRQAb AVENUE Talaphon* Wllm^tt. 3SS WILMETTE, ILL. This car is by no means-an "experi- t#f ment". It has been put to the gruelling test of more than a full year's road^ work by thousands of ^s owners^ --~ __ : 'r--:-----:-~~^~ =A11 tlrat you need to do is get in touch with the nearest Paige dealer. Let him prove his case. »Let-him hfc- troduce you to men who Have in- vested their money in the ^*Fair ^nel4". Lbten to their experiences

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