Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1916, p. 6

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-f Social Happenings in Wilmette '.By RUTH RISLEY, Phone* Wilmette 1640: ,;££ ^, N.cxt. Wednesday,'April'in. will occur the aniiiia) meeting ot the Woman's club and of course the election of.officers for the ensuing yearT^The meeting will open at 10 o'clockrwhen the reports of the varjousjcommittees will-be read. - Xhis will be "followed.. bj;anLelabo- rate luncheon, served by the Young Ladies' auxiliary, and a number of toasts to be offered by the following ladies:" Mrs. E. Jackson ~£asse, toasfcmistrgss; Mrs, (i. B. Mrs. B. CrStolp, Mrs. j. B. Greii iLerenden, Mrs. Wallace W _. Jreiner, Mrs. L. K. Cillson, Mrs. Frank It-Fowler, Mrs! E. L' FitzRaxidolpri.. Mrs.„.JLohn ^M^peU ^r^- ;, ;■■'■ • Donald M. Gal-lie^Alfs. Lorin Hall and Miss Ruth KTsTey. ■ v, . ^-/n-.^v'Iri .the, afternoon a cantata, entitled^^c_Eisher-Maiden," by ^wjth Mrs. Hattie' L7 Field asTlirector and Miss l3oTTise~ployd, accom- panist. This will be a most apropos ending to the year's work at the "Clftb,Afor it, indeed, has been a successful on<k ■• --------------- = /■;• The Khartoum "chapter oTThe Daughters of- the T-intish Umpire have just sent a shipment oLhospital jj.upp.lies to tlie Beaufort -War hospital, Bristol, Kngland. At the last iiiee'ling. a ueekago Tucsday- aiternoon, the following members were elected as delegates to the annual convention of theOrder in New, York city, from May 'l'l to i\: Mesdames Albert K. Barber, IX J. Davis and W. R. \\atson. - Trie uextJneeting will be held ;it the horrte:-uf-Mrs,ilNY.;J^ Lavery on -jJT^em\motr-aTerttterrr"esd ay afternoon. >:y.'y(.:.::"z:^:-^^?:ri:i.y-: '-■:'■'■ ■M::r; The first division of the Methodist church held a most interesting ^meeting Monday afternoon at [the home of Mrs. Dee A; Stoker in - Kenilworth. Thirty-five members were in. attendance. Special : musical selections were rendered 'by Miss May D'Arcy. piano; .Mrs. LL_J[nderson7=vocaU Miss R«beeea-h---Fit-c-h--piano, and Miss Dow and -^ft-srit^zBairrows, vocal. 'T^sLj:: ^^pril^M^th^Ma^e-s^-f^r the wedding oi M iss Hortense Ciowing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. l^irker-ltowingt;.liJ«) WMl"Hgton jiye- rrue,_and Eliot Hovvdand Kv'an?e The ceremony will be react at the Go wilier rt-«id»"™ nt * ™ nVWl.-'iii 'the pveniiu*.--Attending"the S^-Tmde will be-Mis,i Katherine Zeisiiig^oiil31encv>e. 'and Miss Marion j£»nn of Chicago, Charles Evans. Jr.,of Chicago,js to be first man ""try his brother. "; r. :yi-- ^---^ "TTThe recttal^iveir Wednesday even- ing by the members of the Music Study class at- the Woman's clubT jjgeved" to be a most interesting one, and was more than appreciated by the-general music-loving public.--The g^BiiHanpp wn« good and the program excellent. Below are WSm the program; -.Tlie.., a few extracts rSpicker . Chorus * I,,Directed by Mrs. Hattie L. Field -- . Accompanist, Miss Louise Lloyd (is) The Lass With* the Delicate Air= The Amicitis club was entertained last week, Wednesday evening, at the home of. Mr. William Xorris. 1314 For- est avenue*----------' Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke enter- tained^one of" the many Tuesaay Luncheon and Bridge clubs"this week at her homes 526 Washington avenue. !4one-of-the new houses onJw"est~Hawr, thorne avenue,-^. .. __Miss Rmma Wilmarth will be hostess Upward" pf One Hundred^Oid Settlers of Ouilmette, Theii- Sons and aDugh ters, Gathered in Brown's Hall, Friday Evening t nst, f t T'iajp Twenty-foiirth Annual Meet Ing and Dinner. ---. OLD-SETTLERS BANQUET The Linden" Avenue' Neigl club were entertained Saturday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and" Mrs. Ralph' C. Whitsett, "830 OakWood ave- nue. _ (b) The Silver Ring.. (o) A Little Dutch Garden;,. sMrs. B. F. GageSt JlhapsMien^_,.... ...■ :•'>'•••. Mrs. Gertrude Lees Roberts^^ ^.Xa) ]My- Dear" Soul^.; /•-- 3anderson -.-*• • • • Arne ; Mjss Estiier Warhanik left Monday .Chaminade j;.f0r her- home in Los Angefea; Cal., LoomTs Tafter spending- several weeks wittij u^_-,_:; j Mrs. Paul Lobannoff, 1118 Greehleaf| avenue. JDohhanyj " Mrs. Roy Thompson and two chil- drfn i:av.v r< yirnt-j: irmui an extended in ■-* ^ vVat< r'n-ludtf ; r Lily.i .•'?*•':\k-t)ow«?ll■ \ tr. tUV r. ShuriiV^, sl^. i^ake ave- .•<harf> jjiiaor, . Raluiiauinoff ■: :nu> . left/. AVe'ltiesdrq--- /y<?"i"g . for: a -Mrs. U. F-'--HaH55S&SV - busiiX'sa j; ip" tjrDi-1.; "" Intermission' Solvieg'8 Song:.. Love's Echo--.„, ......... .Grieg ..___<-„Newton ~ Mrs. Antoinette Abel Whitman Prelude G minor.....,... .....Schutt- Waldesrauschen .^-.--.-n--:^_ . .Liszt --r--,■---- Mrs. J. J. Siddall ■■•-._ 'June- Mrs. H. H. A: Beach Mrs. Henry B. Gates, 1126 Wilmette! avenue,^returned^ the=jnlddle--of--last week from a trip to Arkansas, Mis- _aouri and Iowa. _,.__• Social^tHappenings in Wilmette.' Z!^l -- Mrs. Donald M. Gallic is entertain- Manyof the Old Settle. s-^eaded-thu^Annual--Meetijp* Arrayed in Their Wedding Gowns, While Some of the Children Wore TJj^lrAwndjiaj^nt ,.Fingry_pf jJ^TEarty Eighteenth Century. « Frpr«v> Left .to Right:. John ____»ge, Mrs. John Gagej^Mrsr-fiyron C> Stolp, Mr»7 The excitement of the week centers around the presentation of "Her Hub- bwd*s--JWite;*^irtq--be^-gtvep. in the school auditorium flaWday evening, April 16, for the benefit of the Wom- en's Library clubrttnder-the manage- ment of Mrs. Charles .Alison.. There will be a curtain raiser, good music and dancing in the gym after the play. ~ Warren J. Burke has purchased the jbhn "RVTTaTto'ijr^ dan road. Mrs. Frederick Penfleld and son, Jack, leave Saturday for Cleveland, '-ehlov=-- '■" -.....-■-........r^-------- --"• ^ Thomas Keiss is building a house on Vernon avenue, near Hazel.____ Mrs. Charles Killen has purchased Mr, and Mrs. Henry Q. Pope en-, tertftined at a dinner and bridge Fri- day evening of last week. Miss Grace Fuller of Joliet was calling on friends in Glericoe Friday oflast week. , ..„_ Dr. Theodore Riggs of North Da- kota was a guest last week of bis aunt, Mrs. C. H. Howard. * - Mrs. Fisher of Bau Claire, Wis., is the guest of her son, Otto Fisher. . Miss Ruth Newhall returned home last week from Oakland, Calif., where she spent the winter. -^MfsHMerritt Bigelow, of Knoxvllle, la.,'was the guest this week of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain. . : iMr.: and Mrs. George Tracey, 444Z Greenleaf javenuer~were hosts at a "bridge" Saturday evening. The election of a president and two members of the Glencoe public school board takes place tomorrow at the; school house, from 1 toJfl p. m. ___Mias JS'ina Howard was called to to the bridge club of which she is a member, this evening/ .------------"-'■'-- The Glencoe chapter of the Daugh- ters of--the Empire; will meet thiB aft- ernoon with Mrs. James JP."McGregor, 807 Greenwood avejiue, - • Stork- Arrives. £-:-^'..J.--'~ A little • daughter "was biorn TEo" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradley onJMonday of last week. - ~ ■ :'J_^-'. --■ John Hany of Mecco, Fla,, is a guest at the home of his*Son, Will Hany. Mrs. Ernest Kimball returned home last week from the south. ^Rev^zHorace ~G~afmith^spent the~ week with his family, who are visit- ing Mrs. Smith's mother at Paxton, 111. . Clarence A. iFox has pjircliaied the property at 670 ^GrqTe street and ex-, |--pects-to take possession May 1. Miss L. E. pesfing, village book- keeper, was ^called-to Richmond. Ind.^ Sunday by the death of her>„mother. Mrs. Frederick Penfleld, 834 Sheri- dan road, was hostess at a luncheon Muscatine, la., last week by the ill- ness of her brother, Arthur Howard, who underwent an operation fbr_ja>-.: pendicitis. THTTT ..■':....•":-....;,.,.• Mrs. Maurice Miller left for New. ; York city the first of the week to meet - 1ier busbaitd, who isreturntng "from " Europe. ; Mr and Mrs. Frank MlUer returnecL^ home last week, from their winter's trip. ~ Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Knode, 617 Sher-, j idan road, will be hosts at a "bridge" I tonight, to* members of their bridge rciiib;--_~ "• " .' ~"~r',-' {. .te;r %E4win-H. Cassells, 760 Bluff -atl#t. is expected home Sunday from' I Tryon, S. C. ■ ----- I Samuel R. Hurfprd left Wedneaday j on. a business trip to Ottawa and I Spring Valley. ' Mr. and Mrs^ Spencer CroBby enter- tained the bridge club of which ^hey ; are members, on Tuesday. George Gelhar, who has been ill with : typhoid fever, is now convalescent. |llllllllilll!llllllllllllllilllNIIIIIIIINI|llllllllllliyillllllll|llllllllllllllll^ nwraiuiiwDwwiwiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii i^NDERSONSrettRlSTlANO 1 I TAILORS 1 1-329 Plymouth Court BttWMn J,ck,on"lv,n BureB Jg Wai"kM49 Chicago = . Exclustct Model* in 1 Women s Rutin Miss Bcrnice ShurXlelL ,f • lmcir - f ,^< at a_ diTiner7">.l"on«L">rnight for sev- j -Saturday. ^^ftt>r a three weeks' stay her home at 815 kakeavomi'vTtiTOda^ , ,. evening, from ■--Mad-iKon---univi,rsLt,iC-l.:bei'ore^tlien- return t^'school. :J ' ---••••■>■ •" ■■■"■" ■■^-^^. Miss Lillian Kerrigan,.,-who, is also -,_^_.-;~7--. > TTtTTTWSTt attending .-school""fliere for the spring vacaiion:. MrT^aha^MrsTrDTTv Dickinsoir-am;!-" Mrs. V. C. Sanborn is entertaining [with a dinner this evening for Mrs. ' PratT"" '-.■..;-.. ^m>&.. ing the members of the board of di daughter. Helen, of 511 Washington ^rj, k B Stnlp ^^ tht___________ avenue are in camoriua. wliere tney ^^^ convalescing from an opera-. Massenet:recto^or^e^>nxah-s club:at IuW|^P^° remain Mr wevei"! ^^, tlon, for appendiHtis. eon today at her home.lllo Elmwpod avenue. Mrs. B. F. Affleck, was hostess to the Thursday club yesterday at her home. 827 Greenwood avenue.■?rw^...;,^-.....:;■--- Open Thy Blue Eyes... -. Mrs. Cornelia Delafontaine ".. 5*iolin.(a) Adagio .. r-,.. ^..-rrrriRies ;>t^ ;• (b) Scherzo .......Van Goenz '^" Miss Helen Mayer ABhes of Roses.,.... . ... .Woodman Snowflakes =tt;. ........ .^.-t.^: . Cowen -•.------ Chorus'--'---•......'•-• I. • ■-^ ' "';" ■:-■■:•':■ ---^~ ".^'The patronesses of the affair in-' The annual_ spread and business *ciuded Meadames-ti:^-MT-SnowT-er-Wr+-meeting-of-- t^e-^oung^fetdigg'zAujili- ^raithwalte,=A. GrFrostTC. R. SmithTfaTy^ of the Woman's^ crgtr~has__beeu 'Bdwar4 Lilienfleld, D. M. Gallic John i postponed a week owing to the num- Segsworth, E. L. Scheidenhelm, Wil-1 ber of other ^social affairs*that' have Ham Freeman and Ralph Potter. '; been announced for -the' club^--The Mrs. J. "C. Everett ~and daughter, Joan, returned Sunday froliOhe Pres- byterian hospital, where little Joan was for eevoral days. - ^: ,."-':--;.',.Z.-.,' ^^^Fr-^d^-M^rsr^T^KonnetVy--returned- last week from a. few days' visit in St. .Louis:" .:•";,,■: -■. ,r- v -..■;■' ":.'". Mrs. A. Mr-ltefags and daughter, "j,:; Mr". F. K. M. Cole returned from a Priscilla, who have been travelling | business trXp~"toT"No>v ~Tork; Sunday^ -through--the--EasTT-eturned to Kenil-1 ' -- jmorth tl^eJlrst-ot' the^week. _._ Mrs. D. F. Ziinmoriiian of Ann Ar;.; : t f. - . bor, Mich., was the guest of Mr. and's Mrs.- "Charles Blackwood was the Mrs. J. A. Prentiss last We->k. .M!s,-viiOstess at a luiiclioon for Mrs. Win. Ppprrtfes <.iTtWt.ained several»inform- Pratt who has visiting Mrs. P. -ally-^-fer-her- guests-1 -- Eckhart- Mrs. -Charles, Meyer returned Sun- affair, will take place o'rf Tuesday_ei£n; Mrs. Edgar 0. Blake will entertain : ing, ApriT .the members^of tBIT Young Ladies^ ~" ._______^J~~ ' '"'__---!---- -__ auxiliary of the Woman's ^cfub~atT A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A- :jjincheon tomorrow at her home, 921-N. McCallum, 831 Central, avenue^on Tenth street. I Wednesday, April 12. . . ■ *■ _j_ -. . . • '■-.,~^' '■■■ Evening 7:00. 8:20. 9:30 Mondayr-.:.^y:0^ v> L. s. E. ^r.: ' ■ . ._^_ Maurkc CosteBo and Norma Talmadge « "The Crown Prince's Double' Romantic drama of dual personalities _____ Matinee 3:30 p. m. Evening 7:00, »:20 9:30 _____________ PARAMOU NT Mae Murray and Wallace Retd in "To Have and To Hold" mp^M; Alio Paramount-Bray Comedy Cartoon "5--;;---r- iS?:-/:-/T--. ---,.... ,._.jf. --, ^^•-';:- . Sr:7-r:"- Wednesday- ^TET RO Evening 7:00. -8it0 !■■» ^JHOS^IlGE^in "THE BLINDNESS OF L0VF" Story of romance and sacrifice _____. Thursday-- Evening 7:00. »:l6, »:39r PARAMOUNT 3USTIN HRMJM in "BEN BUBT A contrast of life on the prairie and on Broadway TRIAN&LE BESSIE BARRISCALE in "THE LAST AQ' ^___ _jBSmngMnt_utgrz£f the_ayae______.____ Evening 7t00t~*'*0, »•■»« Saturday--^ Matinee 3:30 p. m. TRIANGLE Evening 7M, e:20, tttO Tray^rveniirg-TTTim Pittsburg.; Miss Gerakiine aittts.^who visited" her sister, -Mis.-C, Ruirnhani, returned "^TTrT and "^1rsr-lf--W-. PiTttT and sons, of the week, returned Sunday I'roni a two': weeks' trip to Ocean.Springs,. . .... .■■.'.'\7 "^to-Her home in Minaeapolisi-the flrst Mr. C. Moj* returned last week from a business^tritr-to-Xcw York.~ „ The afternoon sewing club will meet with-Mrs. Edwin ('. Barnes. Saturday. :--Mr, ei« from a buslm&ia-trjp: ^VI-ey er.^retafttod-Su nd a^y-f i Francis Allen will returnTo part- kmouth college the last-of the weeji.^ ] Mrs. Veternathbone. E^;:gngton7 en 'Puesdayv ', tertained several of her Kenilwprth_;^ Mrs'.' Jahies Ma^lTwas "the hdffiess To~6ne^ of- the-aft<rfnoon bridge clubs '-k, .": -Mtv and ;Vlrs. Carl Keiley have re: turned from a three -months' Visit in California. The flfternoen--eJu Mr ST^Fr-^otmg-Friday The Northwestern chapter of Alpha jjanuma...I>pUfi sorority ^enterjajngd with a-dance at the Kenilwofth Ab- sembly hall, Saturday--hight. *^Mrs. R. 6. Berger wilFbe the hostes's. at~one of t he afteriiooii card~ eluBs |he aftenwon--«1--April 25. ■]*fc*:^Pr?'f~~/ The next subscription dance will be *t'tlie Kenilworth Assembly hall, Frid1«',-T\prU 21. ' ~ _ ". --~U ;. --Mrs. Edwin CT Barnes Waiftfce tcss at a unique luncheon last Wednes- day. To celebrate the finding of her ^friends with a lunchepn Friday...'- r = ^^ an(j- Mrs j,.a rj. Darling re- I---" ---1- 7---- -- - ." \-p . -tr turned from Virginia Hot Springs last psilvetware, which was stolen by burg- | Mr., and Mrs. E7 D. Stevens "enter-; week. s^^asii; ■_ .■■':■ ■;■ -t->:-- ;-'^^-■■'.'^■l'lars' this ^yinter, Mrs. Barnes gave a tained with a card party for their neighbors Friday evening. - >;:|.;.;•'■;;*•;-v- -'Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap left it , .,=c' ■":"."•" ;' .' ' ' Thursday for a throe weeks' trip ,to Mrs. F. Bulley is entertaining today Atjantic city. .».. _ ., with a card party;. MtP^1: _ii;-;.;fe■■': -j -- - __..' ';;. ,l";v:--; '. .X'^i^ki, "-"'-';-"" •" •"" ■•"■'" ""t Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cor'nne haveT re- Mrs. C. Ware and daughter,_Loiiise, turned from Nassau, where they spent returned to Kenilworth Tuesday, affter an exte^h^e^tripMHroughrthe W^sUTT Mrs.^Sj^C, Eastman' returned to ! luncheon served entirely without sil- ver. Straws and chop sticks served in its place, and helped to make merry the guests, who soon became proficient in the use of die unique utensils. Tis- sue paper bibs were thoughtfully pro- vided by the hostess. several weeks. Mr. Wm. Lester is home from Madi- Bon, Wis., where he attends-the Uni- Mr. an^ Mrs. ""Jenks Ifiave moxed into the Hammond house on! Cunjnor road Kenilworth Saturday, after' an ex versity of Wisconsin. The university tended visit Wim her sister, Mra. I ia hftvmg tn^ir BPTlug vacatloa.- Walker,in the Southr DeWOLF HOPPER in "DON QUIXOTE" F.^rA..:^. Burton Holmes' Travel--Coins Soma in San Francisco HoOT-Satwdty HorMf, 10:30-A11 Seats 10c Mrs. LH McClurg, Winnetkk, re- turned home Tuesday, after a short visit with her sister. Miss Stabl, Elk- hart. 111. . The afternobn bridge club met with Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn Tuesday, -- •-T--* Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr:, entertained with a luncheon Tuesday for Mrs. W7 Pratt. . - {■■'■ Mr. Wm. Englar , and son, Eugene, returned Wednesday from a three weeks' trip through the-East.- Ttiey Visited Mrs. Englarf uncle in: Morris- town. N. J„ returning by thejwai of New York and Maryland. TJr. and -Mrs. F. B.TNellis, Jr„ Mr. isnd Mrs. CLJC-Reeres, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, Bfr. and Mrs. B.-&: McCloud attended Mte dinner of the Bankers' association at the South Shore Country ekili, Saturday, nigRtT^T 1 Mr. and Mrs!:01son of Chicago have purchased the ^new bouse on Oxford road which Mr. Geo. Maher /has just built. s; , ;' ]^..i^\i.:.::^J-^,i: Mr./phiHp"Malier is hbthe from Alan Arbor, where, he attends^-the- 4^niver sity^of Michigan^ ^j^harles JE* (Sraves & Gom announce a number of new Spring lilies^ -suitabTe For East€r-and early Spring^ ^wedding gifts-^1-------------------■ ~-^~ Enamel novelties ih'new colors and designs ^ Silk or leather bags and purges made of foreiprL^ materials are very desirable oh account of tiie " li mi ted i rn_portittion& Fitted cases in silver, ebony or French ivory: ^ # inlaid in colors __. , ■_? "7" Green £ new "'■: button _. a limited amount of Italian paper Greeri~gold in pouch mesh bags, vanity and dl9nne,caifliSr"7C'>v^)'^ -'* new broad pins and brooches, and the popular "no tiirf?'^';;"" ^iQhfT^S E- Graves Sc Cornpany Keep in Touch With Home--by Telephone ^ ------' .i t!J, •■■■ 4 When business takes you avyajr /root home^ over night or lor ay pri The Travel club wiir-meet with Mrs. Brownr-Win^etka,-Cuesday-evenlnj^ Mrs« Pratt, who has been visitingl jfljBa glva SouthTTWd ^nA Mias Ida', jnan Mrs. P. Eckhart. is. visiting Mrs. Hard- Durban! returned tb Brie college Wed- well"in Evanston. - -i^:^^rv.::;-.-v^:.---nesday.' ,^.- ... ■•[-; ■-• 3. :JJr3^J2::JiiTd6n--regsra^ ~_MraJtt "Tiw Little Shepaherd" and Other Pictures of" KenltwoTtb;~entertained with a luncheon for Mrs. Pratt Wednesday- - Professor Shepardson of- tbe^ Uni- versity of Chicago lectured on the "Panama Canal," Wednesday nlfhtrat the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cbajp- The last of the series of lectures will be given next Wednesday night, the p^riodiltis a comfort to fenow-^mtjy^ imunic^e with home/ cm cQi ^k Bell toll lines, no matter whcrr;Voi> may be. gsha^*--^^ ■* Keep the family informed of your abouts in order that you may be r by telephone in emergencies. ?W- tjaB----- -viii.:. .fifc* "V v,»,

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