Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1916, p. 4

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4t£* sir THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916. X-B_/A&S&HQRB|*EWS t^CO^QBERAElON Hh*JAa*-Wit*»tt»xm& NtrtK S*ar+N***tx*i»r" :mm PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY' ^^,..l.-- At • ", ',/- ":"'~--'7 WILMETTE. 4LLt_____: Offices, Room 2, Brown Building, 1159 Wilmette Avenue, , y^"':?:'P-: Telephone 1640. . ^0^ H. W. Wnxs. ...Editor SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR © ^Entered as second-class matter March 13. T914, at the postofflce at' Wilmette, Illinois, under the act of March 3. 1879. --■ -----Address all """co'mmunlcatlons ' to 7 The --Lake Shore News, Wilmette. Anonymous communications will not be" noticed. Re- heeled manuscripts will not be returned,____ _____. -----------,,- .,.^„t ,._, -"^l„s7_ccompameTnsyT°3 ter for^ publication In the current week^s . than Wednesday noon. -limited -force of -their, influeace .lor good iiiTvcry sphere of the public wel- usually weigh both sideB-of=tfte';-'PTO"b- lem.._n_ usually there are two.sides to every proposition.;;-" " There seems^o be a the ^neighborhood of the -"L" statiop. . where property is developing rapidly and where the business andr residen- tial population oOVilmetteTs^mcreas- ---fng apace, which offers a "live" prop- _gsitton™in simple equations. --■-------~ __~To all those who- have kept in touch with affairs in that section of been-an-obvioua iVe can thai .the United: ce department has not_ this condition, and the the situation-demands, hile.-it would seem to rver that this is not heed have only inquired proper anthorrties-to-have-rea-1- hat the frimelfc not yet for an alleviation of the local sufferings. When .we'say that the business men and residents or this valued section" of-our town might now--as'they could liave in the past---assist the postal au- thorities very materially in realizing a betterment of the service, we are g^jyfiiering ^io_._riti_sm, ..but--stating-^ Z5_ecognized-fact. We are well \\;ithin A ^fns^rvativp figwos whpn we nssert With the atfvemf'STihe present fiscal year the New Trier Commercial^asso- ciation, now .enjoying its third anni- versary, launched upon the most suc- cessful, prosperous and efficient period^ xitits existence. ---7. ' , -'-„___ Primarily conceived for^the^general development of the community; to render better service to the purchaser and at the same time to establish ef- ficiency in the various business enter- prises throughout the township this organization yearly, mqnthly and daily availing itself of an e^f-brtmaentng ■-vista of usefulness. Through lack of ' experience*-1__" such movements mem- bers of the associatibn.-perhaps 'failed "to cbmbreTiend The-~gfeaT^^powefr"^for- Cn»a y-Tiich Th^y rpprpaftpted and were inclined tjo accept the motive which ef focted the combination of interests, as purely commercial. Now they are as- fare... With the better acquaintance with heir tinitcd functions~"the purely com- mercial ends of .their opportunity „re "being augmented by a. broader and a more-public spirited effort in behalf of •the general welfare of the people at To understand a situation. One must_ j___,_. Tllough thpv organized with the 6b3eet~of=de.vdoping the most that can her.had for New Trier township they are now beginning to grasp and wield the great jjower within their reach.' "."r,";"-'r"".r",........," " . r';---^-u The truth of, this assertion is to be discovered in_tlicir exertions in behalf Of more sanitary methods in the con- duct of stores and other matters vital to^the' public's well being; efficient methods in trade which must rebound to the common good, of the people and better living conditions throughout thtiTvieitiily, tu say nothing of a broad er and progressive co-bperatioa among the tradespeople themselves which is the first step in building for a bigger community..i/i;'S;-~z/: v^":v.■•■.;' ■*;■:.:..:■ ;A';V': ^haj-hut^ai»t5^perzj;aafaa£ Used by this section of the town comes to thft' Wilmette rpost office,: -The-remaihing~fbrtyper- cent goes; to -Chicago^--So ■long-as-tliat-Hoss-tp^t.lie^ home "win office continues, just so long demanded in the improvement. .the "L" section be Relayed, and that as a matter of neces^lly. It is a sim- ~ple equation "in-C^ras^"^d"^ffectr^ -7 The answer" mir^io~"f^nd^4n--t£ r_-<_fntg; at the Wllnfette" post office just balance the expenses, -when,- the--books-^ar-e--balanced--at-tho. end of the year. ■-•;. '/~~ * - ■■; It is asserted that--were the receipts jnoro voluminous_-much could be done in improving the mail service through- out the village'generally. But to in- SgS stall a "large post-box suitable 'XeKthe J^__._ hap djiti g^nf pa pjk a g<;_. jy 0U 1 d iLbe^tSrYlQ^ '.■■"^"late thelBws of 'the'parrels post, law. , arifi nn. ronsonable citizen would d'e- fi The annual dinnerand meeting of the Wilmette Presbyterian church took TTia ce -ott^tTre^eranln^--of^WcdnesdcfjT April 5, in the, cTmrch parlors Piinted-reports-werepTes^nfeFfrom all the organizations of the church, and the treasurer's statement showed Xhat-th>y-churchLclosed-the- year with ilff?:pai4--a^nd=a^su«i^in the- troas- my. ■ Fift>'intmifll- itvaiJ a\m Jifttf fi,: 000 on the mortgage on the church OTTTding, reducing that indebtedness to $3.5('0.-" /■■ :.■•'-.■ :---•■' - ',' . Messrs Thomas :K. D. Bradley, and Sanuiel R. Kerr were elected elders, and•-.Mogsru C. I. Rouu,v'C. E.^Wells,' =maTiaT-this. in fact. ■ th& law , specttt callv* states that parcels, niust be i \V.vX). ^locris and Dr,-D.. W. Rapp v,T?re, elected deacons.' Messrs" W. E. 1iisr^Joltii-K4^ftr°^F*e--Schulte^and R }}. W'hitsett wore elected trustees. " The membership has increased _to_ Jrr.ought_tO-thepost,x>ffice .for.niailinju Owing tq the fact that the post office is inconvenient'to tliis section of the town, parcels 'are'"sent to Chicago for mailing by the business interests of that vicinity. 'Both the law. and the 263; forty-three hav-ing been received" into 'the church during the year. At thc^di'inrar-subscriptions for~the- current expenses weiv asked for by Mr. W.. it. Angeli for the coming year and that as, many as possible increase their subscTiptidtis^for -the ^ear. The result showed that' the same persons citizens could only; be served 1iythejthis vcar pledgedTTOrmore than last ..establishment -of what is known in ! vcar^_TWs_fH.g.UeS_weU for the finan- ■xhc department as a "contract agency." j ees-of the coming vear, in which the or to the general public, a sub-post-'|.;pXpenge .at.c0~unt will exceed last year office. To assume the-expense of this|by ^ sman amount; ■ i.s out of the question for the local | --^^^ --. rfssip; •", '.postal management- at , the v),resent J J- ic-vpi; '■■■r~^ We -.are emieavoi-iws- to place_J_h? proposition fairly. >\'e- are consider- ing the common law's" of expediency;, jvhichJ,_must govern the business man in the conduct of his affairs. But yet we" suggest-that in this, as- in all thiqgs, there must'be a fair distribu- tioh of responsibility,, and that .those j who hope to j>ront by_this proposed l Kghilworthi Club Drarila, a improveinent lend a hand and help j---------- the iocai office in pxingiii£_it about. _i rSociarEvent, To Be Pre- Casf^Ready^ %Afier Change nfWT:RF A P1KRR; ^ s=s:=sented Tomorrow^ Evcning7-^-4 i^,- A feeltng~~^hiclr~wavcrs- "midway twixt pity and disgust ^Jway«=^tllls a'party"in^^.wnTch^bTne.member is as- & serting his \villingness_to accept of all ' the hospitality his companions are ~, willing' tcK offer but yet beavud-ges the --All--is in readiness--for--the Renil- worth <lhb play,. "A Single Man," starringVE. D. Wheeler and_ Miss Marion Ke«hn In the leading rofes, to- morrow evening. Miss Isabella Love- NeigHBor^mrBest Meetings ?%Se& Revelation of Home" ^aien^Abiiity.^^ _The Neighbors had~~5ne of the larg- jest meotinga, pf^tho^yoanJIactl-Thurs day. dent, Mrs. Chandler, the vice ■pre'si- preaided. There were thirty- elght guests present. --M4ss Dorothy Coolidge, a pupil of MrsvriBloomfield-Zeisler, rendered sev-- eTal" admirable selections. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick read "Monsieur Eeaucalre;" in which" R-ichard Mans- field starred to fame. ' Mrs. Hedrick's charming and_force- iulipersonaiity, to say nothing of her voice, over which she had perfect control, added much to the vivid por- trayal of the characters of the play, ^ne--changed fr~t"' tlre-bTUBtriio-Eng^~ lishman to the polished, quick witted French "homme comme il faut" with remarkabie rapidity. Her French ac- cent was perfect to the rolling r's and the full, rich continental vowels. - Front the very minute Mrs. Hedrick took her position before the~audieijce until she finished, everyone lost her- seTf~rn-nne-ehar-a6te:] winding of the threads of the plot. At the last meeting, the chairmen of severaL^committees were appoinied. Mrs. L. T. Wilson, social; Mrs. Geo. Shipjnan, music; Mrs. E. D„Wheeler, p^hilaniflropjci ^Mrs. Phelps, art and Snyda -edu- held cational. The annual meeting will 1: luncheon will be served The annual election of officers will take place at this meeting. member if the~school ought ■ to be present. 0;45 a. m., sermon by E. R. Dow, lav per ovangelistj; come early and brini a friend, rehearsal (pd by Miss Dow -fiteeting (Kclley leads^the--E] Methodist Episcopal.^ The regular meeting of^Qie Ladies' Aid of the -Methodist Episcopal church will hgiheld Tuesday^AprllJJS^ at 1: isO p. m: At-4~o'clock a mothers' and, daughters' meeting will be ad- dressed by Miss Taggart, deaconess Aagard of Rest Home, Lake Bluffy n~the eveninir^TFrtatfters' and son^ se'm'dti Al*fl"lte ll'tf.ll'.'HU Hatnmersfar. Thursday eveningT April 207 tjie sac* rament of the Lord's Supper will be observel. The members of the senior and junior probation classes will be receivea into cn'urcn mmembership. , St. Elizabeth's. Friday evening at the ST^lizabeth church Rev. George Craig Stewart, Tecror"of^Strturke's churtJhrEvanston will preach. "Father Stewart is con- sidercd-by--mmanyg-to--begone of Ithe sidere4 by many to~be~one - of the coijntry and it is expected that a large audience will greet him. On Palm Sunday the usual palm crosses will be distributed after the services. The altar will be decorated with palms. Jirah Cole will sing the "Palms" on the evening of Good Friday, April 21. A musical cantata, "The Man From Nazareth," will be sung by a large chorus choir, including special solo- ist.This is a regular feature at St. Elizabeth's. ,":". Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock there will-be service of„public baptism in the church. "-■--•'■.T~ Easter Sunday- services arer an- nounced for 7:30 and 11 a. m. Music and sermon at both services. At the latter service the members of the Stof day school will present their Easter offering.". 4-±-^S-:-\■■■■■-• :'-:^;^'-;:, -v-^4 Union. The Young People's society -of the Glencoe^TJhion enuron will mc6r~aa usual Sunday at 5 p. m.^ with Miss least assistance in promoting_the ,en^ ck gch65l of : Q No one liircy the-^piker," and if j>os siBle, his company is shunned «bn all tqry^ias drilled the amateurs. Two changes have been made Id the cast. Mrs, Sanborn now plays the of the housekeeper and MIbs -occasions, while his more, generous^ companions go their merry_3-ay mak- j Part; ■ „_.„. „ ^^niatnrmHoaylng'frlegdal^ridl^*^ftnbotn. ^ »&rt of "&**?*>: . The cas_t_ Is r^ Robin WofthingKra. Mr. Wheeler; Mr. Henry Worthlng- ton. Mr.Lockett; Dickie Cotrell, War- ren „Pease,_Jr.j Lady Cotrell, Mrs. 'them when they pass. ==rrTheriei=are certain^associationsr Sanized in. this community for our mutual advancement, who are strug- gling under^the--weighV-of--a--"piiter" ^lenient _sdio, deriving all the bene- .fits-accruing from the, ; inovemenr along: ings seems the least that they might do; yet this Beems to require too great a sa/crifice_for_thein to make!jlgserj Perhaps, /however. wLeii titer magnet of corporation gets--ia close enough: touch with them, these'steel filings, aa It were, properly magnetized will move ift unison with the whole. Dreams will then become facts and -+he ideal of *he--orgaaizer--will have been realized, providing- the magnet "caii be maintained at its greatest po- tentialitjv--^ ^ -,';--- ;"- ■----■« ; Henry Taylor; Jr.; Mrs. Henry,^0*111- Ington, Mrs. Gillette Jr."; Maggie^CQ- Charlotte Eveifett: Mr. Robert Lester is stage man- Belle S. Mason, leader. Topic, "Good Prayer Meetings, and How to Have Them Always." ^ The Woman's Leaguerpf the Union church will meet Tuesday, . The music for the, Sunday morning service at the Union church will be as follows: -Prelude; '^Hoaaaaa;" Wachs; ^anthenrrT^Hosairna ipr^the Highest^' Buck; oiffertory, "Palms'," Faure ;=an- them, ^Jerusalem,!' Parker; postlude, "Triumphal March," BucteF= Regular evening service at 7:307 . Mrs. Henry Behrens of 667 Bluff street w*s hostess Thursday of last week to the members of the Eastern Star guild. Thirty-five ladies were present. The ladies were engaged in K1U I. HlJIH^HMbuiii^JI CHRISTIANITY 1 '"Tf'-v-*^ ■........' r" •-■■-'■'-»-■•**• „The:Saator and ottor will' speak «v- iry '-Week ^«ay'"-:«v%nlng'*,ifr"*-«i<W**fclil N4^-ii<^^yy^^^^^, in the church auditorium on .tBe **^- '■••■-■■-■■■■ events of "Passion Week," Rev. W. W. Anderson will assist the pastor, Rev. J. M. Wilson, and on Friday night, April 21. the young people1 will have charge of the service. School children's twenty-minute set vice every morning from Monday,, .April 17, to Thursday, April 20, at 8:30 o'clock: "The Seven Words of Christ on the Cross." Edwin Ruthin Dow, LL. D., lawyer- pvnfippvi.itr xvii^Tin^ZQeen .leadijng the evival services .from .the Rev. T. J£, Gale's pulpit hi the .Metlvrdist church, delivers 'the Gospel" "Billy-Sunday-like without the Hilly-Sundayisius. s=Next Sunday--morning he--will de^ liver a discourse en "True or. Traitor," while' in„the evening his s'al.Oct. will be, "Glory "and Shame." Mr. Do.vhas the happy? faculty ol J),cing_aale la express, jfiis doctrines ^f^^heology^iTr straight<roni-the-shoulder ..English; linrrfirgum^nts arc arvangedT with the force atotl directness .of a lawyer's brief without the application of any of ^the teahfcica^l phsaaea, O"! hiB former professioii.i-.;3&e cotosequence is that his sermjofts grip the attention of-the young as well as the old^ecause all can understand and appreciate the Gompelllag^^unch11--ef--his--reasoning --ho-^maP4ges to drive his message home to tHe secret conscience of each individual in his audience. Good Friday service Friday at 9:30 the n3al»-auAiiPJlJlffi.J?j^fthe charch.' The chlidren.'s chorus will sing. The: pastor .wilTTpeak on the two last words of Christ on the cross. ' .Sunday, subjects; "Christ's King- ship~QBenly Declared." ahd^JW'pmrBhle. of the last -, ?w^lt: ^'Wh* W^re t^e Householders "Ejected?"' EfrehW"pre- lude: " What .J.he_-£anaina Religious Congress Accomplished;"- ~- ' '""- ----■•■■■•'-, \i:;]Baptist.";-^^T>K -^ ReV. B. Frank Taber, pastor; iresi- dence, 910 Forest .avenue^..Sunday services-he|d in the Woman's-^Clnb building, corner of Greenleaf avenue an d Tenth ^street. _Z-___-~^___^______ 0:45 a m.--Bible school. Classes for all ages. Men's Bible" class, -in,, charge of Ralnli Merriam, meets at 10 o'clock in -the reception room. v ll:00 a. m.4:;::;Morning, service. Sub- ject, "Does It Do Any Good to Pray?" --sixth in series on Fundamental Questions, Soloist, Mrs. Ben Gage. / 5:30 p.. m.--Pastor/s Instruction class. AH young people who wish to talk with the pastor on the Christian ■ -™r, "'--"." " i, »., I life and church membership are in- Last Sunday this man from Minne- m,--B. Y. P. U. meeting. Good Prayer Meetings, and How to Have Them." Leader,, Miss sota delivered two housing good ser- mons in ccjurse of which^he impressed his audiences with th<T necessity of character In Christianity. He empha- sized the fact thai-no churchman will respomT-tipevangelism Knowing that the evangfeli-it is treating the hypo- crit s in tho 'congregation with gloved harus: "_5Viu>ii he sees,"""says Dow7 " the_Kftcaker_is forcing the case^ against th-i rooks in the 'church,"then he iVrgins ti^lcalize the sincerity of and respond to the power, of the ap- vited. v6:15 p. Subject: peaL'--.. '■., . ^_-„--',. ...-----------7 __ Laii£LaniAV41 nttdte.avenues. Th( Ke<ne.GaV>, minister, 1024 Lake ave- elcPi^ono t>5>,-------------^------^~ Palm Sunday.--9:30 service \t. the Bible Young People's orchestra will play. ^VToliiTduet fly JStyfOR. Appleyard and William Quirbach^.wtth piano accom- paniment by S. S. Crippen. Subject of-the Tmessage: "A Man Who Made aTBmtrantrEallure." The prayer meeting,on Wednesday pypning. April 19. will he held at the. school] special Every , ..Miss ;-league, sfecial sermon b evangelis Mr. at 7:45 p. day from music^ E. R. 117:45 p. im, Dow, lawyer- =to=4teaE this-eloqi :nt; speaker. - . _tL-JB^-^|Ir. Dow speaks evelry^fl^ht-L^,^ m., except Saturday. Tues- day, Wediesday, Thursday and Fri- to 4 o'clock. :t Congregational. -^y--Edwin^BowerSj^minister street;___ _____ Sunday \pril 16--Palm Sunday, 9:45 a. m,:• lunday school; 11:00 a. m., morning (service--"What Jesus teijs Us About the Kingdom of God." Steieopticon slides for young peo- ple v/ill'.-be giyen downstairs. 4:00 3'irginia Thompson. 7; 30 p. m.-^-Evenint service. The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White, O^-^Greenwood avenue. Subject: "The Christian Resurrection." Les- son, Con 3:1-17. ; -r. ■.^jesr^ Christian Science. ■-^^-^ First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmette, Central avenue and Tenth street. ~ ; 7 Suh"dayr 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 P'. m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m, t nial meeting 'Wednesday at Reading--roonaT--S^ar-m^ to 9 p^m'.,'-ex'c.efttJ^iBdnesday^l--W.edhesday until 7:45 p, m. 1163 Wilmette avenue. Kenirworth Churches -Dr^-C ■■'--"•Union."'" -Horswelt-Bf^the-KenilwoPt TO carry a modest balance in a tank and ^raw checks" against it--to open a savings account with a small sum ---$ I aiid receive interest on the same--either is a distinct privilege, f1 - .- ■■- ■.'■. ••'-'. ' """'--~^_ . .. $ .v Many people have the impression that a national bank receives only r parge commercial deposits and that the privilege of trahsacting busi-=^: t>i?«'-liMf talk such a bank belongs to the few. --^ '• ■ ~r.?.:■■'& That iinpTessionrirerroneous." The First National Bank °f Wilmdie^! accepts savings deposits ^f $1.00 and upwards, paying 3% interest■r*"" hereon. It extends the pr/w7ege bi checking accounts to personam modest and linfltecHjalances. Under the supervision of the Federal Governments w i3EFrank J. Baker, President J. M. Appel; Vice Pres. W. B. Sfroi^, II, C^sWwF -^-■■--ite^ Poultry Farm G7FROBERG, Prop. WU have 1000 Baby Chicks for ___ Easter Delivery April 22 Some of the varieties stated here Barred Plymouth Rocks ---- --..... White Plymouth Rocks _ ■; ___Partridge Rock» White Wyandotte. ----Ro»e-Comb-Rhode-t»laiiJ Red«-- Single Comb Rhode Island Reds Single Comb Buff Orpingtons " :~ Single Comb White-Orpingtons ^^--. --Single Comb White Leghorns --'t^T' Rose Comb Brown Legnoms CAN SUPPLY 2 VARIETIES TURKEYS '"■ "4 / " . DUCKS ...•s-j_«« 2 ..-- GEESE 'I±3= REASONABLE PRICES , Place your order at once by calKng PHONE WINNETKA 244 G. FRQiiERG-i .^■■fe,.t WINNETKA f Tel. Oraectnm-Silf I -- VeUlagroa SHEFFIELD AND BELMONT AV THIS WEEK Starting '=?=. Sunday Matinee Aprilifi The New York and Chicago Success JJie_Big_Loop_Elay at jl-2 Lojop Prices * TUESDAY Bargain Matinee, f THtJRSDAY - SATUHDAt 25c . 3Sc Unlo^ cliurch- wTH not preach a^ J&ion"Svmday.' Tliy miiire Serrlees ef the dayJ will be given over to Cop- firmation, baptism and the administra- tion of the satramenjt.^2^^:.^..::-i:z:: TELEPHONE, WILMETTE. 1640 f _Mut^ Ada ia-the Ltk^-Shorfr-Newa^afe cfaged tt the following nks ~77...'-:-?ri^ ii: ^c*l Estate Classifications. 7 \£ cents per line. -7--^ : All Other Clarsifications. 5 cents per line. ' ■ '_ Minimom Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged-forJess4han-25^es|s. ^OST^NJ^FOUND--^P^ FORrRENT FQITND--A S.TIML Mrs. .Gilbert Kelly,. Mrs. \V. H. Brown, Mrs.- A..-D. Speedie, Mrs. C. ^________ ^ , Case^ and Mrs.. L. Mac Arthur were p. m.. Covenant class, fog_ boys, ^ajld t4hQ .hogtftRBf>R at- .th^dttld. -meeting girls; 6:00 p. m.. Y.' P. S. C. Ej TjiOh^o^ay^^jj^^Maj-y Bartleme of Sunday Evening club--Profes-1 chicag0 addressed the Guild members ~ Mouiton-of-the-trniversity-of j and tneir gUe3ts. --~~~ ■' ■ - ■ \-- Chicago. "Man's Place in the Starry | The Mnnua, meeting will TJETh'eld Univfti^e^Jllustrated_with; wonderful, next Monday atr the home of Mrs^Jas. stereopticon slides. , #» ^ ,] R. Chapman. The officers of the Tuesday, April 18--10:00 a.- m.. La-. Guild wlu entertain. The annual elec- "llie5'~Blble class; Wcdncaday- APril I tion of-offlcers will take place and li.-JllP0 P- m.--Mid-week meeting: the qUestion of having a bazaar next "About Sacrifice;" Friday, 21, Good Friday--lOjOO^a^zm., Young People's service^^opic: ^"What--Jesus>«4Eells Us About Obedience;" 8:00 p. m.. Preparatory Service--Topic* "What Jesus Tells TjsAbout Faith."V fall will be voted upon.. -Holy Comforter. r- The new rector-^of--the--Church of the Holy Comforter will assume his duties the first Sunday in May. There will be Lenten services at o'clock„ Monday, and at--7=^30 -St. Augustine's Episcopal.. te^avenne___Rey. ErankJj 4:30 EJvVIilson, rector, 726 Eleventh street, o'clock Good Friday. Sunday services: 7:30 a. m., holy •______' - -- - conimimiottr--9i 45 a. ni., church school. J ILa^jn., 'morning prayer and sermon.," F >,? C/f/>-fjg^fm TFirsi: Sunday~i7r Bach--month--holyj - M-^d \jtsL/ll\JIL communion.) 4:i'0 p. m., evening pra'yrv.. Pirst Sunday in each month spocial choral service for benefit of tho choir.) ___" '- ,• ~'~ Weekday services during ^Lent-- Wednesdayrs p. m,; Friaays, 10 a. mr;, Friday (children's service), 3:30 p. m.^Mondays (men's Bible class), 8 p. m-; Tuesdays (woman's Bible class), Itramr,;"confirmationdasa (boys and Gets Gartige ^ msAUItsOwn girls), 3:30 p. m.; confirmation class (men and women), Sundays, 3:30 p.m. Services--Palm Sunday--April 16th. 7:30 a. m., holy communion. 9:45 a7 m., church school. 11 a. m., morn- ing prayer and sermon, topic being, "The Peril of Triumph.*" 4:30 p.m., evening prayfit^and^aermon, topic be-: ing, "The Sac^Eiments.". ZliSjervLceaJfor holy :we.e,k,^commencing April 17. Monday, 10 a. m., holy com- munion;_,8 p.. m.,- Men's Bible class. Wednesday'. 8 p. mr^evening prayer Maundy Thursday, 10 a. m., holy com- r^^-l^unloti^iiGood Friday, 11 a. m'., chil- _ dren's sei^ceTl^Y^^in^rnenror^ matting pr»pftratlons for a bataaif to be held JS-the Jfall^_^»ej_thewoflc ^refreahments --were' senfed-and-a social hour enjoyed. Doctors Meet Tonights. - Members of the North ^hore Medi cal society will meet at the Kenilworth annual reunion and banquet. Arrange- ments have been madff tor the'attend- £&l meh irom a distance, who will ad- dress ihe assembly. California Wjalnuta. California produces more than 20.- 000,000 pounds of walnuts annually, and soon the largest establishment in ____________________ ______ the. world for handling and cleaning sanitarium tonight for their T^irtrtaT-Hheae-putB will be-in-op^ration^n^that state. ahce of a score ot diatinguishedf^e'dl-f VVANTED--TO BUY- A MAHOGANY bureau. Must be reasonable. A-ll. ~,7--- -7-:"':,/. <^* 23w-ltc service,!"The Sixth to Ninth Hour; 8 p. m., evening service, choir wil] sing the sacred cantata entitled "The Cruciftflon.". ^'Sastnt Eye;'^ aatnrjjay hftly b%D ~G ancys ;^a.-rm„ holy-jeom* 11 a. m., ^ster lestivil-serir munion ___ ice and: holy" comnfunloi evanlagl grayer, chlldrenTa eetvfces. On Tuesday of holy weekj^the night .ftev. ^CBg. IT A,nd6rapa,---4)ishop ot this diocese will ofBeHtf* at confirma- tion arA a sermdn at *8 p. m -j=i--r- Warwick road* attended the Baker^ banquetf at the South Shore Country jnb, Monday evening, and had as their quests. Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Nellis, Jr., and Mrj and Mrs. Leroy Woodland. -_ M. E, Barker, Real Estate --Brokert Qpen^ Anta Re--- _QE__MONE.Y_ IN j FOR RENT--LARGE. the Wilmette Woman's club, Mon-}. furnished front' room." day Evening, April 10. OwheT1 fiiay fT" convenient transportation. Qentle? ^have-^saine- by proving identity.i v man preferred. Phone Wtlinette Phone Wilmmette 174. 23wltpj v 1655. 757 12th-st:, Wilmette.- iSwltc FOUNf>--BOY'S SIZE BLUEBIRD bicycle. Owner ay have 'same, by -proving identity. Phone 'i6\ovWil-:.. ^mette. " ~^-=^sr^---^ ■agw.]r^jj3^Eav„ Wtoiette FOR RENT--7-ROOM" HOUSEi ALL modern improvements; near rBlevati "" * L"""""" 918 Oaltwobd^ rr^;,e' 35.00a monthT WAMTED JWISCELLANEaUS J8wlte- WANTED -- A BABY CARRIAGE 23 Alto WANTED--LAUNDRY Telephone Wilmette 1497. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED.^ * rose-comb Rhode island Reds, cheap. 1 " 202 Doyle-ct, Telephone, 738-M WORK OR 3? ^cleaning by the. day; coloredJPhone -P,- ,3377-M. ;........"" \ 68d-3tpd ROOM7FLAT; II. W; HEAT;-<3O0D , locatiop. 1575 Florence-av. It t±33 6^d-3tpd Wilmette. 3'Wlfp Hv- ■HOLTZMAN.-" 1344 EDGEJtONT- '^ icagcv-pays-highest prices tor :5 FOft-SALE--ORi ENXAL il U -mahogany furniture^-Second-ai)art^.eentlemen:s^ca3toiE^clothinB^and: ment, 5424 Kenmore-av.. Chicago. j^I sho* s- Uon't throw them , away^ Drop a postal and 1 will call. #v-26tp 23wltc 1E1--U verhai INSURANCE _______________ SEWING MA; chines We'rhauledT^uaranteed 1 to 1____________________________________________ ^5^iaj^__Lomestie. $5j_4taiidard, $5; 1 FIRE INSURANCE-- ROYAL-INSUBv -- Singer, $5; new Standard, $14; new i ance company of Liverpool, largest ___ White, $14; Singer drop-Heads, 5i^T^fire in&urance company to the -r to $18; Wilcox & Gibbs, $15 to $22;" ■ other bargains. „ Patterson Bros.' 1522 Sherman-av; 78d4tc world, insures dwellings, household goods, rents, lowest rates. HEfhariea~ w_________________________________ A-----WJghtman &_ FOR SALE--IRON BEDSTEAD AND I *Tigents. Phone 203. JloJ______ldent MONEY TO LOA r -^ pair and-Service Wt~z Tomorrow. '_fM outside player with 50 rolls, $15; --isilrtrig~ih_chine^-with. 2 dozen' rec- ords, $10; easy payments; other bargains. Patterson,. Bros., 1522 Sherman-av. \ 7Sd-ltc A new auto station, the Wilmette Terminal Garage, will be opened to-, morrow at 515 Fourth 'street. ' Thel proprletors,~M. E. Barker and . LV C. Schlosser, propose not only to open tkr-high grade re- pairing, but to_jake_ihellj0cal agency of one of the up^to-date carar The size of the garage, 50x80 feet, will make it possible to care for all customers^ no matter how numerous, while " ef- an expert mechanic, a careful car washer, and a complete modern equip- »ewV . ■'. .. ., ,. .;■_.- „ ,-,-,• fJ. _t__oi___^_____#t Dn ofj the vlj j _as _^Oe sugh L since ajgraat deal of the auto trade of that section: has been, going to Chicago and Evans- ton. Consequently all 'of Wilmette's loyal "boosters." whether ol the south springs, $3; mission rocker, $5; mission dining tahle and chairs,; $20; 'mtaBion; library table,. $12. Telephone Wilmette~T274. _3w4tc _ - ■ .....- -.----:--------! On North Shore property. Telephone' .t>K SAVE --KIMBALL UPRIGHT.| _ Evanstdn 285. or mail letter; -MONEY TO LOAN piano, $75;--Steck^4100: Kimball rEvanston 285, or mail letter*) .--"^__, -----15*°. Shermln-aj,, ^- "1.....t"ti Fountain^sq. -;!ST""5*?I?! Evanston. ~ :'-'.....■*■'"■■■'■■'■"■■- ,f60w-_ ";'■- •Classified Bttsiness Ias GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS ^5d^ _0s«y^_. _^*-_vt-^ Fflte fruits--in and out of Bear or north part of town, are pleased to see this trade kept at home, and hall the hew firm with "the glad hand." Mr. John D. Greig_oJL. Green wood avenue was operated upon at . the. Evanston hospital April 1. His friends will be glad to learn that he is mak ing good progress, toward recovery.^ son--always form a part of our larf 9 stock of Select and Fancy Derle.8. Baker's 8teel Cut >ffe* Is _ood, GEO. B. "WINTER Quality and not Quantity--the best for this money--1b our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries la always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a alty. A. SJ/AN DE US EN A t*Gl£_rT RO D E ttlU S- .Successor to Rodelrus _ lloasn. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. - Repairing of complicated wlttches _ and clocks. Many years' ewpert- v ■ ence with best known Cltfcago '" houses. I on»-2632r^----^827 DavI* Street ClothesR^dy Made^loOJIii to Sorosis^Shoes for La-frri^anfl Children. Gentlemen's Fttt___- ing Goods. '■ -- YE ST &Htt HOTEL3 TH)E AVENUE-H Private Exchange 111 Sunday Dinner a Special _1___1 to 2:80 P. M. Phone 11J0.

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