Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1915, p. 3

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mMm?wfmv riiii.mii nsinrai ....... Ml _ sa=aas=ss=s=e=ss = â€"ST a$oe ncnffs in etffe f* RUTK iiiaLEY, Phone Wilmette 1S4C. goblins and witches will The final meeting of the year was £LVer around corn stalks, autumn Jg and other wo^laitf decorations the dim light of tha golden har- "moon, during the annual harveat u.Mch «re to i>« given in vail- in of the village on this and to- Jw I'veulnge. Barnyard fowls, and livestock mar form a nart of the 'jog. while, farmers' bands will prob- (urnish tha iw»«ic. At least these te plans for the two parties which be given at the Ouilmette Coun- The first one, scheduled for "evening, Is for the juniors of the while the one the following eve- is for the senior members, it Is than probable that apple cider, ihnuts and pumpkin pie will tie ng the things served on these two lions. â- ;" ' ../v â- '... wedding, attractive for its aim- ty, was that of Miss Irene Ethel Id, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- t A. Gould, 1130 Lake avenue, to , Roy Wallaee mmsoi, Am of J. Albertson. 4722 Hermitage ave- Chicago, which took place on Sat- y evening at St. Augustine's Epls- i church, the Rev. Prank E. Wilson ing the service. The bride's gowtt wai of*white crepe neteor. trimmed with Venetian point ice, and she carried a shower bouquet f white chrysanthemums, sweet peas nd lilies of the valley. Her veil of ,et fell from a dainty cap of the same, rimmed with pearls. Miss Kutherlne Swarthout of Edge- water served Miss Gould as maid of ion<;r. and wore a gown* Qf pale green irepe meteor, aptt carried a bouquet of link rosea. The bridesmaid*, the Hisses Mildred Forkey of Prophets- town, HI.. Agnes Cunneen of Wilmette, fthel Kvoringham of Robinson, 111., Helen and Florqnce Royer of Chicago Ud IMioebe James of Mansfield, 111., were all gowned alike in white taffeta and carried arm-basketB of pink roseB. Professor Vanderblcu ofâ- â€¢ Chicago served the groom as best man, and the tallowing young men acted as ushers: the Messrs. Lawrence Ely of Evanston, Ray Miller of Chicago, L. Bauraan Of Bloomlngton, ill., P. Harwood of Ev- anston. C. Benjamin of Chicago and P. Sfjooper of Chicago. ,a * The church was very prettily deco- tited with autumn leaves and large palms, while the home, where the re- ception was held, was garbed in palms, haves and white chrysanthemums. The bride is a graduate of Illinois university and is a member of the Pi lata Phi sorority, while Mr. Albertson attended Northwestern university and is a member of the Sigma N'u fratern- ity. -. • • . & -'..' ! ,- • Mr. and Mrs. Albertson will make their home TW'^ISfi AsDUry avenue. [Hubbard Woods. . «*- - v ' " Tt.t School of Oratory of Northwest- ern ui.iversity have announced six lee- mres by Edward Howard Griggs of iJew Vork -CJ&y^-ojl '?X3»amas. et-Prc- Rut." The dates and their subjects !»re ac» follows: November 10, "The Protest Against Conventional The- ology: The Poem of 'ibh'"; No- vemhr, 16, "The Protest Against So- cial injustice: The 'Prometheus Un- bound- of Shelley;'" November 24, "The Protect Against Economic Wrong: Hauptman's 'Weavers'"; December-1, "The Protest Against Time-Serving 8elflM,ness: Isben's "Brand'"; De- ceinber 8, "The protest Agemst Mak- ing Criminal*: . Galsworthy's . 'Jus- tice . December i6rJ'The Protest Ab8h,8i Yielding to Fate: Cakferon's 4Lift i» a Dream.*" During the year twei. c recitals by the faculty and out- aide talent will be given at the school. A Uw of the programs are: October 26. Miss Corinoe" Cohn' Hajf, In "Fa, ay's First Play"; November 19, JUsn Isabel Lovedale, in "Jeanne D'Atv . December 8; Mrs. Mabelle ^Church Van Alstvne. in "Bvery- â- womati ' ,, -'- • > »>». . Kdltb corette and chorus choir win fci.e the folloWtriSr program next Sun lay, October 31, at the Methodist [chuicll; _'_ l". 4."i a. m.â€" . , ITou ..u t D'mihor> -.........^ Bach Cht,n.». Hark. Hdrk. My Soul. Shelley Off. i tor f. Gavotte............'• Bach 1 tinartet. ,, „i^- - S»i» Mrs. R. jVNBurrOWB. •'» 1-0 i>. m.â€"', 'â- â- ' â-  • L* l xindly Light •............West \ Che, When iBe, Golden Leaves I a i v ailing ............... Havens *0ff.,, ry, Hymn of Nubs... .Lie Pure [LSok, . „. , L&JiUJz ------ Wel held Saturday evening at Westmore- land Country club. Preceding the business meeting a dinner was given. The election of officers tor the ensu- ing year resulted as follows Presi- dent, Frank T. Murray; vice presi- dent. James P. Winn; secretary and treasurer, Charles N. Stevens; direct- ors, term three years, C. W. Pank. John E. Hatt and Norman C. Taylor; director, one year, Thomas Eddy. The wedding of Miss Martha Schae- t'ehen and Anthony J. Kiden of Wil- mette was solemnl/ed at the Hubbard Woods church on Wednesday, October 27. at 10 o'clock. The bridal party consisting of Miss Anne Rodney as maid of honor, Miss Hasel Bobnen as bridesmsld, Mrs. Carl Renneckar as matron of honor, and Mr. Peter Nei- weem as best matt. The ushers were Mr. John Schwall, Alex Singer, P. J. Schaefehen and Lawrence Knapp. After December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bides will be at home In Wilmetie.- TKfe LAlftUHCHlfc mm f tebAy, OCTOBER 29.lMl â€" â- Ill- I I , .....IM I...... â€" '......m Mr. W. C. shurtleff. 815 Lake ave- nue, returned Monday morning from a three weeks' business trip to Wash- ington, D. C. Rev. Thomas Keeue dale. 1024 Lake avenue, was elected Monday evening as first vice-president of the Chicago Preachers' association. Miss Victorese Arnold of Madison, Wis., is spending the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. llarton Buck-' man, 726 Laurel avenue. Mrs Frank Planner of Blaekwell, Wis., are spending a few days at the home of Mrs, Planner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Patch, 611 Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yeomans of Hfibbard Woods have returned to their North avenue home, after apending the past four months at West Point, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Pernald and small daughter of Tucson, Ariz., are spending several weeks ss the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Pernald, 608 Forest avenue. Mrs. William P. Dahncke. 736 Twelfth street, returned last Friday from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Van Deursen, at her home in Heasville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy A. Shaw of- 808 Prospect avenue, who just recently A party of Wilmette ladles attended returned from a trip to Maine, have th* infant welfare luncheon and an- again closed their home and have left final meeting held a week ago Tuesday In Chicago. Among them were Mrs. D. M. Galile, Mrs. Frank Cutler, Mrs. C. P. Evans, Mrs. Underbill, Mrs. J. L. Foulk, Mrs. Maass and Mrs. B. F. Brown. Dr. Carolina Hedger, who was sent to Belgium by the Chicago Wo- man's club, told of relief work among infants in that country. There Will be a meeting of the Par- ents club oMtte Login school on' nest Monday afternoon. November 3. The speaker of the afternoon will be Mrs. Gertrude Thurston, probation officer, and hat* subject will be, "Some Prob- lems in the Discipline of Children, and will hip followed by a symposium of the mothers. Miss Martha Misted win render several musical selec- tions, also. An Invitation is extended to the res- idents of Wilmette who are the least bit interested in music to attend sn open meeting of the Young Ladles' auxiliary of the Wilmette Woman's Club at the club house, to be held next Tuesday afternoon. Excellent talent from the Northwestern School of Mu- sic has been secured and it is desired that as many as possible will attend. A meeting of the Child and Home department of the Woman's club was held'Wednesday afternoon, at the club house. Miss Genevieve Cook, princi- pal of the Juvenile court of Chicago school Of Chicago, was the speaker of tha afternoon, her subject being: "The Delinquent Boy and the'.Delinquent airi.* The members of the Woman's Asso- ciation of St. Augustine's Episcopal church are working diligently for their bazaar., which is to be held on Thurs- day, November 18, at the parish house during both the afternoon and oven inc. A meeting of the guild will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock, to sew for the affair. "1. J_____â- â- â-  i sessz =2 for a trip to Pasadena, Csl. Miss Alice Williams of New York, who has been the guest of her broth- er-in-law, Mr. F. S. Tyrrell, is to stay in Winnetka for the winter, having taken a house on Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham Chandler of Chicago are to occupy the E. P. Smith house at 777 Prospect avenue this winter. They are to move into their new home the latter part of the month. Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman of Kenilworth are to move into the bouse at 360 Ridge avenue, recently vacated by the J. W. Bolte family. Mr. Bolte has moved his family to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is engaged in magazine work. The G. W. Arnold family, formerly of Chicago, are now In their new home, recently completed. The new place is at 486 Hawthorne lane. This sec- tion of town is rapidly g/owing into one of the nicest parts of the village. A number of new homes are now building. Mrs. Fred T. Richardson has re- turned from a visit to his properties in Alberta, Can. Mr. Richardson has a large farm in northwest Canada, de- voted to the raising of wheat. This year the crop was exceptionally large and Mr. Richardson has been oversee- ing the harvesting. Miss Helen Miner returned Friday , oi iast week from Cedar Rapids, la. Miss Eleanor Hodge - of Yonkers, N. Y., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Barriett. The first quarterly conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will ho held Wednesday evening. November 3. Dr. Leesman, district superintendent, ^M Jie in atteniJanee. ------~-^- At the Women's Library club Thurs- day. November 4. Mrs. Helen Rvggtes will, be the entertainer. Subject. "Household Efficiency." 'Hostess for November, Mrs. Harry Wiley. Pout couples of Giencoa young folks were the guests of Mr. Hugh W. Fisher, secretary to tha commandant of Lake Bluff naval Station Friday evening of last week. Roller skating was the divertisement. ; Mlssaa Martha, and Baity Budd en- tertained with five tables of bridge Friday afternoon of last week. Miss Mary Hall. Mrs. Evarts Taylor. Mrs. Richard Mills and Mrs,; Gordon Sib- ley were tha prise winners. The Men's club met Wednesday eve- ning at the Woman's Library club rooms. Mr. Henry J. Rellly. late of the United States army and Tribune War correspondent, told of his expert- ences at the various battles during his year at the front The annual meeting of the Qlencoe Relief and Aid society will be held In the parlors of the Qlencoe Union church Monday. November 1, at to a. m. Election of officers for* the com- ing year. Annual reports will be read and discussion of work and prospects for the coming.year will be discussed. The bowling alleys In jUie Glencoe Union church will be opened for the season Monday evening, November 1. Five men teams will bowl four eve- nings a week from s to 10:30 o'clock. I-ads under 17 will have the use of the alleys four nights a week from 7 to liJJclpcX, JBne night a weajk-wttl On Monday evening MIsju Sarah Elizabeth Heyt. daughter of Mr,, and Mrs. N. London Hoyt of Sherldau road, was married to ^Sr. Eiiiott Edmund Steams of Cleveland. O. Mrs. Ayres BoalSntertained at her home in honor of Miss Edith Hunting- ton Mason a week ago Tuesday, after- noon. The affair was a shower for Miss Mason, who is soon to be mar- ried. , Mr. Wilttam Loushbrtdre of Denver, Colo., was best man and the ushers were Mr. Howard Hoyt II, of Evans- ton, Messrs. Guy Lyman, William Comstock and Quay Findley of Cleve- land, O.. Messrs. William Hoyt. Lan- don Hoyt of Winnetka. and Mr. Harold Keith of Chicago. Miss Helen steams acted as maid of honor, and Mrs. H. H. Hoyt (Miss Ruth Bradstreet) as matron of honor. The brldesmatds were. Miss Helen Park of Bnglewood, N. JUMra. Harold Keith of Chicago (Lois Plttman), Miss Eleanor Snider of Wilmette, and Misses Betty Hoyt, Augusta Fenger and Dorothy Waart of Winnetka. The Evening club of St. Augustine's church has resumed Its meetings at the parish house on every other Thursday evening st 7:30 o'clock. AH vouttg women of the parish are most cordially invited to attend. The club wni give its amMkusffitt* ^^i^y^riL'r1^,!!^ party in the parish house on Thura dayevening, November |f Mrs. Robert Hall is visiting relatives at Peoria. HI. ' Mo vies, at the public school this aft- ernoon and evening. Mrs. Eva Stannard Miller is ex- pected from Garretsville, O., Saturday. The Knitting club will meet thjs afternoon with Mrs. James P7 Brew ster. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mills w|U en- tertain this evening with an Hallow- e'en bridge party. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hlrsch of Maitland, Fla., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Goss. ""Mrs. Robert Davis and daughter Miss Ijouisiana, returned last week The luncheon whichjvas to have been served at the Methodist church on next Thursday evening has been postponed until the following week. It has been announced that all fu- ture meetings of the Public School Art league will be held in the board room of the Central Avenue school. Mr. aud Sir*. H. J. 3U?t W*fw hosts to the "H. and W." club Tuesday eve- ning at their home. 1027 Elmwood av- enue. Cards were played during the evening. A meeting of the board of directors of the Women's club will be held on Tuesday morning at-10 o'ciocg. Miss Lorraine Tichenor gave a chil- dren's Hallowe'en party last Saturday afternoon at her home. 201 Sixth street. ,.â- *.- r -I&e^Thursday club was entertained yesterday afternoon at tile home of Mrs. Ira A. Jones, 522 Washington ay- Miss Jsnb Peterson. Mr. A, JtLoni- Mrs Blacker entertained the Tuurs- lareh ..... ..... SchumannUa, sewing dub yesterday,afternoon Strangers especially welcome. ; at'her home in Evanston Personal Afantion of Wilmette Folk i ! A.^^er of those very delightful : Wheons was held last Friday at St. j ' Augustine's church, followed by a' [ meeting of the Woman's association. I Thi,- time Mrs. Albert E. Barber was 'host ss of the day, and a very tempt- ing inenu was served to an exceed- â-  which is located in the base-lpital- . taent „f the parish house, was taWf Mr Harry Cumberland 6f T& BW fern-i,,-aiiy transformed into a cosy Btr*at, left .Saturday, for Fruitvate, | room by the use' ot aretty autumn | MiCb.. to be gone several days. I>aw:„ Mrs. Barber was Assisted by i m, Uoland Roberts of Oak Park Mr Pretnnow of 1707 Elmwood ave- tegiy large number. I»ue i» *ery Ul at the Evanston hos- pfiie Mesdames Albert Noyes, B. F i was the week-end guest of Mr. Howard l Davis, a. E. Armstrong and H. M. shlirtieff, 815 Lake avenue. The North End Circle met Monday sfternoon st the home of Mrs. John Burchard. 1130 Chestnut avenue. jlta, Florence Aysrs^iM Ninth •oes-t. wnrbeenlertalned h l^a^'gtSto^^^^ lage the„t^ wttfc the -wo produc Visiting frlenas ana re«u S^eu of Geratfiine Farrar in "Carruen." York. "Bourne. Mrs. Prank J, Seng, 425 Lake ave- p aae. has issued cards for a theater L-jarty on Thursday, Novabiber 4. Her Mrs. Lee K. Stewart was hostess at a luncheon to the ladies of the Wash- ington circle Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C Orcutt re- turned home Wednesday from a four weeks' stay in California. Mrs. William S. Sutherland. 834 Greenwood avenne, was hostess at a musicale Thursday afternoon. The Glencoe chapter of the Daugh- ters of the Empire met Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. Albert MacRae. Miss Rachel Bmbree of Evanston v.-nu hn«tess nt a dinner to Miss Ha**! 6oss~and bridal party Wednesday eve- ning. The Assembly Dancing club held their second class of the season Tuesday evening at the school gym- nasium. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Goss were host* at a dinner to the bridal party Thursday evening. Covers were laid for seventeen. Miss Helen and Marvin Miner will entertain this evening with a Hallow- e'en party at their home. Lake and Ra- vine avenues. The Young People's society or the Glencoe Union church are to have a Hallowe'en party In the church par- lors this evening,, ^_ The quarantine forjusaflet fever has been lifted and the Sunday schools of all the churches will resume their regular meetings Sunday. The Young People's society »will meet Sunday at 5 p. m. In the church parlors with Jirah Cole, Jr* as leader Subject.J'Quantity and Quality" Mr. Markham B. Orde returned borne Thursday from a month's trip to Winnipeg, going over the ground of tha RJel rebellion, which be helped quell. , _;â-  _ â-  The Drama class met Wednesday with Mr* Charles Budd, The jiext meeting, Wednesday. November 3 be held »t ^be-home^ of-^fre Brewster. •. , Tha Glencoe chapter of the Royal Neigbors will meat Wednesday f?g nlng November 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Armstrong. 440 Park avenue. Mrs, Pebdjr and daughter Jessie, of Lo» Angeles, Cal.. and Mrs be open to anyone wishing to bowl The arrangements for the gym will be made later.. . The Woman's league of the Glen- coe Union church will hold, its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, November 2. at 10 a. m. Luncheon at 12: IS The menu follows: Soup, Pilgrim's succotash, cabbage salad, Boston brown and white bread, cranberry jelly, pumpkin pie, coffee.: cocoa. Dur- ing the afternoon session. Mrs. Law- rence Howard ot White Water. Wis., will speak on "The Shauffier Memorial Institute and the Work Among the immigrant papulation." Luncheon, 25 cents; children. 25 cents, The marriage of Miss Hazel Dean Goss, daughter Of Mr. an* Mrs. Samuel George Goes, and Harold Elliott Hlrsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hlrsch of Maitland. Fla., will take place Saturday evening at 8:15 at the Glencoe Union church.'Rev. Doug- las Cornell will read the marriage service. Miss Goss will be attended by Mrs. Jessel Why^fr) of Kenosha as matron of honor, the Misses Rachel Erabree, Verna Hlrsch, Darcy Orde and Helen Johnson as bridesmaids. Will Schnur will be best man snd Ro- land Hurford. Ben Schnur. Lawrence Whiting and 8aro Goss will be ush- 6rs> The^constlfolftg ofa neir Masonic lodge for Glencoe was held at the Methodist Episcopal church Monday evening. The installation of officers by the Grand Lodge of Illinois was as follows: Messrs. Fred McGuire. worshipful master; Will Walters sen- ior warden; A. O. Olson, junior war den; George W. Meith, secretary; Will Schnur, treasurer; George M. Groves, senior deacon: Chas. Dresser, junior deacon; Walter Crosier, mar- shal; Harry Keen, tiler; Arthur G. Sayles and Harold E. Hlrsch, stew- ards. Music by Episcopal choir. Mrs. Helen Buckley Lee and Miss Florence McGuire. , Rev. Horace Smith made a short address. Mrs. Prank Pavllk has returned from a very interesting trip through Colo- rado, visiting the citlea and attractive places along the way. There will be a card party at the Kenllwcrth club November 2. Mm. H. ii. Everett. Cumnor road.en- tertained at luncheon last Friday in honor, of Mrs. C. M. Armstrong, who will leave soon to make her home in California.. Mrs. Charles Meagher, Abbottsford road, entertained at bridge on the Wednesday afternoon preceding In honor of Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. R. H. Rathborne, who early in the fall moved from their Hyde Park homo to their new residence in Kenil- Worth, was at home informally Wednesday, afternoon from 3 to « o'clock to her friends. Mrs. Rath- borne will receive the last two Wednesdays in each month during tha season. A quiet wedding ceremony was per- formed at the residence of Rev. T. C. Israel. Green Bay road. October 14. at 4 l>. m. The contracting parties were Miss Alice G. Grabo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ^Pred Grabo of Kenilworth, tnd Mr. William P. Danner or Hubbard Woods. Rev. Mr. Israel performed the ceremony. Miss Grabo was attended by Miss Elsie Danner, stater of-the groom, and Mlsa Sylvia Ulrlch. Mr. Max Grabo and* Hilton Danner at- tended the groom. A reception fol- lowed at the home of the bride's par- ants at Temple a«nrt In Kenilworth. We Clean Everything u.tvuSS&'V NQrihShurcnouseiwWinuuwCieaners bEwaaffLUTERvicE PRIVATE WAfCHMAN FJip^HED FOR PAJTjpkf^rlD BALLS 1014 Enwrionft. Y. M. C. A., Room 3 P. O. Boa 47 Mim MS 10 Prouty Annex iff* â-  THE WILMETTE SHOE REPAIR SHO First-class work d Our Monoâ€"(iood woi Work caffed Telephone Wilmette 1T7» Bro â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  d sIlOl'llljLl asonable 1153 Wiimettc Avenue â- â- â- â- â- !!eie!ieesie»i = MINTURN IN LEAD IN VICTORIA PLAY< WINNETKA MOTOR C Formerly Wlnnatka WE SEi-t GOtlD AUTOMOBILES AL SERVICE Forttter Evanston Mail'and Miss Redd in "The Lure." *"rhv Lttre." George Scarbrough'^ drama, will bp the offering for the week commencing Sunday matinee, October 31, at the Victoria theatre. The piece will be presented with a complete scenic production and a fine- y balanced company. Including Harry L. Minturn and Nelle Redd. The .presentation of "The Lure" at the Victoria will mark the reappear- ance together of Mr. Minturn and Misg Redd, both of whom are great favorites on the north side. They played together in the same play last season to the most successful engage- ment ot the season at the Victoria. 'The Lure" wss presented with great success at the Princess theatre, and is a play filled with essential truth. It is a splendid object lesson to parents and* their young daughters. "The Lore" has been endorsed by tha leading men and women of the country because ot the fact that it is E. Adams of Elm street is I a direct attack on white slavery. One visiting friends at Weedman, III. of its endorsers in writing to the Mr. and Mrs. William C Boyden are author of the play said: in the west for a tour of the Pacific I "It seemed as a whole to be a coast points. I strong, purposeful and well-written The ceremony took place in the Con- drama, and that its second act could ^* gregational church, Rev. Edwin P. 8U*11 officiating. •Mrs. William Peterson of Lincoln avenue has as her guest, bar sister. Mrs. Roy Gleason of Michigan. Harold Schafehen is able to be out again after his recent automobile ac- cident in which be was injured. Mr. Leroy Koehn of Maple street is building a home on hie progeny at Lincoln avenue and Pine street. Miss Helgren of Forest airewt baa returned to her town home, her place here being closed for the winter. Mr anil Mrs. H. A. North of Chicago have Just recently moved into the H. A. Carpenter house at 1I4L Linden streets â-  .». . , The Von Hofsten family have re? jlJtriieu to ihtrii Prospect avenue home after spending the summer at Buttons Bay. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Veeder. Jr., of Chicago, are occupying the W. K. Nichols home in Hubbard Woods for the winter Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Poff or Elm street have returned from a t#o weeks' visit to the lormer-home-of^^-Petf at Olney. 111. . Mr. J. E. Bunker of Chicago has bought the house at 86s Lincoln ave- nue, formerly the home of Mr. Charles H. Blatchford. ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. P. CrowelTare to spend part of the winter In Chicsgo this year, they have taken a house st lag? Astor street, Bev. J. W. *, Davies la te New be put forward, and convey its power ful message. While at the same time be absolutely devoid of all vulgar sug- gestions, makes it a masterpiece. I Shall recommend it to all I meet who have the slightest interest in the wel- fare of their fallow-beings." "The Lure^Js a splendid play, full of heart interest and pathos and witb g wonderful human story that cannot mil to appeal to all, and its presents* tlon by a cast headed by Mr. Minturn and Miss Redd insure It ot being on* Of the highest cla*s offerings of the season. .s , Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE: WILMETTE* 1440 Want Ad» in tie Lake Sfcore News ire chsfged it tie foflowtsg fates Rei!E3UteChsstfK»tioss.7>4«eHp«fl»««- AH OAef Chssificitioai. 5 ceats per liae. Minimum Price. 15 ceats. No sdveftmmeat clafged for leis tlia 25 ceats. SITUATIONS WANTED t- Pwta-Rwrinhli Animals. The swiftest dog in the world, the Russian wolfhound, baa made record runs that show 24 yards to the sec- ond, while the gazelle has shown measured spaed of more than 27 yarda a second. Carroll of Chicsgo were^ guesU tltl* Haven. CouiL, tht* *eak to attend th<* 2ST of Un. Joseph Shlppeo, «4 i ioeatlat of the National Coonclt of the Congregational church week Sooth avenue. aiLaC^i " Kenilwarth. Ill MONET TO LOAN rth Shor^property.jg^jfjpi Poantain-s4.

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