Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1915, p. 3

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CtS l*4t*8 Of SOMt* Op M ( Mmi,.,„„v »r- «• r. van oci n^rinrV ' s^A^"' ^S!tr from a de,18htful trip to Fmnm»- I12!!^FS!!?t^', ' *r" *" jSf1^ -Pss18s»,4«ssaVasii ether point* ot In- emenU.WIealaski M*. «H«f OWy Of Chicago, form- nfcKI. f#» <* WlliwM*. retaroed this week ONffM" from * fbrtntghVa trip to the coast, where he attended both ot the expo- sitions e Unto Me Allegro)............Uandfl Mr the new Minister.j|fl The' annual Harvest Home dinner of the MethcVist church wr.i be held In the church parlors on Thursday evening, October All reservations Mrs. Lee Monday p the of the world, more than twenty 6:30 o'clock. handed In to later than the i . have some . ties to «N#tia tslfitnoM Ts»a wm th6 WsahiasU>a Avenue circle of the chorusâ€"Ho. Watching Over Israel Congregttjonal church have plan .most lnte)estiag series of three < nlngB, one to be held ew" tn0 auditorium of the Co etsrcb. The first of this series is to be »g, October it. . m^ feeMnt kin, a dramatic reader of unusual at tractlvenete. Mrs. Hiekell, It will be remembered, was the one who gave Oeorge Mlddleton's play, "Nowadays," â- < *+- ^^ .^y^ An** associa- tion ia 8U'ty|i|{|muM<l a Woken* dtehtag for the ncfctas'Ftt. towairtif^sfll|ltf^»^'i»%^^ Vet)c"k](^^\W^tf^m^W .**â- Â»'*•«> f^Jlfe'thd Ladles' as- 1,-tff Aagtiat,'-s|)f$g£q|gj^ Spticopal ' t tstet^tt ih« parish house. „ fn charge of Mrs. Albert E. Barber. 621 Linden avenue, will be afVef at 12 o'clock. Assisting will be Mrs. Albert Noyes, Mrs. B. P. Davis, Mrs. A. E. Armstrong, and Mrs. H. M Dournc. A cviuial welcome la extended to ail, especially "newcomers.' Last Saturday evening the B. Y. P. U. society of the Baptist church held Its annual meeting at the home of the pastor, Rev. B. Frank Taber, 910 for* est av 6:80, a^ cers took place with the folio. Hull: PreetpBas^Hsssp"vesjejwln: sen; vice president. Stuart L secretary, Miss Minnie Mae treasurer, Harry Bridwell. The fol- lowing chalrnlen of committees ware also elected: Devotional, Mis* %r. trade" Taber; social, Miss Beatrice Segsworth; membership, Mill Jeanette Tuthlll: music, Mtie " iManhit,. Harold Stephens. The port*;.of, the 7***?* ,.work:'wera":.y|nr- gratifying, showing that the society, â-  â-  iWr^p^lk av rapid, growth, now hav- ship df thirty, who man- for forty guests interest and enthusiasm In After the bustnaa* septet', jnder 'Of the evening was ih^,-tottflp-and,d:| At the regular &£*>*$ meeting last Sunday evening an pressjve installation service 'for the new offlcera and chairmen was con- Taber. *•â- .. • r_2Ei wjfTTjN* â- â- â€¢*â-  'â- 'â-  wasps* •.-i.tL's5fe^ .MltalreaelMileiCobid, l^. aad Mr*. Herbert A. 1130 Lake avenue, whose Mr." Ri«r Albertsoo "off t*k« irthft S SatardgV e^fenj church, Is to have one of the largest wedding parties of the season. Mies Katherine Swartout of Edgewater. formerly of Wllmette, is to be maid of honor, and there will be seven of Prophetstown, 111.; Ethel Evering uam of Robinson, 111.; Helen and Flo. coce Royer of Chicago, and Pbotl iamea of Mansneid, ill. professor Vanderbiau of Chicago will serve Mr. Albertsoh as best man. and the tol- . lowing young men will Serve at ush- an8ton Woman's club ers: Messrs. Lawrence Ely of Ev Anston, Ray Milter of Chicago. L. Ban - <^«|trjr club cele- Lrated Its annual Harvest Home dinner and dance on Saturday evening, about fVp hundred and seventy ' members anq friend* participating. Decoration* typical of tj'e event were used ia the dining room ..'id dance hall, foliage, grains, shock* of corn and baskets of frutftbfc/utetfr..: W^rMl}*-« .'f *» • â- â€¢â- â-  o â- â€¢â-  TJie Chi Omega sorority of Nortii- ,.estern university were entertained at dinner Monday evening by Miss Doro- thy Wilson at her home, 825 Greenleat avenue. Among the new pledgee aire the Kisses Dorothy Wilson and Louise Logie of Wllmette. Covers were laid Mr. Jacob Berhelm. the converted , Jew, will give an Illustrated lecture it i the Methodist church, Thuraday eve- nihg, October 21. at 8 o'clock. A silver offering. Will be taken up for the work the Jews at Marcy Center. and Mrs. Paul P. Lobannoff eh;, -.aed Informally at dinner Sunday f °t avenue, in honor of Miss Amnions of Denver, Colo., who has been making a vfW with friends In Chicago. V ' '• _ ' • ' - ' •"/'. *â€" â-  j Tomorrow evening is to be a {treat tmm irw«'<w "«"»»ff» w»w«»^,», â- -;•» luiuorrvn «Tvnins n i« in I great. tober 23, at St. AugusUne's'Episcopal one at the Ouilmette Country club, for It 1b to be opening night. Then will be a reception preceding the regular monthly dance. â-  ^ ( The first division of the Ladles' Aid urideamalda~all membera.of the Pi soelMT of the Biathodist church wer* SsRjE"1 *****'T "**?* * Beta Phi sororityâ€"the Misses Agate entertained Monday afternoon at the exmuteh df: Wllmelte, MUdred Porkey home of Mrs. Oeorge Wright, 1420 " Forest avenue. The first college in form aJ given un der the auspices of the social commit* tie of Northwestern university, will be held tomorrow evening it the Ev- On Tuesday afternoon the Young Anston, Ray Miner 01 t:nicago, l,. nau- on Tuesday aiternoon me xouos a iuhb uauguwi •rrI>«« -v «.» u»an of Bloomington, 111.: P. Herweod Ladie.' auxiliary of the Woman's club "^t^ Mr.^and^lr*. Walter Nohalr of Evanston. C. Benjamin of Chicago «nd P. cooper of Chicago \ meeting of interest to club wdm- ., ot the north shore will be held MoodaFa*faW6oW;a£:'r<fc"'NWtt" ^« lut. TatlpttFof lit day will hi Mrs pm?ttei&, fcrealaadt of the woman's Pederation of Clubs. The id- aitssieh tee will be the lama at thi -ogular club admiAslon fee. V :, On 'the following Thai^ytaa*ail: v j ay meeting of the Tentfl district will ] tiaiW* party tomorrow evening at his •7the oasili cidh^mW®^^-*^ ' j£ti?9tVfc ipW^ the delegates to tilt uin at i the- local cldh wa«# S»« dried"« attend... p+m . ^rtf*- rr •« - -+ Mrsl Rultts C. Dawes of Evaaston, Will meet at the club bouse. Gym- the order of the program. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. -22=85=5 . . â-  TOBER 15, 1915. her ^utaaTIn- dancing ILJa^publlc Mrs. Robert Louisiana, and Monday for a ^Roberta, ... mce the birth of * BOR on Sunday, October 3. Mr. C. P. V*» Schiack has returned Rev. C. A. Kelley, 820 Park avenue, was repotted seorftary of the Super- annuates' Relief association Of the Methodist church. He Is raising »500>- 000 for the worn-out ministers. ]\' Mr. and â-  Mrs. Charles Bratthwatte. 008 Greenwood avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Steele, 1121 Chestnut avenue, returned Sunday from a fish- lig trip In northern Minnesota. Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nu£ left Tuesday for Boston, Mass., where he Is attending a committee matting of the Royal Arcanum. He will return about the first of Novem- ber. Mr. ahd Mrs. Edwin Randolph Thur- man, 822 Linden avenue, have moved to the former home of Mrs. Helen 8. Kelly. 817 Central avenue. Mrs. Kelly left Just recently to make her bom* la New York city. i Rev. Thomas Keene Ga'o of the Methodist church was elected hist re- serve delegate to the general confer- ence of the MethodiBt Episcopal church, which meets next May at Sara- toga Springs, N. Y. We did not give our young towns- Mr. J. G. Barber, full credit 'ast __ While attending the conference of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., in Akron, O, Mr. Barber received two substantial prisee in gold, artistically boxed, instead of one, as we thought, one for the largest number of nb-.v ac- counts, and the other for the number of sales. Mr. AAE. Barber of 821 Linden ave- nue, returned last week from a five weeks' combined business aid pleas- ure trip through the wott, having vis. ited many agencies of the DeLaval Lep. Co., in the Dakota*, Tdoho and Washington.. He midt several stops la California, and alio In Denver/ Omaha and Kansas city. Mr. Barber reports wonderful ctf&s of wheat, and -tyt there has been rto rain*in Idaho since the ftrst 6T May. The dust ft enttly six Inches deep. „ J â-  ' j ;le and ball room afternoon. October >l gymnasium. is and daughter. ine Brlntnall left stay at Battle *2ft Ktniltcorth w Harvest Home dinner and dance at ♦he^Ske*^ -c4t>. Satniday evening. t> â-  Mrs. Fred Patton gave a tea to the Greenwood avenue ladles Thursday. Mrs. Hulda Patton is a guest at the home of her son. Dr. Fred P. Patton. Misa Jean Hurford entertained with four tables of bridge Monday after- Mrs. Joseph Cormack will entertain the knitting club this (Friday) after- noon. Km. Ed Donnelly of Mleco. Fla., was visiting Glencoe friend* this week. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cromwell Were D. Swain Mrs. Alfred Washington was hostess at luncheon and bridge Monday to the Porch club. * Misa Florence .-Shield* of Sauk Cen- ter. Minn., Is the guest of Mrs. Bart 8chn*r. The Basket dub will meet with Mrs. Fred McGuire. 500 Adams avenue, Fri- day. October 22. Mrs. Charles Killen has token Mrs. Olmstead* house, ou Greenwood ave- nue, for the winter. A little daughter arrived at the Creek sanitarium. Battle Creek. Mich. The pastor* class for the young peo- ple preparatory to Church membership began its fall session Wednesday aft- ernoon in the parlors of tne Glencoe Union church, v^,*,' the Young Peoples Sunday After- noon society will meet in the Union church parlors Sunday at o p. m. with Miss Helen Beckwlth as leader. Sub- ject: "Tit Danger of Frivolity." « Dr T. P. Frost of the First M. K. church, Bv&nston, will fill the pulptt at the Glencoe Methodist Eplscopa' church. Sunday evening, October 24. Miss Florence McGuire will be the so- Wist. .- At the Woman's Library club Thurs- day. October 21, the meeting will ob in charge of the civics department. Miss Harriet Vlttum, civic director Of the Woman's City club, will be the speaker. Subject: N8oeial Equivalent for War." t' : The ladles of the Glencoe Union church In charge of the annual mis- sionary box desire that those who hove articles for It will bring them to the November meeting. Tuesday. Novem- ber S. For particulars call Miss Nina Howard. Thursday evening. October 21, at the Glenooo Union church a get together banquet for men. This Is designed to be the first banquet of this nature and Includes both men: Who are members of the church and those Interested In its work and welfare, the object be- ing good fellowship and to familiarize all the mea with the work and oppor- tunity of the church. Twenty-five men. from the Union, church attended the banquet given at Community House. Winnetka. Monday evening, preliminary to and In the in* teresta of the great layman's mission, ary convention to be held In Chicago, October 14-17. Dr. David Hugh Jones, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Evanston. and Dr. Dixon, sec- retary ot the Layman's Missionary convention, were t he speakers. Wishing to make the school movie plant more useful to the public the Glencoe board Of education proposes to give a program of clean, snappy drama and comedy-every Tuesday eve- ning, two shows. 7:15 and 8:80 p. m. No children admitted unless accom- panied by parents. Friday matinee. 8:46 p. in.; 5 to 7 reels of stories and educational, picture* suitable for chil- dren. Friday evening. 7:15 to 8:30. same program as In afternoon, except that dramas of general interest will he substituted for those of interest to chll dren. "^ The marriage of Miss Alice Grabo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grabo. to William F. Danncr of Hubbard Woods, took Place Wednesday, Octo- ber 14, at 4 p. m.. at, the residence of Reverend T, C. Israel. Green Bay road near, county line. . Rev. Israel per- formed the ceremony. The bride was attended by Misa EUie Danner. sister of the groom, and Miss Sylvia Ullrich With Max Grabo and Hilton Danner as croomimen. A reception followed at the home of tbe bride's parents at Temple court near Naple, Kenllworth. Do not forget the rummage sale at the Union church gymnasium today arid tomorrow. _____ One of the charming affairs of the early fall was a surprise dinner given Friday. October 8. by Mr. and Mrs. O, R. Bamett, Mr. and Mr*. Jacob Schnur and Mr. and Mra. Charles Hess to Mr. and Mrs. Caiman Martin in hQnor of their twenty-fifth anniversary. The If. Paul week from Miss Armstrong of Essex road will •oop for Pasadena. Cal., where will make her home in th«* future. enttitsJDddjkl lunch- irs.~F|iwr returned* last week from the east, where she went to eater her daughter Helen at Rosemary halt. While in the east she visited her tan Walter at West Point and her older son at Yale. v* The Educational elub of Kenllworth met Friday evening at the home of Kr. and Mrs. Paul tabulae. Dr. Arthur Guy Terry wHl give a course of lec- tures this year to the club on "Modern European History." The Kenllworth guild beld its an- nual luncheon and business meeting Monday. October 4. at the Union church. The luncheon was the most successful oue that the guild baa ever given, and great credit is due to the chairman. Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr. There were 125 people present. The speakers were members of. the various charity organisations, as one of tbe greatest works of the guild is assisting^ the charity associations. PARKWAY AND WALK NOW IN WILL REMAIN James Simpson's Protest Wins in Glencoe Board. [Continued from Page 11 following sums due contrao- Construction Co. tev. Friday. October 8 Mr. Hermann Paepcke and family nestle dancing and basketry will be el0Bed their summer home Thursday The Ladles^Aid society of the Con- gregaiionui church Will iioiu their reg- ular luncheon today at thi church. Home made bakery goods will be on sale, and a large attendance Is desired. *v, :: A ^ â- "• -" , I Mr. Iko*y'ltir^*nd will entertain a number of his friends at a "bard Ida VanDeursen will enter m next Tuesday at her I be^thi tpeaJter. All M hoffle. lW%«st IVenne. in honor •ormerly president ot.tht^iv Woman's club, spoke at the meeting of tht North shore Cathofic Woman* club in Winnetka yesterday. The sub- ject of her address waa "Housekeep- er*' Cafils-^lftaaKaosai ieafilan, soprano, gave a group of songs. »«*• Kranci* X. MeCabe, president of De Paul university, gave a lecture on the subjects "fisft Thia - Rock." The hosiesat* for the afternoon were Mrs. J. T Kenney of Wllmette and fir*. J. Hartnett of Hubbard Woods. of Kits trehi Gould. Tbe French club meets eveo Thurs- day mofntng at the home of Mrs. Ar- thur Rice, 523 Cedtpe* *â-¼*»â- â€¢â€¢ The Epwdrth league of the Meth* odist church held a hay rack ride last Friday evenIag-<' â- -- -. â- +«â- >**. [ Tta^hflataea class of the Methodist church was delightfully entertained Monday evening by Dr. Maude B. Bands, in h*r rooms In the Brown building. . .^ .-_ - The third division of the LadTesT Aid" •eeiety of the M«tbodlst thureb will meet with their now chalrman.^ire» C. ofternoohiaii noon will be Pro'teasor Anon -. of Chicago ualversity. his subject be- ing, "Training Boys for Cltisenshlp " ind returned to Chicago Miss Agnes Martin was hostess at a bridge Thursday afternoon in honor if Mrs. Evarta B. Taylor. Tbe Ladle*' AHd of the Methodist Episcopal charch will meet Tuesday next In the cjwr^^rtali* - The B. A A; fisiaelat elt* *tg give iu ipenlag jdamst sit thttfthefc! gym evening. October 28. »pfer and daughter, leave Saturday to hrKelghborhood club will bold Its dance Of the seison Saturday eve- fg i* the gymnasium of â-  publie Mr. 'andjdr*. Chirws H. Herman borne from New York «he «ftt of ' WL Jesele De Long left Monday for Highland. Mo. K^l *t tn# ^iro" of fflfecfer* JTBtt^Ifi tt Public School Art league will Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock it the home of Mrs. John D. Conifer. 90S Lake aveaae. j-re^ 5TW p^nmmer Reverend Horace Smith, p the G^ncoe Methodist , c1Srch.1»is aetn retut#4 for the.cdn> ing year-" The ladies of the Methodist Episco- pal church will be hostesses at a so. clal evening. Wednesday, October 30. "r » dtaptr of the ftoyal Hgfghhori 04 feoybre party day evening In th ft fhe HolttO buildins , Kr*. amrloa fcrigar and daughter at*the home 6f her mother,' Mrs. Itehi, Tn Mm ajfat*- - - Mrs. Marc W. Darling left Monday for Dea Koines. IS., to visit her son. Jay Darling. From there she will go to Arlxona and California showed tors: Marquette (final) ...................8 72»-84 Wm. Davidson. N. k. Sewers 8.184.06 McOarry A Co., paving*.....- 37,389.18 Dalton Bros., water main----- (132.2? Waukegan Imp. Co., paving. 1.304.93 J. O. Herron & Co., bridge.. 3.504.7$ Ordered these amounts be paid ny bonds or vouchers. An order warn made to pay MV Garry ft Co. 8130.58, due them as final payment on account of paving a piece of Oreen Bay road between Harbor street and the Mortimer subdivision In thejboard of trustees, tbe roost ImportanKitems of the evening were the awarding or the contract tor the steam beating plant to heat tbe vil- lage hall, and tbe payment of the month* expense bills. The contract went to Mr. Fred Ellis of Winnetka, at 8875. The bills ordered paid footed about 13.200. Depression or Elevation. It was mentioned In an informal way that Winnetka Is agitating for a depression of the railway -tracks through that village, in view of the expectation that the Chicago and Northwestern will resume their track elevation work northward next sea- son. The Northwestern, it is said, prefere to "elevate."-" Mr. McLefah. chairman of the committee on public utilities, wa* requested to Interest himself in this debate, now stirring Winnetka to Its deepest depressions, and Wi OotjvMllhere is_ to it as to the merits of the two plans. Ul All The Town Amazing Agg No disappointment ii i mi'Mr i i ..... 3 Mass Friday Evening, et. 22, and Satj ioors Open at Special Children's Saturday Performance Doors yPen at I. Don't Be Late! S*. It AIH j Animals, Acrobat*, Clowns, Jugglers, ate. Hawing pmat- i tively r^lo Superiors, and few equals in the Tent Shows! SOMETHING TO AMUSE EVERYBODY! DIVERTING! INSTRUCTIVE! Admission, 50 cents Children under 14, 26 cente j mmmmmmm -i _â€"â€" Msrtlns were Invited to dine with the Bsrnetts. The surprise csme by find- ing twenty of their most Intimate friends to wish them man> happy re- turns of the day. The dining room was la white end silver, bride's roses everywhere. The bride's chair was tied with white ribbon. After dinner bridge -Wis the divertissement, the ladies playing for the bride's bouquet. At the end of the game Mrs. Martin, having the highest ladles' store, won her* own bouquet. Mr. Will Johnson WH* the speech of the evening by presenting the bride with a box wblch he said had been handed to him ss a prize. The package contained a doaen fated fork*/ -â-  'â- â- ""' Mr. and Mrs. Cornelia Lynde have the latter* father. Jamie Pollack, ~ their guest. , Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boydeq left last week for a month* visit in California. £.+ *>• Miss Elizabeth layman of Hubbard Woods, wbo is a graduate of North- western Music school, will give s rtr cital October Met the Woman's club. ; Mrs. Freak T. Crawford, formerly Miss Marie Mills at -Chicago, will move to Winnetka foUeside permak nently. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lindsley Plske >t back from a trip to Denver, Park and OoX^Jo Spring* where they spent several weeks. Tbe regular dinner-dance of Indian Hill clubjfattttdad INifcia given, bjl sjijIfssvflL^ade. Florian _ *?. If. Nowon. The club will held its annual harvest din on October 18 &u*-----aâ€"I Gam wish* they wot.'d ail die fst'eaV*- " mmnmmnmmummmmmnmmmmmnmnnmwnmmnmmmnmkmmw* THE WILMETBP^HOE REPAIR SHOP ! HUNDRED "tRY-IHJT FOR XllaAMATIC CLUB Competition Is Keen for Merflbership at New Trier. of the flint. Play was stopped several times during tbe first hslf as players from both sides were temporarily dis- abled. Forward plunges and line plunges added to the score for New Trier, and gradually It increased un- til it stood 55-0. "Both teams played hard and dean, bat Deerneld eeems to be on the los- ing side this year. The week previ- ous it lost to Evanston high school, fig Jo t." .' >y v •â- Â« ftvaaabMi High, #3; Maw Trier> 7, New Trier may defeat Deerfleld. but It ia net so successful in defeating its other rival, Evanston. The two second teams of the high school* played the New Trier gold Monday noon, and from i lie end fivaaaton went ahead. The score was 324 at the end of the first half- McDonald and Pohr starred for Bv- â- * iMpJSjti Ligsre tor $& oyo<s,\4k v„.-.J, .. â-  *: i ,-.-^- I M ' We Clean Everything Lawns csred for and „ Furnacestaken PRIVATE WATCHMAN EVANSTON 1014 Enwmn St. Y. M.C. A.(Roem-3 U) ... -j .,. .- . P.O. Box 47 rhan* SIS , WINNETKA 10 Prouty Annex Muo^ie/s* iiHiiiiiiiii TSS sliocma 1185 Wllmette Avenue - 12-10-ir, Hr--"-~"X3£^r~-j» ggiiiiitiaiiggggggggglgl WHmette Shoe Shini . CiEOR< HATS CLEANED 2 Electric Place Shoe Shinto BLOCKED Tel. WilmetU 1034 â- Fff WINNETl â- : Form«lrWln».lk«. rOMOBILES rhir: OsWnU fl^amt^PffallsssiisI g?IsmW easaissj wH^t>Sj^sbbbbbbsbj gss sssbssbjss^k*sbi Kenilworth.^Uif Phones 1041-1042

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