u.-. THB LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1915, 55= *> WITH JUSLEY. Phone Wilmette l«40z= «V/ HBTHBR it la Hard times or W time wnwomntic. It |» certain that this month the young man's fancy . wedding of interest to North residents, la that of Miss Marl* Scodder .daughter of Mr. and is sot turolag toward, fall weddings. Mr.. William Taylor Scudder of 1314 avenue, Evenston,*© Sherman _. aen of Mr. and! Mrs. Joseph J. summer romance offcha^^fflf "^ ^*wWents irtrttol- tea. The marriage win take place In morning at »:30 ft MarH'a Bplacopsi ehureh on Batur- . Bptacopai day. a..iami.r hV*M.VoUmZZT Eagagemeats are tew end so are wed* uifigS. However, interest nated 01 o'clock at church, when Mrs. Mabel M. Germer. slater ofrMr. end Mrs. BdWerd Weihe of -SIS Central avenge, became the bride of Lea J. Schlosser of 828 8&erK dan road. ' Tbe wedding U Jle'hwihg^^mera?^ gathering on the fourth of July. Frank C. Wheelock, rector of the church, nmmmmm*,;. Mr. and Mr.. Sohkwaer had Intend- od to be secretly married, but through some slight slip of tongue or action, the Wette fatally DNaae aware of their plan, and appeared at the church, much to the surprise of both the bride and groom. Those who were in attendance then were Mr. and Mrs. Frank & Schlosser, parent, of the groom. Mrs. J. Mitchell, mother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weihe, Mrs. Henry Weihe and" son. Edward, of 144 Hill street, and Mrs. Edward John- .on. 'â- ' .< ' , .â- "*•"*' ' ' Mrs. Fo.ter Branson, ills Like ave- Ua. as her guest fly, Bransons Mrs. Qrace Price of Los An- Cat Mrs. Price will return to about October 1. J. E. Dalten and little daughter. arjor le. of 238 Wood court, will leave $ke first of next weak fbr a two months' visit with relative. In Deco- rah, ia. • Mr. William Wtaehart of Chicago and Mr. Hasen Patterson of 731 Tenth grsaa* ^ll%lartlki^ariik^sawiaaw.maa^i i â- â- aJfaV .daY^dUi â- â- iifjvi win icare tomorrow GTening ror k a ten days' .tay at Anderson, lnd., the home of Mr. Wlsehart. . - -;â- â- •â- â- * Mi.. Mary Can. returned yesterday to her home* in Boston, Mas... after epenamg several month, as the gneat of heaoraad -be^brtd... 0f Rev. and Mr* Marquis J. Wilson tke Martha 'Slater. Ihrlver girt. : m groom, aatt be beat ssaa WW - ~r. and Mrs. Charles 16 at 931 ;. . .' ^:- - I Among the weddingB of the early is that of Miss Ruth Emerson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradstrcet of 335 Ridge ave- ka, to Howard Henry Hoyt, II., son df Mrs. Howard H. Hoyt of BvanSton, which will take place on October 16 at the Congregational Be at home rate- ,H,....-|i., on- church of Winnetka. ' The bridal party will include Mlaa Mr. and Mr.. Schlosser left imme- diately on an extended motor trip through the lake, of Wisconsin, and after their:renirh will be >t^ome it 225 Central a All the north shore wi in the annual day arc ing of the 1 It was held umj Ravlnla clbb, •interested flator? |be clos* symphony season, r the auspices of the includes most of tbe prominent women of the north shore suburbe/V ~ The children', program in the after- noon was under the direction of Miss Leonora Hoyne; assisted by Miss Mar* ion Mason, Mfas Charlotte Yoe, Mrs. William Kirk and Mrs. WilUam Both erland. Mfss Margaret Gallagher wis the only participant from Wilmette in this performance, white In the eve- Sarah Hoyt, Miss Dorothy Wearta and Ml.s Florence Smith of Winnetka, Miss .feasor Sniderof Wilmette, and te Mi.se. Sarah end Heater Washburn Evanston, as bridesmaids. The best man and ushers are Lansing W. Hoyt, Gerald Hoyt, Dudley Bradstreet, Endl- cott Bradstreet, Elliott Stearns of Cleveland, O.. and Ludlow Washburn of Evan.ton. The philanthropy department of tbe Wilmette Woman', club meets the third Friday of each month" at tbe club building at 10 a. m. for work, be- ginning Oct. IB, 1916. It will greatly assist the 'treasurer, if all those members of the Wilmette Woman's club, who have not paid their dues, will send a check, made pay- £?£iff&&5S&i&i**~m** **•***â€"*. Ralph Bruch, Sam Clarke, Jack Searle, Albert Scheldeaheim, Dave Robert., Welter Nelson and Dale Smith. .. The "society vaudeville" Included dancing by Miss Helen Rosenfeld. Miss Evelyn Isom. Miss Willy Newton; Miss Virgene Maltby of Kenilworth and George Hanauer, ranging from the Paviowa imitations t» the newest fox trot. ... . f--?"*M . rU-. v Over three hundred dinner reserva- tions were made, during which hour a delightful cabaret was given. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helsen of Chicago and to the treasurer, Mrs. George C. Gard- ner. 716 Central avenue, before the first of October. The second division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John C. Mannerud, 804 Oak- wood avenue. â- •- '» Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elm- woed avenue, was a , luncheon and bridge club hostess last Tuesday aft- ernoon. +â- *â- *» hne, spent •; flrw'u^'Tato i^ Waterloo, la., on a business trip. Greenwood There will be an informal dance tomorrow evening at the Ouilmette Country club for the seniors. The fol- lowing week bridge will be played. Mrs. Percy Burton o' Evanston was hostess yesterday afternoon to the Thursday Sewing club at her home, on Sherman avenue. *i? [ A new French class, under the direc- tion of. Mist Nina Winans of Evanston ha. been organised and held its first meeting yesterday at 10:30 o'clock at the-residence of Mrs. Arthur Rice, 5tt Central avenue." A -vâ€" -" Mis. Boesch and Mr- A. M. Long will .ing solos on Sunday at the mora* ing service, while Miss Edith Corette will be the organist. Her program will inclnde tbe ^"^T't""' Marche Solemnelle -......... Borowski Allegro, Siith Symphony........ ......r.............. Tschaikowsky Grand Chous...................Dubois All lover, of good music are cordial- ly invited.â€"------*«.-r.--,------^â€" One of the moat evening, aver given by the Juniors at the Ouilmette Country dab waa on-[Mcadota, PL, arrived â- aadayto joyed last Friday evening. There was an exceedingly large crowd ia at- Mrs. J. H. Mi.. Nina Wlnana of Evanston gave a "causerie" on the study of French at the home of Mrs. Ralph Potter, 710 Linden avenue. Wednesday, ber8. mg m Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk dug. Thft reception of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League and Auxil- iary, hold last Thursday afternoon at the Winnetka Woman's dab was In charge of Mrs. Harry Wilson, social chairman, and her committee. Recep- tion day was also bundle day and the warm garments donated by the mem- bers were taken In charge by Mrs. C. G. Dating, chairman of the philan- thropy department. ""•â- *"" The well-known lecturer, Rev. J. H. Nawn of the Corpus Christ! church of Chicago, delivered a most Interesting address on "Shakespeare." He .fascin- ated his audience with his wonderful readlpgs, "Richard II," the closet scene from "Hamlet," and Isabella's plea for mercy to Angelo In "Measure for Maaaa»sV»'^-^i----^-.-;-^....... Mr. Herman BalnrenuY accompanied by Miss Myrtle Cornish, delightfully ontertained with several violin selec- tions, The Vocal soloist of the after- noon, Mrs. Mary Baker O'Brien, was unable to be present on account of Illness. i.** , J ' , . Other speakers of the afternoon were Mrs. Frederick A. Bow, secre- tary of the State Federation of Worn en's club add past president of the same, and Mrs. Herbert A. Morln, vice- president of the league. The Philathla class of the Methodist chttrch were delightfully entertained nom; "t'o Mr'and'aha. ArnoW of Bv- on Monday evening at the home of 1106 Central avenue. Miaa Aurelia Thompson has return- ed to her borne In Rogers Park after Sending several days as tho guest of e Misses Franees and Gertrude Slade, 117 Broadway avenue Miss Helen Shurtleff, who speodins the subssp at bap koMa. 818 Lake avenue, left Saturday for -Pa* ducah. Ky., where ahe will take up her teaching In the high school. Mr. aid Mrs. B. R. Webber and family, 815 Forest avenue, have re- turned from their summer home at Three Mile Lake, Mich. Mrs. Webber has gone to Troy. N. Y., to visit for a fortnight. '•• i Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wrsy, 618 Washington avenue, have closed their aad left laa| week for an extended trip to the Pacific coast, where they will attend both of the exposition.. Mr. and Mrs. James Crandall Marsh of Winnetka left Tuesday for a motor tout of Michigan. While in Detroit they win be guests of Mrs. Marsh's parents, Mr.; and Mrs. Sidney Long, formerly of Wilmette. They will return with Mr. and Mrs. Marsh to spend the winter* < Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Matz, who took the Hamlin house in WInuetka for the summer months, are returning to their apartment in Ritchie court, September 33. Their eons, Carl D. and John D., whose business interests since graduating from Yale have kept them rather busy, have been with tbe family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor, 835 Central aveaue, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stone. 706 Linden avenue are making a fortnight's trip In (ha. east and ex- pect to return to Wilmette the mid- dle of next week. They are .topping at Niagara Fall.. Bo»ton, Haw York and expect to make the trip up the 8t. Lawrence river. - - â- â- â- Friend, of Bishop and Mrs. Charles P. Anderson are interested In the fact that his daughter. Mrs. George P. Beyer, who until last Easter was Miss Janet Anderson, sailed to Join her hus- band, Dr. Boyer, in France. Or. Bayer has been In France for six months, as he sailed shortly after their wedding as the head of the Toronto University hospital there. Bishop and Mrs. An- derson, "who reside in Chicago, re- turned laet week to their home, after a short visit with their daughter before Mrs. Boyer, who is a graduate of a Toronto hospital. Is pre- paring to assist Dr. Boyer In every possible way In hie hospital work. - New Trier high school has alive during the aummer with all the work in athletics going on the cam pus. but it is more alive now. One hundred and fifty new recruits have came from the gramma, school, of tbe township, a freshman clas. that ts about the sire of the freshman elass laet year, and the enrollment in the Other classes is about a. before. Very tew have dropped out during the turn mer. One hundred undflftytreshmen registered for their sophomore studies last June, aad one hundred and forty nine returned to'pursue these studies the opening day of school The tennis courts are quite as crowded as tbe halls, and there I. every Indication of abundant healthy-activity on the part of the alx hundred young people com mencing work September 13. Maay Improvement, have been made during the aummer in material ways. One Ian better beating system for the assembly hall. Those who altruistical- ly braved the rigors of compression to the nth degree in the Milwaukee cars to attend festivals at New Trier in the dead or winter will remember the frigid atmosphere of that place la the fifty cent area on the main floor, and the stifling heat lp the quarter seats in the gallery. Thia dis- crepancy is to be no moreâ€" fnere wiii be uniform heat everywhere, authori- ties say. due to a new heating system installed at the cost of about five thousand dollars. In the main ball ♦here are various Improvements. New fumed oak desk chairs have been put In some recitation rooms, and new desks and chairs for the Instructors are to be In others. Some of tbe rooms bare been cslclmlned freshly; everywhere a pleasant tidiness and readiness for. the school year greets the visiter, j ...< ,, j .....^ ^..... Three new Instructors have been appointed during the summer: Miss Caroline Schoch for the German de- partment; Mr. DcForrest Walton, for the French department, aad Miss Agnes Caliper for the domestic econ- omy department. At tbe close of the year Miss Snyder, who has bad the German far two years, and who did so much to arouse interest in tho Ian. guage, expected to return, but the first of July was obliged to\pend in her res- Ignatlon because of the more serious nature of the Illness which sent bar borne tbe middle of .last year. Miss Schock, wko takes her place, is an experienced teacher of great force, who has had excellent training I T* = Glencoe ' tin. R. Thalmann and her daughter. Miss Pearl Thalmann were guests at the home Friday. Miaa Louise Fuller Is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. A. Seaton, 1844 Green- wood avenue, this week. Mis. Ruth Rich, 1016 Linden avenue, has returned from Omaha, Neb., where she visited this summer: Mr. Roland Roberts of Oak Park was tho week-end guest of Mr. Howard Shurtleff, 818 Lake avenue. Mr. William Wlsehart of Chicago Waa the week-end guest of Mr. Hasen Patterson, 719 Tenth street. 1 Mio*' Frances Slade, 117 Broadway avenue, left today to spend the week- end in Chicago with friends. Mr. W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- Mrs. Charles Budd returned Sunday from St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fox left Bun- day for Spring Lake, N. J. Mrs. Charles Klllen end family re- turned to their city home Saturday. Miss Helen dementi left Wednes day to visit relatives in Omaha, Neb' Mr. Will Leach' returned last week luncheon and bridge Thursday arter noon. Mrs. Howe of Downer's Grove I. the guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard Foote Sboth America and Germany. a graduate of the Iowa State Nor mal school, taking an A. B. from the University of Chicago la 1887. fibs spent a year studying at tbe Univer- sity of Morburg, Germany, la 1907-8, apent a summer in Jena in 1910, trav- eled In Europe In 1813. taught be- tween her normal school course ind her university work-In Iowa and in tbe University of Chicago high school. After receiving her A. B. degree ahe was head of the department of Gor- man and critic teacher in the Indiana State Normal school at Torre Haute, lnd., from 1909-1814. The past year she took a year's position In the Uni- versity of Idaho, Miss Schock is an enthusiastic teacher, who knows how to get results, and has already made a place for herself In the school life. Her room at school is on the first floor, next tb MT. Kahler's. No. 104; her home address Is 1003 Grove street, Evsn.ton. Mr. Walton also received, bis first training in a normal school, graduat- ing first from the Western State Nor- as! school of Kalamazoo, Mich. He â€"r- RESPONSIVE CORD HITINCLVBPLA Boys' Organization Scheme Meets With General Approval. corriciAi. publication* ftKBotrr or the cotrwTKJei « WILMETTE EXCHANGE STATE BANK tocattd at.WUraette. Hut* or mitral*, beta* thi commrncwiwnt at JaWiiiM on tb third day of Srptemfn-r. 1913. us mudu to Ute Auditor of Pubtto Afeeseat* et theltal Of Illinois, pursuant to law. [Continued on Page 8-1 prtaoinie m right Boys au want to get together.\~T*S& you everfTftiev with it and will gladly donate. You need not worry about money, for there era enough men la this munlty who would willingly give tbe club their support. Of course, after things are running along smoothly, the due. vrlll furnish enough money." Pa.tor. Paver Mov.. Wilmette pastors favor tbe move. Rev. Roy Edwin Bowers, pastor of the. first Congregational church, told a reporter that he thought thi. plan should and would succeed. Rev. T. K. Ogle, pastor of the Wil- mette Methodist church, said that it to an excellent plan and that the peo- ple of the north shore should support it. He said: "A place up-town where the boys can meet at anytime and particularly evenings is most welcome. As soon as plans are made for tbe room I am -ure that-donations will be received. Furnishing tbe room will afford pleas- ure to the mothers of tbe boy*. Tbe elsters will help, too." Already the mother of one of the prospective members has announced that ahe will give a graphophone and a supply Of records. M.n'a Club Will Aid. John W. ilttf. past president of the Men's club of Wilmette, told a report- er that the project should receive the hearty support of the Men's club. • I have often thought of soaetHlng Of the kind." he continued. "A year ago bo me of us men thought of build- ; Ing a1^: Wrcr*. in Wilmette. We even went So far as to receive a rep- resentative of the association to look over the territory. But it was not carried out. Now we have in wn- mette a $50,080 addition to Central Avenue school. There la a splendid g) mna.lum In the building. The gym- nasium can be used as sn auditorium where people will gainer. The place 1. occupied during the day to extent. We people of Wilmette should use It at night. The place should become a community center. It was a good move to get the gymnasium for the boys. Yea are on the right She track. Keep It up." Thi. club {.growing out of a com- plaint which the boy. made that no opportunity 1. afforded them for en- tertainment nights. Saturday after- noons, aad Sundays, unless they go to the cltle. south of here. Of course we can attend tbe mov* let," they say, "and we do occasion- ally, but we want a place where we all meet together. Wo want a club which will be represented by team, la all athletic events. There la enough good material in the way of athletes to build up winning team.." The present plan of the organiser. IS that the club will be under tbe guidance of public spirited men of re- sponsibility, but that club matters will be carried on by tbe boys bad young men who sre member.. tohla studies st the Boston Technical !teo**lb A, B. degree, however, from â- stoat : â- â- - ' the University of Michigan. He has Mrs. Will Glasner entertained with been superintendent of schools at who will attend the meeting Monday tlight, ha. offered to allow any young man to present the club proposition before a meeting of the aasoctation. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Day â- €tWwv.^,i,a-+4m*mm*»» to .peak Richmond, Mich., are'in Oleneoe vliit- Mr. and Mm. William Cameron have «-oee their summer home Saturday rented the George Dietrich home, 71S Washington avenue, for the winter, Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDowell, MM Forest avenue, have rented their anston. Mr. and Mr.. O. Von Fragstein of St. Louie, Mo., but recently of Chi- cago, have taken the house at 230 Hill street. V Or. Maude B. Sands of 1169 Wll mette avenue, returned Wednesday from sn extended vacation .pent Ii Richmond, Wis. and return to Chicago. Miss Rose Dennis left Wednesday to resume her studies at Illinois uni- versity. Champaign, III. A little daughter arrived at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Shel- don Thursday, September 9. The Sparry Popes returned to their Some Thursday from Glen Ellyn, where they bad spent the summer. Messrs. Preston Calhoun, Alexan- der Bush and Irwin Brigham returned Wednesday to Illinois university. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet Tuesday, Mrs. Jenkins and Miss Jenklab of _ Washington avenue left laat week for September 21. 4n the church, parlor. six weeks' trip In New York and Pennsylvania. ' â- " * Mr. and Mr.. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, bad as their dlaaer gueibS Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Baumbach of Edgewater. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Calloway and family Of Linden avenue, have re- v turned from their summer home at ttevejSnnday for a month's trip to Old Mission, Mich. Miss Marjorle Day, 810 avenue, returned tile week Covert, Mich., where ahe has visiting for tbe past fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Herrjr from been hate been the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. were laid for ten. Fred Buckman of ttl Oakwood ave- nue, have motored to Mlneeapalte Mr. Wilbur Adams of San Francisco I. a guest at the E. R. Webber home. wfil be. -here p MrM. WtatWOpa fjirRnSwas bostsag coat of lace .hot tbe week ae the guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King will Miss Elisabeth Packer has returned from Brooklyn end will be with Mi.s Little, Sheridan road, for the winter. Mrs. Alfred Washington aad daugh- ter, Gwendolln, returned Saturday 'from a three weeks' stay in northern Michigan. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Orcott will the coast, going by way of the North- Oakwood erii Pacific and > returning by the southern route. - Ml.. Catherine Spelgle of Winnetka was koateakat a luncheon Mond.y In who honor of MIr. Bessie Park. Cover. Pagetown, Mien., and head of the de- partment of French at the Howe school, Howe, lnd. He hss studied in Paris, in the Alliance Francaise, and appears to be thoroughly equipped for J. A. TeskO, president Trier Commercial association, enthusiastic advocate of the proposed dab fonyoans men. Prossdont Tbakef tho R88017RCK8. •*-4fofirV» en r-ee1-!- t-â€"-.--- - •state..........91W.3S0.W iuoiins on eoiiat«nU MSwurRy......... W.74I.OO t?i Mtuti-, county and municipal bono*. LIAniUTllW. I. Capital Stock Pnkt ^ns'^a kveitutenta: -'. Hurplim PUnd..... ». VndlvMMl fronts. Le. curvMit teter- ctapniMe end taxms paid ♦B.10S.S4 Public service cor- lUlil S.000.00* Othereonds' MeeriUe. Banking heuae ... Other resources, safety vriiUa ... 8. Duo from Bank*: atitte ............. National......... 8. Cash on Hud: Currency .»..*.... Oohl coin ......... Silver coin Minor coin v Total Resources. ..$.Vt:i.rttl.30 !. J. H. Bchaefer. Caahtor of tho Wtlmctte Rxehanse Htat« Bank', O swear that tbe above statement la true to the best ot my kaowtode* ami J. H. HCHAltmit, cashier. ^Wg.fgfJ. BulMcrlbcd and .worn to before me this 8th day of aeptemher, U16. (SEAL) m FRANK FORnKSTEH, Notary Public. wntTc â€" K â- % â€" 1 â€"4i mett Cleanliness Wilmet WILME ii,' ii FOR SALE- is Like Rent TWO HOUSES AT WOODLAWN AND LINDEN AVES., in Hubbard Woods Villas ONE ON 100/FOOT LOX $7,850 ONE ON 5/ FOOT Ltfj $6,850 Both New. Six rooms an/suit itlrkii m n sleeping porch. Tile floor Ixith, hardwootl floors^ sneco VsJsTior^pajncrcte foandations, hot water heat, laundry tubs in lJsoment^a^udnta, neighborhood choice. Three btoeke to Hubbaal Woasp^tatiour^2 minutes to Chicago, 1 block to Electric line. f ±Mr Smashing Sale of Lota at fK, $18 and $20 * Foot REGELIN, JENSON & CO. â- LOCK Phena gUncMph 1M4 Kenilworth Dr. and Mrs. Dwlght C. Orcutt en- tertained vim ia gjnaar ae tbe ekokie ataJr Thnrsday to out of town guest.. Covers were laid far eight. and read French. Hie room Is tbe regular French room on the fourth floort hie borne will be with Mr. and Mr., windoes, near Central street. North Evanston. „^__ Mis. Collyer comss tc assist Miss Bedker la the> domestic economy de- partment. She is a graduate of Lewis institute and a young woman of much ability and charm. been made in the cour.es Of tbe dlf- . Fort mile ferent departments. The school ts raising Its standards each year, end le getting better result.! esch year from Its student.. The lengthened day has some Influence In the better duarrty of work received. In all Ways tbe friend, of the school may feel pleased. The enrollment Is good, the students seem earnest; tbe faculty are talnly very much In earnest to make the year all that tbe best friends of the .ohool could wish. They have spent their vacation. In all, kind, of profitable way., recreating, traveling, studying, writing, $*8 are quite ready tor their new year. â€"r--~-â€"*"^â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"â€" pfimj jams! tbe marriage of Miss Bessie Valen- tine Psrk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs/ George Park. 371 South svenue. Glen- coe. to Everett Bugh Tsylor. son of Mrs. Gerry Taylor, took place Thurs- day evening at tbe boms of the bride', parent, at 8 o'clock. Reverend Doug- las Cornell read tbe service. Mtw Dorothy Park played the ceddlss march. The bride ware a gown of pearl white chiffon taffeta over a petti* .stream honor Darling, who Mr. and Mr.. H. I. Kaufman of leave Glencoe shortly for the cos.t Mr.. Will Schnur entertained with luncheon and bridge Tueeday at the Skokle club In honor of Mis. Bessie Park. Covers were laid tor eight. Tbe goeats Included only the relative. and a few mtlm.te friend.. Mr. Mrs. Taylor wfu reside at 47s Green* morning service at the Union church Sundsy. The muslcsl program will be ee follows: > Mr. and Mas. Hugh Foreman have returned from a trip to California. Professor Irving of fg|a> who haa the gue.t of Judge and Mrs. Eaatman. hag gens to Butte, Moat Mr.. Claude Burnham and children have returned from the west, where they have apeat the .ummer on a *r. and Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Walk- er. who have been guest, at the home of Judge and Mrs. Sidney la Toledo of May si e Ga.que, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Clarence W. Oeeaae, Cumnor road. Kenilworth, were present at her birth- day plJVX flew aeptember I in the family home. Mies May.le is now 6 year. old. awaaasaaaii , a sasaasaassa i .eaw Offertory, Traiimerel........Schumsn Postlude, Fe«tal Msroh... wu*.. Clark goto, With Verdure Clad......Handel Mies Trade.