Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1915, p. 4

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CURE OF THEIR HOME? Several of Their Leaden De- clare General Housework Ib Disliked by Most of Their Sex. SAY IT IS DRUDGERY View of the President of the New York Housewives4 League. hack urita fel|C a aeaattfal head of • which her deft are . •w n^vayiiOTVi ww^ Mrara* tar womea arttota ui omphatlosny work. The ahyetoal escrtloB Mom of i morning spent to her household to think." In Paris she tells us housekeeping to comparatively ft Jojr. Food can bo boofht roodjr oookod, or dollolo moils carried to dot's studio for ft tiny sons, tko eksortal French eon* olsfflo' nnnssntlng to wftsk op ond clean sroood sftor tko gayest of stu dfo •uppers for tko ram of ssvsa coats, which, however poor one happen to be, soft generally bo collected bjr one's friends of tko orofttng. MINTURN EST LEAD - AT VICTORIA THEATER Housework. Jtte tko poor, and weatker. wo ftlwajrs have with** Ho- osfttDr tkere were lectures all over Now York on housework, tko bsst lee- torso by tko most knowing women who have spsclsUtsd konsework as aa art and ft science. And what hep- penedT Nobody came. Nobody was interacted. It was plainly ft subject wo didn't want to hear about. And It Isn't predial? becanaa wa all now do our work so well that tkoro Is nothing mors to loam. Allssa Prams writes in the Now .Tor* Tribune. Quito tko contrary, as ft canvass round and about with the question, "why do womoa dislike kousework ?" shows. "The womsu of today are not later- acted to their homes, because they have been taught by their aethers to consider all work to cohoectloB there- with • drudgery, whereas housekeep- ing today to • science," asserts Mrs. Heath, president of the Housewives' Former Evanston Favorite Starts Season in North Side Theater. Morrises Is • â- uslnese Conoern. "If tko woman of oar day would only recognise thst marriage Is a busi- ness concern of which she forms a re- spoosibls partner, It being her work to administer tko funds which her husband provides for the making of tko kome, she would assuredly learn to qualify as a kome administrator la tko true sense of the word. "All the problems of commmerce are here to deal with and solve uuder ike oew conditions of this cen- tury la which she occupies the posi- tion of consumer rather than that of producer. Let bar occept bar now role as an1 intelligent consumer, tak- ing aa active Interest In market val- ues, food conditions sad all economic problems of the day, uniting with bar co-workers to obtain organised pur- chasing sower and organized consump- tion, the most urgeat 'homo' needs of this ago. â-  Mrs. Heath maintains that, although women during the last years have tak- en , part to many movements, the housewives, who form tko greatest class of oil the womoa of the world. Bare hardly felt the stir of oew acti titles and have been satisfied, like dreamers, half awake to listen to the catch words of the dayâ€"pure food, economical buying, poisonous preser- vatives, tainted milk, etc.â€"without at- tempting to Investigate their true meaning or In what measure they were personally concerned therewith. Msny Prebleme In Their Hands. "Wake up, housewives!" SSri. Heatb would say to the womoa of America, "to your full responsibili- ties." Aocordlng to Miss Alice Hill Chit- tenden of the Anti-Suffrage associa- tion, women do not like housework because they belittle the Importance thereof. Could they but realize that away'of the problems of the day are entirely In their bands, perhaps they might get interested la what to real- ly tkelr owa field. "Don't the women realise," sko asks, "thai one of the most pressing ques- tions of the dayâ€"that of the high cost of livingâ€"lies in their hands sad that tfcey could reduce tko scale of house- hold expenses by forty per cent did they but wake up to tko fact?" Henrietta Rodman, president of the Feminist Alliance, maintains that the housekeeping of today aa sock to an tiquated aad at least a thousand years beblBd every other profession; to her It would seem to belona to the dan Tko dramatisatloB of "Tko Calling of Dan Matthews," with Mr. Harry L. Mlnturn la the title role, which opsns* at the Victoria Sun- day matinee, August IS, to so well known as ft book, aad Mr. Mlnturn as ft polished actor, that It Is utterly unnecessary to giro a da- tailed description of the plot aad oast. Nvory reader of Harold Bell Wright's stories, aad their name to legion, bag road "The Calling of Dan Matthews." In It we find ths familiar and well- loved scenes, faces aad names we mst with Ib "The 8hepherd of tko Hills." Ths play belongs to the twentieth century, and like all of Mr. Wright's stories, whoa put Into playing form makes aa intensely interesting and powerful acting drams, Mr; Wright's characters whoa produced behind the footlights are always true to life, as too author himself to a magoifloeat delineator of character aad asver fails to imbue bis men and v women with ft realism seldom equalled by the modern playwright Tko play to to fonr acts, each one growing mors In- teresting as the drams draws to a close, sod walls serious la tbeme, it baa a powerful veto of comedy that lightens it sad acts as a bass of re- lief to the stronger sad more Intense sceaes of the drams. "The Calling Of Dap Matthews" has been drama- tised by Mr. Wright and Elsbery W. Reynolds, sad to produced by the well-known firm of theatrical man. agers, Messrs, Oaskill * MacVltty, waft bars already given us "The Shsp- herd of the HUH" sad "That Printer of Udell's," and have established for themselves an enviable reputation for alncerlty of detail, aad a desire to fur- nish for their various productions actors of merit and ability, and scenic equipment tar above the ordinary. Under tko Victoria theatre's new policy, new aad bettor attraction* will be soon at prices cut one-half. WAR ORDERS REFUSED BY ENGLISH COMPANY -a-- \m "Dips" Arrested on Will Probably Not Come Back to Evanston. Charles Baker aad Albstt Joaatags, the two ana arrested at the Milwau- kee 1100010 ststion at Central Evanston, on Sunday morning by aorgt Artkur Johnston for picking the pocket of Ooorgs R, Hewitt of Altoo, Si, wore tried yesterday la Justice John F. Boyer's court OB a charge of disorderly conduct end fined ItOO and costs each. Each paid 118 of his fins, aad tko oust, and ths balance was bus. ponded, H they ever come to Brans- ton again, this balance will be cob l*eted. Would Not "Non^hristian" Character of Conflict Is Cause for v Refusal. It Is not only In tho United States thai manufactureâ„¢ are found who de- cline war orders for reasons of eon science. ,..", of' tko oobMer ana the ox cartâ€"nat- urally women are not Interested there- to. Interest in not Interested to homes? Why, women are more inter over wore," says Mrs. Christine Tor- It to Mrs. Horrlok's opinion It only appsars as If tko love of tko bouse aad an loaasMtod therewith has de- creased, because women are forced Into the money earning class sod thus bare lass time to devote to their boas as ati fa connection therewith having to be crowded tojfafe Boom are the largest manufacturers of phos- phorus to Europe, with branches to Buffalo to this country, aad la Can- Lately the British government has been pressing them to make prep- arations of phosphorus for use as at* nltlons of war. The chairman of the board of directors, Mr. W, A. Albright, Bad ono of the directors bars re- signed and retired from all connec- tlon with a business which Mr. Al- bright has played so great a part la building up. Their reason to simply the "non-Cbrlstlan character" of war aad their Inability conscientiously to lead themselves to making money oat of the killing of human beings. That they will be denounced as traitors and lacking In patriotism to probably true; but la such consclen. tlous revolts as these against the bar- bority of warfare Hee one of the hoooa ©rending it In this connection, too, Tko chargs of larceny bad to bo dropped, since Hewitt would not re- mala la Evanston to prosecute. Both men hare long records. Baker Has bssa la tko gams sloes 1890 aad has been arrested la mas? torso «'»«»s His aamss at various times have bssa Morris Cooway, Harry Ollmore, James Km.â„¢;;, Charles Mayors aad Osorgs Goodman. Ths last record at ths Identification bureau la Chicago was lis arrest and fine of $100 In Judge Qemmtll's court oa November 14 of tost year. Ho sad als partner, Jennings, were both fined at the earns time, and oommlttod to tho kouss of Jennings is not suck aa old head at tko game, aad his record Isat as long as Baker's, but tko police book shows that as for back as 1808 bs was Dsnnls Recognised Baker. When the men were brought Into the police station on Sunday morning, Ssrgt. DeoBls MoBaory thought that bo bad mst Baker before. When their records cams oat yesterday aad ths name Conway appeared, ho know then thst he had arrested him ten yesrs ago for the ssme offense. Dennis was then a pstrolman. con- way, or Baker, or whatever you choose to call blm, came out to Cal- vary cemetery oa Memorial day. Ho was circulating among the crowd. One women missed her pocketbook. Sko pointed this man out to McEoery and ho arrested him, Ths pocketbook â-  found In bis hat This 'case agatost him did not "stick," for tko woman who had had her pocketbook taken did not appear to prosecute. On Sunday morning they were caught in the act; Whoa Arthur Johnston took tko man Baker ke psssed tko pocketbook to Jennings, but not cleverly enough to evade the police sergeant. DRUG FIENDS MADE BY SOME PHYSICIANS fG FRUIT Improvement Association Has Hopes of Completed Road Soon. (Coettaosd t) Prescriptions Blamed for a Large Per Cent of Habit- ual Drug Users. ' Physicians are responsible for more than one-half of the drug nende in the United States, according to a bulletin Issued yesterday In Washington by the public health service. The bulletin to based oo a study of cases which hats come to the notice of tho service sines ths Harrison anti- narcotic tow weat into effect. 'The study was made by Martin I. Wilbert, mint in tno hygienic lab- oratory. At tho outset Mr. Wilbert states that * tha UrtMt munufnntin-or. n# nhm. United States is probably not much It Is interesting to know that Quakers sad others, who do not believe la war or conscription, are banding them- selves together In England to resist their J any possible effort to force them to over 200.000. Ho denies thst tbo pass dgS of the Harrison law has caused any groat suffering In the country or gay crime wave such as was foared. Mr. Wilbert comments oa the desths reported la Chicago, which wore at- tributed to the difficulty of the unfor- tunates In obtatatati aaroottao after the tow west tote effect. He also re- fers to ths marked increase la tko number of drug victims admitted to Philadelphia hospitals. These cases, according to Mr. Wil- bert, la ao way measured up to the predictions of persons who bettered the tow would cause great suffering and much crime. Studios of the drug flends indicated thst more tkaa one-half of them were started la the rice by physicians who prescribed either morpblM, «***«â- *, Sheridan road, tho most dlrootroad, to at present a most unpleasant dream. Now a Nightmare. 'This ssight bo tko Riviera of tho wast, bat Is at pros sal a frightful nightmare, owing solely to neglect aad indifference. But Sheridan road yot will be a dream of beautiful Chicago, BBd It wlU yet become what a group of men who gathered around Oaalel H. Burabam, to his offloe, ra Feb. 18, USt, proposed that it should bs. It was their project to connect tbo largest otty to Wisconsin with tbo second city la America by a toko drive. At that time, Mr. Burnbsm bad oot sketched tho outlines of tko World's Columbian exposition, sad the country north of Evanston «m partly settled as sea* pared with its condition today. At that meeting a resolution was adopted providing thst the various Streets aad roads which were to bo used as parts of the shore drive from Lincoln park, northward, should bo named Sheridan road, as a tribute to that distinguished soldier, aad citlseo of Chicago also, Geo. Philip B. Sheridan. Tho Name Is There. "Today Sheridan road Is a resllty, but sot tbo sort of road forecasted by Its sponsors a quarter of a century ago, They foresaw two groat state high* ways, one section owned by Illinois and the other by Wisconsin. Wiscon- sin has obtained a good road law by which Its part may bo built The nil- nols end, so tho successors of tho old Sheridan Road association hope, will be tho Lincoln park commis- sioners, because tho board of that park has developed a road making body which promises economic aad intelli- gent service. "In 1818, the Sheridan Road Ira- provement association secured the passsge or a state tow pefmltttog ma- nlcipelltiea through, which Sheridan road passes to turn that thoroughfare over to the commissioners of Lincoln park, to be by them managed and main- tained as are boulsvards In Chicago now under their control. tew Now Favorable. "At the late session of the legisla- ture certsla lmpiwremsats were mads la tho law, and under the law as now amended we hope that a substantial road will be finished ss tor north as Lake Forest and perhaps ss f*r *# Waukegan by tko close of 1916. "Up to tbo present, local government has rutaed .Sheridan road. The small governing, bodies which control ft to sections have failed to maintain It properly, And this Is not strange be- small park boards of small towns aad villages, cannot maintain tho apparatus necessary for the build- log aad maintenance of such a great, general highway, which, from Its or- Igto In Lincoln park, to tbo place where It to lost along tko byways of tbo small farms north of-Zlon City, to flanked by beautiful homes, estates aad coun- Need Uniform Management. "What Sheridan road needs more than anything else besides proper malatosnnce to uniform management and regulation. Sheridan road could easily be made one of the world's most with ao prohibitive Winnttkm Mrs. William D. McKeasto returned Tuesday from a long sojourn la Mich- igan, . Mr. aad Mrs. Cornelius Lynda gave a dance at the Iadtoa H1U dub houss Tuesday sveolag. Miss Martoa Key, ft sister of Mrs. J, Allen Haloes, to visiting her sister, Mrs. William P. Martin, la Lake For- oat, Mrs. Margaret Hadlsy aad her daughter, Emily, are spending ths month of August with rstotlvss la De- troit. Mr. aad Mrs, Frauds I. Ls Mcyas aad daughter. Herds, of Plttsbui bars bssa spending a few days with Mr. aad Mrs. John Brandon Guthrie. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. i, Allen Haines gars ft dinner to honor of Miss MoBlroey, whose marriage to Hoary Stlmsoo of Now York takes place la September. Mr. and Mrs. George Hlgginson, Jr., yesterday left for the sort to Join their children. Ob their return some time to September they will occupy the former homo of Mr. aad Mrs. H. H. Porter oa Aster street. Mr. aad Mrs. Hsyllgsr do WIndt gave a dance In "Bluff cottage," Fri- day evening, la honor of Miss Louise Otto. Previous to ths daaoe Dr. aad Mrs. Casey Wood eotertaiasd at dla- asr for Miss Otis. Friday, Mr. Edwin S. Fechhelmer took Mrs. Fechhelmer and ths children across ths toko to spend August In Michigan. Mr. aad Mrs. William Monroe have taken the Fechhelmer houss for a month and Mr. Fechhelmer to staying with them. Last week tko driln basin that to to ths building oa the south side of the locker room belonging to the Indian Hill club house burst and flooded tho valley behind the dub house. All plays were postponed indefinitely and the Invitation tournament which was to take place Thursday aad Friday has net boss decided upon yet. Kenilworth = SWIMMING MEET AT COOK STREET BEACH ,.â€"--ii ii i â-  Plans Are Under Way for a Water Carnival on Sat- urday, August 21. she laughingly "but wo glory to Itâ€"as a lua> of; papa of the awful Sara Morris Greene, s aad one of America's we professional Plana are being made for a swim- ling asset to be bold at the Evanston athtogr beach at the foot of Cook stra*t cm. Aagast 21. -..... Some $60 in prises will bs awarded. There win be events for men. women wlH bo made la an early tosae of this or hereto while attending them la a professional • capacity, A largo aamoer oi persons have be* come users of drags on the ..dvlce of acquaintances who use them to relieve suffering, while an equal number Picked ap too habit through bad beautiful drives, expease. * "Under conditions today, the entire cost of rebuilding and maintaining such thoroughfares at Sheridan road should be borne by districts benefited aad not entirely by froatage owners At the present tune, frontage owners are taxed for practically the entire cost of building a road la front of their property, as wag Tsf^or~rcbuTldfaig from time to time. "Under the present plan the cost will be so distributed' aa not to be a burden to any individual;. Tbo Sheridan Road Improvement association, which Will cooperate in every way possible to- ward the end contemplated, to not ao much interested to securing any par* tleutar kind of a road os it Is to secur- ing a good road aad having It well maintained." t A Common ExptrIsnce. Mr. Ideas reports that a party re- ceatly motored from Chicago to Mil- Oeorge Stuart, tho Misses Harriet aad Elisabeth Stuart, and Charles Stuart of Kenilworth have Just re- turned from a trip to South America They wore among tbo passengers that boarded tho Kroonland at Colon, Cob- tral America, for tho trip through the Panama canal to San Francisco. Miss Isabel Lovedale of Kenilworth was a luncheon hostess Tuesday for Mrs. Frank Weber, Mrs. B. D. Parmalee entertained the Kenilworth Bridge club last week. Mr. aad Mrs. Mark Cresap sad Mr- sad Mrs. Cecil Pago are motoring through the Berkshire*. Mr. aad Mrs, Mcintosh of Chicago have taken tko home of Judge and Mcs. Everett for the summer. Mr. aad Mrs. Elmer Lsugblin, who were in California last winter, havo returned to Illinois and are bow oa their farm near Oregon, 111. Miss Margaret Fitch of Essex road. Boar Kenilworth avenue, will'give a dinner-dance this evening at the la* dian Hill Country club in honor of her guest. Miss Gildersleve. PROM THERE is no render yon I * y Upon receipt proper accoun ledgments are Your ftccoun OB in the AIL letters cofatoPninf given credit a return rnail. gs or checking, to cordially '*». Ittk-mH Bell If there is anything about the telephone bill that is not clear, have an early ex- planation and adjustment of the account. Do not hold the ty straightened. Fifteenth it the last day to w] Telephone accoui wait lor that dY that they cannot variably causes the Current Monthl ihould aUpa»|0flr 11 crso situated i you should run. Si tome wiil around before. This in- ifh at the last, theInconve- nience of which can be avoided by the great majority of subscriber! if they wiil out arrange to come in earlier. Cneques sent in payment of bills should be drawn to tfee order of the Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, Diitrict Manager Tslepboae 8909 Classified Business List SsNERAL MCRCHAN waukee, between 80 aad 90 miles, la four hours running time. They found to throe counties In Wisconsin about thirty mile* of modern concrete rood usable every day of the year. Between Chicago aad Evanston the road was fine. North of Evanston aad between there and the Wisconsin line was much worn oat rascsdam, poor gravel, and bad sandy and earth roads, aad there were gaps la Wisconsin between the concrete section. Lost week Monday evening about thirty men from Wisconsin met at the Hotel Bhsrmsn and dismissed the road situation for which representative Chi- eago aad Wisconsin Interests are re- sponsible. Mr. Bdens reports that the spirit of this conference foreoaats groat headway to road Improvement between Chicago and Milwaukee to the next two years. Definition of Love. Love to oa awakening, an Inspire tlon, dulling the edge of resentment sharpening tho eloquence of wit, lm povertohlag distinction, guaranteeing equality aad proclaiming ths omnipo- tence of God.â€"Willis Oeorge Classified Advertisements Hod H AN Mopped Out Tou'il have some explaining to do when you get home, won't your "No." replied the member of congress. "I'm not going to explsln. I'm goto* to lot say const!tuenU argue matters out TELEPHONE, WILMETTE, 1640 Wast Ads is tie Lake Slots News sis clsrged at tie fsisowioa rites , Dj>e.f ir^avftja J^faaMlfirafsssafta 71^ AD Other Clsutficanoas. *o Miatmsm Price, 15 ccats. JEWELERS AUGUSTR \SS3fwaS SyirlBg of anT clocks. Qaalfty beet for to. ls al< Fruits alty. A.iatYAN DE US EN with houses. Phene 2*82. S27 0svls MEN'S WEAR lady has many admlr- osa, I wish to ssaj§ her scsbo aoworo wat wUl cause her to keep me to mind while she'e away." "Well, there's rose- mary." said tho dealer reflectively. "That's for remembrance. Or you might send some forget«e-noU."â€" Loatovflie Courier /oarasL - / Patronize The Lake Shore News "^Advertiseri

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