â- 1110 WE WW V07S3FQBTIJBNKB to in Large Cities. mHA:^ Lai* »â- i' . CHICAGO MODEL But the Hotel Here Will Not Become an Official Mem- ber of the Chain. The success of the Safes Fearing Dawes betel In Chicago, and the need* which It point* oat very conclusively haa led to the formation of an asso- ciation which will erect similar hotels In the large cities of the United States. The first of this chain of hostelries Is to he located in Boston. PlanB have been drawn and a site bought The plans and speciflcatlons are now in the hands of the contractor! aid the con- tracts will be let next week. It Is ex- pected that th« hnM «•!! be epcs for guests by Jan. 1,1916. The estimated cost of the land and bnfldings is $125,000. The Dawes hotel in Scsion mm oiwnwo from the start oa an investment basis, its stock will pay an Income of 4 per cent, profits to be limited to that amount by the char- ier Cf tbs ft2SSvf=ti©!!« Remain aa a Memorial. Tha Rafua Fearing Dawes hotel la Chicago, which has now been in opera- tion for more than a year and » half, will not be officially one of the chain InstltutlonB, which are to be operated all over the conn- will be maintained, as it has the start, as a memorial for es Dawes', son* and no at- tempt willlto made to pat It oh a profit making basis. - - All Others on 4 Per Cent Basis. I continue to serve as a sort of station for the hotels of chain, all of which will be operated on a 4 per cent basis. It was the result of the first year's op- eration of. this hotel that made it oar- tain that hotels of this class can be a decent return on the money In vested* If 10 cents is charged for each bed, as will be the rule in the new Boston house, a return of 4 per cent on the Invested Is guaranteed. As the hotels In the new chain are the expenses Of administration be reduced and considerable sav tags will also be possible in the pur Chase of supplies and materials on a Wholesale scale. Board of The direction of the association, which will have general charge of all the new hotels, will be fit charge of a board of trustees, on which some of the most eminent men In the country are erpected to serve. There will be no possible taint of charity about the plan undw »h!ch aii ft* hotcie In' the Chain win be con- dacted. Guests stopping at these ho- tela will pay for everything they get 'The only trace of philanthropy about the whole scheme Is that skillful and shrewd business men will give of their thsje and talents to Insure the highest ehfaa of accommodations possible at ifsMwsht ayesthlw prices. May Build Hotela far Women. Aa soon as the Boston hotel Is opened It is axaeoted that arrangements wm be made for the erection of similar building In some other large city. It Is hoped that a development or tan plan may be the building of hotela of the same kind offering good " i to women at a similar "Dad," Oldest Trainman, Has Support of Allan Garter. tar good yon can take what la said sssssj grain of a latter of. rcnoseaaaadata T^jeraer.pneoithemeno Or** prise in the IIBlaUIHl SSh f AKV BVMkCUMI **r * NTpi Neva. near SIr:--l waa greatly Interested the article In The Lake , Mr. Thomas Turner's candidacy in the Chicago Herald'a courtesy contest I bars known Mr. Turner as a friend and or for more than sight years, Thacs becawe of that fart, have watched his work as the Northwestern L If I had been merely a casual VERYGLEVtH Miss Marjorie Bobbins of London Here on Visit Has Interesting Collection*' Requests that People of Vil- lage Participate in An* Affair. IS GLAD TO BE HEBE May Stay in America if Conditions Grow Worse in British Isles. Three things about hla conduct have 1. His long service and quaintance with Chicago and all of its suburbs have given him such a fund of Information that no one's question ever goes unan S. His cheerful courtesy and thoughtfulness are spontaneous. He la not polite merely because it Is a part of his duty. S. He is on friendly terms with the other employes. I remember being on his train one trip some years ago when he waa breaking in a new man. He was Jnat as patient and cheerful la instructing this beginner and correct' ing hla mistakes, aa be was in answer' Ing the Inquiry of an impatient passen- ger. Since then X have no longer wondered that he la known on the read as "Dad" Turner. Naturally I am going to vote for him In the Herald contest'and urge my friends to do the Very truly f the pawiaurs on board ths St Panl of the American line, â- that we were chased by a German submarine but 1 waa down in my cabin, at taw time, and X didn't see It' said Miss Marjorie Fffbh'ntt who Is now visiting in Bvanston at the home of P. R. Shoemaker. 1400 HartseU sea.the torpedo beans, which convoy** the. American liner out of Liverpool on Jane S» the data aha sailed for Am- erics, and aha saw the two dread- ughts, which offered It protection est of the war sese. These «strs> pre- cautions, she thinks, were taken be- cause Colonel E. M. House, personal representative of President Wilson. pan one of the ohstsanwhiahhaeia between the Alice Hoses ex this year to make Hs anai larger and snore far reaehh im 'Said of activity ftp id tmmedlsts vicinity! take in most of the north *T of tho nasals ~ IB IR IB Its year's throughout towae ft hinterhme- betwesa of the Allan J. Carter. COURT TO ACT ON v. LINDGREN'S WILL Widow and Daughter To Break Provisions Allow- ing Only Annuities. Court proceedings have been started by Mrs. John R. Llndgren to break (he will of her late husband. A hearing la set for August 10. According to the terms of the will Mrs. Llndgren gate an annuity of f 15,- 000 and her daughter, Ethel, $5,000. Upon their death' the estate, which amounts to something over a million dollars, would go to educational and religious institutions. One-half would go to Northwestern university, one- fourth to the General Missionary so- ciety of the Methodist church and one- fourth to the Chicago Home Mission* ary and Church Extension society. Under the law Mrs. Llndgren is en- titled to one-third of all the personal property and n dower right In one- third of the real estate. Mrs. Lind gren's friends say she waa actuated by a desire to bequeath to her daughter at least a part of the fortune that had been accumulated by the banker. In London seven Years. Bobbins ***** been in London for the Past seven years, and she is In America now on a visit She will remain In Evanston about three weeks. She plana to return to England In the fall, unless condltlona grow worse. "I am glad to get away from Lon- don," said Miss Bobbins.. "The con' tinual fear of airship raids, the dark- to do to while away, the time, makes life there rather boring." The War Footers. - Miss Bobbins haa tho most in order to e Salts the attraction aa old fashioned country fair with all made it the big get-together of the exhibition win be the first of its kind to be held under the stitpltrs of the Hcrsc Shvw association ana it prom- ises to he bigger and " of the previous dra charitable institution. fort Is being made to the society people who1 the majority of ati years, but to draw In lire Inoths towns and on country places whose interests are occupied in different lines* • ' In order to stimulate a desire to compete In the different branches sub- with the special feature that the money can only go to the person di- rectly responsible for ths actual pro- duction of the prise winning article which may or may not be the owner. This feature it is hoped will cause a great many foremen, cooks,and gar* doners to compete who under the old •ueihuda or prise awarding would not care to do so. The grounds will be open at 9 a. m. Chance Given to the To Meet the Govern- ors of Every THIS CUT Demonstration That Whole- Money Makers. CURRIER'S LEDA WINS LONG DISTANCE RACE Evanstonian's Boat Takes First Place in Chicago- Mackinac Sail. in Bvanston. All of them are clever and show tho work of a bril- liant advertising man. If Lord Kitche- ner wrote them himself, he can lay claim to being an advertising genius aa well as a war lord.' - The poster, which haa been repro- duced quite generally, la this country â€"that of the lion and the cubs, repre- senting the colonies, answering the call of war, has been suppressed in England. She says they were on the billboards only a few days, and then were taken down, for a reason, which was not made public. Other Clever Posters. -One clever poster represents a 801* dier and a workman shaking hands, with the captionâ€""Both of ua are needed to feed the guns." There Is also one reproducing a map of Eng- land and the trench country- A soldier is calling from the trenches to the Englishmen at home, to Join him. According to Miss Bobbins, England Is one vast military camp and the sol* dlers are to be seen everywhere, at all times. There .la a lack of war news In England. She says that she has read more about it, many times over, since aha came to America, A number of Wiimette and north shore residents are Intersted In the National League for Wholesome Mo- tion Pictures, Of which A. L. Hus- in Its saembsrship Mrs. A. Starr Bant Mrs. John Harper Long, Rev. 3, W. **, Davtes, director of Community house, Winnetka, Mrs. W. J, Fyfe, (president Tenth District Fsdsrstod Woman's clubs, and Miss Harriet Vlt- tum of^ Northwestern University So- cial settlement. Judge Willis Brown of Salt Lake he Is now engaged to demonstrating that wholesome pictures can and do have "the punch,- and that they may more money for the producer than the ordinary thrillers, upon which the picture men have heretofore depended. Are Money Makers. Then* whole argument lies in the success of that appeal. Picture men have always said that they try to put|on what the people want Naturally they do, for pleasing the people is \\\\$SJZfmm fit gods wlfl give what to what Is : man is dearer to them heistohimself.-JuvensL The Arkansas Slver. Arkansas rivsr to Mli hut at to TAKE A KODAK \U i the one that flu Spoctoi service •fd Primin* WANDLER*C0. *3$DAfltMT. TBL.US * Classified Advertise ->IIM TELEPHONE, WILMETTE, 1640 Waal Ads * lU Liic State Ntfl era cssrgtd tt Aa feUowias, rate. Real Eitiff Cliffififiriftai, 7m cents set has* All Other OliMifkttiffas, 5 ceeti act lias* Miaimam Price, 1ft cents. No idvertuemest charged for less this 25 cettr. I a i SITUATIONS WANTED and will-close at 7 p. m. and as luneh the way they make » set of recruiting posters that has been win be served on ths grounds, the op- portunity Is presented to come early and to spend a whole day filled with exciting and enjoyable amusement. The date set aside for this big at- traction Is August 38 and the commit- tee in charge takes this opportunity, through the e&msns cf this paper, of extending a very cordial Invitation to the people of the north shore. < The officers of the Lake Forest Horse Show association follow: Presidentâ€"Mr. H. C. Chatflcld-Tay- lor. ci- vics-presidentsâ€"Mr: J. Ogden Ar- mour, Mr.-Hugh J. McBIrney, Mr. Cyrus H. McCormlck, Mr. Louis P. 8wlft. Chairman executive committeeâ€"Mr. J. Allen Haines. Treasurerâ€"Mr. Louis B. Laflln. Secretary-rMr. Francis J. Johnson. .; *T Soar yon intend to move. What* the troubler -Why. hang It. the fam- ftjr above es has bought a pianola, and the girl In the flat below Is learning Jf Nra leather.-â€"Boston Transcript George . B. Currier of Evanston, skipper and owner of the 35-foot sloop. Leda, waa the winner of the twelfth annual longdistance race of the Chicago Yacht dub, by the. 331 miles from Chicago to In sixty six hours, twenty fire and Oft* Absolutely British Bird. The red grouse is the only bird that fa absntotsiy British, Mr. Richard Kearton claimed la a lecture the other Say. tt cannot he found hi any !*H of ts Should Us UbmL strange how few people toaite and fruit minutes end thirty-two Other Evanotontana on the Currier boat were J. Edgar Lee and Marlon Walters. The Leds best its nearest rival, the Mavourneen. by hour. Tho contest waa one of the closest ever soiled. From the time the yachts started out of Chicago on Saturday afternoon until the Tuesday, the Mavourneen and were never out of night except daring the dark hours of the night Leda. the winner of the race, la a HerrcshofT boat, and although tt not been wmnimg its share of saoaa csl Lake Michigan, came Into Its Tuesday. mvsmvtm park. The nightly exhibition of nt Rivervlew hi connection with "The Opening of the Panama Canal" la the most spectacular Chicago ever aaw. The sham battle Is a gorgeous carni- val of fire. Ships and forts blase and thunder and buildings crumble to bias- ing ruins while aeroplanes and dirigi- bles, manned by living operators, sail overhead and rain torrents of fire upon the combatants. The volcano in erup. tlon Is a thing of fiery beauty. Liquid bombs are shown for the first time. A great "fountain of dayllaht" turns night Into noon. A flaming Roosevelt fires bullets of light at giraffes In blaxlng Jungles. Shine of living, gad The money FOR RENT-ROOMS PROHIBITION PICNIC AT RIVERSIDE PARK Cook County Organization To Have Annual Outing on Saturday, July 24. each other with flashing stare. Bombs and rockets, pin-wheels end geysers of fire add variety. By bombs shot from different angles and timed to buret at certain he!ghts, a rainbow is hung tho heavens. The that follow the performance coat |1,W0 nightly. The Opening of the Panama Canal" Is the original production made famous by the Thearle-Paln fireworks Display It la preeontod on n stage 600 feet wide end tie people are em- ployed Is tho cast. Tho pyrotechnic drama pictures the opening of Uncle Sam's totaroeeanlc waterway to the The Prohibitionists of Cook county will hold their annual picnic and outing at Riverside park, near P.iverside. tomorrow. It win be en all-day and evening affair. There will be a short program during the fore* noon, and another in the afternoon and evening. Stirring addresses will be delivered by national and meal speakers. Among the speakers will be Frank E. Herrick, police magis- trate of Wheaton, 111., candidate on the Prohibition ticket for manat-large la 1814; Virgil Q. Hin- ahow. netlonr- »HfTT*B of tor Prshl- Rev. P. F. Farmiloe, pas- front Smsnwsssssnwnnamaw some of them gat rich is what they are after. Judge Brown, and those Bvanston- lane who are interested with htm, are now busy demonstrating to the pic- money by showing their wholesome ^'*?2^H2?1. pictures than they can with any Jâ„¢,Zna fl00r» wrTh/ba others. They are getting out a series /beat and large nedhh. called "Our Country," following the' SjMtJj Idea of "Seeing America First." This is a series of 80,000 feet of motion picture film, featuring separately every state In the union* Shew Our Country. Attention le called to the fact that all the films showing interesting Places and people are foreign. China, Japan, the ends of the earth are shown, and the peopie and things of those countries, but very little of our own country. These films give to each state, territory and dependency a reel of 1,000 feet. The series begins with the thirteen states in the order of their settlement, each other state following fat the order In which it waa admitted to the union. Alaska, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine islands will oome In their order. Shew Mef of State. In each real will be shown tho map of tho state, and the coat of arms, which fadea away and la replaced by tho capltol building of the state. The governor win appear and walk toward tho audience, In this way snajllftsj the spectators to meet every governor ALLBDPOR no Wiimette sUf'fiiliiriVllfr FLAT hot water Charles FOR SALEâ€"MY electric batteries, new, new just reco for on* Evanstoa vls-st. ' RAUCH ft LANO ban, art ugooiej framej, tee car bargain, 1500. 1011 Dei Its FOR SALEâ€"USBD SBWINO MA- chines taken in trade on our Sit Singer. SI 16.00; Dom head, •!.< $15.00; W â- is* ;* - $22.00; Ne Glbbs, $18.00 Sherman-av. jsrew Hone, »,«ier. I drop-hem, drop Rotary, 1.00; Wilcox a Patterson Bros., 15SS IhJ FOR SALEâ€"USED PIANOS OVBR. hauled, Whitne; $115.00; Outride gen terson Bros., BBSS FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALEâ€": washing m $1 per week Patterson FOR SALE â€"WOODS $376 will buy you a condition* refinished., for one 75 miles-era a ELECTRIC, In perfect new, this car from 60 to Electric Garage. 1013 Davls-st. FIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL IN8US- ance Cojflmny of inugeynol. largest agents. Phone SOS, IM