Item* -*riewed Is -BliOUi to *" 2«eeMful Sit always - ofthe And so a talk with Mme !M Devrtes' Schmit the other |BC ffU HUT fmgi h«iaff djggp. »_'_4 1* -__~-i'_JI _~_i » £«d in a bit wot*. Shu arrived less ET» week,ago from Pari., where 2aebaa be«B doing Red Cross work, a**" itrvingin uaembo- â- **r last I i« with the l&tnch and north of fra 'fir the Frei gals. Tb from Peris, Mr BUS aobilizei fetched there pre* tto, while lie women forth* cne of the hardest rible struggle, ~ Uio QVCaswoaUvSo Oft wane her husband major of the .allied British foteaa la the *. acting as to h sitf the English col- e Is only two hoars Schmit has not seen the first day of only a few mRes the. the distance all hone of seeing SMeitatoty thai all ee that urea of the Mrs Cheriee Braithwaito sad Mrs, Mward Ullenfteld are in charge of the day, and will be mora than glad to receive the names of any of the youngsters to Wllmette who wish to enter the parade. Oaly those und„ sfat yesrs of age, however, will be re- quired to wear the black and: wntia cwaiume. The older Ones may wear any othar sort ot Mother Goose cos- tume. their and invalua- said that especially surgeons in plastic in speaking of the work In the hos- pitals, she said that the American gsons have people cal prof < wperiority those assii We. Mme. •killed we pie fact was the ability of every moth- er on entering a ward, to Identify her iod imme Hants. •We to dli Ipi eye. nl»e a mc ytude a meeting they all are the air with a motl iwife. from among fifty pa- ?unt of bandages are la a ion from the moth- a nurse learns to recog- from a wife by the at :siow9'!ftt the nm her wounded. While oursgeous, there is more islgnation and suffertog than there Is found with , In speaking of Robert Herrick's sur- | prise at the ehange aaaong- the Prencb people,â€"their quiet determination and calmness, Mme. Schmit said the change had not been so radical as we Americans always judging the people of France by Paris and Its amusements. They were never the frivolous pleas- are-seekers so | typical of Paris. The) k ifue typo is thai that the world now |: sees,â€"though perhaps at Us best, but I truly French. â- "*^ tere waa much of interest among many details of the hospital Ufa 'ranee during this struggle tor Its jtence,â€"the sad ones in the major- ity, yet a bigger. and better Franca will be born through the sacrifice borne to such an extent by the women r at home. ' Mme. Schmit Is now the guest of her parents for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Devries, 1484 Chicago avenue, Evanston. She is known to Chicago* ins as one of the founders of the local French theater. - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Weal of 6009 Blaokstone avenue, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, • Marion, to John Roland Childs, son of j Mr. and Mrs. John A.- Childs, 1619 Hin- . man avenue, Evanston. the wedding till take place in September. The Mother Goose Carnival planned lor Auguat 18 at Ravinia Park, wtU t& l^f^5_^v*he afternoon and eve- ning of Thorsdsy. July 29. Each town will he dressed to represent a certain Mother Goose rhyme; Wllmette has chosen "Jsck be nimble. Jack be quick; Jack jumb over the < stick." The children, of whom tiara will be about fifty, under six years of age, will be dressed In black and white, Master rrederiekjmfced will lead the Wllmette prvJcSjEon/ and carry a black and white pennant . â€" The Chicago Herald has promised te take movtog pictures of the affair Sd these will be shown at the Ca- io. later to the season, accompanied by the ones taken last year. On Wednesday evenings at seven o'clock a table d'hote dinner will be served at the Casino. *his Is a new Idea and It is hoped that the patrons of the Park will take advantage of this now accommodation. /', Mr. and Mrs. fcB. Belts, lilt Can trsl avenue, .Evanston, announce the enauaemen t of their daushter. Edna, the gseats of Mr. aad Mrs. B, S^Mia. Pssssa tits aiaailaattoa for admttt to tna nsksot, tter saaocmtimT^ Mia. Thomas Eeene Gala and bar twoeMUâ„¢, Harold and MtMred. of Mt4 Lako aveaaa. am vtoittec at the ^of Hav. sJlfya. ialmPaanato ttotoa Mitts, tod. Rev. Gale wttl toava tomorrow for Union Mills, where ho will deliver a aetsaon on Sanday. On Monday the entire ramtty wm rotors j Mrs. W. W. Maltby is entertaining her cousin from Lake Forest. Mi.. Virginia Little Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. Tilt, in Holland. Mich. Mrs. F. C. Trevor snd daughter. Doris, are traveling through the east. Mrs. H. V. Crooks waa hostess to her sewing club on after* noon. The Bridge club mot with Mrs. 0. Keehn Wednesday afternoon of this Week. Mrs* H. Foreamsn entertained the Sawing club a week ago Tuesday aft. I â- aHBBI I â- â- <..*.«#• ,.â- "* t pap â- *â- * Mr. Job* L, par of New Richmond. Mich., to^fatttof nor Mrs. Frederick Bttt Is waofcead wftb friend, at iil ; - sites Emma Wltmarth Informally with a tea Friday of to Mr. WInthrop M. Tragi, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Trask, 1046 Ashland avenue. Wllmette. Messrs. Hazen Patterson and Roy Kirtland gave a delightful birthday surprise party tost Thursday evening at the letter's home. 824 Lake avenue, for Mr. William Wisehart. There were sixteen guests. The fourth weak of the Ravinia Park season, where the Chicago Sym- phony orchestra is now plsylng, and the second of an eight weeks' engage- meat or gi and opera has opened. The plans announced by Louis Eckstein, president of Ravinia company, and Mrs. W. A. Alexander, acting president Of the Woman's Ravinia club, promise more for lovers of music than to form- er years. The ^student-artist" recitals on Tuesday afternoon and the Chil- dren's Day on Thursday, under the auspices of the club, are attracting large numbers from the North Shore. The now open-air ballroom is a dining room as well, and there are many din- ner parties and dancers each evening during the week. Josephine Harrl- man, Who has appeared before Evans- ton audiences several times, is now dsneing at: the park with her partner, William Readon, having succeeded Joan; Sawyer and George Harcourt as the professional dancers. to concluding the invitation tourna- ment for men, which waa held last week at Westmoreland Country club, than was a "Stag Dinner" tost Thurs- day evening, to charge of Carroll Shaffer. Later in the evening a meet- ing of the officers waa called to de- termine tho advisability of changing the formal dinner and dance from Wednesday to Saturday evening, the latter night proving more popular among the members, for it Is on Sat- urday that the ladles hold .their. luncheon-bridge and many of them re- main for too festivities in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Little loft Frl- day for a two weeks' wtth frionds to New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Colo have re- turned from a ten days' trip to Buf- falo and Detroit. Miss Isabel CHne toft tost week for Beaten, whore she will spend the sum mar studying music. MIsb Charlotte Parmelee has re- turned to Kenllworth after visiting Miss -Naomi Towle of Omaha, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Forbes and son, Albert, left the first of the weeK ror Glacial Park, where they will remain, fpr several weeks. Dr. and If re. K. H. Everett enter- tained several of the internes from the Presbyterian Hospital at a beach party last Saturday evening. Mrs. G. W. Keehn, gave a dinner party to honor of Miss Rachel Cornell of Orange, N. Y„ who is the guest of Miss-klary Taylor. The young folks danced after the dinner at Indian Hill Country club. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cresap and Mr. and Sri. F. G. Merrill left Wednesday for e east. They will tour the New England states and visit Mrs. Reyes, formerly of Kenilworth, to her now home in New York. - ' Mr. F. C. Tracer and daughter, Miss Doris of Kenilworth, are making an extended tour of the East. Miss Doris will be the guest for several weeks at a house party given by some of her New York City friends at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultso have returned home from the east, where they spent three week, touring the NOW England states. While in the east they attended the Yale com- mencement exercises, where their son has been at school for the last two years, and saw the Yale-Harvard boat races at Now London.; Country clubs and Ravinia are tak- ing up the time of the Kenll worth peo- pfe. There is practically no enter- tainlng, and»vacations have all been postponed until next month. The round of garden parties and porch parties which bays always made Kan- ilworth gay in summers past have been scorned on account of . the weather. Vacations are hot wanted or needed in this weather. Master George Barcher of . Bluff Is tho guest this week of George Bud*. Rav. and Mm. Horace O. Smith will !ea*» Monday for a ftur weeks' trip to California. Mrs. Charles Heas entertained with a luncheon and bridge at tho Skokle club Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sibley have moved tote their new home on Wash- ington avenue. Mr. Earnest lost, who was operated upon last week for some ear trouble, fa able to be about. , A little son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. John Danley of Scott avenue Fri- day of last week. Mrs. Will Gtoaner waa hostess at a Thursday of last weak. 1 laid for ten. u Woodward Sibley of Chicago were the week-end guests of Miss Helen Miner. Batty Poucher returned Monday from Milwaukee, where she had been visiting relatives during her mother's Make This a Theatrical Cen- ter; Chance for New Playwrights and New Players. LIKE THEATER V'V-j Are Yam Valuables Safe? Keepsakes, jewels and valuable be protected from theft chance? Secure the can have i at the same time Put your Vault. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk = avenue, is visiting in Ashville. N. C. Mrs. Ralph C. Boozer of Lake ave- nue has as her guest Mrs. Stedman of Iowa City. Mrs. S. W. Freeman and family, 711 Lake avenue, are on their ranch near Denver, Colo. V^ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Emri'ch, 539 Park avenue, will return next weak from New York etty. 'f *: i__. Mr, Fred Perber of Chicago waa a> week-end guest of Miss Bernlce Shnrt- leff. 815 Lake avenue. " tlJ Prof. Munier returned Monday morn- ing from Crystal Lake. III. for a few hours' stay in Wllmette. Mrs George Craven, 427 Central avenue, is Bpen«"ng several weeks visiting in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr and Mrs. Louis A. Clark and children expect to Mrs. Get tbe week-ei W.Morse. â- Mr. to the east, and , reral weeks. bwIs of Chicago was ;;of;Mr. and Mrs. P. Greenwood avenue. JBasatortloJf CWeago •pent the week-end at tho Jamas A. Kendall home, 80S aumwood avenue. Miss Rebeccah I f 1033 Elm- *ood avenue baa tended vtott WlGl Mr. and Mrs. R. Klmwood avenue, baft Miss Jeanette Jordan of Cambridge, fad. Mr and Mrs dltog Use avenue "bad as their week-end gassts Mr. and Mrs. Clarke of Chi- cago. 7'* Miss Grace Scales of Dearftald. 0 •rrived Tuesday to spend tho weak "tth Miss Naomi Olmatead ot Central •venue. •, Dr. L J. Blakeman and Dr. Msude B. Sands have moved their offices from Suite S* to suite 22 in tie Brown building. • sTft: ' --T- ' Mr. and Mre. David S. Betts, 1025 Thirteenth street, left the latter part of last Weak for a fortnight's stay to. New York.'. / ^'l< Miss Ruth Morse, 1340 Greenwood avenue, will leave tomorrow for Roch- N. Y., where she will meet her grandmother. Miss Marjorie Day. 810 Oak wood avenue, to visiting at khe summer home of Mrs. B. J. Calloway to Old Mission, Mich. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ode A. Stoker and torn- ily returned Tuesday from the fiat Platoes camp grounds, where they oc- cupied the Gale cottage. Mr. Arthur Reader of Rogers Park <W Lake avsaus Monday and of this week. Mr. Aaahel Willey Gage and wife, Bessie Breese Gage, are at borne to thato Snd tho toko, ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Gage snd Mrs. at CV Austto Of §0$ riakwoo* avo- nue. are now located at the summer home at Crystal Lake. III. Mrs. C. A. Eldridge and daughter. 1011 Greenleaf avenue, are in the east th, visiting friends both in ' and PenasylvanU. p, Casey. Mr. Tom Elisabeth Casey of 1132 Lake avenue are spending their vacation la Sheboygan. Mich. Mr. Albert Mansfield returned 8at- evenlng to New York city Mrs. Charles B. Blade. 117 way avenue, returned yesterday from the 8*aasto* koanftol. where stoMfc been convalescing from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. F. .D Day of tit Oak- wood avesrno, returned Monday from a week's visit at Crystal Lake, IIL, aa are camping out In Idaho. Mrs, Bross Lloyd has as bar guest a brother, Lewis Maverick, from Texas. Mrs. Roswell B. Mssoa to entertain- ing her aunt Miss Warren, ot Lan- Blngburgh, N. Y. Mrs. W. F. Millar gave a picnic- lunch on the beach to thlrtythreechil- dren Saturday afternoon. The attractive home of Dr. W. L. Ballenger of Hubbard Woods has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dry- den of Chicago. The new bungalow situated at tho corner of Cherry street and Provident avenue Is occupied by DarreH Boyd and his mother. Mr. and Mrs.^Frank A, Qraana, witb their ausita M>.a«d klra. Dininoek of trip, returning Monday night Miss Kate Dwyer has been spending a week with her sister. Mrs, Ellsa Ir- win, in Colorado. Mtos Dwyer baa charge of all articles contributed to the Relief and Aid. The choir boys Of the Batoropal church went Info camp at Portage Lake, Onekama. Mich, Monday, under the «U*kof the choirmaster. Ellis E. Chase. They will be gone two weeks. t Mr. aad Mrs. W. Harry Davie and family are at Hamlin Lake, where they have token a cottage near the one oc- cupied by Mrs. J. W. F. Davles and famUy. Mr. Davles U camping fa the Sierras with a party of boys. The Fortnightly club gave a picnic- lawn party at too home of Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Hoagland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland recently hava bean entertaining Mr. aad Mrs. Msrcus of aad Miss Ryan, with Earl III Mr. and Mrs. Victor El tin g aad their family are at Huron Mountain. They have as their gaest, Mrs. Ira Coach Wood, who has ranted bar Mrs. Laurence WiUtams of tor throe montha. Mlsi Mtos Frances Wood are hot montha to taw east. Mrs. Barant G. Poucher and Harriet Blackstone returned Monday from a two months' trip to California. Mr. John Matthews, who has been ill for some weeks at the Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, is reported to be to a very critical condition Mrs. Frank Clark of New York City vine, to, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain. Mrs. W. B. Leach will eaierteto the ladles of the Knitting club with luncheon Friday ait the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Dwlght C. Orcutt, IIS Green Bay road Miss Beatrice King is the guest of Miss Myrtle Jobee at Milwaukee, Wis Mrs. Katherlne Booth and Miss Sa- die Duncan were the week-end guests of Miss Fanning. Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Barnett, Mrs. C. H. Howard and Miss Nina Howard motored to Whitewater, Wis., Satur- day, returning Wednesday of tola week. They were the guests of Rev and Mrs. Lawrence Howard. The Stocking Darning club was en- Jortatoed Monday by toe Misses De Lang. The work of this club is to darn old stockings and send to one of the childera's homes to Chicago. Donations solicited. K Dr. W. E. Postle of Columbus, Ohio, aad Mr. D. ft, Postle of Elgin. 111., were tho guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Patton. Mrs. Patton and mother, Mrs. Postle, and Son, John, left with them Saturday aad motored to Elgin, returning Wednesday of this week. r v. %&££*.:•' -â- ' . Vr. Butler of the Chicago university will flll the pulpit at the Glencoe Union church Sunday morning. The music for tho morning service will be Prelude, Cantllene, by Msrchant; of- fertory. Air, by Saint-Saens; solo, The Ninety and Nine. Campion, Miss Trade; postlude, March Anglalse, Clark. A cordUl welcome extended to all. The trial of Gtencoe's "Blind Pig- gers" waa hold Monday evening be- fore Justice of the Peace Carlton Prouty of Winnetka. Pater Lenseni, his wife, angallna Lensenl, and her sister, 1 Ana Tisnds, wero* each fined $25 and costs for selling Uquor with out a license. The Len««n| convic- tions are to be appealed to the county court. The other two cases against Hugh A. Hammer and Constantino are to be tried later. Evanston to to become a training school for players and playwrlghta. Evanston will become a theatrical can* ten this time of no moan activity. Be- ginning on July 26 a etock company will come to the Evanston theat which will produce plays that are sew, and the east will contain many par- sons who are new to the professions! ktofo. Fagan, the Director. Myron C. Fagan. playwright, dra- raatotolos a drama news bureau in New York city and writes aad stages plays in bis own spare moments. i» going te brave the heat of the belated summer, as wall as tho aasthetle taste of the Evanston drama lovers, by estab- lishing a company bare. I Mr. Fagan Is the msnagtog director of the Paragon Play company, com- posed of a group of Citocaao man with money and an interest in the drama. The plana of the company are unique. Nona but new plays win be exploited, these ploys to be chosen later for met- ropolitan presentation. Like Urn Maw Theater. This venture is to be a stock pro- ducing theater, Such aa was begun In New York with the New theater. Men Who have written plays, but have never been given an opportunity for a hear- ing, have got aa opportunity here: Players who have merit will be given a trial. The first play to be produced is "The Romance of Youth," a new play eir Mr. Fagan. Arrangements are said to be about completed to present this same play to one of the Shuoert theaters to Chicago tote In September. Bring Star; Hero. It is also the intention of the man* agement to have such stars as will later appear in Chicago productions originate their roles in Evanston. The merit of the supporting company la to be found to such players ss Louise Dunbar, James Baber. Jack Marvin. Grace Dunbar Nile, Horace V. Noble, Racle Ripple, Jacqulllne Mason, Betha Honors, Herbert Hayes, and Norman R. Fields. :. . The plays are to be charged weekly aad the cast will also be subject to shifts., the company bringing in well- known actors and actresses, as well at those not so well known, hut who have merit aad ability. Evanston is not to be made the home ot amateurish at- fsnats: the productions wilt be fin* tabid. The advantage is that the theatergoers here will be enabled te see plays that will later find their way to matriTfffllton Ttflgf* Evanstonlsns will act as the jury, and as the man* agement says, any play that will please bare, will certainly be approved else- where, for th«s rank and file of the play-goers of this city are the highest cIsm to the country. of the Player Plane. In the manufacture of actions for player-pianos there axe 20,000 opera- uu uar agvau ativ ••« aaagansaaa sages aar a finished product and .a total of 4,063 Individual parts enters into the making at each akeStJhrkaii djciiautlta 4ntartnsn It is a greater crime to4a* aye at tho law to strike a man who wears glasses than it to to assault one Who .does not wear -etsases* Ss meet of the states this law obtains, If not to ail of r ItQesar jo ais ea> io udmnui saw -^ej^*w^^»j»w si uonwiniAP Jo. » <*** mom tf pasnup *W»W >«o» oqi suo» JO eosoJO tuepou oi axnnas jauata mo jo isoa omo om to getting to tho 1 always hope of for aotblngr eason you man are always going to your aoaar clubs."â€" DaOaaNewa. Whlma for tba renumbering o three houses bearing the fateful nun bar 18 have been declined by toe ree- oftba HELP UNFORTUNATES WIN SELF RESPECT EVANSTON UU Emerson St. Y. M. C. A., Room 3 lENlLWORTH P. O. Box 4T WINHMTKA 10 Prouty Asmoa Y WE S â- wtmmXf Wlnnatka Carat*. ]|U«â€"Ui«walMM»i iELL GOOD AUTOMOBILES / Qpfyl^a*^* Provide Homes for Them and Give Them An- other Chance. (Coattoaad from paaa 1) > • Raymond, 718 Sheridan road, Evans- ton. is to give a musical and town fete on the evening of July 33 on ber sps- CiOUS gruuuda iaciog the l»KO SttOre, The Chlcsgo Symphony orchestra has been drawn upon, and Alfred Gold- man, violinist, and_.l|ra. Schwarts. plsnist, will be on tba program. There will be dancing, under the lead- ership of Mtos Dwlght, aad othar at- tractions. Among those who are interested are: Mre. Simon Klee. 728 Sheridan road, Mrs. D. E. McMlllen. Mrs. O. W. H. Kanfman. Mrs. ftorry Thorpe, Mrs. C. O. Beers and Mrs. Robert J. ito The benefit of this home treatment to Indicated by tba toot that thirty or forty children now so to the flat to report bow they saving ney downtown. On Sunday all girts who have been there and the day whan they la always planned fi Any om who wUfdor SSm of that sort wttl *o a deal to help a vary good cause. The arttotes may be swat direct to tho flat, or to Judaw Mary U attJ