= THB LAKB 8H0RE UISHOUSE SURVEY ST ATE OF ILLINOIS They Don't Look Uke "Pirates Bold" Seven Thousand Were Tiutnar at March 1 Count Mare* 3 of into y«Ar were wore people n the mi alaishduais of VIM 0,160 Wore mOO OJ FRIDAY, JULY 1,1118. w**ssient %nww vs*gpsw w^PHPv high water, If i Of this county contributed S.01B to found that there we 1S6 boys 111 girls, or 2S3 children under of age; there are 14 of the civil war; . It of. veteran* of too civil war; of toe inmatea who at on* tiraeL In their live* were legally The** people have a etate or have eacaped from a atat* and later on drifted into an where th* county author!- have made no effort to have them to a state hospital, as the taw superintendents report 1M of Inmates who are apparently In- or are Irresponsible but have been in court and adjudged in- One hundred and thirty are aa epileptic*. rhe county with the smallest popu Is Pope, with one woman and an. Next comes Hamilton, lien- and Johnson with three each. eotraiivi umyv tvJi OF iSSS in almshouses. of Cook county, the largest to found In La Salts coun- 1th SIS man and 65 women. St. county comes next with 213 men SO women. Peoria county to with 117 men and 25 women; ingamon next with 188 men and 27 they wore well worth fighting for, undulating aa they retreat from the SM£»CX and htocea for neaeeful ew«e»™ »â- » «esw> gr«w*w/e> wa Uttl* rsonaeii oak trosa an studded about th* plain to solitary, In- dependent fission oak trees reeem- bllng apple tree* In stss and pertph- the state has presided over th* growth aid 4eittoJea of steam Ito* ooemuoJoatton, •eeeral great trunk, ttees traverse Oomaay from h*r west* on to bar otaton frontier, and these Usee «n prepared to bear slmost any •train. Along th* French border an sJMaolusive notwook of railroad baa bow told, watt* Osrmsn railway lines parallel the Russian frontier, and re- ceive feceJtoeo from all parts of ths Walk Around In Ten "Behold th* ruins it last! A low ridge, some four or Ave mile* In length, ends abrupiiy iifce a promon- tory projecting Into the son, above which It rises about SO toot Th* ridge to th* so-called 'Hill of UUunV theses is the flood plan of th* Bimoto and th* 8camander, historically known as tbo plain of Troy, and the promontory, with Ito crown of ruins, to Troy it- self. European Railways The above are clever juvenile players of the Reliance-Majestic (Mil* tual) studios, appearing in a series of photoplays, in which all the lesdi are children. They appeared at the Kvanston theater a day or to ago in "The Kid Magicians." Most of the movie patrons agreed that it was as good comedy as they had seen in a long while. The above picture is "rirates Bold" and will be an early release in the Mutual program. PYROTECHNIC DRAMA AT RIVERVIBW PARK "Opening of Panama Canal" To Be Done in Carnival of Fire. nrfc MEN'S CAMP FIRST WEEKS IN AUGUST A Fortnight at Portage Lake for a Very Small Sum. m Zzzz fwwni wlili 221 wvn and 3a then Madison with 138 men 7 women and McLean with 100 and 14 women. >NE «LV GUARD WHO sNT SAY EVINGSTON Knows Ifow To Pro- ounce the Name, for He Uvea Here. __1 Ths flrst two weeks In August havs been decided upon by tho Bvanston Y. M. 0. A. for the New Men's camp to be conducted at Portage Lake, Mich. This is said to be the best time of the year for camping in Michigan, [end the location of Portage Lako makes it sn Ideal place for roughing It There will be no white ducks or col- lars worn at Camp Echo, and those who sre considering going should com* municato with the Y. M. C. A. office within the next few days. Aa announced last week the rate is only 118.00 for two weeks, Including transportation by host and board at camp. . â- â- - •.'•.-'â- re to one guard on the ciovuti.i who does not ssy "Hvlngston." 9ws how to pronounce tne name for fifteen years he has lived city. The man who not only ess the name correctly, but to an efficient and courteous em to Thomas A. 'Turner, 1823 Or. svonus, Bvanston, better to the regular patrons of the as "Dad" Turner. For fifteen he has been In the service of Northwestern elevated railroad baa yet to have a black mark after his name in the office superintendent Turner has been nominated in the Chicago Herald contest for the most polite, efficient and courteous employee of the elevated lines. Some of his good friends In Bvanston have sent bis name in and he is working now to secure enough votes to land the first prise of $160. 'Bis number Is 654. On May 31,1900, w was on the flrst train to run on the iwestern elevated lines. In May, he was also one of the crew of flrst elevated train to run to Ev- from Wilson avenue, was born In Cblcsgo on 8ept. •,1863, in a log cabin which stood on • north bank of the Chicago river, titers the Bute street bridge crows Wk-- Hto father woe the flrst livery ton fa Chicago, a pillar in the old pit Methodist church sad a very bd friend vef Bishop Fowler. He is also one of the flrst purchasers of ills scholarship la .Northwestern uni- versity. Tamer has not been in the ear and elevated service all bis | He used to be a baseball player F back in the early 70s when he I # member of Cap Anson's team id played down in what is now Grant He. He still has a few Angers that 0 knocked "gaily west" in the day* Jail playing when such a thing as â- are was unknown. the Chicago Herald will begin prli.t- £ coupons, good for votes, in this Stent on Saturday. Mr. Turner is Bing a campaign tor these votes iflg hto regular patrons and friends. MORE TERRITORY IS FROM THE BAN Four More Counties Have Quarantine for Foot and r Mouth Disease Lifted. Cannon awakening the echoes over Illium's plains, where the Allies are trying to pound their way beyond the Dardanelles, stir many legendary memories of this historic battle region and brins; to mind the oddest eon* trests. Here, where now modern ordnance is hurling Its messengers of destruction, 'Homer's heroes waged their speotacular, single-handed com- bats, while admiring armies grouped themselves around to watch. It to a far cry from the romantic siege of Troy to the terribly Impersonal battle of today. Tot the old walls of Troy must bring some sort of Inspiration to the soldiers fighting in their shadows, soldiers of the Allies or of the Turks. Evacuated 1 ilium beside ths present war's great battlefield to described in a communication to the National Oeographio society by Jacob E. Conner. He says. Trojan Walla There. "The Trojan walls are still in ov|. denoe; those same walla that defied the onslaughts of Agamemnon and Menelaus, of Ajax, Nestor, Diomed, Ulysses and AchlHcs, to fail at iasi by statagem,. They remain as a ruined and abandoned stage minus Its paraphernalia, whereon was Effective railway mileage hat played a potest part to the winning of mod- era battles. The Russians have not only had well-equipped, well-trained man to deal with In the eastern war theater, but, also, a wonderful strate- gically Invaluable net of railways. The Oermsn railways havs been Instru- ments of first Importance In every Rus- Btott defeat. On the western front, where the fighting has been more sta- tlonary, the highly developed railway system of Germany meets the equally highly developed system of Francs. Row well France and Germany are prepared to meet the emergencies of war transportation aa compared with the other belligerents, . to shown in a Meant bulletin tosaed by tito lliiiieai^^ Gsogrsphic society. The bulletin U.S. Unas All. "The total length of the railways of the world to about 750,000 miles, of which considerably more than four- fifths falls to the. continents of Europe and Amnrlr* "!*• itrIM q».}S: '=& Progress in the campaign in Illinois against the foot-and-mouth disesse has resulted In the lifting by an order ef- fective Monday of the Quarantine en- tirely from four countiesâ€"Carroll, Henry, Stephenson and Whitesideâ€" and the modification of ito provisions in other sections of the state. Mo- Henry county and those portions of Dupage county which are not within 6 miles of the infected premises in Nspervllle township are now classed ss restricted area, the area In which played so many centuries ago aa in slgnlflcsnt little drama compared with modern events; but it was a drama so big with human Interest divinely told that the world has never known its equal. "Wars to these crowded times are for gator-shameless gainâ€"but in the youth of the world, if we sake the lilted literally, men could afford to fight for «n idea!. Hence the Homeric warfare was a beautiful, a poetic PMtfmep*ertously resulting to some happy few, who were thenceforth re- warded with immortality in song. "As ths theater of the world's greatest splo poem, Troy deserves a visit any year, every year. In the thoughts and emotions it revives and stimulates, in the aroused sense of Indebtedness of all subsequent lltera* andAmoricft; The United states lead. all the other nations of the world In the total of Its railroad mileage, though It to proportionately behind eome of them. Belgium, now back of the Invaders' lines, to one of the best supplied territorial In the world for rail communication, and the railways of Great Britain, Germany and France era equal to almost any strain that a war traffic may put upon them. "Europo possesses more than 212,- 600 miles of railway Unas, of which about one-third falls to the share of the central German powers, the Ger- man empire and Austria-Hungary. Oer- many, with Its 210,000 square miles of area, has about 40,000 miles of rati Una, while Fraaoe with its 108,000 square miles, baa ft,606 miles of track* Rivervlew^s sssaon will reach ito climax neat Friday, when the pyre* teohnle drama, "The Opening of the Panama Canal," will begin an engage- ment of thtrty-ono nights, ending Au- gust 16. This wonderful spectacle Is the original carnival of fire made famous by the Thearlo-Paino Fire- works Display company, known aa the world'a mastera of pyrotechnic art. These thirty-one nights; to their reve- lation of the magic wonders of twen- tieth-century fireworks, will prove tor Chicago a period of Arabian enchant- ment. "Panama" la the most elaborate work the Thoarle-Pain company ever produced. It Is presented on an open- air stage 460 feet wide, and 600 pee* Please Do Not Confuse Os With Ike 4<$eS.0§Ci«pt«t« FiBeriT UiderUkw We contend that a funera until all arrangements The prices of giaves vary does also the prices of cemeteries. Also we do leader and other caskets.1 What you from casket, wi casket or certain Med caskets a charge exorKtant opftes on iAosave guarantee 0 to 60% on any her it be a $26.00 $800.00 casket the quarantine regulations are the ture and art. It richly repays a visit. * - - - *_________â€"^.»-_____-â- "*â- _ _. -m±-~â- â- ----:-r---------------rin» iil^^ai^.l «iuSUA _*â- ! •___â€" L ml â- „ least severe of any of the four classes into which the quarantine area to di- vided. That portion of Dupage coun- ty which Is within 5 miles of the in- fected premises remains a modlnVd area. This is also true of Lee county, in which territory not within 6 miles of the infected premises of Palmyra township is made restricted area while the rest of the township remains a modified area. The effect of the new order Is to mshe the counties of Bu- reau, Dupage, Lee, Mcllenry. Ogle. Winnebago. Jo Daviess, and the Union Stock Yards in Cook county the only portions of the state of Illinois which .etlll remain quarantined. None of this area Is absolutely closed and the Union Stock Yards to the only portion of It which is classed aa exposed area. The counties of McHenry, Ogle and Winnebago are in the modified area and the rest of this territory not spe- cifically mentioned Is in the restricted area. The classical student will leave It to a daze of meditation upon things more real to blm than the actual things he has seen end touched." Nine Cities Were Pound. Oh the site where the German savant. Schllemann, unearthed Homer's Troy, nine layers of old-time cities were found, one above the other. They were bullded, destroyed, and forgotten here during the more than 6,000 years that civilization has lived upon the products of the fertile valley. The topmost layer contained the re- mains of the Roman city of Illium; two Hellenic villages were found di- rectly beneath it, which flourished here between 1060 B, c. and the Chris- tton area. The sixth city from the bottom was determined Homer's Troy. The bottom layers contained the re- mains of prehistoric settlements, un- important villages that have escaped every memory except these Jew, JUfc covered, decaying stones. In the Boo- Mostly Trunk Llnee. "Russia and Finland, together, with a total area of 2,oon,6ic square miles, or very nearly ton times the slses of Germany, has a railway mileage slight- ly lesa than that of Germany. In grant pert, the Russian railways are far- flung trunk lines, and ths Muscovite land nowhere has anything correspond* tog to the Interweaving railway nets of Germany and France. This lack of railway facilities has been one of the disadvantages that the Russians have had to overcome during the present war. "Among the other countries of Eu- rope, Italy has some 11,250 miles of railroad, so laid down aa to bind al- most her entire frontier by a rail line Thp stage picture gives a blrd's-sye view of the Panama canal for its en. tire length. In the foreground to the city of Panama at the Pacific entrance to the canal. Across the isthmus is Colon on ths Caribbean sea. In be- tween stretches the canal with all Its famous features easily distinguish- ableâ€"Mlrafiores and" Pedro Miguel looks, Culebro Cut, Gatun lake, the great Spillway, and the titanic masonry Of Gatun looks. The drama telle the vivid story of the opening of Unole Sam's groat In- tsroeeanlo waterway to the com- meroe of the world. The war fleets of all the nations of the world, with marines, soldiers and sailors assem- ble for the celebration. Ghmboa dam Is blown out with dynamite and the waters of the two oceans mingle in the channel. A .procession of war- ships passes through the canal wli guns booming to salute. A Carnival of Flowers Is held in the plane, of Panama City. The fiesta gives occa- sion for the Introduction of a ballet of 200 beautiful girls and a dozen high- class circus and vaudeville acts. Wm. H. Scott is in complete charge of our Evaniton store and needs no introduction to you. having tor eight years been connected with the J. L. Hebblethwaite. WESTERN CASKET & UNDERTAKING CO. I CENTRAL AVE. Telephone Wllmette 280 J â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •â- â- •â- â- â- â- •»«. Rssehed HIs s Limit. "The styles sre stunning this year," aald the enthusiastic young woman. "Are they?" rejoined the bashful man. "Haven't Jou noticed? "No. After observinsf tho stunning styles of last yesr, raj afraid to look." Honeymoon Cloud. I* Wf9W*r vows and a Web." 1 oat to the watting the busy sseter, the where we I angaagss of World. It is next to impossible to be pre- cise about the number of tangiogao to the world, but it is known that they exceed 4,000. Including "dialects," there are probably more than 200.000 varieties of buman speech. Something New/ to Novels, "I have aa Idea tor a novel," Mr. Penwiggle. "What IS Itr "A very targe volume ftlckly upholstered. When you get sleepy after few pages yon can nee ft for a pJnvw." The fees* she pels*)â€"The eot- we iook op today is for of of the brethren to -2f-P2l^pe °* * «-»»teev hi ora*r to be of any service, must necee> â- •rhy project above the surface of tho water, else its combination of could not work to ond or Burnt City, probably 800 years before tbo time of Troy, was found a considerable mass of buried treasure, silver Jars, gold daggers and wonder fully wrought diadems of gold. De- scribing the country around Troy, Mr. Conner continues: "Yonder the summit of Mt. Ida, where the gods to solemn conclave so often sat, where 'cloud-compelling Zens' sometimes 'thought two ways to hto mind at once,' or else ended all debate with a nod that shook high s Olympus and caused the heavens to reverberate and glow with the flash of hto thunderbolt. Oisappoi nti npj "Away over yonder, skirting the ridge of Illium, to Simofs' stream, or should be; hot the bridge across it SAT. fringe; Spain has about 10,000 mllerof CI I A] track; Great Britain and Ireland have ftJVile 24,000 mites, end Austria-Hungary has a total mileage of about SS,000. The United Statee has about one- third of the total milage of the world. There are 65,000 miiee of railway on the continent of uila, about Sd,000 miles on the continent of Africa, and 11,000 miles Hi Australia. Japan, with Korea, has only about 6,500 miles of railway, and China has a mileage which totals about the same. Government Owned. "The railways of Germany, Prance and Austrto-Bungary have been devel- oped with considerable attention to their value to times of war. This feature of railway development has been especlslly prominent to Germany, /UVenleh CYCLE IN ice "busy" siL and makes or clients t< serv- "humber of to'a minimum easv for customers [reach your store or Ttssmssim: Clauified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WILMETTE, 1640 Went JUs n tie Uke Skore New» sre catrg-d st tie foUowias fame Re«!EittteCUj^u^i<>M,7Wcest,perIise. AJjI Ok* CUudKno*. S^cesu eJTliae. Price. 15 cests. No sdvertiiemest ckarged for leu tkaa 25 cesto office. This stimulates business. If your telephone is on a party line: let us change it to a tingle line. The added value to you mere than offsets the small additional cost. ^^^^^^^^phose Company H* B. Gates, Di,trict M«^ * Telephone 0003 Classified Business List Dsily TberP is not a man In the world bat sossethtos tenwoeem to hto eoai from tte moment he loTee-and that, thou** hto lor* b*» rs'ssr.â€"Ms&iefimch. â- hows apon oar approach that Simofs to no more than a creek. Worse than that, following Ito attenuated course, tees than a mile downstream.5 we discover that it ends In a - instead of Jototeg the Season of fee*. And the totter stream to scarcely less disappointing, for It to In fact, their sluggish currents scarcely boast of at Bsrsefnnsl intervals, •rtr the