â- HH _ied the Waimette _ die Junior league of the Ravinia dub and has at her disposal, . y those ornamental buttons at one dollar a piece, which entitles each child BW|er fourteen yean of age to enter Ravinia Park each and every day, hot in the evening. Of course, if one happens to be on the grounds before o'clock it does not mean that they cannot jtay, but it means that one lt enter die grounds in the evening on that button. A Mother Goose raiva! » being planned for August 13, at the park and a greater carnival £«,-, ths, we are sure has never been given. Any or all children of the village who wish to enter the parade, however, must turn in their names to Mrs. Charles Braithwaitc Very soon, in order that definite plans may be arranged. It is hoped that all of the children will wear "Mother Goose a&ames" hut this is not at all compulsory. Mesdames Julius Rosenwald and Edwin Lobdell of Highland Park are in general charge of the affair *ith Mrs. Charles Braithwaite of Wilmette, as local chairman. The engagement hat been announced of Miss Helen Edith MacDonaUl. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ashley MacDonald of Abbottsford road, Kenil- worth, to Bodine Southworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southworth, 0f 1010 Elm wood avenue, Wilmette. - WEDDING of Interest to residents ii of the north snore and especially to university circles was that of Miss Grace Elisabeth Whiting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Barron Willing, to . Barry A. Duncan of Keokuk, la., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry & Duncan, which took place on Wednesday evehtng, jane 30. at the home of the bride's > parents, 610 Forest avenue. Rev. W. H. Perdew of Oscalla, la., performed the ceremony. '„ ,.,....., The bride was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Jessie If. Whiting, as maid of honor, and Lucile Drake of Wil- mette, Helen Whiteside of Onarga, m and Doris Wheeler, Grace Corlett and Eleanor Whiteside of this city as bridesmaids. Littie isvelyn Fulton of U Grange, 111., acted aa flower girl. Mr, Hugh Robertson of Keokuk, Ilk, served as best man. lace over crepe de chine, made with the short full skirt Her veil of tulle was arranged In a Juliet cap surround- ed with orange blossoms, and her bou- quet was a shower of white butter!ly sweet peas and llliea of the valley. The maid of honor was in blue mesaa- line, trimmed in silver lace, and she carried an arm bouquet of Jacque roses. The attendants were gowned alike In short frocks of vari-color3, Miss Drake in blue, MIbs Wheeler In yellow, Miss Grace Whiteside in green, Miss Corlett to creato^nM Mies Helen Whiteside in pink. tllrW#rrHjl baskets of. rosea tied with tulle rib- bons to match their gowns. The flower girl was In a lingerie frock with P|$k ribbons and carried t basket. u£ ogfijE* sink roses. The Brothers of the bride, Bruce and Roy Whiting, stretched the ribbons. Th^ defSrationt were in pink peonies and Killarney roses. After a wedding trip through the vest, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan will be at ne after September flrBt in Keo- la. ,.-.w.~- *»•;- •»*â- â- '••., r •:,.â- .;':. I Mrs. Edwin R, Thurtttan of 882 Lin- den avenue entertained at cards but Saturday afternoon. There wet* three; tablets. There will be,'a lun^eoii and Card party next Monday afternoon at the Ouilniette Country club. ' An Informal dance is scheduled for next Saturday evening at the Oull- mette Country club. The Travel Atttoy ettaa diet last Thursday afternoon at -the home of Mrs. Poster Branson, 1H» Lake ave- nue. This was the closing meeting of the year, the new fdef beginning .again in September. ::_---------------- A meeting of the new board of the Wilmette Woman's club wai Tuesday mofngag atjtee â€"----T7- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ^BW â€" Wle, over the wash sod at his Home Another of the Tuesday luncheon pnd bridge clubs met this week at the home of Mrs. Frederick D. Day, 810 Oekwood avenue. , The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week Wed- neaday at the home of Mrs. Prank Simmons, 1035 Lake avenue. Every Thursday morning there is a board meeting of the Ravinia club at the Ravinia park casino. All club members are Invited. Monday's celebration of the national holiday was quiet, unusually so, the idea or a "safe and sane" Fourth even penetrating to the. outlying golf and country clubs, where the members gen- erally make some pretense at showing their patriotism with a, display of fi> ^ works in the evening. But not so this year. Perhaps we feel that there are enough "fireworks" doing unutterable damage for the present As?* wa*. so- ciety sought amusement by entering the various golf events at the clubs, or entertaining at small dinner par- ties, with the inevitable dancing, or enjoyed short motor trips to the lakes for the weekendâ€"all bespeaking mod- eration; Glen View had its annual games for the caddies* with Angus 8. Hibbard in charge, and there was the usual dis- tribution of prizes, following the golf events. There were two orchestras japped for the afternoon and eve- ces, over three hundred per- ierlng at the/dub during the many of them remaining for the special dinner. A dance pavilion had been erected on the.grounds for the day. ^.MJWas^oreland Country club there were many guests for luncheon, and over two hundred reservations made for "dinner, which was followed by dancing;. The dinner, tables "were at- tractively decorated with red, white 'aridlmbr flowers for centerpieces and little flag* for .favors: There were golf e/W* for the mem- afternoon. The Evanston Golf club celebrated with a dinner and dance, there being about one, hundred and twenty-five. Among 'Oiejar ep^inittg were: Cbarleuje. Held, ten guests; W. W. Ross, six; Frank Gould, eleven; E. H. Hall, five; Gordon Ross, four, and H. T. Meginniss, nine. ' The Ouilmetto Country club had an elaborate celebration of fireworks In the evening on the lake.front; but tere was practically no activities at e clubhouse during the day. of theWH- - to Mr. "gSjâ€"" sua* spent the in Western. Wis. - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robinson. 830 Central avenue, motored to Rockford. Oil., over the fourth and fifth. Miss Grace Packard of 1933 Eleventh street has gone to her in Xorwalk. O.. to spend the Mr. and Mra. Kaffman of were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Morse. 1340 Greenwood avenue. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kaufman. ION MmaMMX W8MJU |tvUUC| nJlUlilvU nU||UM> evening from a week end visit in Men- tit Mr. Myron William Bowen of 830 .avenue, returned from a week- end visit with his parents at Richland Center, Wis. Mrs. Thomas Keens Gale, 1024 Lake avenue, is spending the week with her brother. Rev. Prank Anderson, in Nor- wood Park. Miss Bernlce Shurtleff, 815 Like avenue, is spending the week with her cousin, Mrs, Forest Page, at her borne in Edgewater. Mian Georgia Marks of 118 Hill street entertained over the Fourth her friend, Miss Mary Hetherman, of Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Charles B. Blade. 117 Broad- way avenue, underwent an operation at the Evanston hospital Ob Wednes- day morning. • *" Mr. Roland Roberts of Oak Park and Mr. Frederick Ferber of Chicago were week-end guests at the Shurtleff home, 815 Lake avenue. ; Mrs. C. J, CarlBen and. Miss Har- riet Carisen or soi Washington avenue will return this week from a fort- night's stay at Crystal Lake, ill. Mrs. Arthur W. Allen, 1088 Thir- teenth street, has as her, guests her two nieces, the Misses Katherlne and Florence Winship of Elkhart, Ind. lira. Alfred D. Hermann, 1824 Green- leaf avenue, returned Saturday from the Evanston hospital, where she underwent a rather serious operation. Mr. and Mra. Richard D. Allen of 630, Central avenue and Mr. and Mrs. s. G. Skinner, 7727 Central avenue, motored to Pox Lake over the week- end. _:_____'___â- _._____'..'â- 'â- '• i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greiner of 031 Lake avenue had as their guests last week TBJjpv D>vifl flret&ir, .of ,Torre Haute, Ind., and Mr. Lee Greiner Of New York city. b^^iSs^me %M* 'thrf week and are located at 1114 Forest avenue, after having made their home in Basil, Ind., for some time. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, 810 Washington avenue, have as their guests for the month ,of July, Mr. Bird's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Parke Minchener of Pasadena, Cat Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, the Misses Ruth and Mary Gates, and Mr. Warner Gates Of 1126 Wilmette ave- nue spent the week-end at Lake Ke- gonsa, Wis., as the guestsi of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wray at their attttimer tie adeem, TJirtSBfeit Seat! Stevenson, asughlsi of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stev- easou. and Marfan Louise Stevenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. las. Steven- son. Her brothers. Charles, James, Robert, John and Richard, served as attendants to the bridegroom. Mr. and Mn. Brown will make their home la New York. Josephine MacRse to ill with the Mr. prank Darling returned Sunday Wilmette Societie* a and Club* D The Neighborhood circle met Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Q. Sanderson, 1011 Lake ave- nue. O..'.;u>' Another A -«MuTfuefdajr fcuachatfs and Bridge crabs was entertained this week by Mrs. C. D. Worthlngton, 602 Lake avenue. -----+ Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mrs. C E. Renneckar and daughter. Miss Margaret Renneckar of 1022 Eleventh street, will' leave today for. Cleveland, O.. where they will remain indefinitely. Before returning they will visit some other places of interest intheeast ,., . . . Miss Janet Jones to visiting friends in Detroit. Mich., and will remain In- __ Raker. 807 Lake avenue, s three weeks' visit in At- The Reading circle nfbt Monday aft- ernoon st the home of Mrs. Frank Cotler. 1001 Lake av tontic City. Mr. Herbert Collyer, 524 Hill street, apent the week-end and Fourth of July st Sheboygan, Wis. Miss Alice PffllisadOT, 411 avenue, spent the week-end at The Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club wa» entertained last week at the Shore Golf club, the suests of Mrs. Joseph Long. Dr. and Mrs. L W. Hodgens ef 807 Grcenleaf avenue, entertained a num- ber of friends st ten on Monday eve- Winnetka = n â- ing. Dancing followed later in II evening. Covers were mid fur couples. V. Hawkes Of 714 Cen- tral avenue is in Kansas City* Mo., the guest of her mother. Mr. Bruce K. Brows, 808 Washlng- : Urn avenue, wffl spend fhe mourn of July in Havana, Cuba. Mr. William Wisenart of «ns the week-end guest of Mr. Haxen Patterson. 711 Tenth street -„_ _^ Mrs. 8eth nmhu.Bmuerts. Oil Green- Mrs. John Holland will give a dance st the Indian HOI club, Wednesday; evening. Mian Uroiaa May Greeley returned from Weliesley hi time for the Fourth of July celebration. Blair Leraed and wife are oc- cupytng the Arthur Cable house in Hubbard Woods for two or three nwtafluj " Mr. Thomas Taylor. Jr.. was the guest of honor at a dinner given by the men of the Indian Hill club. Friday evening, to celebrate his election to %rs*w!*R- English and little daugh- ter. Helen, have Just returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Omaha. They brought back with mesn Miss Margaret English, ughter of Judge Engltoh. Mms Harriet Buckingham, with her ^sMn. Mms EMaabeth Buekln daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. of Passdena, left for CaHforala Mr. James MarUa 'returned to Cedar Rapids, Tuesday. Eleanor Bush la visiting relatives Mra. Elisabeth Bice la the guest of her niece, Mrs. C. a. Howard. Mr. Fred Poote spent the weekend with hie sister at Oalva. DX end with friends at Waukegan. Mrs. P- E. Stsnley has for her gueat this week Miss Cudabay of Chicago. Mra. Ruth C. Collins begins her class in fancy dancing thto morning. Mr. and M«r$ihard Mills enter- tained with a bcaeu tea Monday ever ning. Miss Jean Hurford left Tuesday for the Girls' Camp at Lake Miehlgana, }Wto. ,„U-- Mrs. Richard Mills was hostess at a bridge Thursday afternoon of tost week. Mr. and Mra. George Parry were the guests over the Fourth of Mrs John Parry. Miss Margaret Coy returned Satur- day last from Boston and other New England cities. ._... Mrs. Gordon Ramsey returned the last of the week from an extended trip in the east. Mr. and Mra. Horace Cromwell were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain. Miss Charlotte King to spending the week at the home of her brother, Mr. Thomas King. Mr. Franklin Johnston of Saginaw, Mich., was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mra. Shirk. the Misses Jessie and Ethel De Lange entertained with a beach tea Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brlgham, Jr. Mrs. Norman Williams and daugh- ter Martha Lee are visiting relatives at Bloomlngton, III. Lawrence Barnett came home Tues- day from Camp Eberhardt, 111 from a bad case of poison ivy.. Miss Mary Dresser Frank and Edna Compton and maid left Friday last for Boston and Manomet, Mass. Mr. and Mra. Beck with and daugh ter Helen left Wednesday for Now York and other eastern points. , Mr. and Mra. George Tracy were the guests in a week-end motoring trip of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Barnett. Hiss Angela Fanning spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Judson Titaworth, at Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Addison Plummer and Miss Mull of Chicago were the week-end guests Of Mrs. Charles DennlB. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clyde and Mrs. Eugene Krebe leave today on'the Rex- all convention trip to the coast. The Glencoe Chapter Of the Daugh- ters of the Empire met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Budd. The Young Women's Guild of the Methodist Episcopal church are giv- ing a hayrack thto evening (Friday). Miss Marjory and Woodward Sibley and Miss E. Bierblnger of St. Louie were week-end gueats of the Misses Budd. ^ Misses Jessie and 111101 De Lang are this guests this week of Mrs. Florence Plummer White at Dixon. IB. Mr. C. A Pox baa rented his reef* deuce on Maple HOI road for July and August. The family have gone to Michigan. _ The ladles of the Porch Bridge club motored to Lake Geneva last week and were entertained by Mrs. Henry H. Bingham, Miss Catherine Jacobs to visiting her brother KBIott st his Virginia farm on the â- out* breach of the Pa- . boys were of the party: Markham Cede. John Hi Msraanslo, Godfrey and Prank Phil- Una of Glencoe aid Louie McConnell of ljk«IWM< Monday was Gtencoee busy day. from the firing of the gun st sunrise until 10:80 p. m. events came thick and mat. The parade began at 8:15. ending at the park, foot of Itesel ave- nue. Then rouowed ih© races, some 85 ia number, including beys and girui from three years and under up to 48 years and over. Pur the afternoon there was a ball game, Punch and Judy show, daylight fireworks and a concert by the Evanston band. lathe evening there was movies, four and fireworks. The day was and everybody had a no one was hurt /sag currency u esse anxiety upon your vocation. ARDEN SHORE OPEN; THE POOR HAPPY Chance for Rest and Fresh Air for the Tired Mothers. merit through tion. ore steamship These self as your own by banks a" Expenses ioty youmefldy^ BajfeBT Aasocia. - hotels, WilroacU ore as sole to carry they ore accepted country. OTflp (Continued from page If WILMETTE.EXCHAHCE There, la no hardship in all this educational work. Where many peo- ple might sigh over the constaut ac- tivities of Arden Shore and say, "Well, I thought lt was a place of rest." the cccupaius of the camp are unfail- ingly interested in the various lines of work. The manner of life Is totally different to what they ,fihd when home the spice of novelty gives a seat and snap to each event Uat year alone showed a registration of 1.549 persons. The average dally reg istratlon was 486 people, which was a splendid record for a fresh-air camp, and aa each summer baa: shown a steady gain in numbers, this year will probably have a still larger Hat. The. library cannot open early enough to forestall the children who gather in front of Its doors each morn- ing. A circulation of ovsr 2.000 vol- tunes during/the summer last year shows how eagerly the little less :: 1165 Wilmette Avi WILMETTE ualajr - Inft^Vv' iue lean Everything hShore House and Will GENERALISE n.'*'iiAnt2YL} Lawns cared for and graded- ^rnSaUkenlcalre FXIVATg WATCHMAN fU 1014 Emerson St. Y. M.C. A.,ReomJ The official hoard of the Lurch and fieeir wives were dehght- folly eatertsmed last Tuesday eve- : at the heme of ntr. and Urs. WB- C. Refehsld, 1005 Ash!*"* s*e- Dorothr Cody. «** fa* Saturday butt wee*, at U8 The) Lake _ ctsty was invited to a lectare by Prof of Yale on "Trees wood avenue, underwent an operation at Henrotin hospital. Taeaday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson, 515 Wnfcfoatea avease, retursed this eek from a visit In MontreeL James W. Tourney of Yale o Mr. Juttas Voeaish of Akron, (X. is Md <& P.bUc." Wedaesday ' the week as the guest of 815 Lake I nun. a* ofssoathstothe Mr. and Mrs. William Gllmore of City, ind.. were the weak- er Mr. and Mra _ the work of the carefully se looted authors. Each week of the sea- son Is taken In charge by the commit- tees for the different towns along the north shore, and some kind of social entertainment Is provided. A vesper service is arranged for on 8unday and ice cream always accompanies the Sunday dinner. Convalescent 8setlon There is a convalescent section con- nected with the camp where those children certified by the city physician aa needing such care are admitted. Among the rules observed tor these kiddles" are the serving of an extra luncheon In the morning and before bedtime and a stricter^obeervance or the rest periods. As the children gain in strength they Work to little gardens and raise vegetables. Of course, the babies practically rule the camp. Many come from the Infant welfare stations In the city, and, copies of "How to Keep the Baby Well." With printed lists of all the Welfare stations in town are dlstrlbut- sd to the mothers. While some of the mothers still insist on feeding their infants tea. coffee or beer, most of them are quite willing to learn setter wsys. A.complete physical esamina- tion Is made of each child under 8 years of age by the camp physician, and when a serious defect Is found the mother Is Instructed where to go to have it remedied. The agency reapon- slble for her outing Is slso notified. in Winter, Too A splendid winter work of Arden 8hore is restoring health to men who have broken down nervously or Physically. Slaty-three men were treated mat year, and when they re- turned to their homes in the city they were different indlvldusls. MlssTher- ssal^sTwno la in her fourth yearas ee»erb*ea«eut, ie a "^ .«**"• chlaery of the camp moves with the of a well-oiled clock. The tableâ€"most Important of things- through Mto» Clow's management, gives a finely balanced ration at the rate of gfio a WILME MARTHA M. TYSH0P Waring, Avoooe, WBJO MS INNET PoniMtlr WlaiMtka Caraf •. E SELL GOOD AUTOMOBILES " sac R GO* _ SERVICE day for a eta spend a couple of burg. Mra. vacation he will imuui m go to Fitcb- sad Jam hgt family. Cass wood met with a painful aeeident Friday of last west. While walking through her grounds aha turned her ankle, fell and broke herrightarm Just above the wrlet- The Ladies' AM of the Methodtet Church will meet in the st 1:30 P- m- csmp budget for tab Caiman Moouata to 318.000. which Is raised by sobscriptlon. Mrs. Joha W. Scott and i Cornelius Lynde of ie officers. Mrs. wnilsm G. Hibbard. Jr. Mrs. PbIMp 8. Poet ind Mrs. Charles H. Thatuo eervs - the board of In the aye ef uvuey mortsl ikhiB m the hear of In the and coarivlallty. M le our