KBhAKEtmcmmmtm. nsoAY.sm.nm*. 0)0* ^a*T^&?vWiOmwmw , ^6*^sy*â„¢ «^osssstin*sis» af tfceMM- ^^np^ssBSSsnssssnssw ^^ -^--w ,---- _ MgSSSB* SBBSSW â- JBB^^^P^^P^^ ^* ^SnSBSSSSSn, !•â- â- ^8^sjass» ^P" isumO" ^P^sssT log aession leae he devesed to the study of nwlMlUMnr, while the latter talf U to be given up to • varied pro- gnai ends* sssierslro mhall virions t3« feet 6m\-«sw ttflrty bers hare Joined last y«ar thuslasm which meat of the Woman'* dub. the spJcinfllo en- mâ- FW«i ^â„¢%».SSS\ ones*pw*»: Mrtmii Charles T. MM U4 C. L. Day and tho Betty Hoyt and ' *"•***»* *• ****.*** * sea** and couatry dab affairs planned without number. Military euchre will be played to- morrow evening " at tbe Ouilmett* \.Oui*** f *j#ft8g'6Pa .' ^spp» ^ *"1 • ^â- aftse* JUiuui W. Allen are to be In charge of tbe evening. On Monday eveslng at 1:30 o'clock, tbe dab will hotel Its annual be lidd on the vacant around on tbe land avenues. Next Saturday evening, July 10, ah informal dance will be given at the Country club by Its members. Indian Hill club at Wtnnetka, which Is notable among the country clubs near Chicago by reason of Its low, pic- turesque building of colonial lines and futurist interior, opened its doors last nmrsoay evening to the largest and gayest party held so far this sea- son. ?4 â€"? The dinner followed an invitational mixed-foursome on the golf green, and this In turn was followed by an In* formal dance, with notable persons from all over the north shore in at- tendance*. • Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Clark were among those entertaining Mends at dinner and the dance, and other hosts wero Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Small, Mr. and Ufa,W. M. B, Plske, Mr. and Mrs. Kdgar Btanton, Mr. and Mrs. J, Allen Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Spauld- ino cof??!!, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mcr dock, Mr. ehd Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Jr.. Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Blatchford. Mr. hhd Mrs. Henry Hollls, Mr. and Mrs. S. o Magie, Mr. and Mrs. Landon Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rogers, Mr. anl Atys^Mfcljonttr^ ^^sp â- ^na«sasas»jgi gssv nan* gpv sss^BjBsjPV *â- *» i^psW >» a irgf sin in In aw laet Issue sen. Rubens wtti the Centralising School of M safe. Mra. Robert* is not a pupil **** â„¢ O^^Opp Wl vl UsV AasWflvKB The Young Men'* dub of which Mr. Eber MoHuy Is president will meat at aueusrfao'n >*«»« kdd- their aaans! "^^^P1 11' H 111 i mw n-^-ww-f» -«^-^-s* â- nsswesn pxpsgBsnssnw' picnic yesterday at Ravlnia Pa*k. Mies Marian Seng of 435 Lake avo- wee hostess at a very pretty Oh Tueaday of lest week given In honor of her sister. Ms* llfgnet. who bee recently returned from St. Mary's of the Woods. Among the Slun^lrglnla Taylor, EdTtb Vy-Brlm. M^Hay worth, Margaret Milieu, and Elizabeth Heffron. After the luncheon the girls went to the Village theater where they enjoyed SMefnr Mary Plckford In "Fancblen tha Cricket." "« «* â- ... mm The choir of Bt Augustine's church Were delightfully entertained with S picnic en Tuesday of last week. The boys left Chicago at eight o'clock on the "Theodora Roosevelt' .'or Michi- gan City; hau luncheon In the rnrk: and spsnt the afternoon on the bench, returning to Chicago In time tor o spread at the Boston Oyster housn, and where they also listened to some exceedingly Interesting stories of hunting big k»mo in Southern Airio-. Nineteen beys end slit men ware in too party. .;<;> Instead of the regular monthly meeting of tho Woman's Home Mis- sionary sontsty of the Methodist church being bald at some home thlr month, the ootociation as a Whole ex- pect to attend Ladies' day at Des- plalnes Camp meeting. There will be- no meeting at all in August, but they Wilmette Societies a and Clubs D Mrs. Percy Burton entertained the Thursday Sewing club yesterday after- noon at bar home, 2031 Sherman ave- nue. Hvenstou. Sfi^v* Mrs. Herbert Dahncke was hostess to her Birthday club Monday after- noon at her home, 786 Twelfth street. The occasion was her birthday anni- versary. Mrs. William Smith. 616 Lake ave- nue, was hostose to one of the smaller Tuesday luncheon and bridge clubs last week. The Study class met Wednesday aft- Personal Mention of WUmatte Folk * â- " >n. 4IT mntb anextended Miss Louise R street, is "In the " trip, Master Stanley Abrahamson of 805 Park avenue, is ill at his borne with measles. i> . j h,j. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will leave the first of next week for a four weeks' visit In Detroit. Mich. Mrs. Albert Cope of champaign. 111., is a guest at the li. J. Burt home, 1087 Elmwood avenue. Mr. William Wlsehart of Chicago was the week-end guest of Mr. Haxen Patterson. 731 Tenth street. Mrs. C. E. Pitch end daughter. Re- beccah. are visiting in Massachusetts emoon at the borne of Miss Mary at the home 0f Mra. Pitch's brother n i it-nit miiai.iii ........â- -----------------r ____ dates, iiau Wiimette avenue. Mra. D. V, Webstar entertained a Tueaday luncheon and bridge club last week, at her home on Forest ave- nue. The Wiimette chapter of the Eastern Star organisation gate a basket picnic at Lincoln park Tuesday of this week for the members and their children. A crowd wee present and all bad a very enjoyable time, the boya said, -the beat ever." * Tbe Sunday school of the Methodist church held their annual picnic yes- terday at Ravlnia park. Queues of all descriptions ware played la the after- noon, and In the evening the plcnick- < rs attended the concert. Mrs. B. M. Kemp entertained a wr of her neighbors at • delight ful party Monday afternoon at her home, 106 Broadway aveaue. THE YELLOW uTtsnOM, <fe not aohamo* of vmonncr; Uejolce if you are Or even "alow- and meek. While yen Mo one, of you, can truly say. "She shewn a yellow streak." tie before yon are i That friends Uriel alien i la 'The Display a yellow i *â- * fit â- •â- -" ••sspn srnsjsnery or ineruu ine and Mr. aal Mas. F. L. son. Mr. Bow Tnihss of and E. A. Tucker and family during the peat week. " Mr. end Mrs, A. C left laet snank Use an trip In the east, returning to Wtlaaetts about July IS. Thdr son. Sobert, Who haw been alfisjtfifi' Dart- mouth coUege, hae Joined these aal •j^P*JPe * P'PflBe* W Jp^sWppT wi' pwpwp^ thrtwgh the Mew Mwoia. junior SteTsns efHf Roaberg, both reaiaeota of WUassste, were unite sarlonelir injured laet fun- day moraingi while rtdlag a cytim, for they ran into a machine bo- lac while tbe other one Is suffering bruises on the head. '__________ â- SSaSMaSBBB==3BB=SaBBSBeaSSnBSBBBBBnBBBt ssempaw Winnetka Mrs. Sydney Burnet, who hae boon out of town, returned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Oreeloy, who went east for to* graduation of their two sons at Harvard, returned for the Fourth. ... Dr. Ida Laird Barroll, who, under- went an operation » week ego Monday* came home Sunday and Is gaining strength rapidly. Mra. Alfred Newton Burnliam of Hubbard Woods went to Kankakee yesterday for a brief visit before mak- Ing an extended tour through tbe east. Mrs. Alfred D. Hermann. Who •US' talned a recent operation st tba Bv- anston hospital, Is growing strolls so rapidly her family aspects her home shortly s Miss Elizabeth Layman of Hubbard Woods bee completed the prescribed postgraduate course In piano at the Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dremetle Art^ and has had a degree of Bachelor of Music conferred upon hor. She will be beard in • recital in Win- netka early In the fell, Miss Charlotte McCarthy Of Evans- ton, assistant librarian at the village library, presented her resignation at the June mestipg of the .library board. In September. Tho rerignation iaktm effect August 1 Miss McCarthy's successor is to be Miss Josephine Pearson of Evanston. The greatest regret is expressed ft Miss McCarthy's withdrawal from li- brary work. Her plena fur the futnre are along the line of educational work for sob-normal, children. , _ !?Tnd|en HnfwM ths ece;td If much entertainment last Thursday. In the afternoon an invention mixed foursome was played and n table d'hote dinner followed by dancing filled the evening. Among the dub members seen were Mr. and MrsrMa^^©urk.iu'r. end Mrs. Ralph D. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Spaulding Cofflu. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollis, Mr. and Mra, Frank Ogden Magie. Mr. and Mri,. Edward S. Rogers. Mi*; end Mm H, undon Hoyi£i^KT Mrs. Douglas Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wll- £ Ham C. Boyden. Mrrnnd Mrs. John W. Scott and Mr, end Mrs. Thomas Tny. lor, Jr. Mrs. Mat tie L. Willis and eon. Lynn D. Willis of Warwick road, Kenliworth. were in St. Louis. Mo., during the cold spell. Miss Charlotte Cooper, of Engle- is spending the week as tbe guest of her aunt. Mrs. Prlngle. 811 Lake avenue. â€" - .: Miss Mary Farrlngton of Brookllne. has been the guest of Miss Georgiana Rogers. 688 Ninth street, during the week, -Jt^ Mr. and Mis. Charles G. Decker, of ft8 Oreenleef avenue, left Tuesday evening fur Niies. Mich., where they will spend a Mr. aad Mra. J. H. Kaufman. 1*88 Elmwood avenue, will leave tomorrow evening to spend the weekend with relatives la Mendosa, W, Mr. and Mrs I. R. Adkins. 1112 Cen- tral avenue, have ae their guest for an Indefinite period, of Hammond. Ind. Miss Hazel Rut sell. 188* Elmwood i venue, wturacd last week from Homer. 11L, wbe~ she has reen teach- ing during the past year. I â- ss«B88Ba8S888B888BW Glencoe Friday lire, Merc Darling for Des Moines. la. Mint angola Fanning la nt her home In Gleucoe for tho summer. - Miss Majory I^ne is the guest this week of friends at Burlington, la. Mies Beatrice King haa for nor house guest Miss Myrtle Jobse of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Basil Mooter eutertatne 1 with a birthday party Wednesday evening of last week. ____ v.. • The Basket dah wtti he eniertaiue.1 today by Mrs. Ihcmas King, TO 0*es> warn ln> pp^^ . â- â- ipw â- sp Hat MocAttai dau ai to bt« real- 4sUNDg â- StanfT fftvcsl swsoev, cnoagn if 4oee not state that th* greater part of his tiene ie worn spent m target Hills (iarckns. L. I.-tlr • besngj a tosnjBMtef* "ec- gentiy of his friends wowbl not recognize this Ufeenesa; it ss not toe so-catted "new art,'* but is â- sTvwnjl \mMm» niPBCsBn »rP Mm^eWmmmW aWBVp*Bj^pPBBP ery Flngg* -«>»wii Cor Vanity Fair. S under the title of Pen- ecnliarities." it Wf* aketched on the New York polo Baseball between tbe Society of sifajsansnesiawppn* .sn^s^r-wwsn^Fwe» w^^unr ss^^^'w^w^p w ^ Illustrators and tbe Dutch Treat eteb. This distisgniehed Evnnston- ian has only recently come before the public gaze, but if there is * continuation of his work nlong literary lines, there will be many In thin country who will feel on in- ^ timate terms with tine gentleman. The last boelf by Mr* Merwin, "The Honey Bee," widely advertised as ft "woman in revolt," run- ning a close second to the title as ft drawing card, first appeared in McClures as • aerial. It had that rare asset of serials, holding the attention /rorn month to month, never tevlttl^v&ftmr from the £hss!s,.& sU shewing the construction of ft master-builder. Another great attraction of this writer is to Introduce the reader to the most fascinating out-of-tlic-way places in foreign lands, far from the beaten trncka of the tourist or Mr. Baedeker._______________________*.... .» â- sapaa-aa-a ,,,i........in aaaasnspasssssnssisaasBB-iii.i.....il , n ' i hi pumxmm of hot parents, Mr* and Mra, 8. tt. Hurford. MISS May Murdow Haa rented hor home tor the months of July end Au- gust and will leave shortly for Buf- falo, N. Y. ,.,._^ . '___â- & The fBenooe chapter of tho Dsngb- tars of the Bmplre Will nmt Wednes- day with Mrs. Charles I). Budd, 215 Park avenue, Mr. J. M. Buchanan and family of Chicago era oceufyjng Mrs. Mere Darling's home on Olohc* road- for the summer. Miss Laura Williams left Tueaday of last week for Saw Francisco, Oal. â- be will sail July t4 for Honolulu to visit a school friend. Mr, and Mrs. Otto u. Harnett spsnt the weekend taking' u trial trip In their new Chalmers to Camp Btier- bardt on Lake Corey. Mr. Oscar Limuu.uisi. son of Andrew, Is building hlnualf a dwelling adjoin- ing hU father's, at the corner of Jef- ferson and Orsenwood. Mr. John Jeffreys, who underwent an operation for appendicitis a few weska ago,^turned to Hbe hospital Tuesday for another operation. Mr, John J. Moore is building ft dwelling to cost something over 610,- 060, fronting Sheridan road, east of Charles J, Mortimer's residence At the bridge at tho 8hokle elub Tuesday the winners of the prises were Mesdames Preston. Mradstreot, Laws, Dillon, Till and Maedonald. Mr. A. M. Hicks of Chicago haa started work on a dwelling on Brott of the l4tfgdey realdenoa, or seven thousand dollars. »• Aid #W Methodist church mot Tuesday. Qecrgc Osterholm and Tapper, Jr., were the hostesses. The girls of Hie Prochristi circle ol the Union church win ecll tee eroam and Ice cream cones, cracker jack and other good things. Bear this In mind. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Nutt and son David returned gnnday from Hanover, H., where Mr. Nutt we* attending the graduating exercises at Dartmouth college and the reunion of his class of J880. - ______-____ â€" Mrs. Gordon Sibley entertained de uSht fully the l«di#i of U>« Wsjrittn* ton circle at a luncheon at the Skokic club, wedaesday. Cove-s were laid for ten. v _ . Mrti % H. ftavfuscroft of «TT Valley road Witt be hor tees to ft luncheon Wednesday. JuUr T. to ntesshera of the Art clubs of Wiimette. Kenliworth Mr. C. A. Stonehill Ie buagatowa In the New- subdivision, south of roc/J. opposite the Qreon Mn crossing of the Northweatern railway. The ladles of the Methodist Episco- pal church will have stAeett^at the park on the Fourth of will sell sandwiches galsPt* mnvu â- ernsv^spa mm** 8smv;b\sBi^ snag*! ATLANTA SEEKS EMS' MEETING NEXT YEAR All Lodges in Georgia Are Hack of Big City in Its Effort. B When tba Blks of North Ameitea gather in Um Angslas ths week of July 18 to enjoy ths hospitality of that far-famed city, and to view the won. ders of tbe Pacific eaast, there wUI bo a whole traiuiond of Oeorgfans antong them to urge that the mo meeting of the grand lodge be bekHn the heart of Dixtcâ€"In Atlauta. They will t6k9 men along'Ailed with eloquence to tell the Blks of the charms of the south, of tbe historic battlefields around Atlanta, and of the warmth of the hospitality that will he __All-4jkwg^edges-ot^ have Joined With Atlanta Lodge No. 78, to extend ths Invitation, Ofliclal and civic bodloB, too, have added thilr support, William Handolph Hearst, who was â- Ivan credit for winning tba 1614 meeting of the Imperial Council of the Shrine for Atlanta, bus pledged the support of nil of his newspapers to the enterprise. y Formal invitntions have already been sent by the Atlanta lodge to the lodges In all other cities of tho country. On Ik Wiy to Trade YOUR BANK m\OmA\ Wii%MmmO*m\ Oi/m^A MO\tAlt dn% la eeajplssll in ail er J| " tmf. •w'Is^I.sbV.W P% Cleanliness IQpv vriiincttc WILME Wo ClOsUI Everything NorthShore Hou z-tssat1!' rliVAfi WAtoBMAPJ Yl°M.cT,Toom8 10 Pronty Annas t in ' THE WILME Y*tn*3lntT*r\af UTYSHOP PwOJwePnjpt mrWWIMW wHW rmmu)mmM AsjsS^a^hft â- mmmmmmmmmmt' WI^NETKiM«Q a ^^ggP^^ r*imirtr Wh>nrtke Ostass.: Ugnwesf *We sell good / r AUTOMOBILES / W YTQR COe /j^L SERVICE ^ FAYS "Tbe way between Orado and Trieat says a National Osograpblo soclsty war primer, which describes the strange path before the Invading JIMIINIIB Iw 6>88w I IVUPe* «wvjsj*i sesii sv^sss) port. "Many chapters of little-known, hut fascinating history are associated with this coastal atrip at the head of the Adriatic and its legendary lore la at rich mm that of Oranada. Wealthy Romans built their villas along this Why during the days of .the empire. an4 to this region many wars have dimmed to forgetfulness beside tbe main struggles fought on other fields. fltshABldbn* YpAsnsas%snPftjs\s^lsBB88j bLIUbs* VlVsaPlvVv g V f^va8jsp*vrnsBU/isnsj( shtitente and Trie«t. syTOsttt *m9 PnsMU VM \mw AssWW« *9mf pOJ sTftsP^V •"^^^Wjy fta^^^w^OHv^WOwsBa Msspgg sjafassgng^. Nabrastna falls aa steadily to tho plain A^snjsnsssnsa^assjsn) one ease mm mv^mw^^^^ ^^ â€"--, -m? â- â- â- â- ** •» Tries*, ts the uyfeadju the vladaota In giant colis over the ragged aad eft every hand are panore- 0411068