seas THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. JUNE. M. JMR EDISON PARAMOUNT NEXT SATURDAY BILL First of the Series to Be Re- leased Through This Program. â- y Our Rt«l Expert Grace Washburn In "When it Strikes off tb« wmk at the Vil The scenario was writ- ten by Charles K, Harris, author of «Mfty groat stag aooeeasea. The pic- tan was produced by Mr. Harris and his fllm corporation, which was formed for the purpose of making pictures out of hie renowned songs. Loll Meredith, clever little actress from the Broadway theaters, is the lasting character in David Belaaeo's play, "The Woman." which wUl be pre- sented on Tuesday. "The Middleman" is the Wednesday bill. On Thursday, Frederick Wards appears in Shakespeare's historical play. "Richard III." "Stop Thief," Cohan and Harris' farce. Is billed for Friday. The leads are taken by Mary Ryan and Harry Mestayer. The Thomas A. Edison company are now releasing some good pictures in the Paramount program. "The House of the Lost Court." with Gertrude Mc- Ctajr If the lead, is the first drama to como to photoplay theaters through thia channel. Anything with Gertrude McCoy is worth seeingâ€"Just for Ger- trudo alone. The Central avenue theater is again under the management of the Village Theater company. Matinees will be held there on Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons. Regular shows each evening. CHORAL SOCIETIES TO SING AT RIVERVIEW MILWAUKEE CAR LINE TO RUN TO THE LOOP Negotiations Are Completed Which Witt Take Cars to City. The Chicago * Milwaukee Electric railroad la to enter Chicago in the very near future. Trains of this Una win pees over the Northwestern Elevated tracks from Evanaton southward to the North Water street stab. C. E. Thompson, sgent tor the receiver of the Chicago a Milwaukee, yesterday confirmed a report that an agreement had been reached between the officials of the two lines which will permit thia use of the Northwestern tracks. Efforts are now being made by the Chicago A Milwaukee to obtain au- thority from the Illinois Public Utility commission to raise the passenger rates from 1.41 cento to 1.75 cento a mile, but the installation of the new service la not expected to wait for this decision. "The exact date of the installation of the new service has not been fixed yet as there are some minor details to settle first." said Mr. Thompson. "There exists a clause In the lease be- tween the Chicago, Milwaukee a St. Paul railroad and the Elevated Rail- ways company which requires the ele- vated road to obtain the consent of the Chicago, Milwaukee a St. Paul before closing negotiations with us. "This, however, Is a detail that we expect to arrange in a short time. "It will Involve the operation of ex- press trains between the Kinzie street stub and Milwaukee, making stops at Wilson avenue and Evanaton and points beyond. This will mean that passengers desiring to go to Milwau- kee need only cross the Clark street bridge from the loop before boarding our trains." The statement of Thompson con- firms the one made a few days ago by Britton I. Budd, president of the Ele- Railways company, who Clencoe vated Railways company, who ex- pressed the opinion that the plan to All International Contest at have the Chicago & Milwaukee uao the Northwestern Elevated tracks un- der a sublease would be successful. Amusement Park on Sunday. t£he International singing contest among the best choral societies of Chicago to be held at Rlverview next Sunday .will be one of the most Inter- esting musical events in local history and is arousing wonderful Interest in all parts of the city. It will be given under the auspices of the Fllarecl Choral society, the well-known West side Polish organ!- .nation. Eighteen nationalities and G.ttOO singers will engage in this musi- cal battle royal. Prizes valued at more than $600 will be awarded. The judges will include some of the most distinguished musicians of the city Ignace Paderewski, the wond-famous Polish pianist. Will be (»ii<- of them The other Judge* will bt: Kark-t.,.. Hackett, musical critic ot the Eve nlng Post; George Neisc h >lt i#r«»l dent of the Society of Aiuericaa Mu slcians; Felix Borowski musical critic or the Herald; Herman Dovrleu. pro feasor of music; Edoardo SaccrJote of-the Chicago Musical college, and Marvin Hlnshaw. of the ilinshau con servatory, formerly ban.on* win the Metropolitan Opera company Choral societies from the ...... ...,. nationalities of Chicago's p,>l.,(,<ot population Will participate: .nerlcan Swedish, Norwegian. Dan. Huhhb rlan, Jewish, Lithuanian U.iieuilasi Ukraine, Russian. Croatia... slavish Serbian, Ruthenlau Polish. l.i»ii uui gsrlan and Swiss The contests w«« >.. "• »â- » ••• open air on the ttaU. U ti>< picnic grounds Stand*, hav cuji erected for the ..ccasioi Ti u>»t prise Will t>„ a J3G0 silv . umv the second, a $200 , up, and th tin i. a gold medal valued «i ti"« »'»«• •»»• else Will open with a cl>. .as <../ »0<> school children Ai.c. tlae cot. at» there Will be a . ,nc4;rl In .. hlch the eighteen i.onics.tng u.«*.,» and 900 voices Will take pft.t t> th ac >m panlment of a nfty |.iec. oi.hettra The proceed* ci th© eonl.Jt will go to aid the Poland. victims of the «ar in GROSS POINT wom 114 COMMITS SUkCli Ail me Mrs. Susan Schwuii i On Gas and En t* life Mrs. SUtfah &<u~*u thpay fc&hwall. and tt i Bgrre of Gross Point, comu...t*4 ride Tuesday afternoon at her h Sixteenth street and S|x-m <r iv»caue She leaves five children and husband. She took her children to her par msna st noon and said she wss to Evanston to do some «hop- **» Instead she went home and the keyhole of the door and the windows and turned on the gas. flit had been dead four or fire hours wheal' fownu. No clue left as reason f« the act. â- Baity Thought. i of the charm of life Is rsfeed of confidence. wish to destroy all they love, to have everything levealed. ere unconscious !y kffHttg their own happiness â€"Stop. He* NORTH SHORE TOWNS ARE AFTER SERVICE Seek To Exact Improve- ments from Chicago- Milwaukee Electric. Further testimony relative to the proposal or the Chicago and Milwau- kee Railroad company to have Us pas- senger rates Increased was given Mon- day before the state public utilities commission <J K Tl.„.u,.. .. *...-...» -»„..• .... . ....di.oi at the run., Icotirk X coll crn lug the empuny's dnancets and the nee.) of an increase His di. -<:t i^ati mou., entered »urou»»h tbe ques lions «»f Attorney *'. W. Bull, counsel for tk.e .railroad, and ho was ..roue e* anwncd by Geor«o T Rv,6urt city at torney .tl i .ake Fee. i Tbe iov. t.s oi Glenn . i. ... .«.. .. «i u llm< ,lc and i Highland «I.m< i t/g>rv...enU.» at the li Ti.o electric r^iluad li. soeki ...ito-u in lul.n of froi. 1 il cent inllo to i 7.i cenko Mi 1\ >*,«.i j said ... t.......i...., . lilit .if way ,.rc n.k.....J Li. ti..' /lull nod t»i iua< th y ,!. > to Uic 1 alk.jlla. . li. K/T ,rl... will bo niml.i U.l. .nici.l I tl , , ci .1... 1' in l\. AlllIK 1. bv. a it fa. co l ol the a. . t« .,U il u (, loro t. Miss Caroline Falls entertained with a tea Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. WUl Glasner spent the week-end at Starved Bock, III. Mrs. C. C Beck with will be hostess to the MIssion Study class Friday. Mrs. Cadman Martin will be hoatess to the Knitting dab Friday, June 18. Miss Lucille Crumbaugh la a guest at the home of Mr. Frank Compton. Mr. Ralph Sargent Is at home from Boston Tech, for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. O. Fred Barnshaw are happy over the arrival of a little son. The Pro Chrlsto circle of the Clen- coe Union church have disbanded until fall. Miss Jean Hurford graduated from the Columbia School of Music Thurs- day. Mr. Preston Calhoun returns today from Illinois university for the vaca- tion. Do not forget the entertainment at the Methodist church this afternoon and evening. Mrs. Gerry Taylor was hostess at a luncheon Tuesday. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. Alfred Blackstone was host at a stag Monday evening. Covers were laid for twelve. A young son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miner. 344 St. Palos street, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cromwell of Chicago were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain. Jirah and Gardner Cole entertained a number of their friends with a dance Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fovard and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett left on Tuesday for NeW'York City. Rowena and Helen^McDougal are home from Kemper Hall, W!s:. fe? tho summer vacation Miss Florence Weeks by her classes in music Saturday last at her home, 670 ongwood avenue. Mrs. Martin J. Power has for her guests Mr. and Mrs. M. Gaskill and Miss Wightman of Philadelphia, Pa. The Glencoe chapter of the Daugh- ters of the Empire were entertained by Mrs. Wilbur Sample on Tuesday. Mrs. Marvin Miner, who has been spending the past six weeks at Cedar Rapids, la., returned home Saturday. Miss Margaret Heuer returns thia week from the Glen Eden school at Poughkeepslc, N. Y., for tbe vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt en- tertained an automode of seven guests from Hampshire, III., for the week-end. The tennis tournament was finished Sat unlay, Messrs. F. M. Dc Beers and Clifford Cushman winning in the men's doubles. Mr. Nelson and daughter, Miss Mil- dred, of Fort Scott, Kan., will be the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C H. Whitela* Mr, Johi. J^n,*., unUutwcut an «»p «.i allot, for ..ppendl. Itlo at the i're„t>y teriau L<*n.ital last Muturnviy iieporte are fa/orublo Mr and Mi.. 1.1. ..»i.i Mill* ..........I i«, GUn<â- <>«. Sin la/ Th jy wl.l occupy tho Ben N.iwtiull i...ua4i t.,r ti.o sum met moi.lhs M.8 Gcor», i-,.,,01 * .... 1...UI. .0 ~i .. luiicnooii ivl nduy t tl a e st Kit., .b.ili f uii.i â- lam fot .-.l.\i< <.n M.s Kiel til....1 it. .. cl.ut will .lltoll.l I 1. Uio V.'.-j. ning. in circle .. ill Wo.lucn lay. ,/Ul.e Hi Mrt Htl./y 1' .tic . . 1 . i»lle ilclci. 1...1I Kin. y 11 1'rat.y .cave- >une 16 In ..,.< m Mi.n ..not M.»n... V\ .1. ;' . ... . hoi. - . ,11 1 wlui. Mu .. loi I -The Power of the Hytaaa.- Altar the meeting a supper «^*fj«^ The program for the Children's Day services at the Glencoe Union church Sunday at ll^a m. 1« as follows Quartetâ€""While Beauty Clothes the Fertile Vale- {Cans). Invocation and Lord's prayer. Anthemâ€""Hosanna to the Chil- dren's King- (Brackett). Graduation of primary claaa. Story sermon for primary depart- ment .....____ Girls' Cuorua. Bsptism Song by the Sunday schoolâ€"-Around the Throne of God in Heaven." Responsive reading. Hymnâ€"--Children's Day." Reception of members Into the church. Girls' chorus. Prayer. Offertoryâ€""C*votte" (Martini). Hymn. Sermon' story for Sunday school. Hymn. ' Posttadeâ€"-Festival March" (Kin- der). All cordially welcome. f Swat the Fly WILMETTE MEN AEE CONTRACTS Blake Lowest Bids for Pav- ing and Sewer Work. (Continued from Pago 1) The Kansas boar* of healthy has made up the following fly catechism. It's worth reading. It's worth remem- bering. It's better still more valuable to put it In practice. 1. Where Is the house fly born? In filth, chiefly In horse manure and out- houses. 2. How long is the life cycle of his birthf About «en daya from the time the egg is laid until the mature fly is born. 3. What are the steps in the trans- formation from the egg to the fly? The egg, the maggot, the pupa, the fly. 4. Where d««s the fly live? Where Kenosha, there Is filth. 6. Is there anything too filthy for ave a recital the fly to eat? No. 6. Doee the fly like clesn food, too? Yes, and it appears to be his* delight to wipe his feet on clean food. 7. Where i* his favorite place of feeding? The manure heap and the garbage can. 8. Where does the fly go after leav- ing the manure pile and the garbage csn? Into the kitchen, dining room, and bedroom. 9. What does he do in the kitchen, dining room and bedroom? He wipes his feet on the food, bathes In the milk and,annoy* the sleeper. 10. Does the fly visit those sick with typhoid Tever7^ consumption, smallpox, snd cholera infantum? He certainly does, and may call on you next, 11. Is the fly dangerous? Yes, he spreads disease. 12. How does he spread disease? By carrying Infection on his legs and wings, and by "fly specks" after he The aggregate payments authorised by the board of trustees at this meet- ing foot up to 85,529. But out of this $2,028.25 was for Winnetka's quarterly water site and $1,253 for the contractor on the village hall annex and altera- tions on account, Take from the re- mainder, again $250 for tarvla for the street resurfacing (which will come back), and lt brings the ordinary charges a little above $3,000. OBITUARY. Thomas M. Brooks. Thomas M. Brooks, 922 Forest ave- nue, died at 6:30 o'clock last Friday morning at his home. He was 75 years old and had been a resident of Wil- mette for 45 years. Funeral was held Sunday afternoon auo o'clock at con- gregatlonal churcb/Tlev. Roy E. Bow era officiating, interment at Middle- bury, Vt. The/C was a large Masonic escort. Indian . DIB VV of .A ..„!.!..Bt ... 1.adieu of „ lunch.ju I M.h.-i Hut II Hit; lllll II. t- i..iiinin<-r utli.ttcn t» >y lite A u.. > i id,US In till ..tin. nun ... tl. alt. .ula »n<> liuv« . uool. i 1. ui< (no it«.:lilc r -ad i.r«« *>»^,;i:Uid m n| |n-n «l» ivitiii'.-t.i.rrs .il (1 It la imld U.fal all ul^jit !mn Li.ii icU.b. J to (titlij tl.cOl In the!. Mtni. 1 TJ.., IK il I .1 , 111 I.. 1.1.1 ... I..lie II I* -I. ill.. Ill .Kilt. >U Bf«: . .Ct It iv 111 I. a llvcl) <uO iiti/\i>iJ /vTKrt \1l AWARDED DIPLOIC v.ii ,. ...i..ae4 (iu.a l'â€"^,^ . , ton t tint i iU« IQ hls.l«.r .... j , ,i.i* Iw. EnAllBh to Artlitn H. Nttbvrv^t, itie Marti, pi i/.e in t liti- r;il science to Hoy I. .->mith. the Car ih«-.«- II K U ilugK Miicld f r t*cel l«>nc. it. Greek U. I..ucilb M_ic!ino Slee In ,i.. I a- j.I -«• A..I...H 1 . ^ fietv tr. . /iiikc. captain Jl the N .rtb- wt-stem track U im. wa* awarxled the tallanhj.ii ana ifluevqe Pound prices for the b<:..l record in bcholarstiip for the entire . ourse ih«* Charles (j l.itvi/- prtz. fur fiL.vtid best rt-c »rd ia sih^Iarsh... ».nt to Eawin Charles Austin. GLENCOk YOUNG MAN TO JOIN THE COLORb 1 . ;hl ul.t/ ,d i.l I lie fti . .i n... /v, ,1 i. it t . u .iili y In ic M."i(.,iiin'.i Jiiitn 'It, ninn t'oyu, will nam UoUglas Anthony Klttermastc. ilw ZZ year old son of \v. A. Kitternuuter. general freight agent of the Canadian Pacific railway, will be the rirst soldier from the north shore to enter the European war. Young Kittenhaster lived in Glencoe for fifteen years. He attended New Trier high school. He spent three years in>he Canadian col- lege of Toronto and three years in the | noon sfcdety will meet hi the church Royal Military college at Kingston, . parlors Sunday at S o'clock. Tom Ont. 'Pope Is the leader. The subject Is: â- ^~~~~- •. 7' '-'_'-7!' ~"~£ â- ...: . :â- .• ' * .; . • »': L..« klOCll lltt m t.s U ,01111 .J Vh , i 1.JI.. A .,,!.»< c ,,ul chu li tho i.hunh | M Chnppi-ii olid tie .lOstesueu .lr H II ...„. . . ...... i..Ke .. t t nil «'*i'>n .u for .*•-• ui. ii i. u* The /;vi.,it.v l.avc !>« uidiy i)ur lug .heir al.utriicc u of . i.era lions wih be mad j ir. Mr K t'uli.ou.i and iI.iiikIii.. Miss Helen tulhoull 1. avc Saturday for S. It I,aK City. Ut^h to I lend the National Ci.dlt iVieuu ...-.j«h i.ttioii MiSS Can.nun win go f . m there to Berkeley. Cal Mr. and M.„ i 1.. .„ i, ....i.-i ..t iioston wei j the jutistu I it week of Mr and Mr. I. I'. W lllla .»s lr Kin.nal vm a toi, .^-r icaidciit ot *>l>n coe and was i.iad* welcome h> i j ber of oid frle.ids Tne A till- tl... i . i . | .iioetit.A Of ti.c Beaton 1 Jr.».l j Mrs (u. rai. W^eko K ipeelul | Ing .if tbe . lub wll. b held hoais of Mis It r. t .lff«..d »»,,; 1 Ake |u\ciiu£ »Vllm It 'inesday iuu. 15 The weddllift oi Miss II leu (Cull. . , ttauci.r.c, of &*i and Mrs I Herman t ashinou > vita... J trad ley of t hfcago win uic plb.e Wed> t»«tiinc Juu 16 . . the . .miiy at her tiom.- 6. i |«jg» ->.•! omuf Mies .Major* Whitela** c (tim.r Wednciday of i.tst week i.oui tl»c Na- tional Cath'-dia' a. bool. Wasnlnaton. IX I* . for the (.ammer .acation A school jvfisa Mai, Moultoi. of Colorado, spem the weekend with h«»r. Miss Martha Stuart Budd anil Miss Majory B Sihh.y will graduate la do- mestic crconomy tdim the l^ewit, lnsti- tnte. June 17 The exeivlses will be held at the k » First Congregational I churn-h, Washington avenue and Ash-! land boulevard, Thursday. June 17. at, 8 p. m The Young People's Sunday After- â€" anappi Summer Fri iron. Place; 730 S. MichigVrTi Ave., ^Chicago One-h»lf block south of Blackstone Hotel GOLD DUST Gives true household service Gold Dust really uwrfca. In millions of homes it is toJay-JSmathe which is really uimecessary for humi Geld Dust is used. ^s« That iaiWhy Gold DusMa tie leading #ishra5 and clean- in the who with Q^dJjMst known wcaTrhis racana Gold Dust truly works forJ^rT ?â- ;'<.:â- â- â- •'•'â- .• »â- '• if she doesn't already hnow. she u. be delighted to find out how Gold Dust cleans eoeryUdn^ with the sumo thoroughness, leaving it new and bright and deal 5c and Jffcer package* sold everywhere ^v^ Irid. ^m »p wna !Thi3 racana :£tf URBAI f?i\CP\ ICH DinCO SATURDAY ilAUtO & SUNDAY RIDERS ,'RENCE 10UR â€"ROOT has been (coding rial 13 w. t.rrj i 11 tuhor.: Jo. "summer 14 Dl. lie killed on infectious niute- . Jlso*.... ..*/ the "> tliUS i .ay conv y t>,)hoid tjver, cholcrn uysenter>. and u...plaint " the fly «v.. kim any -«•/ nciru A.iuriv in LJldle/s In the Hpam ih Am«srtcan wa. than the bullets ot tho SpanloiUc ami was the direct ..m.nii of much ot tho typhoid fever in lUuan last , o». 15 Whuie are the greatest ,...i..i»or at c«. .cs ot typhoid fever a.jd sum- it? Wh. rc there a. j the on*r,,irt most tllea 16 Wh. w hei tli. r 17 â- • th i„rs (11 OS fill i,< in t fi..n preseitco cut nu« O.oo' hero I..die .tion of r-caroy ft. hi It ce. laluly is. una that is diuj$ib^e- M. IWPntnkofl Grace W«i«la Visit the Newest in Chicago TCHAIsWWYA"Oie Original !oom loon 1"«â€" 'VICt iltaa a._. Chicneo Tel. Rand. 1S2S WE BUY Old jaill.flM.IWiaww Jewelry pairing. Im.i We ..U reakjnal.lf- ^/rici* too k.-~1 t • melt, special pie. .«s. FRANK BOYDEN &. CO. Suit. ISIS H^ worth ajwJfcjSjM 29 East Madison St. CHICAGO old silver pieces antiques and Lottie Mayer AND HER DIVING NYMPHS Belle Baker QUEEN OF SONG SATURDAYâ€"IRISH A0NACH and Athletic Contact SUNDAYâ€"INTERNATIONAL SINGING CONTEST Telephone Direct* >es TO 1MME0I All change^ in present listings, and all new listings should arranged f#r at once. If you are without vBervice. order a telephone now and your name will appear in the new book. / Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager Telephone 8903 ^s. rANSTON I Davis Street (2414,2415. 2416.241? THE GROCER WILMETTE Central Ave. 6 12th St. Tel*. 510. 511,512.513 FIRST QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIR. PRICES SPECIAL PRICES IN FORCE JUNE 14th TO JUNE 19th ______________________________________________^jj._________________________________;_______________________________________ NatU>ila! i fir,: U.60 corn. $1.30 iiality $1.10 tTouId $1.65 CALIF. SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES- Perfect, Juicy, sweet fruit. 150 size. Doz.....36c 126 size IHik,.....38c :»0 oi/se Uoz 40c FANCY PINEAPPLES i£xtr« -..., t..... size. Each.......12'/2c Doz CALIFORNIA LEMONS fruit. 300 size. Doz____ CRACKERS Biscuit. 6 pk*» Saratoga 1 lakes i ,»k Ail 10c pugs. 3 l >r NatW POTATOES Peck 15 lbs.......i FRENCH OLIVE The finest quality of MONARCH APPLE No. 3 can. Fine flavoi fresh Can CORN Tin u.icot -iiiality of ijvect Can.. . 11c Duz PEAS tv.u.i Vie. Sitted E The greatest l.argai.. in pea* 1 hb ve ever sold Can . 1Jc Doz TOMATOES KiiM, not be finer <t.n, 14c Doz..... Milton No 3 van. Kxiav standard «ijMU> Can......... ...9c Doz.......... *tX)0 FstENCH PEAS They are ^citing »ca... and the price i» going up Extra amull Can . 2i« o\<<in,n. »».» .â- -.. ia*. FRENCH MUSHROOMS Tk.. j.., .n. ., .i,,. that the is going to mak.- thee« ury s..urce. First choice Can..^5c Extra small Can 32c BINGO SALMONâ€"Chinook. Pink Msh i^rgc No. 1 can Salmon steak. Can. . ....... 22c Do* S2.SO SUBSTITUTES FOR FREiH MC.A1 Sardines. Bonclc as. ^S................ 23c Sardines With hones. '•_. S 20c Monarch oUrlmps No. 1*4 cad 1),-, >>u k 25c Oi Armour's Vetib.>st N.x 1*4 caii .......70c No. 2 ..«u. White Star Tuna Fish. No. 1; can........14c No l ..on Finnan I laddie. Jar...... Monarch Lobster. No. Vz can.........24c ."So i Richelieu Kippered Herrmg. t an Brisket -Beef. Armour~s. No. 1 can . ......27c No 2 . a»i B. A. M. Clam Chowder. Qt. t-au Deviled Crabs. Can................ Poured Chicken. Armour's. No l4 can......... .32c No 1 uu MackereL Norway Bloater. Lb...... Japanese crab Meat. No. % can.......:. .24c No. 1 tan Codfish. Monsoon. Middles. Lb..... . Free of Bone. 1 lb. pkx___u.___,.,....... Free of Bone. 2 lb. box................. Beardsley's Shredded. Pkg............. â€" Seeded anti cleaned. 1 lb. pkg â€" Extra fancy. Head. Lb....... 80c *>- 27c «7e 10c 50c 22c 24c &St 19c 38c 17e 18e ...»e ...lie ....7c and Gold Medal. 2.00 Barrel... $8.25 Cane. 10 lbs. 69c FLOUR - Pillsbt % bbL^ Sl/G^pSt â€" OranulateoTEastei Costal Domino 5 m. pkg. ystal Domino 2ab. pkg fystal Domino lac pkg pow ..rid. GjFu. pkg £»4>APâ€" Atierican F«C Jas. S. 66 bars^Fbox $2.96 10 bars ftirbajprs Fa»i> 10 bars..... saptha 10 Uat» H. & H. Caf,.4.t. Cj • OILET SQMHf^Palmolive. Jap Rose. Ju- venile. Olmlo. Cake.........................** Pears'. Scented Cake......................16c Pears'. UnscenieJ. Cake...;............12'/4e Packer., Tar Cake 20c Cuticura. Cake-----23c f/tEGER Oil MOPSâ€"A very necessary arti- cle in ev..ry house. Mop, handle and pint can of cedar oil for...........................80s MONARCH GRAPE JUICE-Try one bottle and you will say it Is as good as you ever tasted. Qt. bot.........35c Pt. hot.............20e COFFEE U} JMi hl^riid. This coffee Is the equal of „uy 4*... cofl«e. Lb..................34c Roast Blend J0c value Lb.................28e NUTS - MUwd Almonas English Walnuts, Pe- cans. Filberts aud Brazils' Lb...............1*« Jumb.i Salted Peanuts. Lb..................28e Almon«is, Jordan Shells j Lb................00e Almonds. Valencia Shelled. Lb.............*** Pecans .-shelled. Lb.......................$0e English Walnuts. Shelled. Lb.............--*3c .> LIVES â€" Queen. Full qt.......35c Princess Large Queen. Full qt.............<** Large Queen. ...22c 16 ox. bot..........35e 4 u« bot. i for................25e 15c No. 15 not...........25c Monarch. 10 oz. bot I.iule Deyils bot.. S% ox Riena Devilv>l. ia oz. totT. ~~ ".............2s6 Richelieu. California Ripe Giant. The finest and largest that grow. Qt. can.......»............$0c Monsoon. California Ripe. Qt, can..........*** Sylmar. California Ripe. PL can......... - -30e aACARCWIâ€" Spaghetti and Vermicelli. American. As good, if not better, than imported. T lb. pkg..................................... *•* Couteaox Imported. Italian, "lib. pkg......*«« AkJBL C. Macaroni. Pkg____.....â€"......irv. .~H«H MOLASSES â€"Ginger Cake. Dark. VetT »»«• No. 2% can 12'/2c No. 5 can 28c No. 10 can 45c MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Richelieu. Pure Vermont maple sap. Qt. can____ ....................Jg Monsoon. Maple and cane. Pint bot.........*3e MAPLE SUGARâ€"Pure Vermont, lib. cake 20s MONARCH KIDNEY BEANS- ^ No. 2 can. 3 cans...........................25* RJCHEUEUUMA Plwt quality. Green. . Can------............He Dos.'...............t1-5" RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPIJt- No. 2H can. The finest pack. DeHdcns ............$2* Sliced. htfiavor. Can.....^2fe Dot:.