Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1915, p. 2

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rmu^ warn www*. rnwAT,sum, turn*. THE LACE SHORE MEWg m^ lAm MmMv 4*4 M*mw$k *SsWa? Mamum****** ' JIT- IM# tJMIesStie A>ye*OJ*- ..............* •UatsVCRiPTION •240 A YCAB Paw <h8MMhia> W^Blftl iB^sftAAGsttOOsI ^n • ^*^^W* *^~g W^^WsV. WP •sww^P^Bfl8l ^^^"^^ ***** hot* «*ort **4 time, w* hay* poor, prt>mkd*g to be * em***** fj&m^Ht** h : :ito fb* nonymous ttouvUl aot b* noticed. «*- luacrfpta WW not be r*4«n»*d ♦acBmawnteS Mr S****** All mat- «or publication to «b* nwreot w*WTe .« *bouM r«w* wr ©«c* not la«*r than W«4nea4ay now. F" -•*â- '*......*â- '«'â- '>•â-  "|ILI|.i â-  =+<"'â-  ' ' »' FRIDAY, JINK 1!, »»»&. The kendo* Observer report* the college sport* at Cambridge and Ox for4 sadly crippled for lack of men, a lamentable ceee, Indeed. -^ National honor I* national property of hlgboet value. That sentiment In tbe mind of every cltlaen Is national Strength.â€"James Madison. LITERATURE. Any business enterprise which «>H:s support and growth from tbe general public must issue what, for lack of a better name, we call litera- ture. Most towns (not Wllmette) issue pamphlets setting forth their charm* and advantages, business, edu- cational, social, to attract to them new residents. They call their produc- tions literature. Health resorts, sum- mer resorts, winter resorts, all have their Illustrated literature. Hook (â- tores advertise the season's litera- ture, the now books, usually fiction. . Newspapers have their sections de- voted to literatureâ€"reviews of the best sellers and publishers' announce ments. ----- It Is this typo of literature with which the young people of a com- munity grow up to think illustrative of the real meaning uf the wgrd. r-V miliar with Ita round and Its uao, few are led to < oualdi i h..« (h. lum.ui.u belonging i>itl.v ut the i.ioi imuUmoi ..r the |H»n i'( tin. guitluu «.f d»t> wor»d Pas fallen, to be applied u llu must coniinouplMw of mII turn.- >.t u.« ort Of wrtUOB Tin i.urHM. !,...«,... «,.j4" to be enrt. l»« <l t»> <»hp «« w « .4 «» ICnst solutll.ln,, l«. in* K Ik .tin .1 tllit! l.'t»IHU 111. «>».,6 > i«l » >" •>•> itiid ibui »1<U It h. not -------MSC ,-o^^-wlurll^ A^t*-»gW1»*0,«»««»M«ClaV their neighbor*' t»rf, ftre willing, and do, work to aowibilate <be despoiling weed from the gross In the town. If everybody were ao constituted, we could, obviously, soon claim for Bv anston the enylable record of being without dandelions. But there *re al wars more who are indifferent alike to the appearance of their own prop- erty and to their moral obligation not to Indict the results of their own Bare- ness upon ft more particular neigh- bor who heap the crop of tbe devas- tating weed always prosperous and In- crcaolng. The towoa of Wllmette are, in most instances, beautiful. They show prop er esro and attention except In the (lowering season of tbe dandelion, when the little yellow spots appear everywhere, the white-Winged seeds later to be distributed throughout the neighborhood. Every Beason the growth becomes more assured and sturdy, Every year the grass gives a little more to the InnmdB of the stur- dier plant, Every year our lawns Buf- fer a greater loss and the remedy be- comes more difficult to apply. A little co-operation in the extermi- nation of dandelions would turn the trick In a season. Everybody working on his own apportionment of lawn, that that might bo freed and his noiglv burs on either side protected, the sum- mer season would end with Wllmetto a spotless town so far as tho yellow spot of the dandelion Is concerned. mmmammmmmmmm SUMMER SCHOOL. Every year tbe agitation for a shorter summor vacation period be conies a little stronger. More and mure people ore becoming convinced that tin: toil v.ooh.-t uf IdbiJlf .fin ItlltuV W«H bo utilised fur <-<!>«' wufh Tilts v'acrtlloi. hfto ionulto.» Inmi thin partial onvjotiww ttU.oi.i An In* II pfc.'l Of Utd v«4J«lK.<« , t luU li. ul.lch U.o c*.gwia* oattfue \ ill to 1 .iM»t>d Will eortftlnU oO»nr. in >4.c . ui ver> dif.(..nt future Ther« in «>\. ., . . .». IIUMHVt Ut IK.) oi:ll.llll, a llih ittt r.lllliim-l , (»4 4OW •« ttto \ i» («M tt'tl ( I.IIJt... obi ultt >â-  . . »•» » -u.,.lc4 Jm in.., lul^ »»4 /Vi,ju. i »( u.«> .no l . n ....... ttt t..« . M, l..n 1 -â- >â-  «•>« i'- •'•• RotvdfM nm l to * p. m.. m***4 Sundays and holiday*, â€"Adv. ftCW Civic «at*c|,ii,. siftotio»« to 'ti, uo«.ruln .. o| cbxssi£>Uft tlx-..-^. wi hUcheft doors, it may be tu...j am ywnbrtona thtogw a . «; u< a hi k\ t, t«A t»a* ** <m i«<Xy. l i«rfj •" a* ri-.c«» Xm me <au gtv« alt [>.. tlotv «.-» A t^ov. tjet t^JttSt witttOttt Op- :/• . 1'iriit, K* ovd.J-iiS tv (b« fK'bnt;^ Of Ui--: H/ciitj.t twt« L<t£ tbt» L-> a. 4iXfl- >.itit< to tb^ «a> «/C tbt »iiii.iittr ««ra» • bkt. a>a* «< tn^t la i».i»«jr ttul^...- *f- i.-'ilr.^ amt o»r »vl>oti ^ /1'XTs ^,04 vNtf lorj^ tacaiions. ace oui» a, ceestoteafc uiibe and wiiuieius •v«ou^. T. *• Gate, rotoister, J024 J^ke av««ue. 9:30 «. w.â€"Blble ftchool, E. W, Mc- cullougto superintendent. Orcheatr*. 10:451». ».â€"Children's Daf pro- gram. 1 ft p. m.â€"Sermon to young college, high school and grammar ncboot graduates welcome. «:15 p. mâ€"Bpworth league. All young people welcome. 8 p. mâ€" Paator preaches at tbe Ken- IIworth mission. Seats free, strangers welcome. The Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Oreentoftf avenue. Rev. i. M. Wilson, pastor. Children's Day exercises at 11 a. m. The graduates, numbering forty-three, will take part in tbe program aa fol- lows : Cradle Boll department â€" Twelve graduates. Very simple exercises. Beginners' department â€" Nineteen graduates. Song, "Uttle Lamb So White and Pair" Graduating exer- cises. Primary departmentâ€"Tweive gradu- ates. Exercises and song. "Happy gongs are Ringing." Mr. Thomas E. I). Bradley, superin- tendent, and Br. Wilson, the pastor, will give tbe diplomas to the gradu- ates. The pastor will speak a brief ser- mon on the subject: "Follow Me." Mr. Freeman will sing the "Ninety-first Psalm," by McBermld, and Miss Co- rette will presldo at tbe organ. Voting people's meeting at 6:45, leader, Mr. Charles E. Brandt. Evening service at 7:46 o'clock. Tbe pastor will speak on the subject; "Out of the Depths," Psalms 130. M<«u Coretto will give tbe following organ program: Evening Bong.......stanhope Martin Andante ............... Mendelssohn Postlude .................. Cappelen At the midweek service Wednesday night, the study will be of the book of Banlel- second divisionâ€"the groat prophecies. Congregational Church. Eleventh street and Wllmette ave- nue Roy Edwin Bowers, minister, 1024 Eleventh street. Sunday morning. June ja la Chll- a.en's Day Churou. and school will ! a Joint (jervlue at li a m Par- onta win. widh to present their little <ne<i fur ..onstH-ratiun or baptist.* are luvlt -d l.. du au at thld time. Tin, of- fering aUi bo fir the Suinb>> eckuol work uf tlu. dwUun.lnauon Sunday afternoon at 6 o'«-tu«k» « ope- lal imtvI.v will be held il) h<>Mnf of i.«r young |>vOpto who art- graduating ifut.4 New Trior high soboohj. The i.uarl. t will rendw ape.ial inwsi,. and In all ic^t>i .n It is noped tbe exeivlaea will bo worvby uf tbe utAalcn While tbe .tefvlie ia t-i|>» . ially for the young ,»le t.f dWU partab. wo <â- <./dsally Invite ««n> e^nlors t*. attend who r..u> bo a..>d aa well aa nil in lot e. tvn In tbe work >l n.«r bltib .^ In.ol Tbe ter ue.i tbeiue will bo: "What a llltfl. HtbuU* Uradu te «>bou«4 l>o t«r lh.> }..«tr ** Mali day ....... , a t» *» v. »' .. C K n\\ .lit, t I... " t.. , , ,*.• Htm .lot it >ui t* .s k ui Mil >v«- w «-U ig «n »t. V\«>l K..UiViV,l ««v ». ». )U« ite^i ». ... - 1 ,n..K, ,...«.ta. t .a , ..»<>i il >iiu,t 1 jw,,oc-iai. »n and w *' I. rut u Usion » iktr. wilt ji.«uu n* xt Sund.j IV»v'e arc rv-*meat«^t t« be present t,< 1.30 » in in order uot to u.l»a »»u |>«rt ut tbe k.rtwe Vi* »«ao m«' 1 M«» Mah^ncy aud otn^ra (run t*hiv«a«K ,i.wU tbe .tats* »e vkc »t uuissli.A a.1 .r«t» ......uiiK!. I. « »tl r ix-rukiU av*^..*.*. 4»»v.. *. . Tatuk. 1 Ab«r, f*, - S\i.rf n*jr »c*"*t«<A h«Ad W »«.. .1 . b <Jub lUtKluSk'. ,WT*«* «« U* AV<k.*«tr «lJ Tv».tb. *tr*«r« Tbrtv *iu W »v rvsuiâ€" »-- ,u UibK »vb<H^ bM ftU t«.icb>«i/a aad fut>.^ ojk r«u«eaced *» W «mk band at l*:3* >«Wi» i««»dto««b for in* Cblbhea's* Iw p««g>aaaL 1ft at. ui i biftdr^a** ftVj« «.v*«vto«ak. «: t» r. ^i - it. Y K tT ruvethig;. *A Kadertess Metttttg." X»/ b.a«fcer. baa everything ^ccs with «. xtfu from atail to Soisb. ~i.',jl} p. c. c>t««g»tt.«f» .-Wr««e by ii>e paiit^r. * h'ii.ty: 8»* ^tccwytfe^at f|iil».-s. Th<; Vvuok Pvotflv's vbvvun -v- ill Atif?. WedAeadi^j. «.«<»>*«> jum^. t* A* Kv«ery Meoiur" chapvot dialer aad>| sotiaf gathering at the borne of Mkr *a4 itea. R U Seaakv 1227 ashraad aveau^. Obm» of tike- fpedt ttewa. ot P»ft*w|l*MMMf. Player* Calfty ***«aed out to Was*- snetrlsad aa Saturday aad Sunday. •^w^swa«pww^sfaifa fJPW. â-  jaWBW*^s»,"i^»^w . «wa»^»^ "â- â- â- â€¢â- " ^ Tim «***> saaaur « rceprtf* "g**w »$ w^>)wV*Vy' »»JPeP JsW1*** *C»*»s«^^sls**a»"> saw awsaw urd»y w*« tbe <iuallf>1ng round for t&« Argjl* *«p. ^Jaety-aeven wer* stared to tkf* event. The following <ight men o-ualifled: S T McCaJi............, «*-W-Tf ft H. l{*ugau.........,„ ifâ€"l»-f* Thorn** IfotsMlng........JW-ld-W Ouy Oaborn .............W-M-«» W, I* Jackaon.........„# €*â€"e*-gl O, T, Pavle...............mâ€"\%-%l f, B, Fisflsiirortb....,,,,, Mâ€" 4â€"ft », B. Moody............,. fl-f-f* Tbe pairings for tomorrow's match Play for the first round will be C M. Haugan and Thorn** Moulding, W. U Jackson and S, T. McCall, a, F. Davie and B, E. Moody, Guy Dsborn ?'nd P. K. Psmsuorth. A special prize waa offered for the best score on b-'es 3, 4, t>, 1, 14, If, end 16. W. L. J*ckson was the winner, with the following cp'd: Hoi** ,.,,,• 4 6 7 H 15 16 Stroke* ,,,446346 3-28 William Bldgway, W. P. Kent and R. E. Moody all cpme within one stroke of this score. There were eighteen entries in the sweepstake*, Thomas Moulding waa first with n net of 60; Guy Osborn, second, G, P, Davie and P. B. Earns- worth tied for "<rd with cards of 82, .Some choice scores have been turned In during the past few days for tbe Ringer cup. P. P. Parnsworth had a four on hole number 2. H. H. Oakley turns In a two on number fourteen, W. T. Shef- field had a two on bole number four and a three on five. h. ij. Ruedel did two on bole number eight. A new sort of caddy ticket Is in ubo at Westmoreland. It is printed in three sections, one for a charge slip, one piece for lh<» caddy, and the third [.Meyer ............... 40 has a place for posting scores to Whitelaw ............ 60 r, B. Farnaworth, Mra. H. B. OaJdar, Mrs P E Hubbaxd **4 Mr*. to the puro* o» Satoxday for low grow eeetw M** ** P*cor»tto» if at Sfcofcto, Vnam Jtole won arttb * total of 79, G, Copeland waa to IM Ha A R Edward* took tow net prize to claes B with a card of W- 14â€"7* tor Decoration ttojr** puy. f, MeCurdr 9<m the playoff for the flag contact with firrli-fl, U«4to« scores to tho qualifying round of the class tournament; A Ckm Aâ€"r, Hale, 7f--ie^-7f j r, B. Miller, •#-*-7fj /, M. Pnali, f7- *-7f, Claaa Bâ€"#. f* Lcwo. ••â€"Ifâ€"IV, A. D. Edwards, 33-14-79; J, H. Bul- len, 41â€"10â€"81. Claas Câ€"R. W, Bell, 96â€"20â€"76; I* F, ftopkln*, tofâ€"«f-T7t _L, C, Mowrr, 10f-«fwjf7â€" Tomorrow's calendar at Skokle has two knit matches, 16 boles, medal play bsndlcap, prize to team baring low choice ball, NORTH 6HORE. Events for tomorrow at tbe North Shore Golf club included tbe L. Bowman trophy for low gross and qualifying round tor the directors cup, eight to qualify. Golfing event* for women appear on the program for next Wednesday. There is an elghteen-hole event at ton o'clock In tbe morning. Two prizes are offered. HIGH SCHOOL GOLF. New Trier high school golfers fin- ished first in tbe Suburban high school golf league with a total of 1.392 pointa. The finals were played at Fiossmoor Country club, La Orange was second; Thornton, third and Uni- versity high, fourth, Bvanston dropped out of tbe tournament. Tbe scores made by the New Trier boys are as follows: McElrny ............. 46 47 92 48 88 40 00 emorial Park Cemetery son Street and Gross One-Half Mile Wi apply on handicap records and for a fair criticism c the caddy's services. Golfing event* for women began at Westmoreland Tuesday, The favora- ble weather and the novelty of start- ing the season brought out a score of women, The event waa a blind bogey, eighteen holes, and a putting and ap» proachlng content. The blind- bogey was won by Mrs. E. H. Raedel, The bogey was between 110 and lift. Mrs. Raedoi had 119.) Mra. William Tllgh- mnn won tho prise for low gross with 110. Mm Robert E. A. Moody won the prlzo for approaching and putting. Other players who turned 1> caioa nit the bogey event vvere: Mvs J, D. W, Areher. Mra, W h\ Brejtmlt, Mrs. Oruvor .............. 49 Carmack ............ 42 47 51 Total ..........................486 J, A. Donaldson of Qlen View loft on Wednesday for the United States Golf association open championship, which will be held at the Baltusro] Golf club, Baltusrol, N, J., on June 16 to 18 In- clusive, Mr. Donaldson was fifth in the open last year, with a card of 161â€"447-298. First honors went to W. C. Hagen of Rochester, N. Y„ with a score of 290, The championship was held at Midlothian last August. Mr. Donaldson says that be la playing much better golf now than when he entered tbe tournament last year "â- "â- â- ..... â-  iiâ€"â-  < n Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 W»*» Ads in the Like Shore News ire charged it the following i«t«« Ret J Estate Classifications. 1H cents per line, All Other Classifications. S cents per liaa. M««t----- Price IS cents. No atfvertisemcat chaffed tor lea.- **«* it „.*u ^autiitil, new, non^BctariaivPark €cmet ily lots may be purihascd with penfttual on liberal term! for a limited wne. choice reasonable ,.y families arc sufprised when death enters the homeam} is is a splendid opi|jrtunity to makl preparationifo^jpfmn- forcsecn. Attend our Formal itiYg, June xath and^rflh. Central Cemetery Company, 701-2-3-4 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago, Illinois. Telephones •{ Bvanston 4261 Central 8320 Central 8331 Gentlemen :â€" Without obligation to mo, kindly send catalogue descriptive of Memorial Park Cemetery. Bicyclesâ€"IS 15 Models Sold on Easy Paymentsâ€"$2.00 a Week A Urge stock of second-hand bicycle* châ€"p H. E. CHANDLER & CO. Sffitft ebarch aha* ao- nnrntatrt shoaM aatea. J tJiBi SJt i.a 'gbt> poet of on* ba*â- Â»â- **. auaaer of eoavj j^ mn chascb *rvhjfjts fsojact wen* iiiiaoa'Kl *W*» »" •»• !-da«tba» aew Hw*. |b* W*f»aedi

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