EVANSTON NURSES TO GOTO BUSOPfi Three pltal are to become hospital nurses la England. They will help to make up the Chkwgo Mil of M physicians and 75 nuraea who will go to England to care far the BngUah aoldlera wounded la the war. They will leave on June The three are Miss Sylvia Miss Jean MeOUlvray and Miss Caro- line Hullhorat. The Bvanaton represent the hospital classes of 1W9, 1910 and IMS. Or. John B. Murphy. Chicago's famous surgeon, la the man who la en- listing the Chicago unit. The wltt receive their expenses and |30 par month. Too English go»saaaja»l pays war nurses but $14 per month, and too balance of ISO will be paid by public subscription. School Nurse Miss Thompson waa asked to enlist In this service and waa given until last night to decide. She decided not to go. The nurses will go to Europe on an American boat which will not carry ammunition. Wilt Ad Department iâ€"............t<Ml •P1CIAL THB LAKE 8HOMC KBWS, FRIDAY. MAY St. ISIS. ..... â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"â- â€" mi ! â- ! i i â- tM>. the hod e* tho ltth day at Jane, A. D. l»li» at tern o'cjea\ a. â- »•• •* aa soon of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all _ eraons interested that tho PrssUaat and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wllraette. in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that a special assessment be for tho toUowW jajfcl baj la the Vlttaevajrwi Count)-, «H«-i- •*.. SSTgJ. hBPfWlhfcg the central t (21) fast of tho roadway Avenue from the East line Street to tho West Una Street, together with tho roadway of intersecting etreets and alleys, to tho outer lines of said Central Avenue. the ordinance for the file in the office Of the VII! Classified Business List LP WANTED WOMJBN MAKE $16.00 TO $35.00 wdfkly aelllng guaranteed hosiery, irience uinAesssral fart or 11 time. PalnfUAaflfuf silk hose free to first person slattytlng agency in your town! Write INTEltNA- NATIONAL MILLS. Norrlstown, Pa. 25d-t-f = MM BSSBBBtai Paymentsâ€"$2.00 a Week stock of â€"cond-hmnd bicyclaa champ Ee CHANDLER & CO* evanston aasaas *m SITUATIONS WANTED M^ FOR RENT-ROOMS I â€" $700 8S-NOTE INSIDE left with us to sell: used 2 ; partyJ0fas away; $295; player ply* isjMhe latest model; can arraiJa^flMy payments. Patterson BroaS"f!>22 Wffrman-av. 29w-ltc A Special Purchase of Castile Soap On Sale Sat in Drug Dept, Lb. We bought 1.500 11m. of Imported white caatile soap at a very low price, and are giving our customers the advantage of this big buy. This soap is cut In all sizes; per lb., lie* Standard 10c Soaps, 6c; doz., 60c ting You can't afford to neglect the matter of Outing Clothes. We've made special plans for su] your needs. At every counter you will find outing and picnic necessities diplayed. Though you've put off buying till the last minute, it will be easy for you to select just what you'll need. Flags and Banting nags ana raniing An extensive variety ranging In size from 2x3 In. silk flags ta 6x10 ft bunting flags; prices from 4c to 11.65. Discounts In deaan Iota. r Wash Dressesâ€"You Better for Decoration â€"Fine lawns, voiles, crepes, tissues, coin 'spot batiste, plain and checked novelties, pretty collar and cuffs of or- gandie and hand embroidery, plain or vestee effects, buttons trimmed, shirred yoke skirts, flounce plaited and tiered effects, beau- tiful dresses, for.............. A Splendid Lot of New Handbags An Abandonee of Pretty Outing Hats for Women and Misses â€"Linen, Duck, Ratine and Pique, in plain or fancy effects, trimmed with either velvet rib- bon or colored scarfs. Two Specially Featured Itemsâ€" 1â€"A good ratine hat, in white, with pink or blue facings, or solid white, trimmed with band of game color and set off with a oq buckle....................... ...... ClfirC 2â€"A fine rice-cloth hat, with satin finish, trim- med with flowered scarf in pink and white, blue and white, or lavender and f r*( white...... ................. I,0& Other outing hate aa low as 80c Plumes cleaned, curled and dyed, 50c $1 & $1.29 Girls' Dresses 79c Percale, gingham* and llnenes, newest suspender, tunic and smart plaited models, in plain, checked, striped an d plaid materials, sues 8 to l* years, regular $1.00 and $1.29 values, for Saturday for â- â- anaâ€"w av wu«« p****' ,s<: CuMM' â- *• **• "•**• J YtufMit vtrictiai. â- liifcfiH*....... >H$M6 Silk than and Caps Far matt and boysâ€"an extensive vari- ety of the newest summer moi SOe atttllJo. White Felt Hats SOe Saturday !s Your Last Chance to Get a New Suit of Clothes for Decoration Day Saturday Special â€"We recommend one of our $16 suits, for we know that you don't need to buy • more expensive clothes to be well dress- ed. We call them extra val- A ue suits because you don't m ordinarily expect to get so much clothes value for..................... Any alterations necessary-will be made Immediately. This Is a service that js^many stores can render. rs$125,$1.50 and vacation wear MullShirts at $1.85 A special purchase makes thia remarkable underprking possible. All nobby striped patterns in the moat dcaira- ble colors. These shirts will launder well and wear well. A great bargain, 4 Qf* at.: ........ ...laOD A New Lot of Silk Lustre Shirts, $1.15 These handsome patterned shirts are gold for $1.50 practically everywhere â€" Men's White Athletic Nainsook Union Suits, 59) ^ 0k\ Ideal aummer underwear at a price that represents a U| saving. Nainsook that waahea well, small checked a* large barred patterns. Saturday will be a good stock up. You wttl when you consider the »• *• •. • • i i • • • • a • < KOCKIKCHAIR-WiUon Bros.*â€"a. r.Aasi Closed Crotch Vnion Smit$ ran always he found On oar ***** Trio Fibre Silk lag of all 25c aere silk sea. Very as* appearance â€"- all col- ors, navy, black, palm beach, tan. grey, white, pair. S5c£8.Tks,S5S.45c|7?I| We've been s e 11 i n giJT \tTfl these ties aU along torTC^H 65c and they were low- k{ priced at that. Sartor-â- _â- « &ythea,big>amepot-^J on sale. for............ be put 1 45c 1 Ma* Tm tikes. so* mac aw â- â- »â- â- â- » â- â- â- â-