Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1915, p. 2

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TBI LAB IBOn MM* MttPAY, MAY tt. tS Social Happening* in Wilmette Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk BUTHBJSLEY. ^*^#arâ€"*----â€"*•«â- â- !« aaV^ g^l» Psrarleni •juarasy evening* inc jui- -oiiuii. Monday afternoon, the 7thâ€"Bridge. Saturday evening, the 12thâ€"Annual dinner and Saturday evening, the 19th. 7 o'clock-Family basket luncheon and 3 informal dance. The invitation reads: "Make up your own parties, brinf the kids; the Club will furnish coffee." Saturday evening, the 26thâ€"liridge. Music lovers of the north shore had a treat last Friday evening at the Wilmette Woman's dub when three distinguished artists. Antonio ; Salt* violin 'cellist; Marion Middkton Colley. coloratura soprano, and Bdai Lucille Baum. interpretative dancer, made their appearance. The program was so arranged as to bring forth the very best of everything. Antonio Sala held the audience spellbound. Although • only twenty-one years of age. he has already become 'cellist at toe Spanish court, a coveted honor that is bestowed on few. It was a pleasure to hear Mrs. Colley sing, too, for she possesses a beautiful soprano voice. An interesting feature of the program was a group of southern dialect songs, in costume. Mrs. Colley. being a ' native southerner, her interpretation of these numbers, with the assist- ance of Miss Baum, a very pretty dancer, seemed to bring us* in close touch with the "Sunny South." .•'• -â-  mm, •». pear In concerto* and arias with the School of Music symphony orchestra of seventy-five players under the direc- tion of Prof. Harold E. Knapp. No tickets are required and the public Is Invited. Mrs. Joseph A. V. Turck will enter- tain at bridge this afternoon at her home. 622 Linden avenue. One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge dubs was entertained at the home of Mrs. fjgsrence II. Publman, 823 Washington avenue. A very pretty dancing party was given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Ling, 1116 Oreanwood ave- nue, at the Westmoreland Country club. V " ' ' ' â- "â- "â- sssBssssnesast Nelson, a well-known basso from Chi- cago, and his accompanist, Miss Myr- tle Cornish. Another feature of the affair was the presentation by Mrs. Herbert A. Morin of Wilmette of a beautlfnl basket of American beauty roses to Mrs. D. J. O'ConnoU of Evans- ton, the president ef the organisation. Among the guests present, were the following members of the clergy and presidents of the various clubs:â€"Rev. H. P. Smyth of Bvanston; Rev. l'\ J. Hearth of liubbards Woods; Mrs. 8. K. Wilson; president of Chicago Cath- olic Woman's league; Mrs. Jerome A. O'ConnoU, president of the Springfield Catholic Woman's elub; Mrs. James Shea of the West Bad Catholic Wom- an's club; Mrs. J. B. Thorndlko, presi- dent of the Artist's Association of Chicago: Mr« f, v. Puree!!, president of the Bvanston Catholto Woman's club; Mrs. P. P. Sullivan, president «>f the Rogers Park Catholic Woman's club; Mrs. Dennis W. Sullivan, presl dent of St. Vincent's Settlement club of Chicago; and Mrs. M". H. Lienor, president of the Winnetka Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. •alia street announce the birth daughter on Friday, afar M. j Mrs. B. Frank Taber, 810 avenue, returned Monday fram • a. weeks' vialt la Buffalo. N. V. Mr. Roland Roberta of Oak Part was the week-end guest of Mr. How- Mr. William Wlsehart of was a week-end guest at the James S. Kendall home, 802 Miss Estelle Pierce of 2626 street returned this week from a left* night's outing at Day tone Bests, Fla, Mr. and Mia. B. Frank Taber, ham moved from 1018 Eleventh street to their own new home at Me Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kendall, 80* Blmwood avenue, returned from a week-end motor trip to Miriam Tarklngton, enter- tsined eight friends Informally Sat- urday afternoon at her home, 1624 Eimwood avenue, the occasion being her eighth birthday. Miss Rath Lasher entertained at cords at her home, 124 Laurel avenue, last Friday evening In honor of Miss Vers Piummer and Mr. Barl Scbolles Whose wedding Is to tske plsce In Juna. Many residents of Wilmette who are especially Interested la music will take advantage of the commencement concert of fie* Northwestern School of Mafic; which Is to be given st Festival hall, university gymnasium, next Thursday evening at 8:16 o'clock. Members of the senior class win ap- Wilmette Societies â-¡ and Clubs D The "ll. and W." club was enter tallied last week Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Wray, 616 Washington avenue. The "Neighbors" were entertained at dinner last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. E. B. Wheelock, 880 Central avenue. Following la the list of officers elect ed for the ensuing year at the annual meeting-of 8$. Augustus's church: Senior wardenâ€"Mr. P. M. Bingham. Junior wardenâ€"Mr. Oeorge T. Dyer. Clerkâ€"Mr. Royal D. Smith. Treasurerâ€"Mr. Nathaniel F. Webb. Vestrymenâ€"Messrs. Harry V. Don- aldson, Oeorge J. Phillips, Mortimer B. Skinner, William B. Freeman, H. G. Colson and Dr. B. R. Browsr. The Study class was entertained on Meaday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Raymond Wheelock, 718 Ninth street. The Fellowship club was entertained at dinner a week ago Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner. 726 Tenth street. A very unique as well as attractive program was the order of the evening test Wednesday at St. Augustine's Dpal club. The event proved to one Of those monthly parties given the Bvening club or the church, was well attended, despite the bad ier. The program con si sled OT by Miss Helen Skinner and Master Arthur Cook, with Mrs. Harry Snow as accompanist; delightfully en- tertaining readings by Miss Helen© Burgess, a post-graduate student at Cumnock School of Oratory, and a reader of ability; and aa exhibition of fancy dancing by Miss Martha Lusted. The remainder of the evening was spent In Informal dancing. At the annua! meeting of tue W» man's association of St Augustine's church, the following, oflkera were eteetedT fiesldentTMrs. Nathaniel Webb; first vice president. Mrs. Philip Huguenln; second vice-president. Mrs. Arthur Brown; third vice-president. Mis* Barrow; secretary. Mrs. ll. M. Bourne: treasurer. Mrs. C. A. Puhl- ssaa. The various chairmen are: So- cial committee. Mrs. Hugeunla; auxil- iary. Mrs. Arthur Brown; guild. Mlaa Barrow; program and hospitality. Mrs. Dyer; united offerings, â€"rs. Burt A. Crowe: periodical club. Miss Jonee; Uttle helpers. Miss Ethel Morley: altar guild. MffO. W. J. Montgomery; choir mother. Mrs. M A. Smith. 1 efa Mr* J tbdwin M«4di«i<... 1*3 Woodbu.6 »venae, will he host**.- to one of the Friday Luncheon and Bridge dubs this week. Tit* ladles ut the D*pti..i *Uu.ot» were delightfully entertained taut Fri- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M. Hums, 927 Laurel avenue. Mr* Horotu 8ntna«j. MS? A*ta**« kvenus. will ,ntortnln a luncheon and Bridge club today a. h« r home. The llttptldt caurch !»*»• ju*t pur vLaaed a fine lot on the aorthwest comer ot Wilmette rurcui ave- nues, tn which they will erect a new church building In the near future. A building coauolttse has been ap- pointed and are already very busy considering plans for the structure. The turret . atSdsy l.un<.n.-x..» sad i»«idg«* club vss entertained this week by Mru. W R Davie*, at her resi- dence. -630 Forest avenue. Mr* wv-n'* s Ixssjs., Hi nil! street, was bo«tesw this w*ek to her Tueeds/ Luncheon *nd Five Hundred club. Miss Florence Peters of Peoria, 111., is a guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. Charles J. Newburgh, 822 Green- wood avenue. Miss Estelle R. Martin of Chicago •pent Sunday with her aunt and un- cle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Pettlt, 1088 Ashland avenue. Miss Claudia L. Coxe. 1414 Forest dvenue. Is spending the week-end at the homo of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Watson, In Kewsnee, 111. Mrs. Frederick Cain and daughter, 867 Lake avenue, will leave either to- day or tomorrow for California, wbsre they will spend the summer. The grammar grades ars planning for the usual Field day celebration to be held the first Saturday la June at the Northwestern athletic Held. Miss Georgians Rogers bss returned from a two months' visit In Daytona, fla., and Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, 428 Ninth street. Mrs. B. Loser has returned from a two months' visit In Donaldson, Iud., and Is now at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Herbert Dahncke, 736 Twelfth street. Miss Florence Anderson, formerly Of Bloomlngton, III., but recently of Chicago, was the guest Sunday of Miss Nettle Kaufman, 1020 Blmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Leonsrd Vsn Deursen and little son, Arthur, of Hsssvllle, Ihd., will be the week-end guests of Mr. snd Mrs. W. C. Dahncke, 736 Twelfth street. Mr. J. H. Kaufman, 1029 Blmwood avenue, will return the latter part ot this week from a short business trip to Florida. While there he visited ii.ii his daughter, Mrs. Hope Haines Falconer at her home In Jackson- ville. Mrs. L. P. Bykes. 825 Lake, avenue, snd Mrs. Frank N. Williams. 010 Cen- tral avenue, left Saturday to attend the commencement exercises at the Kentucky Military academy, at which school their sona. Sherman bykes and Roland* Williams will be graduated. Mlas Bteanons Blmer saaa ana * ***** f*â„¢*?*"â„¢^ .w m+,mnAmA afls^a twelve. The color eoasseo wee tares orwesanaaas wno axxemouu ssssw - ..... mâ€"^â€"^- ^g bridal i Katherlne Houghton Stout st her mar- and wane, resiooaa w. bwww « rf*m In JaHu Arm at mo* Sifri«» WCTe brought, tftmt th* ChSndel nags to junan Armstrong. â- Â»Â»Â«â- â- ? *_•.,_ «-•.« ...^.ni^ «â- â-  i bride's of the the table. The was bride's Mr. 4847 Ellis* W. Oldfslher. who has 1st the past of the •lowly and It la hoped able to be oat before loaf. Oldfaiber will have charge Girls for the and Mrs. of Wilmette, with their two children, have taken the home ot Mr. J. I. niudsiHe. 416 Willow street, far the semper. Mr. Brooke entertained a number of guests. Ssturday evening, who came out from Chicago In honor of hk birthday. Yesterdsy evening earner Of Miss Frances McDonald to Mr. Edgar Bell of Chicago was cele- brated at the home of the bride's brother. Mr. Peter McDonsld. on Oak Street Dr. Andrew Clarke of the Sec ond Presbyterian church. Evanston. officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Jsnnette Anderson of Chicago as msld of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will Mr. snd Mrs. Adam Emory Albright entertained about 150 members of ths Art Institute slumnae, the Bdgewater Drama Study class, and officers of ths North End club, Ssturday afternoon, at their log studio in Hubbard Woods. Many of the guests visited ths horns of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newton Burn- ham and trifled with s printing press, 160 years old.snd still going. This aft- sraooa Mr. and Mrs. Albright will en- tertain the Chicago Culture club. The studio will be closed for the summer WlT .to-*B»e*'S : â-  : j â- >â-  Mrs L. A. West entertained Mrs. Dr. Lucas and Mr. Charles West of Olney. 111., the utter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs Memtt Starr of Kenil worth are now occupying the Callahan house at Lincoln and Humboldt ave- nuoa. Mr. *n4 Mrs Thorn** w Tu«c*«., Jr.. or Kebllworth have takan a lease on the house at 826 Fuxdale avenue and are occupying it Saturday afternoon * ..hormui6 i»u steal program was gWeji by the chil- dren Of the Suburban Schdbl of Music under the direction ot the Mioses Mer- rlleea. Rev. Edward r.**u*. 1» U of Chicago, who has retired fivm active service in the ministry, bas selected Cherry street for his future home and will build this summer. Miss Helen Cushman will be hostess at a tsa Sunday evening. Mrs. Henry H. lirigham entertained with a luncheon and bridge Tuesday. Mrs. H. H. - Brigham has Issued cards for a bridge for Wednesday, June 2. Mrs. August zicsing is hostess to a luncheon And Bridge to the ladles of the Porch club today. Miss Catherine Johnson Is at.home from Downer's school, Milwaukee, for the summer vacation. Bra, Alice Woolley entertained with a kitchen shower this afternoon tor Miss Dorofay BrouJB. Mrs. Charles Moftlmer was hostess to a "Bluebird" luncheon Monday. Covers were laid for twenty. The Glencoe chapter of the Daugh ten of the Empire met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Albert MacRae. The home of Mr. add Mrs. «o«u* Lsuritsen wt. made happy Saturday by the arrival jf a little som. Mr. and Mrs Charles Barker enter- tained with a bridge Thursday evening ir honor of Mrs. Frank Mortimer. Mrs. Frank Laws entertained Wednesday with ten tables ot bridge In honor or Mrs. Frank G. Mortlmor. Miss Martin and Mlsa Agnes Msrtin were hostesses at a bridge party Thursday evening In bonor ot Mrs. Walter MeGutre. Miss Beatrice King was hoetce* to a tneater party Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mts» Dorothy Brown, who Is tu be married June 1. A tennis tournament win i»<> t>«id on tne grounds of Marvin Miner, Luke and Ravine avenues, from Saturday afternoon u.ttit Monday afternoon. There wilt be singles and doubles and mixed doubles The Flower Mission will begin operations Tuesday. June l. Any one wishing to bring or send flowers can do so to Mrs. Thomas 1008*8 resi- dence before noon Tuesday. The flowers will be sent to the homes and OBITUARY. J O Brown Mr. J. FA Brown, from point of . dence WlImette'a oldest settler, died at bis residence 788 11th street, Fri- day afternoon. May 14, aged 84 years. Funeral services at homo Sunday aft sraooa. burial In family lot at Rose- hill. Ths pallbearers wars Mr. Fletcher. Mr. 8. A. Wheelock, Mr. O. F. Appleysrd, Mr. Whtte, Mr. Cooker, and Mr. Henry E. Moore. Rev. B. E. Bowers read asasa beautiful from the Scriptures. Bev. I. K. Gale spoke feelingly of Mr. Brown's relig- ious Bis, while Mrs. Knapp of Evans- tan aaag "I'm a Pilgrim aad Stranger." Mr. Brown was horn In Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, moving to Bvans- ton 10 1866 and Anally to Wllmetto In 1868, or throe years before the Chi- cago ore. There were but three houses in ths village proper, a dirt road from the Northwestern station to where the Methodist church now stands, another dirt road to ths present sits of the public school. All else was dense forest, with Indian trails scattered here and there. An accident In 1870 deprived Mr. Brown of bis eyesight since « time he bss led a retired life. He was the last surviving charter member of Evans Lodge of Bvanston. He Is survived by bis widow, one daughter, Clara L. Brown, five sonsâ€" C. W. Brown of Irving Park, O. H. Brown ot Wheaton, J. M. Brown, W1I motte. W. I. Brown. Oakland, Cal„ A. 8. Brown of Franklin Grove, 11 and a brother In Lynn, Mass., and sis* ter In Westport, Novla Scotia. Unlntentlonsl Thrust A French singer recently attended" a reception at the home of a lady noted for her parslmonlousnsss. Ths hostsss tried to convene with ths Frenchman In his native tongue. He noticed that her lack of fluency was embarrassing her, and with commend- able politeness exclaimed: "Pardon, madam, somewhat the French Is diffl cult for you. But I am able to under- stand your mesnnsss If you will Eng- lish speak." Artistic Cuff Protector. Take papsr napkins and fold each one diagonally. Fold one of these napkins about cither ouff and faoten them with cuff pins. They are soft snd pliable and wlU stay In place beautifully. ' â- rrUeh Orders of Knighthood. 7hers are eight orders of knight i.jcd id the British empire, of which the highest i« " ler of the Gar- t of the Wilmette eomultee st the Ha Vint* dob wee Add at ths uosn* of Mrs. Charles A Wanaei, CSe Central avenue. Mrs Lacian Cary of Lake Bluff was the speaker of the after- There will he a luncheon at the Msthsaist church on Thursday. June 8, at tserve o'rlork. A business meet- ing ef the Ladles' Aid society wiii for law the hmcheoe. at 1:80 o'clock. AB to be la the Thursday Sewing dub yesterday SPRING FETE TONIGHT srs treat Is In store for the -«i *«a%« of WfhaMtte this evening at the Methodist "church, when nearly one hundred children ei the village will partlclpAf e In "La Fete du Prtnte&.ps.'* a beautlfnl Myl of the springtime. The affair ssvsmWo to be a mod de- lightful one. and the costumes un- usaalty attractive. Mr. Roy KJrttaad Is In charge. Tickets may be secured any member of the junior T36 Twelfth ^*ague fee twenty-flve cents. The North Shore Catholic W< AMMUNITION BAM INEFFECTIVE. Despite the order of the police plac- ing a ban en sansdseahv there is con- stant h am bar stag along the streets by young Americans, who are Mr. aad Mrs. Murry NeUvm Jr . h«*e rented their house Jo Mr, and. Mra I hospital* e*€h* Stein for the summer month* Mr sad! The mnstc tor the morning services Mrs. Nelson, with the pShlldiren. will j *t the Glencoe Union church will he j Keailwerth, IB. Accommodation It is the intent snd parposejtJfrfldwJUeife S|BJ6 Bsnk tofMflSh|a^Btrons verylp tod ruUejf^gdr* e beta) of addflbnal safe deposit provided where the contents of be privately hsndled by the owner. WILMETTE EXCHANGE STATE BANK GE 1EATRE, BEAUTIFUL Tlf l6Bf 6t tie PlMi wff88 Ilia waffsoi IftiN on Day Even'g Spee/ef Mmtbw 2:30 and 3,45 "The Adventure* tf » Bey ScbbI1 CompUtm Chmngw for Evning Shown "VICTORY" WORLD'S GREATEST SPECTACULAR Made with the aid and m Mat, and Even'g ^^' A Story of Mexican Occupn <«i Wedn From the Thu TWO "Shooti Classic by anMcGrew" ROBERT W. SERVICE FEATURE DAYS u DANIEL FROHMAN Presents ETERNAL O By HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK Matinees Each Day at 3:30. All Seats 15c Evenings Each Day at 7:30. All Seats 25c ________One Show Qnly. Corns Early Sahirrlav blanche sweete and house peters m mSmTmmml "THE CAFWHST A Romance el the Balkan Way, also Paramount Travel Series Number f' â-  iii MaySW » »III he â-  sa w av â- â€¢ is the 11 f ANNOUNCEM1NT of Ju^f A gfDodmeal A Ifiraa Cia^ Wilmetat the and quick serve y on opening day. WILMETTE CAFE CENTRAL AVENUE Subscribe for The Lake Shore New* 'â- â€¢â- 

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